Red Faction: Armageddon
Red Faction: Armageddon

Red Faction: Armageddon

Release Date: 01/01/1970 | EU
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Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.
When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.
Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work--if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.
When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet--and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.

Key features:

  • Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
  • Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
  • Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
  • Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.
Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.
When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.
Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work--if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.
When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet--and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.

Key features:

  • Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
  • Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
  • Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
  • Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.
Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.
When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.
Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work--if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.
When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet--and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.

Key features:

  • Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
  • Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
  • Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
  • Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.
Cinquante ans après que le groupe de résistance Red Faction et ses alliés les Maraudeurs aient libéré Mars des griffes de la très brutale Earth Defense Force, la paix sur la planète rouge est de nouveau menacée par une force meurtrière aux origines mystérieuses.
La destruction de l'immense vaisseau Terraformer chargé de modifier l'atmosphère et le climat de Mars entraîne des tornades et des orages gigantesques sur toute la surface de la planète. Pour survivre, les colons se réfugient dans les mines et construisent un réseau d'habitations souterrain.
Cinq ans plus tard, Darius Mason, petit-fils des héros révolutionnaires Alec Mason et Samanya, dirige une entreprise très lucrative installée à Bastion, le centre de la vie souterraine des colons. Extraction, récupération, emploi de mercenaires, si le travail est dangereux, Darius est votre homme. En plus des contrebandiers et des entrepreneurs comme Darius, quelques personnes sensées s'aventurent maintenant à la surface, ravagée par les tempêtes.
Lorsque Darius est amené par ruse à rouvrir un bâton mystérieux dans un ancien temple des Maraudeurs, il libère une puissance maléfique qui sommeillait depuis très longtemps, déclenchant l'apocalypse sur Mars. Les colonies sont dévastées et seuls Darius et le groupe Red Faction peuvent sauver les Humains et les Maraudeurs. La bataille les entraînera dans tous les recoins de la planète et dans ses souterrains les plus sombres, jusqu'au cœur de la menace.

Red Faction®: Armageddon™ poursuit l'histoire de la franchise primée par la critique avec de nouvelles énigmes. Vous êtes la dernière chance de l'humanité !

Comprend :

  • Mode ruine – Passez maître dans l'art de la destruction en mode compétitif comme en mode occasionnel.
  • Mars, c'est l'enfer – Darius Mason est le spectateur impuissant de la destruction sur Mars. À la recherche d'un espoir sous la surface, une menace encore plus dangereuse émerge des profondeurs...
  • Nano Forge – Lâchez les forces destructrices de la Nano Forge avec des explosions en rafale ou reconstruisez les défenses des colons avec le Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Les sous-sols de Mars – Darius va devoir mener bataille sur la surface, sous le glaciers et parmi des rivières de magma.
Ein halbes Jahrhundert nachdem die Red Faction Resistance und Ihre verbündeten Marauder den Mars von der brutalen Earth Defense Force befreit haben, wird die Harmonie wieder einmal bedroht, dieses Mal aber von einer tödlichen Macht, verschleiert von Geheimnissen.
Als der gewaltige Terraformer, der den Mars mit erdähnlichem Sauerstoff und Wetter versorgt, zerstört wird, verwandelt sich die Atmosphäre in ein Chaos. Supertornados und Gewitterstürme toben auf dem Planeten. Um zu überleben, fliehen die Kolonisten zu den Untergrundminen und errichten ein Netzwerk von bewohnbaren Höhlen.
5 Jahre später, Darius Mason, Enkel der Martian Revolutions-Helden Alec Mason und Samanya, leitet ein lukratives Geschäft in Bastion, einer kolonistischen Untergrundzentrale. Bergbau, Plünderungen, Söldnerarbeit--wenn der Job gefährlich ist, ist Darius der richtige Mann dafür. Ein paar vernünftige Menschen wagen sich nun an die verwüstete Oberfläche, neben den Auftragnehmern wie Darius und den Schmugglern, die Ware zwischen den Besiedlungen transportieren.
Als Darius hinters Licht geführt wird und einen mysteriösen Schacht in einem alten Marauder Tempel öffnet, befreit er eine lang ruhende böse Macht und löst Armageddon auf dem Mars aus. Als kolonistische und Marauder-Siedlungen auseinandergerissen werden, können nur Darius und die Red Faction die Menschheit retten. Der Kampf wird Sie über den vom Sturm heimgesuchten Planeten und unter ihn, zum Herzen der entsetzlichen Bedrohung führen.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ erweitert das von Kritikern gelobte, meistverkaufte Franchise um neue, bahnbrechende Herausforderungen. Sie sind die letzte Hoffnung der Menschheit auf Überleben.


  • Infestation-Modus – Überleben Sie Wellen von feindlichen Horden in einem kooperativen, zielgetriebenen Erlebnis für bis zu vier Spieler.
  • Zerstörungs-Modus – Meistern Sie die Werkzeuge der Zerstörung in kompetitiven und Gelegenheits-Spielmodi auf Basis der Zerstörung.
  • Die Hölle auf dem Mars – Darius Mason kann nichts tun, als zusehen, wie die Oberfläche des Mars verwüstet wird. Auf der Suche nach Trost im Untergrund entwickelt sich jedoch eine viel größere Gefahr für die Menschheit.
  • Nanoschmiede – Entfesseln Sie die vernichtende Kraft der Nanoschmiede mit massiven Erschütterungen oder bauen Sie bezwungene Verteidigungsstrukturen der Kolonisten dank Geo-Mod 2.0 wieder auf.
  • Mars-Untergrund – Die Wahrheit hinter einem uralten Übel zwingt Darius dazu, in einer Schlacht auf der verwüsteten Marsoberfläche, unter massiven Gletschern und über Flüssen von brodelndem Magma zu kämpfen.
Fél évszázaddal azt követően, hogy a Red Faction ellenállók és Marauder szövetségeseik megszabadították a Marsot a kegyetlen Earth Defense Force-tól, a marsi harmónia újra veszélyben van, de ezúttal egy rejtélybe burkolózó halálos erő fenyegeti.
Mikor megsemmisül a hatalmas terraformáló, ami a Földéhez hasonló légkörrel és időjárással látja el a Marsot, a légkör kaotikussá válik, és szuper-tornádók és villámviharok borítják el a bolygót. Hogy életben maradjanak, a telepesek a felszín alatti bányákba menekülnek, és lakható barlangok hálózatát alakítják ki.
Öt évvel később Darius Mason, a marsi felkelés hősei, Alec Mason és Samanya unokája, jövedelmező üzletet működtet Bastion-ből, a telepes-tevékenység föld alatti központjából. Bányászat, gyűjtögetés, zsoldosmunkák; ha veszélyes a feladat, Darius a te embered. Kevés épeszű ember merészkedik mostanában az elvadult felszínre, a Dariushoz hasonló vállalkozókon, és a települések között árut mozgató csempészeken kívül.
Mikor Dariust belemanőverezik egy rejtélyes akna újranyitásába egy régi Marauder templomban, azzal egy régóta szunnyadó gonosz erőt enged szabadjára, ami az Armageddont hozza el a Marsra. Miközben sorra pusztulnak a telepes és Marauder települések, csak Darius és a Red Faction mentheti meg az emberiséget. A harc során bejárják a vihar pusztította bolygót, és annak mélyét is, le egészen a kimondhatatlan fenyegetés szívéig.
A Red Faction®: Armageddon™ új, úttörő kihívásokkal bővíti ki a kritikailag elismert, nagy példányszámban fogyó sorozatot. Te vagy az emberiség utolsó reménye a túlélésre.

Fő jellemzők:

  • Infestation mód – Éld túl az ellenséges hordákat 1-4 résztvevős együttműködő, feladat-orientált játékban.
  • Ruin mód – Sajátítsd el a rombolás eszközeinek használatát egymás elleni és könnyed rombolás alapú módokban.
  • Hell on Mars – Darius Mason csak tehetetlenül nézheti, ahogyan a Mars felszíne elpusztul. A felszín alatt menedéket kereső emberiség még nagyobb fenyegetéssel kerül szembe.
  • Nano Forge – Engedd szabadjára a Nano Forge pusztító erejét kinetikus kitörések formájában, vagy építs újra lerombolt telepes-védműveket a Geo-Mod 2.0 segítségével.
  • Martian Underground – Az egy ősi, gonosz hatalom mögötti igazság arra kényszeríti Dariust, csatákat vívjon a Mars elpusztított felszínén, hatalmas fagyott gleccserek alatt, és forrongó magmafolyamok fölött.
Mezzo secolo dopo che la resistenza di Red Faction e i suoi alleati Marauder hanno liberato Marte dalla brutale Earth Defense Force, l'armonia sul pianeta rosso è nuovamente minacciata, stavolta da una forza letale circondata dal mistero.

Quando la colossale Terraformazione che forniva a Marte aria e clima simili a quelli terrestri viene distrutta, l'atmosfera precipita nel caos: giganteschi tornado e tempeste di fulmini devastano il pianeta. Per sopravvivere, i Coloni cercano riparo nelle miniere sotterranee costruendo una rete di caverne abitabili.

Cinque anni più tardi, Darius Mason, nipote degli eroi Rivoluzionari di Marte Alec Mason e Samanya, conduce un remunerativo business a Bastion, un centro di collegamento sotterraneo per l'attività coloniale. Estrazioni minerarie, recupero di risorse, incarichi da mercenario: non esiste un genere di lavoro in grado di spaventarlo. Sono ben pochi i temerari che osano avventurarsi sulla devastata superficie, a parte i contractor come Darius e contrabbandieri che gestiscono il traffico dei beni tra i vari insediamenti.

Quando Darius viene spinto con l'inganno a riaprire un misterioso condotto in un antico tempio Marauder, finisce col liberare un essere malvagio dormiente e scatena l'Armageddon su Marte. Gli insediamenti dei Coloni e dei Marauder vengono così polverizzati: Darius e la Red Faction costituiscono l'unica possibilità di salvezza per il genere umano. La battaglia li condurrà attraverso il pianeta flagellato dalle tempeste - e nelle viscere dello stesso, proprio al centro dell'ineffabile minaccia.

Red Faction®: Armageddon™ arricchisce il celebre IP, best seller acclamato dalla critica, con nuove sfide all'avanguardia. Sei l'ultima speranza per la sopravvivenza dell'umanità.

Caratteristiche principali:

  • Modalità Infestazione: Sopravvivi alle ondate delle orde nemiche in un'esperienza cooperativa da 1 a 4 giocatori basata su obiettivi specifici.
  • Modalità Rovine: Domina gli strumenti di distruzione nelle modalità competitiva e in quella fondata sulla distruzione casuale.
  • Inferno su Marte: Darius Mason assiste impotente alla distruzione della superficie marziana. Cerca riparo sottoterra mentre una nuova più grande minaccia incombe sull'umanità.
  • Nano-Forge: Scatena la forza devastante della Nano-Forge tramite mastodontiche esplosioni concussive, oppure ripristina le difese coloniali grazie al Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Sotterranei Marziani: La verità celata da un'entità malvagia ancestrale costringerà Darius ad intraprendere una battaglia attraverso la devastata superficie marziana, sotto enormi ghiacciai e sopra fiumi di magma ribollente.
Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.
When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.
Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work--if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.
When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet--and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.

Key features:

  • Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
  • Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
  • Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
  • Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.
Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.
When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.
Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work--if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.
When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet--and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.

Key features:

  • Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
  • Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
  • Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
  • Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.
Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.
When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.
Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work--if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.
When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet--and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.

Key features:

  • Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
  • Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
  • Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
  • Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.
Спустя полвека после того, как команда сопротивления Красная Бригада и их союзники мародеры освободили Марс от жестоких Сил обороны Земли, гармония на Марсе вновь находится под угрозой, но на этот раз она исходит от смертоносной силы, покрытой тайной.
Когда огромный Терраформер, обеспечивающий Марс воздухом и погодой, подобными Земле, был уничтожен, атмосфера превратилась в хаос, сильнейшие бури и грозы охватили планету. Чтобы выжить, колонисты бежали в подземные шахты и построили сеть жилых пещер.
Пять лет спустя Дариус Мейсон, внук героев Марсианской революции Алека Мейсона и Самайи, управляет прибыльным бизнесом в Бастионе, подземном центре колонистской деятельности. Горная промышленность, очистка, наемные работа — если работа опасна, Дариус — тот, кто вам нужен. Немногие нормальные люди рискнут сейчас выйти на разоренную поверхность, лишь подрядчики на подобии Дариуса и контрабандисты, транспортирующие грузы между поселениями, продолжают свои вылазки.
Когда Дариус был задурманен во время открытия таинственной шахты в старом мародерском храме, он выпускает долго бездействующее зло и развязывает тем самым Армагеддон на Марсе. Когда поселения мародеров и колонистов разорвало на части, лишь Дариус и Красная Бригада могут спасти человечество. Сражение отправит их через разрушенную штормами планету, а также в её недры — в самое сердце неописуемой угрозы.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ расширяет одобренную критиками популярную франшизу новыми новаторскими испытаниями. Вы — последняя надежда человечества.

Ключевые особенности:

  • Режим «Infestation» — Дайте отпор волнам вражеских полчищ в кооперативе из 1-4 человек.
  • Режим «Ruin» — Орудуйте инструментами разрушения в сопернических и казуальных основанных на разрушениях режимах.
  • Ад на Марсе — Дариус Мейсон может лишь наблюдать, как поверхность Марса будет уничтожена.
  • Nano Forge — Дайте волю разрушительной силе Nano Forge с обширными шокирующими взрывами или реконструируйте павшую колонистскую защиту с помощью Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Марсианские подземелья — Истинное древнее зло заставит Дариуса вести бой на опустошенной марсианской поверхности, под массивными замороженными ледниками и над палящими реками магмы.
Medio siglo después de que la resistencia de la Facción Roja y sus aliados merodeadores liberasen Marte de la brutal Fuerza de Defensa Terrestre, la armonía se ve nuevamente amenazada, pero esta vez por una fuerza letal rodeada de misterio.
Cuando el inmenso Terraformer encargado de proveer clima y aire a Marte es destruido, la atmósfera entra en caos y los supertornados y las tormentas de rayos engullen el planeta. Para sobrevivir, los colonos huyen a las minas subterráneas y construyen una red de cuevas habitables.
Cinco años después, Darius Mason, nieto de los héroes de la Revolución Marciana Alec Mason y Samanya, dirige un negocio lucrativo en Bastion, centro subterráneo de actividad colonial. Minería, limpieza, tareas de mercenario... si el trabajo es peligroso, Darius es tu hombre. Poca es la gente cuerda que se aventura ahora a la devastada superficie, entre ellos se encuentran los contratistas como Darius y los contrabandistas que trafican bienes entre los distintos asentamientos.
Cuando Darius es engañado para reabrir un misterioso pozo en un antiguo templo merodeador, un mal que llevaba tiempo latente es liberado y desata el Armagedón en Marte. A medida que los asentamientos de colonos y de merodeadores son diezmados, sólo Darius y la Facción Roja pueden salvar a la humanidad. La batalla los llevará a través del planeta arrasado por las tormentas y bajo su superficie, hasta el mismísimo corazón de una amenaza abominable.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ amplía la aclamada y exitosa saga con nuevos y revolucionarios desafíos. Eres la última esperanza para la supervivencia de la humanidad.

Características principales:

  • Modo Infestación – Sobrevive a oleadas de hordas enemigas en un juego cooperativo para 1 a 4 jugadores. Una experiencia basada en objetivos
  • Modo Ruina – Domina las herramientas de destrucción en modos competitivos y casuales basados en la destrucción
  • El Infierno en Marte – Darius Mason sólo puede ver cómo la superficie de Marte es destruida. Buscando consuelo subterráneo, surge una amenaza aún mayor para la humanidad
  • Nanoforja – Desata el devastador poder de la Nanoforja con sus enormes explosiones o reconstruye las defensas coloniales derribadas con el Geo-Mod 2.0
  • Bajo la Superficie de Marte – La verdad que hay tras un antiguo mal obligará a Darius a librar una batalla a través de la devastada superficie marciana, bajo enormes glaciares y sobre ríos de magma
Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.
When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.
Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work--if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.
When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet--and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.

Key features:

  • Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
  • Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
  • Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
  • Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.
Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.
When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.
Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work--if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.
When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet--and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.

Key features:

  • Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
  • Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
  • Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
  • Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
  • Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.

System Requirements


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