Tekken 7 (Ultimate Edition)
Tekken 7 (Ultimate Edition)

Tekken 7 (Ultimate Edition)

Release Date: 01/06/2017 | WORLDWIDE
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1,879.68 ₽ + VAT


Edição Revanche

Compre TEKKEN 7 - Edição Revanche e receba o jogo completo de TEKKEN 7 junto de todo o conteúdo adicional garantido pelo Passe de Temporada 2.

Ultimate Edition

Compre TEKKEN 7 - Edição Definitiva e receba a experiência mais completa de TEKKEN 7! Esta edição inclui o jogo completo de TEKKEN 7, todo o conteúdo adicional garantido pelos Passes de Temporada 1 e 2 e a personagem jogável Eliza.

Sobre o jogo

Testemunhe o épico desfecho do clã Mishima e descubra os motivos por trás deste incessante conflito. Desenvolvido no Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 traz uma história cinematográfica, batalhas espetaculares e duelos intensos para jogar com amigos e rivais utilizando mecânicas de luta inovadoras.

Amor, vingança, orgulho. Todo mundo tem um motivo para lutar. Nossos valores são o que nos definem e nos fazem humanos, independentemente de nossas forças e fraquezas. Não existem motivações erradas, existe apenas o caminho que escolhemos trilhar.

Expanda a jornada do seu lutador comprando o Passe de Temporada do Tekken 7 separadamente e ganhe acesso a um conteúdo adicional espetacular.

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition and get the most complete experience from TEKKEN 7! This edition includes the full TEKKEN 7 game, all additional content eligible to Season Passes 1 & 2, and the playable character Eliza.

Относно играта

Discover the epic conclusion of the Mishima clan and unravel the reasons behind each step of their ceaseless fight. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 features stunning story-driven cinematic battles and intense duels that can be enjoyed with friends and rivals alike through innovative fight mechanics.

Love, Revenge, Pride. Everyone has a reason to fight. Values are what define us and make us human, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. There are no wrong motivations, just the path we choose to take.

Expand your fighter's journey by purchasing the Tekken 7 Season Pass separately and gain access to stunning additional content

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Kupte si TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition a získejte ty nejkomplexnější zážitky ze hry TEKKEN 7! Tato edice obsahuje plnou hru TEKKEN 7, veškerý doplňkový obsah ze Season Pass 1 & 2 a hratelnou postavu Eliza.

O hře

Odhalte epické zakončení příběhu klanu Mishima i důvody stojící za všemi kroky v jejich věčném boji. Unreal Engine 4 propůjčuje hře TEKKEN 7 sílu, která přináší strhující příběhové bitvy ve filmovém zpracování a nelítostné duely, které si díky inovativním bojovým mechanikám vychutnají přátelé i soupeři.

Láska, odplata, pýcha. Každý má důvod bojovat. Hodnotový systém z nás dělá lidi, nezávisle na našich silných i slabých stránkách. Není špatných motivací, jen cesta, kterou si vybereme.

Prodlužte dobrodružnou cestu svého bojovníka a zakupte si samostatný Season Pass Tekken 7, s nímž získáte přístup ke strhujícímu rozšiřujícímu obsahu.

Rematch Edition

Hvis du køber TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition, får du det fulde TEKKEN 7-spil samt alt ekstraindhold, der indgår i Sæsonpas 2.

Ultimate Edition

Hvis du køber TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition, får du den mest omfattende oplevelse med TEKKEN 7! Denne udgave indeholder det fulde TEKKEN 7-spil, alt ekstraindhold fra sæsonpas 1 og 2 samt den spilbare figur Eliza.

Om spillet

Oplev den episke afslutning på Mishima-klanen, og afdæk årsagerne til hvert skridt i deres uophørlige kamp. TEKKEN 7-grafikken drives af Unreal Engine 4 og indeholder enestående filmiske kampe, hvor historien er kernen, og intense dueller, som kan fornøje både venner og rivaler via den innovative kampmekanik.

Kærlighed, hævn, stolthed. Alle har en grund til at slås. Værdier er det, der definerer os og gør os til mennesker, uanset vores styrker og svagheder. Der findes ikke forkerte motiver – kun den sti, vil vælger at følge.

Du kan udvide din krigers rejse ved at købe Tekken 7-sæsonpasset, som giver dig adgang til fremragende ekstraindhold.

Rematch Edition

Koop TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition en ontvang de volledige game TEKKEN 7 plus alle aanvullende content van Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Koop TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition en beleef de meest complete TEKKEN 7-ervaring! Deze editie bevat de volledige game TEKKEN 7, alle aanvullende content van Season Pass 1 & 2, en het speelbare personage Eliza.

Info over het spel

Beleef het epische einde van de Mishima-clan en ontdek de redenen achter elke stap van hun eindeloze strijd. TEKKEN 7, aangedreven door de Unreal Engine 4, biedt dankzij innovatieve vechtmechanismen spannende filmische gevechten met een verhaal en intense duels waar je zowel met vrienden als rivalen van kunt genieten.

Liefde, wraak, trots. Iedereen heeft wel een reden om te vechten. Normen en waarden definiëren ons en maken ons tot mens, ongeacht onze sterke en zwakke punten. Een verkeerde motivatie bestaat niet, alleen het pad dat we kiezen te volgen.

Breid de reis van je vechter uit met de Tekken 7 Season Pass en krijgt toegang tot fantastische extra content.

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition and get the most complete experience from TEKKEN 7! This edition includes the full TEKKEN 7 game, all additional content eligible to Season Passes 1 & 2, and the playable character Eliza.

About the Game

Discover the epic conclusion of the Mishima clan and unravel the reasons behind each step of their ceaseless fight. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 features stunning story-driven cinematic battles and intense duels that can be enjoyed with friends and rivals alike through innovative fight mechanics.

Love, Revenge, Pride. Everyone has a reason to fight. Values are what define us and make us human, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. There are no wrong motivations, just the path we choose to take.

Expand your fighter's journey by purchasing the Tekken 7 Season Pass separately and gain access to stunning additional content

Rematch Edition

Osta TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition, niin saat TEKKEN 7 -pelin täysversion sekä Season Pass 2:een kuuluvan sisällön.

Ultimate Edition

Ota kaikki irti TEKKEN 7 -kokemuksestasi ostamalla TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition! Tämä versio sisältää TEKKEN 7 -pelin täysversion, Season Passeihin 1 ja 2 kuuluvan lisäsisällön sekä pelattavan Eliza-hahmon.

Tietoja pelistä

Koe Mishima-klaanin tarinan eeppinen päätös ja paljasta syyt klaanin taukoamattomaan taisteluun. Unreal Engine 4 -pohjainen TEKKEN 7 sisältää huikeita tarinavetoisia yhteenottoja ja armottomia kaksintaisteluja, joista voit nauttia yhdessä ystävien ja kilpailijoiden kanssa innovatiivisten taistelumekaniikkojen kautta.

Rakkaus, kosto, ylpeys. Kaikilla on syynsä taistella. Elämänarvomme määrittelevät meidät ja tekevät meistä ihmisiä riippumatta vahvuuksistamme ja heikkouksistamme. Ei ole vääriä motiiveja. On ainoastaan valitsemamme polku.

Laajenna kokemustasi kehässä ostamalla Tekken 7 Season Pass erikseen ja saat käyttöösi huikeaa lisäsisältöä.

Rematch Edition

Achetez TEKKEN 7 - Édition Rematch et obtenez le jeu TEKKEN 7 complet et tous les contenus supplémentaires offerts avec le Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Achetez TEKKEN 7 - Édition Ultime et obtenez l'expérience la plus exhaustive de TEKKEN 7 ! Cette édition comprend le jeu TEKKEN 7 complet et tous les contenus supplémentaires offerts avec les Season Pass 1 et 2, ainsi que le personnage jouable Eliza.

À propos du jeu

Découvrez le final épique de l'histoire du clan Mishima ainsi que les raisons qui poussent ses membres à livrer leur incessant combat. Animé par le moteur Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 comprend d'époustouflants combats cinématiques scénarisés et d'intenses duels à vivre avec vos amis ou vos rivaux à travers des mécaniques de combat innovantes.

Amour, vengeance, fierté. Tout le monde a une raison de se battre. Nos valeurs nous définissent en tant qu'humains, quelles que soient nos forces ou nos faiblesses. Aucune motivation n'est mauvaise, seule compte la voie que nous choisissons.

Allez plus loin sur la voie du guerrier en achetant séparément le Season Pass de TEKKEN 7, et obtenez l'accès à du contenu supplémentaire incroyable.

Rematch Edition

Kaufe die TEKKEN 7 – Rematch Edition und erhalte das komplette TEKKEN 7-Spiel plus alle zusätzlichen Inhalte, die zum Season Pass 2 gehören.

Ultimate Edition

Kaufe die TEKKEN 7 – Ultimate Edition und erhalte die umfassendste TEKKEN 7-Erfahrung! Diese Edition enthält das komplette TEKKEN 7-Spiel, alle zusätzlichen Inhalte aus Season Pass 1 & 2 und den spielbaren Charakter Eliza.

Über das Spiel

Werde Zeuge des epischen Abschlusses der Geschichte um den Mishima-Klan und enthülle die Hintergründe zu jeder einzelnen Phase des endlosen Familienkriegs. Aufgebaut auf der Unreal Engine 4, besticht TEKKEN 7 mit Story-basierten Kämpfen, intensiven Duellen gegen Freunde und Rivalen sowie innovativen Kampfmechaniken.

Liebe, Rache, Stolz. Jeder kämpft aus einem bestimmten Grund. Werte definieren uns und machen uns - unabhängig von unseren Stärken und Schwächen - zu Menschen. Es gibt keine falschen Motive und Ziele, sondern lediglich einen Pfad, den wir im Leben wählen.

Erweitere die Reise deines Kämpfers und erhalte Zugang zu atemberaubenden Zusatzinhalten, indem du den Tekken 7 Season Pass separat kaufst.

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition and get the most complete experience from TEKKEN 7! This edition includes the full TEKKEN 7 game, all additional content eligible to Season Passes 1 & 2, and the playable character Eliza.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Discover the epic conclusion of the Mishima clan and unravel the reasons behind each step of their ceaseless fight. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 features stunning story-driven cinematic battles and intense duels that can be enjoyed with friends and rivals alike through innovative fight mechanics.

Love, Revenge, Pride. Everyone has a reason to fight. Values are what define us and make us human, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. There are no wrong motivations, just the path we choose to take.

Expand your fighter's journey by purchasing the Tekken 7 Season Pass separately and gain access to stunning additional content

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition and get the most complete experience from TEKKEN 7! This edition includes the full TEKKEN 7 game, all additional content eligible to Season Passes 1 & 2, and the playable character Eliza.

A játékról: 

Discover the epic conclusion of the Mishima clan and unravel the reasons behind each step of their ceaseless fight. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 features stunning story-driven cinematic battles and intense duels that can be enjoyed with friends and rivals alike through innovative fight mechanics.

Love, Revenge, Pride. Everyone has a reason to fight. Values are what define us and make us human, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. There are no wrong motivations, just the path we choose to take.

Expand your fighter's journey by purchasing the Tekken 7 Season Pass separately and gain access to stunning additional content

Rematch Edition

Acquista TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition per ottenere la versione completa di TEKKEN 7 più tutti i contenuti aggiuntivi del Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Acquista TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition per l'esperienza più completa di TEKKEN 7! Questa edizione include la versione completa di TEKKEN 7, tutti i contenuti dei Season Pass 1 e 2 ed Eliza come personaggio giocabile.

Informazioni sul gioco

Scopri l'epica conclusione della lunga faida della famiglia Mishima e le ragioni che si celano dietro ogni episodio della loro storia. Sfruttando l'Unreal Engine 4, il leggendario gioco di combattimenti torna con stupefacenti battaglie cinematiche narrative e intensi duelli da vivere con amici e rivali.

Amore, vendetta, orgoglio. Ognuno ha una ragione per combattere. I valori sono ciò che ci danno una ragione di vivere e ci rendono umani, indipendentemente dalle nostre debolezze o punti di forza. Non ci sono motivazioni sbagliate, solo la strada che decidiamo di percorrere.

Amplia le tue possibilità di combattente acquistando il Season Pass di TEKKEN 7 separatamente e ottieni l'accesso a incredibili contenuti aggiuntivi.

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.


※本商品は『鉄拳7』ゲーム本編と追加DLCの『シーズンパス1』『シーズンパス2』さらに『鉄拳7 追加キャラクター エリザ』のセット商品となります。 重複購入にご注意ください。





Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

철권7 - 얼티밋 에디션을 구매하고 철권7의 가장 완전한 게임 경험을 얻어보세요! 이 에디션에는 철권7 게임 본편과 시즌 패스 1과 2의 모든 추가 콘텐츠 및 플레이어블 캐릭터 엘리자, 태고의 달인 팩, 아티스트 콜라보레이션 캐릭터 패널 세트가 포함됩니다.

게임 정보

미시마 일가의 길고 긴 전설적인 싸움의 끝과, 이 잔혹한 싸움에 감춰져있는 비밀이 밝혀집니다. Unreal Engine 4로 개발되어, 유명 격투 게임 철권이 더욱 충실한 스토리와 영화같은 연출, 그리고 긴장감 넘치는 배틀로 친구나 다른 게이머들과 즐길 수 있는 게임으로 돌아옵니다.

사랑, 복수, 긍지. 모든 사람은 싸워야할 이유를 가지고 있다. 가치관은 강하거나 약하거나 상관없이 우리를 정의하고, 사람으로서 살아가도록 만든다. 이 동기에 선악은 없으며 우리가 어떠한 행동을 취하느냐가 있을 뿐이다.

철권 7 시즌 패스를 별도 구입하여 당신의 콘텐츠를 멋진 추가 콘텐츠로 확장하세요.

Rematch Edition

Kjøp TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition og motta fullversjonen av TEKKEN 7 med alt ekstrainnhold som følger med det andre sesongpasset.

Ultimate Edition

Kjøp TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition og motta den mest komplette opplevelsen TEKKEN 7 kan by på! Denne utgaven inkluderer fullversjonen av TEKKEN 7, alt ekstra innhold fra første og andre sesongpass og den spillbare karakteren Eliza.

Om spillet

Opplev den episke slutten på Mishima-klanen og avslør årsaken bak hvert steg i deres endeløse kamp. TEKKEN 7, drevet av Unreal Engine 4, byr på filmatiske kamper og intense dueller som kan oppleves med både venner og rivaler, via innovative kampsystemer.

Kjærlighet, hevn, stolthet. Alle har en grunn til å kjempe. Verdier som avgjør hvem vi er og som gjør oss til mennesker, uavhengig av styrke og svakhet. Det finnes ingen feilaktige motivasjoner, bare veien vi velger å ta.

Utvid slåssekjempenes reise med sesongpass til Tekken 7 og få tilgang på heftig ekstrainnhold.

Rematch Edition

Kup TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition i zyskaj pełną wersję gry TEKKEN 7 oraz całą zawartość dodatkową z 2. przepustki sezonowej.

Ultimate Edition

Kup TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition i zyskaj kompletne wrażenia z gry TEKKEN 7! Ta edycja zawiera pełną wersję gry TEKKEN 7, całą dodatkową zawartość z 1. i 2. przepustki sezonowej oraz grywalną postać Eliza.

Informacje o grze

Odkryj epickie zakończenie wojny w ramach klanu Mishima i poznaj przyczyny każdego etapu ich niekończącego się sporu. Oparty o Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 zawiera niesamowite filmowe starcia i dynamiczne pojedynki, wykorzystujące innowacyjne opcje walki, które można toczyć ze znajomymi i rywalami.

Miłość, zemsta, duma. Każdy ma swój powód, by walczyć. To wartości nas określają i czynią nas ludźmi, niezależnie od naszych silnych i słabych stron. Nie ma złych motywów, są jedynie ścieżki, które obieramy.

Rozszerz drogę wojownika, kup osobno Tekken 7 Season Pass i zyskaj dostęp do niesamowitej zawartości dodatkowej.

Rematch Edition

Compra o TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition e recebe o jogo TEKKEN 7 completo e ainda todo o conteúdo adicional incluído no Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Compra o TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition e recebe a experiência mais completa do TEKKEN 7! Esta edição inclui o jogo TEKKEN 7 completo, todos os conteúdos adicionais incluídos nos Season Passes 1 e 2 e a personagem jogável Eliza.

Acerca do Jogo

Узнайте, чем завершилась история клана Мисима и выясните, что было причиной каждого боя этой войны. В созданной на основе движка Unreal Engine 4 игре Tekken 7 вас ждут красивейшие сюжетные битвы как с друзьями, так и соперниками.

Нет дурных мотивов – лишь пути, которые мы выбираем сами.

Купите сезонный пропуск Tekken 7 и получите множество дополнительных материалов.

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition and get the most complete experience from TEKKEN 7! This edition includes the full TEKKEN 7 game, all additional content eligible to Season Passes 1 & 2, and the playable character Eliza.

Despre joc

Discover the epic conclusion of the Mishima clan and unravel the reasons behind each step of their ceaseless fight. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 features stunning story-driven cinematic battles and intense duels that can be enjoyed with friends and rivals alike through innovative fight mechanics.

Love, Revenge, Pride. Everyone has a reason to fight. Values are what define us and make us human, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. There are no wrong motivations, just the path we choose to take.

Expand your fighter's journey by purchasing the Tekken 7 Season Pass separately and gain access to stunning additional content

Rematch Edition

Купите TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition и получите полную версию TEKKEN 7 и весь дополнительный контент сезонного пропуска #2.

Ultimate Edition

Купите TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition и получите максимум от TEKKEN 7! Данное издание включает полную версию TEKKEN 7, весь дополнительный контент сезонного пропуска #1 и #2 и игрового персонажа Элизу.

Об игре

Любовь, месть, гордость. У каждого свой повод сражаться. Наши ценности определяют наше поведение и делают людьми вне зависимости от наших сильных и слабых сторон. Нет дурных мотивов – лишь пути, которые мы выбираем сами.

Узнайте, чем завершилась история клана Мисима и выясните, что было причиной каждого боя в этой войне. В созданной на основе движка Unreal Engine 4 игре TEKKEN 7 вас ждут красивейшие сюжетные битвы и поединки, в которых можно сражаться как с друзьями, так и соперниками.

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

购买铁拳7 - 终极版来获得铁拳7最完整的游戏体验!本版本包含完整铁拳7游戏、季票1&2的完整内容、可游玩角色Eliza、太鼓之达人组合包,以及绘师合作角色面板组合包。


Discover the epic conclusion of the Mishima clan and unravel the reasons behind each step of their ceaseless fight. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 features stunning story-driven cinematic battles and intense duels that can be enjoyed with friends and rivals alike through innovative fight mechanics.

Love, Revenge, Pride. Everyone has a reason to fight. Values are what define us and make us human, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. There are no wrong motivations, just the path we choose to take.

Expand your fighter's journey by purchasing the Tekken 7 Season Pass separately and gain access to stunning additional content

Rematch Edition

Compra TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition y consigue el juego completo de TEKKEN 7 con todo el contenido adicional sujeto al pase de temporada 2.

Ultimate Edition

¡Compra TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition y consigue la experiencia más completa de TEKKEN 7! Esta edición incluye el juego completo de TEKKEN 7, todo el contenido adicional sujeto a los pases de temporada 1 y 2 y el personaje jugable Eliza.

Acerca del juego

Descubre el épico final del clan Mishima y descubre los motivos detrás de cada uno de los pasos de esta batalla interminable. TEKKEN 7, creado con Unreal Engine 4, ofrece espectaculares batallas con cinemáticas narrativas e intensos duelos para disfrutar con amigos y rivales gracias a las nuevas mecánicas de lucha.

Amor, venganza, orgullo. Todo el mundo tiene un motivo para luchar. Los valores son lo que nos define y nos hace humanos, más allá de nuestras fortalezas y debilidades. No existen las motivaciones erróneas, solo el camino que decidimos escoger.

Expande tu viaje de luchador comprando el pase de temporada de Tekken 7 por separado y obtén acceso a espectacular contenido adicional.

Rematch Edition

Köp TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition och få fullversionen av TEKKEN 7 plus allt extrainnehåll från säsongspass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Köp TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition och få få den mest kompletta TEKKEN 7-upplevelsen! Denna utgåva innehåller fullversionen av TEKKEN 7, allt extrainnehåll från säsongspass 1 och 2, samt Eliza som spelbar karaktär.

Om spelet

Upplev det episka slutet på Mishimaklanens berättelse och få reda på skälen till deras oupphörliga kamp TEKKEN 7 drivs av Unreal Engine 4 och erbjuder fantastiska, berättelsedrivna cinematiska fighter och intensiva dueller som kan avnjutas med både vänner och rivaler via en innovativ fightingmekanik.

Kärlek, hämnd, stolthet. Alla har ett skäl att slåss. Värderingar är det som definierar oss och gör oss mänskliga, oavsett våra styrkor och svagheter. Det finns inga felaktiga motiv, bara de vägar vi väljer att ta.

Utöka din kämpes resa genom att köpa säsongspasset till Tekken 7 separat och få tillgång till imponerande extrainnehåll

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition and get the most complete experience from TEKKEN 7! This edition includes the full TEKKEN 7 game, all additional content eligible to Season Passes 1 & 2, and the playable character Eliza.


Discover the epic conclusion of the Mishima clan and unravel the reasons behind each step of their ceaseless fight. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 features stunning story-driven cinematic battles and intense duels that can be enjoyed with friends and rivals alike through innovative fight mechanics.

Love, Revenge, Pride. Everyone has a reason to fight. Values are what define us and make us human, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. There are no wrong motivations, just the path we choose to take.

Expand your fighter's journey by purchasing the Tekken 7 Season Pass separately and gain access to stunning additional content

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

購買鐵拳7 - 終極版來獲得鐵拳7最完整的遊戲體驗!本版本包含完整鐵拳7遊戲、季票1&2的完整內容、可遊玩角色Eliza、太鼓之達人組合包,以及繪師合作角色面板組合包。


體驗三島家的精彩結局,並揭露他們永不停止的戰鬥背後的真正原因。以Unreal Engine 4打造,鐵拳 7將帶來令人屏息的精彩劇情、高潮迭起的戰鬥,並且能與好友勁敵們一起享受創新緊張的刺激戰鬥。


購買鐵拳 7的季票來擴展戰鬥生涯,並獲得震撼人心的追加內容吧。

Rematch Edition

TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition’ı satın alın ve TEKKEN 7 oyununun tamamı ile birlikte Sezon Kartı 2’ye uygun tüm diğer içerikleri edinin.

Ultimate Edition

TEKKEN 7 - Challengers Edition’ı satın alın ve TEKKEN 7’den en eksiksiz deneyimi elde edin! Bu sürümde TEKKEN 7 oyununun tamamı, Sezon Kartları 1 ve 2’ye uygun tüm diğer içerikler, oynanabilir Eliza karakteri bulunuyor.

Oyun Açıklaması

Mishima klanının efsanevi yolculuğunun son bölümüne katıl, bitip tükenmek bilmeyen savaşlarının her bir aşamasının ardındaki gerçeği öğren. Gücünü Unreal Engine 4'ten alan TEKKEN 7, sahip olduğu yaratıcı dövüş mekanikleri sayesinde, muhteşem hikayelerle ilerleyen sinematik savaşların yanı sıra arkadaşlarınla ve rakiplerinle yapabileceğin müthiş düellolar da sunuyor.

Aşk, İntikam, Gurur. Herkesin savaşmak için bir sebebi vardır. Bizi tanımlayan, bizi insan yapan şey, güçlerimiz ve zayıflıklarımızın ötesinde, değerlerimizdir. Yanlış yola girebiliriz ama yanlış saik yoktur.

Tekken 7 Sezon Kartını ayrıca satın alarak savaşçının macerasını daha da genişlet, müthiş ilave içeriklere erişim kazan.

Rematch Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition and get the full TEKKEN 7 game plus all additional content eligible to Season Pass 2.

Ultimate Edition

Purchase TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition and get the most complete experience from TEKKEN 7! This edition includes the full TEKKEN 7 game, all additional content eligible to Season Passes 1 & 2, and the playable character Eliza.

Про гру

Discover the epic conclusion of the Mishima clan and unravel the reasons behind each step of their ceaseless fight. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 features stunning story-driven cinematic battles and intense duels that can be enjoyed with friends and rivals alike through innovative fight mechanics.

Love, Revenge, Pride. Everyone has a reason to fight. Values are what define us and make us human, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. There are no wrong motivations, just the path we choose to take.

Expand your fighter's journey by purchasing the Tekken 7 Season Pass separately and gain access to stunning additional content

System Requirements

Tekken 7: Fated Retribution is an update to Tekken 7 arcade version. The console version is simply known as Tekken 7 will be based on this update.


Activation Details

Go to:  http://store.steampowered.com/ and download STEAM client Click \"Install Steam\" (from the upper right corner) Install and start application, login with your Account name and Password (create one if you don't have). Please follow these instructions to activate a new retail purchase on Steam:Launch Steam and log into your Steam account. Click the Games Menu. Choose Activate a Product on Steam... Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process. After successful code verification go to the \"MY GAMES\" tab and start downloading.

System Requirements

 "OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)",

"Processor: Intel Core i3-4160 @ 3.60GHz or equivalent",

"Memory: 6 GB RAM",

"Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB, GTX 750Ti 2GB, or equivalent",

"DirectX: Version 11",

"Network: Broadband Internet connection",

"Storage: 60 GB available space",

"Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset"

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