Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider

Release Date: 05/03/2013 | WORLDWIDE
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Reviews and Accolades

4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

Sobre o jogo

Armado com nada além de instintos se sobrevivência, Lara encontrou seu caminho para as costas misteriosas do Linux.

Tomb Raider explora a intensa história de origem de Lara Croft, e sua ascensão de uma jovem mulher a uma sobrevivente experiente. Armada apenas com os seus instintos e a capacidade de ir além dos limites da resistência humana, Lara precisa lutar para desvendar a história sombria de uma ilha esquecida para fugir das suas garras. Baixe o trailer Turning Point para ver o começo da aventura épica de Lara.

Reviews and Accolades

4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

Относно играта

Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

  • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
  • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
  • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
  • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
  • Reviews and Accolades

    4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

    4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

    8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

    4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

    90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

    O hře

    Lara objevila cestu k tajemným břehům systému Linux, kde se musí řídit pouze svým instinktem pro přežití.

    Tomb Raider sleduje strhující a drsný příběh Lary Croftové a její postupný přerod z mladé ženy v zoceleného dobrodruha. Lara ozbrojená jen svými instinkty a schopností posouvat hranice lidské výdrže se musí pustit do boje, aby odhalila temnou historii zapomenutého ostrova a unikla z jeho nemilosrdného sevření. Stáhněte si upoutávku Turning Point, v níž uvidíte začátek Lařina výpravného dobrodružství.

    Reviews and Accolades

    4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

    4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

    8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

    4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

    90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

    Om spillet

    Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

    Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

    • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
    • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
    • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
    • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
    • Reviews and Accolades

      4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

      4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

      8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

      4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

      90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

      Info over het spel

      Tomb Raider verkent het intense en korrelige oorspronkelijke verhaal van Lara Croft en haar groei van een jonge vrouw naar een geharde overlever. Slechts gewapend met rauwe instincten en de mogelijkheid om buiten de grenzen van het menselijk uithoudingsvermogen te stijgen, moet Lara vechten om de donkere geschiedenis van een vergeten eiland te ontrafelen om uit zijn niet-aflatende greep te ontsnappen.

      Reviews and Accolades

      4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

      4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

      8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

      4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

      90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

      About the Game

      Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

      Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

      • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
      • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
      • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
      • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
      • Reviews and Accolades

        4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

        4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

        8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

        4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

        90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

        Tietoja pelistä

        Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

        Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

        • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
        • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
        • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
        • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
        • Reviews and Accolades

          4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

          4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

          8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

          4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

          90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

          À propos du jeu

          Guidée simplement par son instinct de survie, Lara Croft s'est frayé un chemin jusqu'au mystérieux rivage de Linux.

          Tomb Raider part à la découverte des origines de Lara Croft : comment cette jeune femme peu sûre d'elle a-t-elle bien pu devenir la combattante que l'on sait ? Avec pour seules armes son instinct et sa capacité à repousser les limites de son endurance, Lara va devoir se battre pour déjouer les sombres mystères d'une île oubliée et échapper à son emprise. Téléchargez la bande-annonce "Le tournant" pour avoir un premier aperçu de cette aventure épique !.

          • Un tournant : vivez aux côtés de Lara son passage de jeune femme en apparence fragile à combattante aguerrie.
          • Explorez et pillez : partez à la découverte d'une île mystérieuse truffée de puzzles liés à l'environnement, de combats intenses et de tombes à piller.
          • Combattez pour survivre : récupérez des matériaux, gagnez de l'expérience, et assurez la survie de Lara en milieu hostile en améliorant ses armes et ses outils.
          • Survivre ensemble : différents modes multijoueurs sont disponibles, dans lesquels vous pourrez incarner un membre de l'équipage de l'Endurance ou l'un des pilleurs de Yamatai.
          • Reviews and Accolades

            4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

            4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

            8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

            4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

            90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

            Über das Spiel

            Mit nicht anderem als ihren Überlebensinstinkten bewaffnet hat Lara ihren Weg zu den geheimnisvollen Stränden der Linux-Welt gefunden.

            Tomb Raider erzählt die aufregende Geschichte von Lara Croft und ihrem Aufstieg von einer jungen Frau zu einer knallharten Überlebenskünstlerin. Mithilfe ihres Instinkts und der Fähigkeit, ihre eigenen Grenzen immer wieder zu überwinden, muss Lara alles geben, um das dunkle Geheimnis einer vergessenen Insel zu enthüllen und deren erbarmungslosem Würgegriff zu entkommen. Ladet den Wendepunkt-Trailer herunter, um den Beginn von Laras epischem Abenteuer hautnah zu erleben.

            • Wendepunkt: Erlebe Lara Crofts aufregende Anfänge und ihre Entwicklung zur knallharten Überlebenskünstlerin.
            • Völlig neue Erlebnisse auf Streifzügen: Erforsche eine mysteriöse Insel voll von Umgebungsrätseln, Kämpfen und Gräbern, die es zu entdecken gilt.
            • Kämpfe, um zu überleben: Berge Ressourcen, sammle Erfahrung und verbessere Laras Waffen und Werkzeuge, um gegen die feindlich gesinnten Bewohner der Insel zu bestehen.
            • Im Team überleben: Spiele in einer Vielzahl von Mehrspieler-Modi Laras Schiffskameraden oder Plünderer Yamatais.
            • Reviews and Accolades

              4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

              4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

              8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

              4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

              90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

              Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

              Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

              Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

              KEY FEATURES:
              • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
              • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
              • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
              • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
              • Reviews and Accolades

                4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                A játékról: 

                Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

                Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

                KEY FEATURES:
                • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
                • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
                • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
                • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
                • Reviews and Accolades

                  4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                  4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                  8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                  4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                  90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                  Informazioni sul gioco

                  Armata solo del suo istinto di sopravvivenza, Lara è riuscita ad approdare sulle misteriose coste di Linux.

                  Tomb Raider esplora le cupe e avventurose origini di Lara Croft e la sua trasformazione da giovane donna timorosa a scaltra sopravvissuta. Armata solo del suo istinto naturale e della capacità di spingersi oltre i limiti della sopportazione umana, Lara deve combattere per svelare il passato oscuro di un'isola dimenticata e sfuggire alla sua morsa inesorabile. Scarica il trailer di Turning Point per rivivere gli inizi della sua epica avventura.

                  • Un punto di svolta: Vivi l'intensa storia delle origini di Lara Croft e assisti alla sua trasformazione da giovane donna a scaltra sopravvissuta.
                  • Una nuova esperienza: Esplora un'isola misteriosa, piena di puzzle ambientali, combattimenti coinvolgenti e antiche tombe da scoprire.
                  • Combatti per la vita: Raccogli materiali, ottieni esperienza e potenzia le armi di Lara per sopravvivere agli ostili abitanti dell'isola.
                  • Sopravvivi come un team: Gioca una varietà di modalità multiplayer nei panni dei compagni di Lara o degli sciacalli di Yamatai.
                  • Reviews and Accolades

                    4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                    4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                    8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                    4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                    90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over





                    Reviews and Accolades

                    4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                    4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                    8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                    4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                    90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                    게임 정보

                    어린 여성에서 단련된 생존자로 성숙해 나가는 라라 크로프트의 이야기가 담겨 있는 Tomb Raider와 만나보세요. 본능만으로 인간의 한계를 뛰어넘어야 하는 라라 크로프트는 미지의 섬의 어두운 역사를 풀기 위해 싸워나가며 어둠의 손아귀로부터 탈출해야 합니다. Turning Point 트레일러를 다운로드받아 라라의 모험이 어떻게 시작하는지 보세요.

                    Reviews and Accolades

                    4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                    4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                    8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                    4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                    90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                    Om spillet

                    Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

                    Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

                    KEY FEATURES:
                    • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
                    • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
                    • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
                    • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
                    • Reviews and Accolades

                      4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                      4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                      8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                      4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                      90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                      Informacje o grze

                      Uzbrojona wyłącznie w niezawodny instynkt przetrwania, Lara odnalazła drogę do tajemniczych wybrzeży Linuksa.

                      Gra Tomb Raider przedstawia historię pochodzenia Lary Croft oraz jej przemianę z młodej dziewczyny w twardą kobietę, walczącą o przetrwanie. Korzystając jedynie ze swojego instynktu i zdolności przekraczania granic ludzkich możliwości, Lara musi walczyć, aby odkryć mroczną historię zapomnianej wyspy i wyrwać się z jej uścisku. Pobierz zwiastun "Turning Point", aby zobaczyć początek epickiej przygody Lary.

                      Shadow of the Tomb Raider

                      Reviews and Accolades

                      4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                      4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                      8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                      4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                      90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                      Acerca do Jogo

                      Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

                      Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

                      KEY FEATURES:
                      • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
                      • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
                      • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
                      • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
                      • Reviews and Accolades

                        4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                        4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                        8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                        4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                        90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                        Despre joc

                        Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

                        Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

                        KEY FEATURES:
                        • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
                        • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
                        • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
                        • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
                        • Reviews and Accolades

                          4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                          4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                          8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                          4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                          90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                          Об игре

                          Движимая инстинктом выживания, Лара нашла путь на таинственные берега Linux.

                          «Tomb Raider» рассказывает напряженную и захватывающую историю о том, как Ларе Крофт, робкой юной девушке, пришлось столкнуться с враждебной средой и научиться выживать там, где другие погибали. Имея в своем распоряжении только чутье и инстинкты, Лара должна выйти за пределы человеческой выносливости, раскрыть темные тайны забытого острова, на который ее забросила судьба, и сразиться за свое право вырваться из мертвой хватки этого места и сбежать отсюда. Загрузите ролик «Turning Point», чтобы увидеть начало злоключений Лары Крофт.

                          Reviews and Accolades

                          4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                          4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                          8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                          4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                          90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over


                          《古墓丽影》探索了劳拉·克劳馥紧张又勇敢的起源故事,以及她从年轻女人变为坚强生存者的成长过程。 单凭原始本能以及超越极限的人类耐力,劳拉必须奋力揭开被遗忘的岛屿的黑暗历史,以逃离小岛无情的控制。下载“转折点”预告片,观看劳拉史诗级的冒险的起源。

                          Reviews and Accolades

                          4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                          4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                          8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                          4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                          90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                          Acerca del juego

                          Sin más armas que su instinto de supervivencia, Lara ha encontrado el camino hacia las misteriosas costas de Linux.

                          Tomb Raider relata los intensos y conflictivos orígenes de Lara Croft y su transformación de joven asustadiza a endurecida superviviente. Lara, que solo cuenta con sus instintos y su habilidad para superar los límites de la resistencia humana, tendrá que aclarar la historia tenebrosa de una isla olvidada para escapar de su acoso implacable. Descárgate el tráiler Turning Point para ver el comienzo de la aventura legendaria de Lara.

                          CARACTERÍSTICAS PRINCIPALES:
                          • Un momento decisivo: Sé testigo de la intensa historia del origen de Lara Croft y de su transformación de joven chica a endurecida superviviente.
                          • Una nueva experiencia en el saqueo de tumbas: Explora una misteriosa isla, en donde deberás resolver puzles, entablar batallas y descubrir tumbas.
                          • Lucha por sobrevivir: Salvaguarda recursos, gana experiencia y mejora las armas y herramientas de Lara para sobrevivir a los hostiles habitantes de la isla.
                          • Sobrevive en equipo: Ponte en el papel de los compañeros de barco de Lara o de los saqueadores Yamatai al jugar a una gran variedad de modalidades multi-jugador.
                          • Reviews and Accolades

                            4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                            4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                            8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                            4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                            90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                            Om spelet

                            Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

                            Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

                            KEY FEATURES:
                            • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
                            • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
                            • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
                            • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
                            • Reviews and Accolades

                              4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                              4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                              8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                              4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                              90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over


                              Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

                              Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

                              KEY FEATURES:
                              • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
                              • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
                              • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
                              • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
                              • Reviews and Accolades

                                4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                                4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                                8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                                4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                                90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over


                                《古墓奇兵》深入探索蘿拉卡芙特充滿激情又勇敢的起源故事,伴隨她一路從年輕女孩蛻變成堅強的生存專家。蘿拉必須單憑天生本能和超越極限的人類耐力,奮力擺脫一座被遺忘小島的黑暗歷史,逃脫其無情的掌控。下載「Turning Point」預告片,觀賞蘿拉精彩冒險的起點。

                                Reviews and Accolades

                                4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                                4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                                8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                                4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                                90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                                Oyun Açıklaması

                                Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

                                Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

                                KEY FEATURES:
                                • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
                                • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
                                • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
                                • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.
                                • Reviews and Accolades

                                  4.4/5 "...it delivers a must-play gaming experience for action adventure fans everywhere. Welcome back, Lara, you've been missed." - Cheat Code Central

                                  4.5/5 "...Tomb Raider is sure to impress. Its expert sense of pacing, captivating setting, and dark tone create a truly memorable experience that's further enhanced by an immense level of detail." - gamesradar+

                                  8.5/10 "I'm happy to go on record as saying this is the best Tomb Raider game I've played. Tightly produced, competent in both its puzzling and its combat, this is one reboot that manages to be unequivocally superior to its predecessors. " - Destructoid

                                  4.5/10 "... if you're a gamer, you should play Tomb Raider. It combines high-levels of interactivity, excellent pacing, and a true bond between the player and the character on screen. " - Game Revolution

                                  90/100 "Tomb Raider’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and everything combines to make this the best reboot game on the market today. " - Game Over

                                  Про гру

                                  Armed with nothing but her survival instincts, Lara has found her way to the mysterious shores of Linux.

                                  Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.

                                  KEY FEATURES:
                                  • A Turning Point: Experience Lara Croft’s intense origin story from a young woman to a hardened survivor.
                                  • An All-New Raiding Experience: Explore a mysterious island filled with environmental puzzles, visceral combat, and tombs to discover.
                                  • Fight to Live: Salvage resources, gain experience, and upgrade Lara’s weapons and tools to survive the island’s hostile inhabitants.
                                  • Survive as a Team: Play a variety of multiplayer modes as Lara’s Shipmates or Yamatai’s Scavengers.

                                  System Requirements
