The Black Death (incl. Early Access)
The Black Death (incl. Early Access)

The Black Death (incl. Early Access)

Release Date: 20/04/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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Early Access
16.99 € + VAT


Uma Peste catastrófica deixou uma trilha de destruição em toda a Europa do século 14. Os sobreviventes enfrentam doenças e recursos escassos em uma terra cheia de banditismo. Tente buscar uma cura, adquirir poder, aprender habilidades e se adaptar para sobreviver. Aqueles com a sorte de sobreviver vieram a chamá-la de "A Morte Negra".

Assuma o papel de um homem da ciência medieval, um médico que enfrenta a Peste, inclinado a encontrar uma cura para a terrível praga espalhando-se pela terra. Estude os efeitos da infecção através de experiências e autópsias tanto em seres humanos quanto em animais, com o risco constante de sua própria infecção infecção - e correndo o risco de ser linchado pelas pessoas da cidade que acreditam que a ciência é heresia!

Aproveite as diferentes, e realistas, profissões medievais: como um Ferreiro, elabore as melhores armaduras para proteger-se de invasores; como um Camponês, domestique animais e cultive a terra; como um Bandido, engane jogadores com produtos falsificados e muito, muito mais.

Embarque em uma viagem através de uma representação sombria em mundo aberto de uma Europa medieval infestada pela Peste. Testemunhe a Peste ser espalhada em tempo real através da população, incluindo seus amigos e inimigos, enquanto exploram cidades movimentadas, castelos impressionantes e minas infestadas de peste na sua busca pela cura para esta infecção mortal. Interaja com centenas de NPCs; negocie com comerciantes e caçadores, entre em choque com cruzados e bandidos e tome cuidado com pedintes infectados.
Você não precisa enfrentar os horrores sozinhos - junte-se com outros jogadores e trabalhe juntos para prosperar ou se tornar uma ameaça para o mundo e levar tudo o que puder! Mas tenha cuidado em quem você confia ...

Tente reconstruir a sociedade construindo uma casa com suas próprias mãos ou com amigos. Desenvolva as suas habilidades de construção e torne sua cabana instável em uma propriedade poderosa, com um laboratório de pesquisa medieval definitivo para ajudá-lo a realizar suas experiências e encontrar a cura.

Principais recursos no Early Access -
* Entre no mundo como um médico durante a Peste, procurando uma cura para a pandemia mais mortal da Idade Média.
* Aprenda habilidades de várias profissões diferentes para ajudá-lo a sobreviver.
* Um enorme mundo aberto (8km2) baseado na Europa Ocidental do Século 14. Explore castelos prósperos, acampamentos de bandidos, portos movimentados e minas abandonadas.
* Aprenda mais sobre a Peste através de exames físicos e autópsias de animais infectados e humanos.
* Um mundo vivo com centenas de NPCs e ciclo dia/noite. Negocie com mercadores, cace animais, converse com as pessoas da cidade e lute contra bandidos.
* Mais de 300 itens no jogo. Crie mais de 40 armas e armaduras diferentes, usando ferramentas medievais.
* Compre melhorias para casas, e contrate funcionários para trabalhar em sua propriedade.
* Multiplayer em grande escala, com até 50 jogadores por servidor

A catastrophic plague has left a trail of destruction across 14th century Europe. Survivors confront sickness and scarce resources in a land rife with banditry. Attempt to find a cure, acquire power, learn skills and adapt to survive.

Those lucky enough to survive have come to call it ‘The Black Death’.

Take on the role of a medieval man of science, a plague doctor, hell-bent on finding a cure to the horrific plague spreading across the land. Study the effects of the infection through experiments and autopsies on man and beast alike, with the ongoing risk of your own infection - and in danger of being lynched by townsfolk who believe science to be heresy!

Take advantage of different realistic medieval professions: Crafting fine armors to protect yourself from deadly raiders as a Blacksmith, taming animals and farming the land as a Peasant, tricking players with counterfeit goods as a Bandit, and much, much more.

Embark on a journey through a dark and gritty open-world depiction of a plague-infested Medieval Europe. Witness the plague spread in real-time through the population including your friends and enemies whilst exploring bustling towns, striking castles and plague-infested mines in your search for the cure to this deadly infection. Interact with hundreds of NPC’s; trade with merchants and hunters, clash with crusaders and bandits and be wary of infected beggars.
You don't have to face these horrors alone - team up with other players and work together to prosper or become a menace to the world and take everything you can! But be careful who you trust…

Try to rebuild society by building a homestead by yourself, or with friends. Develop your building skills and turn a rickety shack into a powerful estate, complete with an ultimate medieval research lab to help you perform your experiments and find a cure.

Key Features in Early Access -
  • Enter the world as a plague doctor, looking for a cure to the deadliest pandemic of the Middle Ages.
  • Learn skills from a number of different professions to help you survive.
  • A huge open world (8km2) based in 14th century Western Europe. Explore thriving castles, bandit camps, busy ports and abandoned mines.
  • Learn more about the plague through physical examinations and autopsies of infected animals and humans.
  • A living world with hundreds of NPC’s and day / night cycle. Trade with merchants, hunt animals, talk to townsfolk and fight bandits.
  • Over 300 in game items. Craft over 40 different weapon and armour pieces, using medieval tools and utilities.
  • Buy deeds to houses, upgrade them, and hire staff to work on your estate.
  • Large scale multiplayer, with up to 50 players per server

  • A catastrophic plague has left a trail of destruction across 14th century Europe. Survivors confront sickness and scarce resources in a land rife with banditry. Attempt to find a cure, acquire power, learn skills and adapt to survive.

    Those lucky enough to survive have come to call it ‘The Black Death’.

    Take on the role of a medieval man of science, a plague doctor, hell-bent on finding a cure to the horrific plague spreading across the land. Study the effects of the infection through experiments and autopsies on man and beast alike, with the ongoing risk of your own infection - and in danger of being lynched by townsfolk who believe science to be heresy!

    Take advantage of different realistic medieval professions: Crafting fine armors to protect yourself from deadly raiders as a Blacksmith, taming animals and farming the land as a Peasant, tricking players with counterfeit goods as a Bandit, and much, much more.

    Embark on a journey through a dark and gritty open-world depiction of a plague-infested Medieval Europe. Witness the plague spread in real-time through the population including your friends and enemies whilst exploring bustling towns, striking castles and plague-infested mines in your search for the cure to this deadly infection. Interact with hundreds of NPC’s; trade with merchants and hunters, clash with crusaders and bandits and be wary of infected beggars.
    You don't have to face these horrors alone - team up with other players and work together to prosper or become a menace to the world and take everything you can! But be careful who you trust…

    Try to rebuild society by building a homestead by yourself, or with friends. Develop your building skills and turn a rickety shack into a powerful estate, complete with an ultimate medieval research lab to help you perform your experiments and find a cure.

    Key Features in Early Access -
    • Enter the world as a plague doctor, looking for a cure to the deadliest pandemic of the Middle Ages.
    • Learn skills from a number of different professions to help you survive.
    • A huge open world (8km2) based in 14th century Western Europe. Explore thriving castles, bandit camps, busy ports and abandoned mines.
    • Learn more about the plague through physical examinations and autopsies of infected animals and humans.
    • A living world with hundreds of NPC’s and day / night cycle. Trade with merchants, hunt animals, talk to townsfolk and fight bandits.
    • Over 300 in game items. Craft over 40 different weapon and armour pieces, using medieval tools and utilities.
    • Buy deeds to houses, upgrade them, and hire staff to work on your estate.
    • Large scale multiplayer, with up to 50 players per server

    • A catastrophic plague has left a trail of destruction across 14th century Europe. Survivors confront sickness and scarce resources in a land rife with banditry. Attempt to find a cure, acquire power, learn skills and adapt to survive.

      Those lucky enough to survive have come to call it ‘The Black Death’.

      Take on the role of a medieval man of science, a plague doctor, hell-bent on finding a cure to the horrific plague spreading across the land. Study the effects of the infection through experiments and autopsies on man and beast alike, with the ongoing risk of your own infection - and in danger of being lynched by townsfolk who believe science to be heresy!

      Take advantage of different realistic medieval professions: Crafting fine armors to protect yourself from deadly raiders as a Blacksmith, taming animals and farming the land as a Peasant, tricking players with counterfeit goods as a Bandit, and much, much more.

      Embark on a journey through a dark and gritty open-world depiction of a plague-infested Medieval Europe. Witness the plague spread in real-time through the population including your friends and enemies whilst exploring bustling towns, striking castles and plague-infested mines in your search for the cure to this deadly infection. Interact with hundreds of NPC’s; trade with merchants and hunters, clash with crusaders and bandits and be wary of infected beggars.
      You don't have to face these horrors alone - team up with other players and work together to prosper or become a menace to the world and take everything you can! But be careful who you trust…

      Try to rebuild society by building a homestead by yourself, or with friends. Develop your building skills and turn a rickety shack into a powerful estate, complete with an ultimate medieval research lab to help you perform your experiments and find a cure.

      Key Features in Early Access -
      • Enter the world as a plague doctor, looking for a cure to the deadliest pandemic of the Middle Ages.
      • Learn skills from a number of different professions to help you survive.
      • A huge open world (8km2) based in 14th century Western Europe. Explore thriving castles, bandit camps, busy ports and abandoned mines.
      • Learn more about the plague through physical examinations and autopsies of infected animals and humans.
      • A living world with hundreds of NPC’s and day / night cycle. Trade with merchants, hunt animals, talk to townsfolk and fight bandits.
      • Over 300 in game items. Craft over 40 different weapon and armour pieces, using medieval tools and utilities.
      • Buy deeds to houses, upgrade them, and hire staff to work on your estate.
      • Large scale multiplayer, with up to 50 players per server

      System Requirements
