Space Hulk: Tactics
Space Hulk: Tactics

Space Hulk: Tactics

Release Date: 09/10/2018 | WORLDWIDE
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£8.69 + VAT


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Sobre o jogo

Space Hulk: Tactics é uma adaptação fiel do jogo de tabuleiro Space Hulk, ambientado no universo de Warhammer 40.000, modernizando o clássico que conquistou gerações. Enfrente batalhas sangrentas em um gigantesco Space Hulk (um aglomerado de asteroides, naves estelares abandonadas e detritos) e escolha seu pelotão: os Space Marines Exterminadores ou os alienígenas mortíferos Genestealers. Qual é o seu lado nesta guerra?

Batalhe em duas campanhas exclusivas com narrativas fortes: comande um pelotão de Blood Angels, que você poderá personalizar e melhorar progressivamente, ou controle os Genestealers pela primeira vez em um jogo Space Hulk!

Space Hulk: Tactics é baseado nas regras do famoso jogo de tabuleiro, com um leve toque de modernidade trazido pelo exclusivo sistema de cartas. As cartas lhe permitem personalizar seu pelotão e mudar o destino da batalha por meio de poderosas habilidades com efeitos que alteram drasticamente o jogo se usados na hora certa.

Teste suas habilidades contra outros jogadores neste jogo multijogador online expansivo e competitivo. Comande um enxame de Genestealers ou um pelotão personalizado com qualquer um dos quatro Chapters dos Space Marines disponíveis: os Blood Angels, os Space Wolves, os Ultramarines e os Dark Angels. Este jogo inclui uma ferramenta intuitiva de criação de mapas para que você desenvolva mapas originais com objetivos exclusivos e compartilhe com outros jogadores!

  • Uma adaptação fiel do jogo de tabuleiro Space Hulk Warhammer 40.000, com regras modernizadas
  • Participe de batalhas sangrentas e táticas em um gigantesco Space Hulk
  • Jogue duas campanhas diferentes: uma do ponto de vista dos Blood Angels e uma, pela primeira vez em um jogo Space Hulk, controlando os mortíferos Genestealers!
  • Personalize suas unidades de Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves e até os Genestealers com centenas de itens cosméticos, cartas e equipamentos.
  • Desafie jogadores online jogando com os Genestealers ou uma dentre quatro opções de Chapters dos Space Marines
  • Crie e compartilhe suas próprias missões com uma ferramenta intuitiva de criação de mapas

Оферта за предплащане

Относно играта

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

Nabídka předobjednávky

O hře

Space Hulk: Tactics je věrnou adaptací deskové hry Space Hulk zasazené do univerza Warhammer 40 000, která do kultovní klasiky vnáší jedinečný obrat. Vyrazte do krvavých bitev v ohromných vesmírných vracích tvořených pokroucenou změtí asteroidů, bludných vesmírných korábů a trosek – veďte elitní jednotku Terminátorů hvězdné pěchoty Adeptus Astartes nebo ovládejte houf smrtonosných Genestealerů. Kterou stranu si zvolíte?

Probojujte se dvěma odlišnými příběhovými kampaněmi: staňte v čele jednotky Krvavých andělů, kterou si můžete v průběhu hraní přizpůsobit, nebo poprvé v historii hry Space Hulk ovládejte Genestealery!

Hra Space Hulk: Tactics stojí na pravidlech populární deskové hry, avšak s novým prvkem v podobě jedinečného systému karet. Karty přinášejí další způsoby, jak si můžete přizpůsobit svou jednotku, a umožní vám zvrátit průběh bitvy díky mocným schopnostem, které, pokud je použijete ve správnou chvíli, spouští rozhodující efekty.

Otestujte své dovednosti proti ostatním hráčům v rozsáhlé kompetitivní online kampani. Ovládejte houf Genestealerů nebo si vytvořte vlastní jednotku v rámci jedné ze čtyř dostupných kapitul hvězdné pěchoty Adeptus Astartes – Krvavých andělů, Hvězdných vlků, Ultramariňáků nebo Temných andělů. Hra obsahuje vestavěný intuitivní nástroj pro tvorbu map, který vám umožní vytvářet vlastní originální mapy s upravenými cíli a sdílet je s ostatními hráči!

  • Věrná adaptace deskové hry Space Hulk z univerza Warhammer 40 000 se zbrusu novým prvkem zakomponovaným do klasických pravidel.
  • Vyrazte do krvavých taktických bitev v ohromných vesmírných vracích.
  • Odehrajte dvě odlišné kampaně z pohledu kapituly Krvavých andělů a poprvé ve Space Hulku také z pohledu smrtonosných Genestealerů.
  • Vytvořte si vlastní jednotky z kapitul Temných andělů, Ultramariňáků, Krvavých andělů, Hvězdných vlků a také Genestealerů díky stovkám kosmetických položek, karet a vybavení.
  • Vyzvěte hráče online a změřte síly v roli Genestealerů nebo jedné ze čtyř kapitul hvězdné pěchoty.
  • Vytvářejte a sdílejte vlastní mise díky intuitivnímu nástroji pro tvorbu map.


Om spillet

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool


Info over het spel

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

Pre-Purchase Offer

About the Game

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool


Tietoja pelistä

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

Offre de précommande

À propos du jeu

Jeu de stratégie en tour par tour, Space Hulk: Tactics reprend les règles du jeu de plateau culte de Games Workshop, prenant place dans l’univers Warhammer 40 000, et y apporte une touche d'originalité. Enfoncez-vous au cœur du Space Hulk, un immense enchevêtrement d'astéroïdes et d'épaves de vaisseaux, et dirigez une escouade de Terminator Space Marines ou une horde de terrifiants Genestealers.
Suivez l'histoire à travers deux campagnes narratives distinctes : la première vous placera à la tête d'une escouade de Blood Angels, que vous personnaliserez au fur et à mesure de votre progression, tandis que la seconde vous demandera, pour la première fois, de diriger les effrayants Genestealers.

Si Space Hulk: Tactics reprend les règles qui ont fait le succès du jeu de plateau original, de nouvelles mécaniques pimentent les parties. Un système original de cartes offre de nombreuses nouvelles alternatives de personnalisation des unités sous vos ordres, et vous permettent de changer le cours d'une bataille en les utilisant stratégiquement.

En multijoueur, défiez les joueurs du monde entier dans de nombreux modes de jeu compétitifs. Contrôlez soit les Genestealers, soit une escouade d'un des quatre Chapitres de Space Marines disponibles – les Blood Angels, les Space Wolves, les Ultramarines, et les Dark Angels. L'outil de création de missions intuitif intégré au jeu vous permet de créer et partager des maps de jeu originales avec des objectifs personnalisés, à jouer aussi bien en solo qu'en multijoueur.

  • L’adaptation fidèle de Space Hulk, le jeu de plateau Warhammer 40,000, assorti d’un nouveau système de cartes original
  • Lancez-vous dans des batailles tactiques sanglantes en tour-par-tour à bord d’un immense Space Hulk
  • Deux campagnes solos selon le point de vue des Space Marines Blood Angels, et pour la 1ère fois dans un jeu Space Hulk, celui des Genestealers !
  • Personnalisez vos unités à l’aide de centaines d’éléments cosmétiques, et composez l’escouade ultime à partir des différentes classes et armes disponibles.
  • En multijoueur, commandez les Genestealers ou l’un des quatre Chapitres de Space Marines disponibles et défiez les autres joueurs
  • Créez et partagez avec la communauté vos propres missions avec l’outil de création de maps intégré


Über das Spiel

40.000-Universum und verleiht dem Kultklassiker neue, einzigartige Elemente. Ziehe in einem immensen Space Hulk – einer Masse aus Asteroiden, Raumschiffwracks und anderen Trümmern – entweder als Truppe Space Marine-Terminatoren oder als tödliche Genestealer in blutige Schlachten. Wähle deine Seite!

Kämpfe dich durch zwei unterschiedliche Story-Kampagnen: Leite eine Truppe Blood Angels, die du im Spielverlauf individualisierst und verbesserst, oder lenke zum ersten Mal in einem Space Hulk-Spiel die Genestealer!

Space Hulk: Tactics basiert auf dem Regelwerk des beliebten Brettspiels. Ein einzigartiges Spielkartensystem versetzt dem Ganzen eine neue Spielmechanik. Spielkarten bieten mehr Möglichkeiten, deine Truppe zu individualisieren und erlauben dir, den Verlauf eines Kampfes auf den Kopf zu stellen. Benutze dazu mächtige Fähigkeiten, die im richtigen Moment eingesetzt spielverändernde Effekte auslösen.

Stelle deine Fähigkeiten online gegen andere Spieler im Mehrspielermodus auf die Probe. Befehlige einen Schwarm Genestealer oder eine individuelle Truppe mit verschiedenen Einheiten aus einer der vier verfügbaren Space Marine-Orden: die Blood Angels, die Space Wolves, die Ultramarines und die Dark Angels. Das Spiel enthält ein eingebautes intuitives Kartenerstellungstool, mit dem du deine eigenen Karten mit individuellen Zielen erstellen und mit anderen Spielern teilen kannst!

  • Eine treue Umsetzung des Warhammer 40.000-Brettspiels Space Hulk, mit neuen, einzigartigen Elemente sowie den klassischen Spielregeln
  • Ziehe an Bord eines gigantischen Space Hulks in blutige taktische Schlachten
  • Spiele zwei Kampagnen aus der Sicht der Blood Angels und zum ersten Mal in einem Space Hulk-Spiel auch der tödlichen Genestealer!
  • Individualisiere deine Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves und sogar Genestealer mit Deko-Gegenständen, Karte• n und Ausrüstung.
  • Fordere andere Spieler online heraus, spiele entweder als Genestealer oder einem der vie• r Space Marine-Orden
  • Erstelle und teile deine eigenen Missionen mit einem intuitiven Kartenerstellungstool

Προσφορά προαγοράς

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

Elővásárlási ajánlat

A játékról: 

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

Offerta per il preacquisto

Informazioni sul gioco

Space Hulk: Tactics è un fedele adattamento del gioco da tavolo Space Hulk, ambientato nell'universo di Warhammer 40.000, con l'aggiunta di particolari unici alla versione classica. Combatti battaglie sanguinose in un immenso Space Hulk, una massa di asteroidi, astronavi distrutte e rottami, con la squadra degli Space Marine Terminator o con gli alieni mortali Genestealer. Da che parte stai?

Combatti in due campagne con storie diverse: guida una squadra di Blood Angel, che personalizzerai e migliorerai mentre avanzi nel gioco, o, per la prima volta in un gioco Space Hulk, comanda uno sciame di Genestealer!

Space Hulk: Tactics si basa sulle regole del famoso gioco da tavolo, ma con una novità particolare rappresentata da un sistema di carte unico. Le carte offrono più modi per personalizzare la tua squadra e ti permettono di cambiare le sorti della battaglia con abilità potenti che attivano effetti decisivi per la partita, quando usate al momento giusto.

Metti alla prova le tue abilità contro altri giocatori nella vasta modalità multigiocatore online. Comanda uno sciame di Genestealer o una squadra personalizzata dei diversi tipi di unità che puoi trovare in uno dei quattro capitoli Space Marine disponibili: i Blood Angel, gli Space Wolf, gli Ultramarine e i Dark Angels. Il gioco include uno strumento intuitivo per creare mappe, che ti permette di progettare mappe originali con obiettivi personalizzati e condividerle con gli altri giocatori!

  • Un fedele adattamento del gioco da tavolo Space Hulk, ambientato nell'universo di Warhammer 40.000, con una fresca rivisitazione delle regole classiche
  • Partecipa a battaglie sanguinose e strategiche a bordo di uno Space Hulk gigantesco
  • Gioca in due campagne con i Blood Angel e, per la prima volta in un gioco Space Hulk, con i letali Genestealer!
  • Personalizza le unità di Dark Angel, Ultramarine, Blood Angel, Space Wolf e persino i Genestealer con centinaia di oggetti decorativi, carte e attrezzature.
  • Sfida i giocatori online con i Genestealer o in uno dei quattro capitoli Space Marine
  • Crea e condividi le tue missioni con un intuitivo strumento per creare mappe



Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

예약 구매 특전

게임 정보

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool


Om spillet

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

Oferta przedsprzedaży

Informacje o grze

Space Hulk: Tactics to wierna adaptacja planszowej gry Space Hulk osadzonej w uniwersum Warhammer 40,000, która stanowi nową odsłonę kultowej, klasycznej formuły. Weź udział w zaciętych bitwach w ogromnej przestrzeni Space Hulk złożonej z masy asteroidów, wraków statków powietrznych oraz szczątek, walcząc po stronie oddziału Kosmicznych Marines albo zabójczych Genokradów. Którą stronę wybierzesz?

Wybieraj spośród dwóch różnych, opartych na narracji kampanii: poprowadź oddział Krwawych Aniołów, który wraz z postępem gry możesz personalizować i ulepszać, albo, po raz pierwszy w grze Space Hulk, kontroluj stado Genokradów!

Gra Space Hulk: Tactics jest oparta na zasadach popularnej gry planszowej i wzbogacona o nowy, unikatowy system kart. Karty oferują więcej opcji personalizowania oddziałów i, gdy zostaną użyte we właściwym momencie, umożliwiają odwrócenie losów bitwy dzięki potężnym umiejętnościom.

Zmierz się z innymi graczami w rozległej internetowej rozgrywce dla wielu graczy. Stań na czele stada Genokradów albo oddziału jednego z czterech zakonów Kosmicznych Marines: Krwawych Aniołów, Kosmicznych Wilków, Ultramarines i Mrocznych Aniołów. Gra obejmuje wbudowane, intuicyjne narzędzie do tworzenia map, dzięki któremu możesz stworzyć swoją własną mapę z niestandardowymi celami i dzielić się nią z innymi graczami!

  • Wierna adaptacja planszowej gry Space Hulk ze świata Warhammer 40,000 ze świeżym spojrzeniem na klasyczne zasady
  • Zaangażuj się w zacięte bitwy w gigantycznej przestrzeni Space Hulk
  • Przejdź dwie kampanie z perspektywy Krwawych Aniołów i, po raz pierwszy w grze Space Hulk, z perspektywy Genokradów!
  • Personalizuj swoje oddziały Mrocznych Aniołów, Ultramarines, Krwawych Aniołów, Kosmicznych Wilków, a nawet Genokradów za pomocą setek przedmiotów, kart i sprzętów.
  • Zmierz się z innymi graczami on-line, grając jako Genokrady lub jeden z czterech zakonów Kosmicznych Marines
  • Stwórz swoje własne misje i dziel się nimi, korzystając z intuicyjnego narzędzia do tworzenia map

Oferta de Pré-Reserva

Acerca do Jogo

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

Ofertă pentru precomandă

Despre joc

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

Специальное предложение при предзаказе

Об игре

Space Hulk: Tactics – новый взгляд на старую добрую классику: адаптация настольной игры Space Hulk по мотивам вселенной Warhammer 40000. Космодесантники-терминаторы и смертоносные пришельцы генокрады схлестнутся в кровавой битве в глубинах космического скитальца – жуткого скопления астероидов, повреждённых звездолётов и космического мусора. На чьей вы стороне?

Вас ждут две непохожие друг на друга кампании: возглавьте отряд Кровавых Ангелов, которых вы сможете изменять и улучшать, или, впервые в серии игр Space Hulk, управляйте роем генокрадов!

Игра Space Hulk: Tactics основана на правилах популярной настольной игры, но с добавлением уникальной карточной системы. Карты позволяют видоизменять отряд, а также одержать верх в непростых битвах благодаря своевременному применению мощных способностей.

Испытайте свои силы, сражаясь с другими игроками в режиме сетевой игры. Управляйте роем генокрадов или космодесантниками одного из четырёх орденов – Кровавыми Ангелами, Космическими Волками, Ультрамаринами и Темными Ангелами. В игре также есть интуитивно понятный инструмент для создания карт, который позволяет создавать собственные карты и задания и делиться ими с другими игроками!

  • Достоверная адаптация настольной игры Space Hulk по мотивам вселенной Warhammer 40000 с новым взглядом на классические правила.
  • Участвуйте в кровопролитных тактических сражениях на борту огромного космического скитальца.
  • Пройдите две разные кампании, играя за Кровавых Ангелов или – впервые! – за генокрадов!
  • Сотни косметических предметов, карт и частей снаряжения позволят вам изменять внешний вид Темных Ангелов, Ультрамаринов, Кровавых Ангелов, Космических Волков и даже генокрадов.
  • Бросьте вызов другим игроками в режиме сетевой игры, сражаясь на стороне генокрадов или одного из четырёх орденов космодесантников.
  • Создавайте собственные миссии с помощью удобного инструмента создания карт и делитесь ими с другими игроками.



《太空战舰:战术》是对设定在战锤 40000 宇宙中的桌面游戏《太空战舰》的忠实改编,为经典的配方带来了独特的变化。玩家可以以一队终结者星际战士或者致命的异星基因窃取者的身份,在巨大的太空战舰——一处由小行星、失事的星舰和各种残骸构成的扭曲的庞然大物中,进行血腥的战斗。您将选择哪一方?




对战锤 40000 桌面游戏《太空战舰》的忠实改编,并为经典的规则带来了一些全新的改变。

Oferta de precompra

Acerca del juego

Space Hulk: Tactics es una adaptación fiel del juego de mesa Space Hulk, ambientado en el universo Warhammer 40 000, y ofrece un giro único de la fórmula del clásico de culto. El inmenso pecio espacial, una masa perversa de asteroides, naves estelares destruidas y escombros, será el escenario de sangrientas batallas en las que puedes participar como una escuadra de Marines Espaciales exterminadores o como los letales alienígenas genestealers. ¿De qué bando estás?

Combate en dos campañas diferentes donde prima la historia: lidera una escuadra de Ángeles Sangrientos, que podrás personalizar y mejorar según avances, o toma el control de los genestealers, por primera vez en un juego de Space Hulk.

Space Hulk: Tactics sigue las reglas del popular juego de mesa con un toque original: un sistema de cartas único. Las cartas ofrecen más formas de personalizar tu escuadra y te permiten alterar el desarrollo de la batalla gracias a poderosas habilidades con efectos que cambiarán el curso del juego si se usan en el momento adecuado.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades contra otros jugadores en el extenso modo competitivo online multijugador. Dirige una horda de genestealers o una escuadra personalizada de diferentes tipos de unidades de una de las cuatro divisiones de Marines Espaciales disponibles: Ángeles Sangrientos, Lobos Espaciales, Ultramarines o Ángeles Oscuros. El juego incluye una intuitiva herramienta integrada para crear y diseñar tus propios mapas originales con objetivos personalizados y que puedes compartir con otros jugadores.

  • Una adaptación fiel del juego de mesa de Warhammer 40 000, Space Hulk, con un giro original de las reglas clásicas.
  • Participa en sangrientas batallas tácticas a bordo de un gigantesco pecio espacial.
  • Juega dos campañas como los Ángeles Sangrientos y, por primera vez en un juego de Space Hulk, como los letales genestealers.
  • Personaliza tus unidades de Ángeles Oscuros, Ultramarines, Ángeles Sangrientos, Lobos Espaciales y hasta de genestealers con cientos de objetos estéticos, cartas y equipamiento.
  • Desafía a otros jugadores en el modo online como genestealers o como una de las cuatro divisiones de Marines Espaciales.
  • Crea y comparte tus propias misiones con una intuitiva herramienta de creación de mapas.


Om spelet

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool



Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool



Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

Ön Sipariş Teklifi

Oyun Açıklaması

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

Особлива пропозиція для замовників

Про гру

Space Hulk: Tactics is a faithful adaptation of the board game Space Hulk, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, bringing a unique twist to the cult classic formula. Engage in bloody battles through an immense Space Hulk - a twisted mass of asteroids, wrecked star ships, and debris – as either a squad of Terminator Space Marines or the deadly alien Genestealers. Which side will you choose?

Battle through two distinct, narrative-driven campaigns: lead a Blood Angels squad, which you will customise and upgrade as you progress, or take control of the Genestealers for the first time in a Space Hulk game!

Space Hulk: Tactics is based on the rules of the popular board game, given a fresh new spin in the form of the unique Card system. Cards provide more ways to customize your squad and allow you to turn the tide of battle with powerful abilities that trigger game-changing effects when used at the right moment.

Test your skills against other players in the expansive online competitive multiplayer. Command a swarm of Genestealers or a custom squad of different unit types from one of four Space Marine Chapters available – the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and the Dark Angels. The game includes a built-in intuitive map creation tool, to design your own original maps with custom objectives, and share them with other players!

  • A faithful adaptation of the Warhammer 40,000 board game Space Hulk, with a fresh twist to the classic rules
  • Engage in bloody tactical battles aboard a gigantic Space Hulk
  • Play through two campaigns from the point of view of the Blood Angels, and for the first time in a Space Hulk game, the deadly Genestealers!
  • Customize your units of Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and even Genestealers with hundreds of cosmetic items, cards, and equipment.
  • Challenge players online, playing either Genestealers or one of four Space Marines Chapters
  • Create and share your own missions with an intuitive map creation tool

System Requirements


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