Total War: Warhammer - Norsca (DLC)
Total War: Warhammer - Norsca (DLC)

Total War: Warhammer - Norsca (DLC)

Release Date: 10/08/2017 | EMEA US
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Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquer the Old World as the marauding tribes of Norsca and Wintertooth
  • Two new Legendary Lords: Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg
  • Recruit Norscan Lords with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Recruit three new Hero types with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Entreat the dark gods for mighty rewards!
  • Hunt the mightiest monsters of the Old World and tame them to your cause
  • Massive new roster with unique monstrous units including War Mammoths and Frost-Wyrms
  • Slow your foes with the chilling Frostbite combat ability
  • Tear through your enemies with new Rage and Berserk abilities


In the far north, between the Chaos Wastes and the Sea of Claws, lies Norsca. A barren, inhospitable peninsula in the far north of the Old World, it is home to ferocious tribes of warriors, hardened by the relentless blizzards, the barren icy tundra and the monstrous denizens of this accursed land. Fanatical servants of the dark gods, they will stop at nothing to prove their primal might, in a relentless hunt for worthy foes and fresh raiding grounds.


A Norscan campaign is one of relentless pillage and ruination. Their principle sources of income are raiding and sacking. This lends itself to a very mobile and combative playstyle – always keeping your armies on the move and often in contention with other factions. Razing settlements enables you to erect monoliths to the dark gods of Norsca… and the gods always reward the faithful!

In battle, Norscan armies are swift and vicious, featuring a backbone of increasingly fierce and more heavily armed Marauder infantry units. With the right buildings in place, they can also recruit a wide array of monstrous units such as Trolls, Fimir Warriors, Norscan Ice Wolves and Skin Wolves. At the top of the tree are the Frost-Wyrm and the colossal War Mammoth.

Unique Norsca Mechanics

Allegiance to the gods
When conquering a settlement, Norscan factions have a unique new post-battle option. Alongside Occupying and Looting, they may choose to Raze a settlement and erect a monolith to one of the four dark gods, who they personify as the Eagle, the Crow, the Serpent and the Hound. The more monoliths that are erected, the more favour the gods bestow. Rewards are granted in the form of increasingly powerful campaign and battle bonuses and, in certain cases, unique units or characters.

Victory Conditions
By pledging your allegiance to a god fully and securing its final and greatest reward, you trigger the road to campaign victory. The gods are jealous, and the three you have spurned will not take kindly. They will dispatch their most powerful champions to challenge your supremacy, activating a series of quests which culminate in an epic endgame experience.

Monster hunting
When the Monster Hunter skill is unlocked in the tech tree, a Norsca faction gains access to the Monstrous Arcanum. This ancient tome lists the mightiest beasts and monsters to roam the world. The player may then choose to initiate hunts, embarking on multi-stage quests which culminate in battles against these legendary creatures. Once defeated, they may bestow legendary trophies which the player may equip his characters with. In certain cases, the monsters themselves may be brought to heel and recruited for use in battle.

A number of frost-imbued units appear in the roster, such as Norscan Ice Wolves and Norscan Ice Trolls, with the passive ability Frostbite. This new effect significantly slows units engaged in melee, making it considerably easier to run down routers or those attempting to manoeuvre. Similarly, the mighty Frost-Wyrm has the Chilling Aura ability, a constant effect slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy units.

Confederate the Norscan tribes by defeating their Faction Leaders in battle. Such a show of supremacy will make them much more amenable to accepting your rule!

Marauder Outposts can be established in conquered coastal settlements outside of Norsca. These provide basic recruitment options and act as handy replenishment-stops for your marauding armies. Securing major faction capitals outside Norsca – such as Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof and so on – allows you to build fully-developed Norscan settlements. Ownership of these cities also enables you to plunder the secrets of their original owners, unlocking unique new technologies to research.

New Legendary Lords

A Norsca campaign may be led by one of two Legendary Lords: Wulfrik The Wanderer, leader of the Norsca faction, or Throgg, King of the Trolls and leader of the Wintertooth faction. Each begins play in a different starting position and bring their own unique suite of campaign and battle bonuses.

Wulfrik The Wanderer
Wulfrik is a relentless executioner. He roams land and sea, an awe-inspiring figure draped with the skulls of his conquests. He has slain dragons and kings, highborn lords and beasts of legend. None may refuse the challenge he delivers – and in their own tongue, no less.

Wulfrik is a powerful leader and duellist with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. He has the Siege Attacker attribute, enabling him to ignore the requirement for siege engines or siege weapons before attacking walled settlements. All Mammoth units in his army gain bonus Melee Attack, all Marauder units enjoy reduced Upkeep Costs, and every unit in his retinue causes Fear.

Wulfrik also has a personal combat ability called Seafang, named after his fabled ship; a powerful and far-reaching wind attack. Carefully placed, it can stagger and slay numerous foes. In battle, his Hunter of Champions skill enables him to pin enemy characters in place while he fights them.

Trolls are widely known not just for their physical power, but also their striking lack of intelligence. It is this that sets Throgg apart from the rest of his kind, for he is gifted with a rare intelligence for his grotesque kind. Behind his snaggle-toothed visage lies a ruthless cunning that Throgg employs to bring the bitter chill of the north to the lands of man.

Throgg is a powerful leader and melee fighter with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. As the King of the Trolls, Throgg brings reduced upkeep to Troll and Ice Troll units, and units in Throgg’s army are immune to all forms of attrition. He also grants a Physical Resistance buff to all Troll and Ice Troll units factionwide.

If Throgg captures the settlement of Eringrad in Troll Country, he may build a unique building there – the Cave of the Rocky Throne – which grants buffs to Troll units factionwide. Throgg also has a uniquely Trollish magic missile attack called Copious Vomit

New Lord

Marauder Chieftain
Leaders of the Norscan armies, Marauder Chieftains boast unique sequences of personal specialisations in their skills trees, enabling them to truly excel in certain aspects of battle, and culminating is powerful active and passive abilities which transform their effectiveness in battle. Each of these specialisation paths is aligned with one of the four Norscan gods, and the nature of these abilities is inspired by their aspect. Chieftains can also unlock a series of mounts, culminating in the mighty War Mammoth.

New Heroes

Norsca players armies may recruit three new types of Hero units to support their armies and perform Campaign Map actions.

Skin Wolf Werekin
These hulking beasts are superior to their Skin Wolf kin in every way. As well as being powerful, anti-large focused warriors, they also have two unique, mutually exclusive skill-paths which grant them strong offensive or defensive combat-support buffs to nearby enemy units.

Shaman Sorcerer (Lores of Death, Metal Fire)
The sorcerers of Norsca may be recruited to specialise in the Lores of Metal, Fire or Death. However, once a Norscan, always a Norscan… these are no weakling mages! They gain melee attack improvements and may be mounted on chariots.

Fimir Balefiend (Lores of Shadows, Fire)
Fimir Balefiends may be adept magic-users, but their impressive stature and musculature also make them powerful fighters. These dual-role heroes work best in the thick of battle, casting spells and supporting the troops with their combat abilities. Fimir also have magical attacks and sunder armour.

Unit roster

Marauder Chieftain: melee focus

Skin Wolf Werekin: melee/combat support
Shaman Sorcerer: Lores of Metal/Death/Fire
Fimir Balefiend: dual-role, Lores of Shadows/Fire

Marauders: Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Spearmen: Rage, Charge Def. VS Large, Hide (forest)
Marauders (Great Weapons) Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Berserkers: Frenzy, Berserk, Hide (forest), Immune to Psychology
Marauder Champions: Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage
Marauder Champions (Great Weapons): Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage

Missile Infantry
Marauder Hunters (Javelin): Hide (forest), Rage, Anti Large
Marauder Hunters (Throwing Axe): Hide (forest), Rage, Armour Piercing missiles

Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Chariot: Rage
Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot: Rage, Causes Fear, Frostbite

Missile Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Horsemen: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemen (throwing axes): Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemasters: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment

Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Warhounds: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest)
Norscan Ice Wolves: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest), Frostbite, Cause Fear
Norscan Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration
Norscan Ice Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration, Frostbite
Feral Manticore: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror
Skin Wolves: Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Skin Wolves (armoured): Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Fimir Warriors: Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Magical Attacks
Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons): Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Anti-Large

Rare Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Giant: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Feral Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Frost-Wyrm: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror, Chilling Aura, Frostbite
War Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Anti Large javelins
War Mammoth (Warshrine): Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Favour of The Ruinous Powers, Giver of Glory

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norska

  • Dobuďte Starý svět v roli nájezdnických kmenů z Norsky a Zimního zubu.
  • Dva noví legendární šlechtici: Wulfrik Poutník a Throgg
  • Naverbujte severské šlechtice s vysoce specializovaným stromem schopností
  • Naverbujte tři nové typy hrdinů s vysoce specializovaným stromem schopností
  • Požádejte temné bohy o mocné odměny!
  • Ulovte ve Starém světě ty nejmocnější nestvůry a zkroťte je pro své účely
  • Rozsáhlý nový seznam jednotek s unikátními monstrózními jednotkami, včetně válečných mamutů a ledových wyrm
  • Zpomalte své nepřátele pomocí mrazivé bojové schopnosti Popálení mrazem
  • Proklestěte si cestu nepřátelskými šiky díky novým schopnostem Zuřivost a Berserk


Daleko na severu mezi Pustinami Chaosu a Mořem Spárů leží Norska. Tento pustý, nehostinný poloostrov na dálném severu Starého světa je domovem divokých válečnických kmenů, které byly zoceleny neúnavnými blizardy, pustou zledovatělou tundrou a monstrózními obyvateli této prokleté země. Jako fanatičtí přisluhovači temných bohů udělají cokoli, aby dokázali svou přirozenou sílu při neúnavném honu na nepřátele, kteří za to stojí, a při divokých nájezdech za účelem územního zisku.

Styl hry

Severská kampaň spočívá v neúnavném plenění a ničení. Mezi základní zdroje příjmu zde patří nájezdy a drancování. To samo o sobě svádí k velmi mobilnímu a bojovému hernímu stylu – vaše vojska budou neustále v pohybu a často budou soupeřit s ostatními frakcemi. Při vyhlazování sídel budete moci budovat monolity zasvěcené temným bohům Norsky... a bohové na své věrné vždy myslí!

Vojska Seveřanů se v bitvě vyznačují rychlostí a nelítostností a jejich základ tvoří po zuby ozbrojené a čím dál tím zuřivější pěší jednotky marodérů. S těmi správnými budovami mohou navíc verbovat celou řadu monstrózních jednotek, jako jsou například trollové, fimirští válečníci, norskanští ledoví vlci a kožení vlci. Na absolutním vrcholu potom najdete ledovou wyrmu a kolosálního válečného mamuta.

Unikátní norskanské mechaniky

Oddanost bohům
Při dobývání sídel mají norskanské frakce po bitvě unikátní novou možnost. Kromě obsazení a vyplenění mají na výběr ještě vyhlazení sídla a výstavbu monolitu zasvěceného jednomu ze čtyř temných bohů, které personifikují jako orla, vránu, hada a psa. Čím více monolitů postavíte, tím větší přízni bohů se budete těšit. Odměny získáváte v podobě čím dál tím účinnějších kampaňových a bojových bonusů a v určitých případech i unikátních jednotek nebo postav.

Podmínky vítězství
Složením slibu naprosté oddanosti jednomu bohu a získáním jeho konečně a největší odměny vykročíte na cestu triumfu v kampani. Bohové jsou žárliví a zbylí tři odmítnutí to budou brát s nelibostí. Vyšlou proti vám své nejlepší šampióny, čímž se aktivuje série úkolů, která vyvrcholí epickou koncovkou.

Lov nestvůr
Když v technologickém stromu odemknete schopnost Lovec nestvůr, Norsce se zpřístupní Monstrózní arkánum. Tento prastarý svazek obsahuje seznam těch nejmocnějších bestií a nestvůr, jaké se po tomto herním světě potulují. Hráč se následně může rozhodnout, zda se vypraví na několikaetapový lov, který vyvrcholí právě bitvou proti těmto legendárním nestvůrám. Když je porazíte, mohou vám poskytnout legendární trofeje, kterými může hráč vybavit své postavy. V určitých případech lze samotné nestvůry přivést k poslušnosti a naverbovat je pro použití v bitvě.

Popálení mrazem
V přehledu najdete několik přirozeně mrazivých jednotek, například norskanské ledové vlky a norskanské ledové trolly s pasivní schopností Popálení mrazem. V boji zblízka tento nový účinek citelně zpomaluje jednotky, a tím významně usnadňuje dostižení těch, co utíkají z boje, i těch, kteří se snaží manévrovat. Stejně tak i mocná ledová wyrma disponuje schopností Mrazivá aura, což je v podstatě konstantní účinek zpomalující pohyb okolních nepřátelských jednotek.

Spolčete se s norskanskými kmeny a porazte jejich vůdce frakcí v bitvě. Po takové přehlídce dominance budou mnohem více nakloněni akceptování vaší nadvlády!

Mimo Norsku můžete zakládat marodérské základny v dobytých pobřežních sídlech. Poskytují základní možnosti verbování a fungují jako užitečné zastávky k doplnění jednotek v marodérských vojskách. Obsazení hlavních měst mimo Norsku - například Altdorfu, hradu Drakenhof atd. - vám umožní vybudovat plně rozvinutá severská sídla. Majitelé těchto měst vám navíc umožní odhalit tajemství původních majitelů, čímž se vám zpřístupní výzkum nových unikátních technologií.

Noví legendární šlechtici

Kampaň Norsky může vést jeden ze dvou legendárních šlechticů: Wulfrik Poutník, vůdce frakce Norsky, nebo Throgg, král trollů a vůdce frakce Zimní zub. Každý začíná na jiné počáteční pozici a s jinou unikátní sestavou kampaňových a bitevních bonusů.

Wulfrik Poutník
Wulfrik je neústupný kat. Brázdí moře i souš a všem kolem nahání hrůzu lebkami ze svých dobyvačných tažení, kterými je ověšen. Mezi jeho zářezy patří draci a králové, urození šlechtici i legendární bestie. Nikdo nemůžou odmítnout jeho výzvu k souboji, kterou navíc pronáší v jazyce vyzývaného.

Wulfrik je mocný vůdce i šermíř s unikátními schopnostmi, sériemi úkolů a legendárními předměty. Disponuje atributem obléhacího útočníka, který mu umožňuje před napadením opevněných sídel ignorovat požadavek na obléhací stroje a obléhací zbraně. Všechny jednotky mamutů v jeho vojsku získají bonus k útoku zblízka, všechny jednotky marodérů budou mít nižší náklady na udržování a všechny jednotky v jeho družině budou vzbuzovat strach.

Wulfrik má navíc osobní bojovou schopnost zvanou Mořský tesák, která byla pojmenována po slavné lodi. Jde o silný větrný útok s dalekým dosahem. Při zkušeném seslání rozhodit a pozabíjet doslova houfy nepřátel. Jeho schopnost Lovec šampiónů mu v bitvě umožňuje přikovat nepřátelské postavy, se kterými aktuálně bojuje, na místě.

Trollové se proslavili nejen svou fyzickou silou, ale i naprosto zjevnou absencí jakéhokoli intelektu. A právě tímto se Throgg odlišuje od svého druhu, neboť byl obdařen na svůj druh vzácným a výjimečným intelektem. Za jeho zubatou vizáží se ukrývá nelítostná prohnanost, kterou Throgg využívá k tomu, aby dal zemi lidí okusit štiplavý severský chlad.

Throgg je mocný vůdce i zkušený kontaktní bojovník s unikátními schopnostmi, sériemi úkolů a legendárními předměty. Coby král trollů zajišťuje Throgg jednotkám trollů a ledových trollů nižší náklady na udržování a jednotky v Throggově vojsku jsou imunní vůči všem formám přirozených ztrát. Všem jednotkám trollů a ledových trollů napříč celou frakcí navíc propůjčuje bonus Fyzická odolnost.

Když Throgg v zemi trollů obsadí sídlo Eringrad, může v něm postavit unikátní budovu - Jeskyni kamenného trůnu - která propůjčuje bonusy jednotkám trollů napříč celou frakcí. Trogg navíc disponuje unikátním trollím magickým střeleckým útokem s názvem Vydatné zvratky.

Nový šlechtic

Náčelník marodérů
Vůdci severských vojsk, náčelníci marodérů, se ve svých stromech schopností pyšní unikátními sekvencemi osobních specializací, které jim umožňují vynikat v určitých aspektech boje, a které vrcholí účinnými aktivními a pasivními schopnostmi, které transformují jejich efektivitu v boji. Každá z těchto cest specializací je spojena s jedním ze čtyř norskanských bohů, a povaha těchto schopností je inspirována jejich dominantními aspekty. Náčelníci mohou navíc odemknout řadu ořů, jejichž vrcholem je mocný válečný mamut.

Noví hrdinové

Vojska hráčů za Norsku mohou naverbovat tři nové typy jednotek hrdinů, které budou sloužit jako podpora jejich vojsk a vykonávat akce na mapě kampaně.

Tyto mohutné bestie jsou lepší než jejich příbuzní koření vlci snad ve všech ohledech. Kromě toho, že jsou to silní, na velké jednotky orientovaní válečníci, mají také dvě unikátní, vzájemně se vylučující cesty schopností, které jim propůjčují silné útočné bonusy nebo okolním nepřátelským jednotkám obranné bojově-podpůrné bonusy.

Čaroděj šaman (znalost magie smrti, kovu a ohně)
Čarodějové Norsky se mohou při naverbování specializovat na znalost magie kovu, ohně nebo smrti. Nicméně jednou Norskan, pořád Norskan... nejsou to žádní slabí mágové! Získávají posílení útoku zblízka a mohou používat bojové vozy.

Fimirský balefiend (znalost magie stínů, ohně)
Fimirští balefiendi mohou být zdatní kouzelníci, ale jejich impozantní postoj a muskulatura z nich činí také mocné bojovníky. Tito hrdinové zastávající dvojí roli se nejlépe vyjímají v bitevní vřavě, kde sesílají kouzla a podporují jednotky svými bojovými schopnostmi. Fimirové navíc disponují magickými útoky a dokáží ničit zbroj.

Přehled jednotek

Náčelník marodérů: orientace na boj zblízka

Dlakovlk: útok zblízka/bojová podpora
Čaroděj šaman: Znalost magie kovu/smrti/ohně
Fimirský balefiend: dvojí úloha, znalost magie stínů/ohně

Marodéři: Zuřivost, skrýt se (v lese)
Marodérští kopiníci: zuřivost, obrana proti čelnímu útoku Proti velkým nestvůrám, skrýt se (v lese)
Marodéři (velké zbraně): zuřivost, skrýt se (v lese)
Marodérští berserkři: bojová zuřivost, berserk, skrýt se (v lese), imunní vůči psychologii
Marodérští šampióni: těžká zbroj, skrýt se (v lese), zuřivost
Marodérští šampióni (velké zbraně): těžká zbroj, skrýt se (v lese), zuřivost

Pěchotní střelci:
Marodérští lovci (oštěpy): skrýt se (v lese), zuřivost, proti velkým nestvůrám
Marodérští lovci (vrhací sekery): skrýt se (v lese), zuřivost, proti velkým nestvůrám

Jízda a vozy
Vozataj marodérů: Zuřivost
Marodérský vozataj s ledovými vlky: zuřivost, vzbuzuje strach, popálení mrazem

Jízdní střelci a vozy
Jízdní marodéři: skrýt (v lese), zuřivost, střelba během přesunu, předsunuté postavení
Jízdní marodéři (vrhací sekery): skrýt (v lese), zuřivost, střelba během přesunu, předsunuté postavení
Marodéři, páni koní: skrýt (v lese), zuřivost, střelba během přesunu, předsunuté postavení

Nestvůry a bestie
Norskanští váleční psi: Odolnost vůči střelám, skrýt se (v lese)
Norskanští ledoví vlci: Odolnost vůči střelám, skrýt se (v lese), popálení mrazem, vzbuzují strach
Norskanští trollové: vzbuzují strach, regenerace
Norskanští ledoví trollové: vzbuzují strach, regenerace, popálení mrazem
Zuřivá mantikora: odolnost vůči střelám, vzbuzuje strach, vzbuzuje hrůzu
Kožení vlci: fyzická odolnost, vzbuzují strach, skrýt se (v lese), bojová zuřivost, proti velkým nestvůrám
Kožení vlci (ve zbroji): fyzická odolnost, vzbuzují strach, skrýt se (v lese), bojová zuřivost, proti velkým nestvůrám
Fimirští válečníci: vzbuzují strach, z mlh, ničení zbroje, magické útoky
Fimirští válečníci (velké zbraně): vzbuzují strach, z mlh, ničení zbroje, proti velkým nestvůrám

Vzácné nestvůry a bestie
Norskanský obr: obléhací útočník, vzbuzuje strach, vzbuzuje hrůzu
Krutý mamut: obléhací útočník, vzbuzuje strach, vzbuzuje hrůzu
Ledová wyrma: odolnost vůči střelám, vzbuzuje strach, vzbuzuje hrůzu, mrazivá aura, popálení mrazem
Válečný mamut: obléhací útočník, vzbuzuje strach, vzbuzuje hrůzu, oštěpy proti velkým nestvůrám
Válečný mamut (válečná svatyně): obléhací útočník, vzbuzuje strach, vzbuzuje hrůzu, přízeň zkázonosných sil, poskytovatel slávy

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquer the Old World as the marauding tribes of Norsca and Wintertooth
  • Two new Legendary Lords: Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg
  • Recruit Norscan Lords with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Recruit three new Hero types with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Entreat the dark gods for mighty rewards!
  • Hunt the mightiest monsters of the Old World and tame them to your cause
  • Massive new roster with unique monstrous units including War Mammoths and Frost-Wyrms
  • Slow your foes with the chilling Frostbite combat ability
  • Tear through your enemies with new Rage and Berserk abilities


In the far north, between the Chaos Wastes and the Sea of Claws, lies Norsca. A barren, inhospitable peninsula in the far north of the Old World, it is home to ferocious tribes of warriors, hardened by the relentless blizzards, the barren icy tundra and the monstrous denizens of this accursed land. Fanatical servants of the dark gods, they will stop at nothing to prove their primal might, in a relentless hunt for worthy foes and fresh raiding grounds.


A Norscan campaign is one of relentless pillage and ruination. Their principle sources of income are raiding and sacking. This lends itself to a very mobile and combative playstyle – always keeping your armies on the move and often in contention with other factions. Razing settlements enables you to erect monoliths to the dark gods of Norsca… and the gods always reward the faithful!

In battle, Norscan armies are swift and vicious, featuring a backbone of increasingly fierce and more heavily armed Marauder infantry units. With the right buildings in place, they can also recruit a wide array of monstrous units such as Trolls, Fimir Warriors, Norscan Ice Wolves and Skin Wolves. At the top of the tree are the Frost-Wyrm and the colossal War Mammoth.

Unique Norsca Mechanics

Allegiance to the gods
When conquering a settlement, Norscan factions have a unique new post-battle option. Alongside Occupying and Looting, they may choose to Raze a settlement and erect a monolith to one of the four dark gods, who they personify as the Eagle, the Crow, the Serpent and the Hound. The more monoliths that are erected, the more favour the gods bestow. Rewards are granted in the form of increasingly powerful campaign and battle bonuses and, in certain cases, unique units or characters.

Victory Conditions
By pledging your allegiance to a god fully and securing its final and greatest reward, you trigger the road to campaign victory. The gods are jealous, and the three you have spurned will not take kindly. They will dispatch their most powerful champions to challenge your supremacy, activating a series of quests which culminate in an epic endgame experience.

Monster hunting
When the Monster Hunter skill is unlocked in the tech tree, a Norsca faction gains access to the Monstrous Arcanum. This ancient tome lists the mightiest beasts and monsters to roam the world. The player may then choose to initiate hunts, embarking on multi-stage quests which culminate in battles against these legendary creatures. Once defeated, they may bestow legendary trophies which the player may equip his characters with. In certain cases, the monsters themselves may be brought to heel and recruited for use in battle.

A number of frost-imbued units appear in the roster, such as Norscan Ice Wolves and Norscan Ice Trolls, with the passive ability Frostbite. This new effect significantly slows units engaged in melee, making it considerably easier to run down routers or those attempting to manoeuvre. Similarly, the mighty Frost-Wyrm has the Chilling Aura ability, a constant effect slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy units.

Confederate the Norscan tribes by defeating their Faction Leaders in battle. Such a show of supremacy will make them much more amenable to accepting your rule!

Marauder Outposts can be established in conquered coastal settlements outside of Norsca. These provide basic recruitment options and act as handy replenishment-stops for your marauding armies. Securing major faction capitals outside Norsca – such as Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof and so on – allows you to build fully-developed Norscan settlements. Ownership of these cities also enables you to plunder the secrets of their original owners, unlocking unique new technologies to research.

New Legendary Lords

A Norsca campaign may be led by one of two Legendary Lords: Wulfrik The Wanderer, leader of the Norsca faction, or Throgg, King of the Trolls and leader of the Wintertooth faction. Each begins play in a different starting position and bring their own unique suite of campaign and battle bonuses.

Wulfrik The Wanderer
Wulfrik is a relentless executioner. He roams land and sea, an awe-inspiring figure draped with the skulls of his conquests. He has slain dragons and kings, highborn lords and beasts of legend. None may refuse the challenge he delivers – and in their own tongue, no less.

Wulfrik is a powerful leader and duellist with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. He has the Siege Attacker attribute, enabling him to ignore the requirement for siege engines or siege weapons before attacking walled settlements. All Mammoth units in his army gain bonus Melee Attack, all Marauder units enjoy reduced Upkeep Costs, and every unit in his retinue causes Fear.

Wulfrik also has a personal combat ability called Seafang, named after his fabled ship; a powerful and far-reaching wind attack. Carefully placed, it can stagger and slay numerous foes. In battle, his Hunter of Champions skill enables him to pin enemy characters in place while he fights them.

Trolls are widely known not just for their physical power, but also their striking lack of intelligence. It is this that sets Throgg apart from the rest of his kind, for he is gifted with a rare intelligence for his grotesque kind. Behind his snaggle-toothed visage lies a ruthless cunning that Throgg employs to bring the bitter chill of the north to the lands of man.

Throgg is a powerful leader and melee fighter with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. As the King of the Trolls, Throgg brings reduced upkeep to Troll and Ice Troll units, and units in Throgg’s army are immune to all forms of attrition. He also grants a Physical Resistance buff to all Troll and Ice Troll units factionwide.

If Throgg captures the settlement of Eringrad in Troll Country, he may build a unique building there – the Cave of the Rocky Throne – which grants buffs to Troll units factionwide. Throgg also has a uniquely Trollish magic missile attack called Copious Vomit

New Lord

Marauder Chieftain
Leaders of the Norscan armies, Marauder Chieftains boast unique sequences of personal specialisations in their skills trees, enabling them to truly excel in certain aspects of battle, and culminating is powerful active and passive abilities which transform their effectiveness in battle. Each of these specialisation paths is aligned with one of the four Norscan gods, and the nature of these abilities is inspired by their aspect. Chieftains can also unlock a series of mounts, culminating in the mighty War Mammoth.

New Heroes

Norsca players armies may recruit three new types of Hero units to support their armies and perform Campaign Map actions.

Skin Wolf Werekin
These hulking beasts are superior to their Skin Wolf kin in every way. As well as being powerful, anti-large focused warriors, they also have two unique, mutually exclusive skill-paths which grant them strong offensive or defensive combat-support buffs to nearby enemy units.

Shaman Sorcerer (Lores of Death, Metal Fire)
The sorcerers of Norsca may be recruited to specialise in the Lores of Metal, Fire or Death. However, once a Norscan, always a Norscan… these are no weakling mages! They gain melee attack improvements and may be mounted on chariots.

Fimir Balefiend (Lores of Shadows, Fire)
Fimir Balefiends may be adept magic-users, but their impressive stature and musculature also make them powerful fighters. These dual-role heroes work best in the thick of battle, casting spells and supporting the troops with their combat abilities. Fimir also have magical attacks and sunder armour.

Unit roster

Marauder Chieftain: melee focus

Skin Wolf Werekin: melee/combat support
Shaman Sorcerer: Lores of Metal/Death/Fire
Fimir Balefiend: dual-role, Lores of Shadows/Fire

Marauders: Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Spearmen: Rage, Charge Def. VS Large, Hide (forest)
Marauders (Great Weapons) Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Berserkers: Frenzy, Berserk, Hide (forest), Immune to Psychology
Marauder Champions: Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage
Marauder Champions (Great Weapons): Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage

Missile Infantry
Marauder Hunters (Javelin): Hide (forest), Rage, Anti Large
Marauder Hunters (Throwing Axe): Hide (forest), Rage, Armour Piercing missiles

Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Chariot: Rage
Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot: Rage, Causes Fear, Frostbite

Missile Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Horsemen: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemen (throwing axes): Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemasters: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment

Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Warhounds: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest)
Norscan Ice Wolves: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest), Frostbite, Cause Fear
Norscan Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration
Norscan Ice Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration, Frostbite
Feral Manticore: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror
Skin Wolves: Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Skin Wolves (armoured): Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Fimir Warriors: Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Magical Attacks
Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons): Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Anti-Large

Rare Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Giant: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Feral Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Frost-Wyrm: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror, Chilling Aura, Frostbite
War Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Anti Large javelins
War Mammoth (Warshrine): Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Favour of The Ruinous Powers, Giver of Glory

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquer the Old World as the marauding tribes of Norsca and Wintertooth
  • Two new Legendary Lords: Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg
  • Recruit Norscan Lords with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Recruit three new Hero types with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Entreat the dark gods for mighty rewards!
  • Hunt the mightiest monsters of the Old World and tame them to your cause
  • Massive new roster with unique monstrous units including War Mammoths and Frost-Wyrms
  • Slow your foes with the chilling Frostbite combat ability
  • Tear through your enemies with new Rage and Berserk abilities


In the far north, between the Chaos Wastes and the Sea of Claws, lies Norsca. A barren, inhospitable peninsula in the far north of the Old World, it is home to ferocious tribes of warriors, hardened by the relentless blizzards, the barren icy tundra and the monstrous denizens of this accursed land. Fanatical servants of the dark gods, they will stop at nothing to prove their primal might, in a relentless hunt for worthy foes and fresh raiding grounds.


A Norscan campaign is one of relentless pillage and ruination. Their principle sources of income are raiding and sacking. This lends itself to a very mobile and combative playstyle – always keeping your armies on the move and often in contention with other factions. Razing settlements enables you to erect monoliths to the dark gods of Norsca… and the gods always reward the faithful!

In battle, Norscan armies are swift and vicious, featuring a backbone of increasingly fierce and more heavily armed Marauder infantry units. With the right buildings in place, they can also recruit a wide array of monstrous units such as Trolls, Fimir Warriors, Norscan Ice Wolves and Skin Wolves. At the top of the tree are the Frost-Wyrm and the colossal War Mammoth.

Unique Norsca Mechanics

Allegiance to the gods
When conquering a settlement, Norscan factions have a unique new post-battle option. Alongside Occupying and Looting, they may choose to Raze a settlement and erect a monolith to one of the four dark gods, who they personify as the Eagle, the Crow, the Serpent and the Hound. The more monoliths that are erected, the more favour the gods bestow. Rewards are granted in the form of increasingly powerful campaign and battle bonuses and, in certain cases, unique units or characters.

Victory Conditions
By pledging your allegiance to a god fully and securing its final and greatest reward, you trigger the road to campaign victory. The gods are jealous, and the three you have spurned will not take kindly. They will dispatch their most powerful champions to challenge your supremacy, activating a series of quests which culminate in an epic endgame experience.

Monster hunting
When the Monster Hunter skill is unlocked in the tech tree, a Norsca faction gains access to the Monstrous Arcanum. This ancient tome lists the mightiest beasts and monsters to roam the world. The player may then choose to initiate hunts, embarking on multi-stage quests which culminate in battles against these legendary creatures. Once defeated, they may bestow legendary trophies which the player may equip his characters with. In certain cases, the monsters themselves may be brought to heel and recruited for use in battle.

A number of frost-imbued units appear in the roster, such as Norscan Ice Wolves and Norscan Ice Trolls, with the passive ability Frostbite. This new effect significantly slows units engaged in melee, making it considerably easier to run down routers or those attempting to manoeuvre. Similarly, the mighty Frost-Wyrm has the Chilling Aura ability, a constant effect slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy units.

Confederate the Norscan tribes by defeating their Faction Leaders in battle. Such a show of supremacy will make them much more amenable to accepting your rule!

Marauder Outposts can be established in conquered coastal settlements outside of Norsca. These provide basic recruitment options and act as handy replenishment-stops for your marauding armies. Securing major faction capitals outside Norsca – such as Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof and so on – allows you to build fully-developed Norscan settlements. Ownership of these cities also enables you to plunder the secrets of their original owners, unlocking unique new technologies to research.

New Legendary Lords

A Norsca campaign may be led by one of two Legendary Lords: Wulfrik The Wanderer, leader of the Norsca faction, or Throgg, King of the Trolls and leader of the Wintertooth faction. Each begins play in a different starting position and bring their own unique suite of campaign and battle bonuses.

Wulfrik The Wanderer
Wulfrik is a relentless executioner. He roams land and sea, an awe-inspiring figure draped with the skulls of his conquests. He has slain dragons and kings, highborn lords and beasts of legend. None may refuse the challenge he delivers – and in their own tongue, no less.

Wulfrik is a powerful leader and duellist with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. He has the Siege Attacker attribute, enabling him to ignore the requirement for siege engines or siege weapons before attacking walled settlements. All Mammoth units in his army gain bonus Melee Attack, all Marauder units enjoy reduced Upkeep Costs, and every unit in his retinue causes Fear.

Wulfrik also has a personal combat ability called Seafang, named after his fabled ship; a powerful and far-reaching wind attack. Carefully placed, it can stagger and slay numerous foes. In battle, his Hunter of Champions skill enables him to pin enemy characters in place while he fights them.

Trolls are widely known not just for their physical power, but also their striking lack of intelligence. It is this that sets Throgg apart from the rest of his kind, for he is gifted with a rare intelligence for his grotesque kind. Behind his snaggle-toothed visage lies a ruthless cunning that Throgg employs to bring the bitter chill of the north to the lands of man.

Throgg is a powerful leader and melee fighter with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. As the King of the Trolls, Throgg brings reduced upkeep to Troll and Ice Troll units, and units in Throgg’s army are immune to all forms of attrition. He also grants a Physical Resistance buff to all Troll and Ice Troll units factionwide.

If Throgg captures the settlement of Eringrad in Troll Country, he may build a unique building there – the Cave of the Rocky Throne – which grants buffs to Troll units factionwide. Throgg also has a uniquely Trollish magic missile attack called Copious Vomit

New Lord

Marauder Chieftain
Leaders of the Norscan armies, Marauder Chieftains boast unique sequences of personal specialisations in their skills trees, enabling them to truly excel in certain aspects of battle, and culminating is powerful active and passive abilities which transform their effectiveness in battle. Each of these specialisation paths is aligned with one of the four Norscan gods, and the nature of these abilities is inspired by their aspect. Chieftains can also unlock a series of mounts, culminating in the mighty War Mammoth.

New Heroes

Norsca players armies may recruit three new types of Hero units to support their armies and perform Campaign Map actions.

Skin Wolf Werekin
These hulking beasts are superior to their Skin Wolf kin in every way. As well as being powerful, anti-large focused warriors, they also have two unique, mutually exclusive skill-paths which grant them strong offensive or defensive combat-support buffs to nearby enemy units.

Shaman Sorcerer (Lores of Death, Metal Fire)
The sorcerers of Norsca may be recruited to specialise in the Lores of Metal, Fire or Death. However, once a Norscan, always a Norscan… these are no weakling mages! They gain melee attack improvements and may be mounted on chariots.

Fimir Balefiend (Lores of Shadows, Fire)
Fimir Balefiends may be adept magic-users, but their impressive stature and musculature also make them powerful fighters. These dual-role heroes work best in the thick of battle, casting spells and supporting the troops with their combat abilities. Fimir also have magical attacks and sunder armour.

Unit roster

Marauder Chieftain: melee focus

Skin Wolf Werekin: melee/combat support
Shaman Sorcerer: Lores of Metal/Death/Fire
Fimir Balefiend: dual-role, Lores of Shadows/Fire

Marauders: Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Spearmen: Rage, Charge Def. VS Large, Hide (forest)
Marauders (Great Weapons) Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Berserkers: Frenzy, Berserk, Hide (forest), Immune to Psychology
Marauder Champions: Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage
Marauder Champions (Great Weapons): Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage

Missile Infantry
Marauder Hunters (Javelin): Hide (forest), Rage, Anti Large
Marauder Hunters (Throwing Axe): Hide (forest), Rage, Armour Piercing missiles

Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Chariot: Rage
Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot: Rage, Causes Fear, Frostbite

Missile Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Horsemen: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemen (throwing axes): Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemasters: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment

Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Warhounds: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest)
Norscan Ice Wolves: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest), Frostbite, Cause Fear
Norscan Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration
Norscan Ice Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration, Frostbite
Feral Manticore: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror
Skin Wolves: Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Skin Wolves (armoured): Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Fimir Warriors: Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Magical Attacks
Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons): Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Anti-Large

Rare Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Giant: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Feral Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Frost-Wyrm: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror, Chilling Aura, Frostbite
War Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Anti Large javelins
War Mammoth (Warshrine): Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Favour of The Ruinous Powers, Giver of Glory

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Partez à la conquête du Vieux Monde avec les tribus maraudeuses de Norsca et du Croc de l'Hiver
  • Jouez avec deux nouveaux seigneurs légendaires : Wulfrik le Vagabond et Throgg
  • Recrutez des seigneurs norses avec des arbres des compétences aux vastes spécialisations
  • Recrutez trois nouveaux types de héros avec des arbres des compétences aux vastes spécialisations
  • Implorez les Dieux des Ténèbres pour obtenir de magnifiques récompenses !
  • Chassez les monstres les plus féroces du Vieux Monde et domptez-les pour profiter de leur puissance
  • Une nouvelle liste impressionnante d'unités monstrueuses uniques dont des Mammouths de guerre et des Wyrms de Givre
  • Ralentissez vos adversaires avec la terrible nouvelle capacité « Engelure »
  • Mettez vos ennemis en pièces avec les nouvelles capacités « Rage » et « Berserk »


À l'extrême nord, entre les Désolations du Chaos et la Mer des Griffes, se trouve le royaume de Norsca. C'est une péninsule aride et inhospitalière perdue au nord du Vieux Monde, et la patrie de féroces tribus de guerriers endurcis par de constants blizzards, le désert glacé de la toundra et les habitants monstrueux de ces terres maudites. Fanatiques serviteurs des Dieux des Ténèbres, ces tribus sont prêtes à tout pour prouver leur puissance primale dans une quête implacable de nouvelles contrées à piller et d'adversaires dignes.

Style de jeu

Une campagne norse est une débauche incessante de pillage et de ruine. Les principales sources de richesse sont les raids et les mises à sac. Cela se traduit par un style de jeu aussi mobile que combatif, car il faut toujours garder vos armées en mouvement et les faire affronter d'autres factions. Raser des colonies vous permet d'ériger des monolithes à la gloire des Dieux des Ténèbres de Norsca... Et les dieux récompensent toujours leurs fidèles !

Les armées norses sont rapides et cruelles au combat, et se composent d'unités d'infanterie Maraudeurs de plus en plus féroces et lourdement armées. Avec les bons bâtiments, elles peuvent également recruter tout un ensemble d'unités monstrueuses comme des Trolls, des Guerriers Fimir, des Loups des Glaces norses et des Loups écorcheurs. Et au sommet de cette pyramide de la faune norse trônent la Wyrm de Givre et le colossal Mammouth de guerre.

Mécaniques de jeu uniques à Norsca

Allégeance aux Dieux
Lorsque les factions norses capturent une colonie, elles bénéficient d'une nouvelle option post-bataille unique. En plus d'occuper et de piller, elles peuvent choisir de raser la colonie afin d'ériger un monolithe à la gloire de l'un des quatre Dieux des Ténèbres, personnifiés par l'aigle, le corbeau, le serpent et le chien. Plus elles érigent de monolithes, plus elles reçoivent de faveurs divines. Ces récompenses prennent la forme de bonus de campagne et de combat de plus en plus puissants et, dans certains cas, de personnages ou d'unités uniques.

Conditions de victoire
En prêtant une allégeance totale à un dieu et en obtenant sa dernière et plus belle récompense, vous ouvrez la voie vers la victoire de campagne. Les dieux sont de nature jalouse, et les trois que vous avez reniés ne vont pas apprécier. Ils enverront leurs champions les plus puissants afin de défier votre suprématie, déclenchant une série de quêtes aboutissant à une fin de jeu épique.

Chasse aux monstres
Lorsqu'une faction norse débloque la compétence « Chasseur de monstre » dans son arbre des technologies, elle accède à l'Arcane Monstrueux. Cet ouvrage antique répertorie les bêtes et des monstres les plus puissants qui errent sur cette terre. Le joueur peut choisir d'entreprendre des chasses, déclenchant une série de quêtes qui se termine par des combats contre des créatures légendaires. Une fois vaincus, ces monstres permettent parfois d'obtenir des trophées légendaires que les joueurs peuvent équiper à leurs personnages. Dans certains cas, les monstres eux-mêmes peuvent être domptés et utilisés ensuite au combat.

Dans la liste de monstres figurent plusieurs unités glaciales, comme les Loups des Glaces norses et les Trolls de glace norses, dotées de la capacité passive « Engelure ». Ce nouvel effet ralentit considérablement les unités engagées en mêlée, ce qui permet d'attaquer facilement les troupes en approche ou en cours de manœuvre. De même, la puissante Wyrm de Givre possède la capacité « Aura Glaçante », un effet de ralentissement constant qui diminue la vitesse des unités ennemies à proximité.

Dominez !
Confédérez les tribus norses en vainquant leurs chefs de factions au combat. Imposez votre suprématie afin qu'ils acceptent plus facilement votre règne !

Postes avancés
Les postes avancés Maraudeurs peuvent être établis sur les colonies côtières conquises en dehors de Norsca. Ils vous permettent d'accéder aux options de recrutement de base et servent de lieux de reconstitution pour vos armées maraudeuses. Capturer les principales capitales des factions en dehors de Norsca, comme Altdorf, le Château Drakenhof, etc., vous permet de bâtir de véritables colonies norses. Ces cités vous permettent également de piller les secrets de leurs propriétaires d'origine, donnant accès à de toutes nouvelles technologies.

Nouveaux seigneurs légendaires

Une campagne norse peut être menée par l'un des deux seigneurs légendaires : Wulfrik le Vagabond, chef de la faction de Norsca, ou bien Throgg, le Roi des Trolls et chef de la faction du Croc de l'Hiver. Chacun débute la partie dans un lieu différent et bénéficie de bonus de campagne et de combat uniques.

Wulfrik le Vagabond
Wulfrik est un bourreau impitoyable. Il erre sur terre comme sur mer, un personnage terrifiant à l'armure ornée des crânes de ses nombreuses victimes. Il a tué des dragons comme des rois, et autant de nobles que de bêtes légendaires. Nul ne peut refuser les défis qu'il lance, et dans les langues de ses ennemis de surcroît.

Wulfrik est un puissant chef et bretteur avec des compétences uniques, des quêtes multiples et des objets légendaires à sa disposition. Il possède l'attribut « Assiégeur » qui lui permet d'ignorer les conditions requises pour utiliser des engins ou des armes de siège en attaquant des colonies fortifiées. Toutes les unités Mammouths de son armée gagnent des attaques en mêlée bonus, ses unités Maraudeurs profitent de coûts d'entretien réduits et l'ensemble de son cortège inspire la peur.

Wulfrik possède également une capacité de combat personnelle, une attaque de vent puissante et vaste, portant le nom de son bateau légendaire : « Croc des Mers ». Lorsqu'elle est exécutée au bon endroit, elle peut éliminer et égarer de nombreux ennemis. Sa compétence « Chasseur de Champions » lui permet de figer les ennemis sur place pendant qu'il les combat.

Les Trolls sont connus pour leur force incroyable tout autant que pour leur intelligence déficiente. C'est ce point qui sépare Throgg du reste de ses congénères, ce dernier étant doté d'une stupéfiante intelligence pour un monstre de sa race. Derrière son ignoble visage se cache une implacable fourberie qu'il utilise pour faire goûter aux humains la cruauté du givre nordique.

Throgg est un puissant combattant en mêlée et chef avec des compétences uniques, des quêtes multiples et des objets légendaires à sa disposition. En tant que Roi des Trolls, Throgg bénéficie d'un coût d'entretien réduit pour ses Trolls et Trolls de glace, et toutes les unités de son armée sont immunisées à toutes les formes d'usure. Il confère également un bonus de résistance physique à tous les Trolls et Trolls de glace de sa faction.

Si Throgg capture la colonie d'Eringrad dans le Pays des Trolls, il peut y construire un bâtiment unique, la Grotte du trône de pierre, qui confère un bonus à tous les Trolls de sa faction. Throgg possède également un projectile magique unique adéquatement appelé « Vomi copieux ».

Nouveau seigneur

Chef de tribu Maraudeur
Chefs des armées norses, les Chefs de tribu Maraudeurs profitent de séquences de spécialisation uniques dans leurs arbres des compétences, ce qui leur permet d'exceller dans certains domaines de combat et de bénéficier de puissantes capacités actives et passives qui modifient totalement leur efficacité au combat. Chacune de ces voies de spécialisation s'aligne avec l'un des quatre Dieux norses et la nature de ces capacités s'inspire de leur aspect respectif. Les Chefs peuvent également débloquer une série de montures, la plus puissante étant le formidable Mammouth de guerre.

Nouveaux héros

Les armées norses peuvent recruter trois nouveaux types de héros pour bénéficier d'aide au combat et pouvoir exécuter des actions spécifiques sur la carte de campagne.

Loup-garou écorcheur
Ces énormes monstres sont des versions largement améliorées des Loups écorcheurs. En plus d'être de puissants guerriers anti-larges, ils bénéficient également de deux voies de compétences mutuellement exclusives qui leur confèrent de puissants bonus offensifs ou bien défensifs à utiliser sur les unités à proximité.

Sorcier chaman (Domaines de la Mort, du Feu, du Métal)
Les sorciers de Norsca peuvent être recrutés pour se spécialiser dans les Domaines du Métal, du Feu ou de la Mort. Mais ne les sous-estimez pas, ils restent de puissants guerriers norses ! Ils bénéficient donc d'améliorations d'attaque en mêlée et peuvent être montés sur des chars.

Démoniste Fimir (Domaines de l'Ombre, du Feu)
Les Démonistes Fimir ont beau être capables de manier la magie, leurs impressionnantes statures et musculatures en font aussi de puissants guerriers. Ces héros à la puissance double sont les plus efficaces au cœur du combat, lançant des sorts et aidant les unités à proximité avec leurs nombreuses capacités. Ils disposent aussi d'Attaques magiques et de Destruction d'armure.

Liste des unités

Chef de tribu Maraudeur : mêlée

Loup-garou écorcheur : mêlée/soutien
Sorcier chaman : Domaines du Métal/du Feu/de la Mort.
Démoniste Fimir : rôle double, Domaines de l'Ombre/du Feu

Maraudeurs : Rage, Se cacher (forêt)
Lanciers Maraudeurs : Rage, Charge déf. vs larges, Se cacher (forêt)
Maraudeurs (Armes lourdes) : Rage, Se cacher (forêt)
Berserks Maraudeurs : Frénésie, Berserk, Se cacher (forêt), Immunisé à la psychologie
Champions Maraudeurs : Armure lourde, Se cacher (forêt), Rage
Champions Maraudeurs (Armes lourdes) : Armure lourde, Se cacher (forêt), Rage

Infanterie lance-projectiles
Chasseurs Maraudeurs (javelot) : Se cacher (forêt), Rage, Anti-large
Chasseurs Maraudeurs (hache de jet) : Se cacher (forêt), Rage, Projectiles perforants

Cavalerie & Chars
Char à Maraudeur : Rage
Char à Loups des Glaces Maraudeur : Rage, Cause la peur, Engelure

Cavalerie lance-projectiles & Chars
Cavaliers Maraudeurs : Se cacher (forêt), Rage, Tir en déplacement, Déploiement de l'avant-garde
Cavaliers Maraudeurs (haches de jet) : Se cacher (forêt), Rage, Tir en déplacement, Déploiement de l'avant-garde
Maîtres équestres maraudeurs : Se cacher (forêt), Rage, Tir en déplacement, Déploiement de l'avant-garde

Monstres & Bêtes
Chiens de Guerre norses : Résistance aux projectiles, Se cacher (forêt)
Loups des Glaces norses : Résistance aux projectiles, Se cacher (forêt), Engelure, Cause la peur
Trolls norses : Cause la peur, Régénération
Trolls de glace norses : Cause la peur, Régénération, Engelure
Manticore sauvage : Résistance aux projectiles, Cause la peur, Cause la terreur
Loups écorcheurs : Résistance physique, Cause la peur, Se cacher (forêt), Frénésie, Anti-large
Loups écorcheurs (en armure) : Résistance physique, Cause la peur, Se cacher (forêt), Frénésie, Anti-large
Guerriers Fimir : Cause la peur, En provenance de la brume, Destruction d'armure, Attaques magiques
Guerriers Fimir (Armes lourdes) : Cause la peur, En provenance de la brume, Destruction d'armure, Anti-large

Monstres & Bêtes rares
Géant norse : Assiégeur, Cause la peur, Cause la terreur
Mammouth sauvage : Assiégeur, Cause la peur, Cause la terreur
Wyrm de Givre : Résistance aux projectiles, Cause la peur, Cause terreur, Aura Glaçante, Engelure
Mammouth de guerre : Assiégeur, Cause la peur, Cause la terreur, Javelor Anti-large
Mammouth de guerre (Autel de guerre) : Assiégeur, Cause la peur, Cause la terreur, Faveur des Puissances de la Ruine, Donneur de gloire

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Erobere die Alte Welt mit den plündernden Stämmen von Norsca und Winterzahn
  • Zwei neue Legendäre Kommandanten: Wulfrik der Wanderer, und Throgg
  • Rekrutiere norscanische Kommandanten mit spezialisierten Fähigkeitenbäumen
  • Rekrutiere drei neue Heldentypen mit spezialisierten Fähigkeitenbäumen
  • Ersuche die Dunklen Götter um mächtige Belohnungen!
  • Jage die stärksten Monster der Alten Welt, zähme sie, und lasse sie für dich kämpfen
  • Eine riesige neue Auswahl einzigartiger, monströser Einheiten, darunter die Kriegsmammuts und Frostwyrme
  • Verlangsame deine Feinde mit der frosteinflößenden Fähigkeit Kälteschaden
  • Zerfleische deine Feinde mit den neuen Zorn- und Berserker-Fähigkeiten


Im fernen Norden, zwischen der Chaoswüste und dem Krallensee, liegt Norsca. Eine trostlose, unwirtliche Halbinsel weit im Norden der Alten Welt und die Heimat wilder Kriegerstämme, die von den erbarmungslosen Schneestürmen, der eisigen einsamen Tundra und von den monströsen Bewohnern dieses verfluchten Landes gestählt wurden. Sie sind fanatische Anhänger der Dunklen Götter, und sie machen vor nichts Halt, um ihre urweltliche Kraft in der unerbittlichen Jagd nach würdigen Feinden und neuen Zielen für ihre Raubzüge zu beweisen.


Die Kampagne der Norscaner ist eine Kampagne unermüdlicher Ausbeutung und Zerstörung. Die Haupteinnahmequellen sind das Plündern und Brandschatzen. Von daher bietet sich ein flexibler, kämpferischer Spielstil an – deine Armeen werden sich ständig in Bewegung und oft im Streit mit anderen Fraktionen befinden. Das Niederreißen von Siedlungen erlaubt dir die Errichtung von Monolithen zu Ehren der Dunklen Götter von Norsca … und die Götter wissen ihre gläubigen Anhänger immer zu belohnen!

Die norscanischen Armeen beweisen sich im Kampf als flink und brutal, gestützt von zunehmend wilden und immer schwerer ausgerüsteten Barbar-Infanterieeinheiten. Mit den richtigen Gebäuden kann man eine große Auswahl monströser Einheiten rekrutieren, wie zum Beispiel Trolle, Fimirkrieger, norscanische Eiswölfe, und Hautwölfe. An der Spitze dieser Liste stehen der Frostwyrm und das kolossale Kriegsmammut.

Einzigartige Norsca-Mechaniken

Verbundenheit zu den Göttern
Wenn sie eine Siedlung erobern, besitzen norscanische Fraktionen eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, die sie nach dem Kampf einsetzen können. Neben dem Besetzen und dem Plündern können sie eine Siedlung auch niederreißen und einen Monolithen zu Ehren eines der vier Dunklen Götter errichten, die sie als den Adler, die Krähe, die Schlange, und den Hund darstellen. Je mehr Monolithen errichten wurden, desto größere Gunst erweisen die Götter. Belohnungen zeigen sich in der Form zunehmend stärkerer Kampagnen- und Kampfboni und, in bestimmten Fällen, einzigartiger Einheiten und Charaktere.

Wer einem der Götter die vollständige Treue schwört und dessen letzte und größte Belohnung erringt, dem öffnet sich der Weg zum Kampagnensieg. Die Götter sind eifersüchtig, und die drei von dir Verschmähten werden keine Gnade zeigen. Stattdessen senden sie ihre mächtigsten Helden aus, um deine Vorherrschaft anzufechten, wodurch eine Serie von Quests aktiviert wird, die in einer epischen Endgame-Erfahrung ihren Höhepunkt erreichen.

Schaltet man die Monsterjäger-Fähigkeit im Fähigkeitsbaum frei, erhalten norscanische Fraktionen Zugang zum Monstrous Arcanum. Im Monstrous Arcanum findet sich eine Sammlung der mächtigsten Bestien und Kreaturen, die auf der Welt wandeln. Spieler dürfen sich auf die Jagd begeben, wobei sie einige Questreihen erfüllen müssen, die in Kämpfen gegen diese legendären Kreaturen gipfeln. Ist ein Monster einmal besiegt, verleiht es Spielern legendäre Trophäen, mit denen sie ihre Charaktere ausrüsten können. In bestimmten Fällen werden die Monster gar gefügig gemacht und können für den Einsatz im Kampf rekrutiert werden.

Zahlreiche eisige Einheiten stehen zur Auswahl, zum Beispiel die norscanischen Eiswölfe und die norscanischen Eistrolle, die die passive Fähigkeit Kälteschaden besitzen. Dieser neue Effekt verlangsamt Einheiten im Nahkampf deutlich, sodass es wesentlich einfacher wird, Einheiten einzuholen, die sich verteilen oder versuchen, dich auszumanövrieren. In ähnlicher Weise besitzt der mächtige Frostwyrm eine Kälteaura, die konstant in der Nähe befindliche feindliche Einheiten verlangsamt.

Vereinige die norscanischen Stämme, indem du ihre Fraktionsführer im Kampf besiegst. Eine derartige Machtdemonstration wird sie für deine Herrschaft wesentlich fügsamer machen!

Außenposten der Barbaren lassen sich in eroberten Küstensiedlungen außerhalb Norscas errichten. Diese Außenposten bieten grundlegende Rekrutierungsoptionen und können als hilfreiche Verstärkungsposten für eure plündernden Armeen dienen. Das Sichern großer Fraktionshauptstädte außerhalb von Norsca – zum Beispiel Altdorf, Schloss Drakenhof und weitere – ermöglicht die Errichtung vollständig entwickelter norscanischer Siedlungen. Der Besitz dieser Städte ermöglicht außerdem, die Geheimnisse ihrer ursprünglichen Besitzer zu rauben, wodurch einzigartige neue Technologien und Forschung zugänglich gemacht werden.

Neue Legendäre Kommandanten

Die Kampagne der Norscaner kann von einem von zwei Legendären Kommandanten angeführt werden: Wulfrik der Wanderer, Anführer der norscanischen Fraktion, oder Throgg, König der Trolle und Anführer der Winterzahn-Fraktion. Jeder beginnt an einer anderen Startposition und bringt sein eigenes Repertoire an Kampagnen- und Kampfboni mit sich.

Wulfrik der Wanderer
Wulfrik ist ein erbarmungsloser Henker. Er ist zu Land und zu Wasser unterwegs und eine ehrfurchtgebietende Gestalt, die sich mit den Schädeln seiner Opfer schmückt. Er hat Drachen und Könige, hochgeborene Kommandanten und legendäre Bestien getötet. Niemand vermag sich seiner Herausforderung zu erwehren – eine Herausforderung, die er seinen Opfern zudem in ihren eigenen Sprachen überbringt.

Wulfrik ist ein mächtiger Anführer und Fechtmeister mit einzigartigen Fähigkeiten, Quests und legendären Gegenständen. Er besitzt das Attribut Belagerungsangreifer, das es ihm erlaubt, die Voraussetzungen für Belagerungsmaschinen und -waffen vor dem Angriff auf eingemauerte Siedlungen zu ignorieren. Alle Mammut-Einheiten in seiner Armee erhalten einen Nahkampfangriffsbonus, alle Barbaren haben verringerte Unterhaltungskosten, und jede Einheit in seinem Gefolge erzeugt Angst.

Wulfrik beherrscht außerdem eine persönliche Kampffähigkeit namens Seewolf, benannt nach seinem sagenumwobenen Schiff; eine mächtige und weitreichende Windattacke. Wenn man sie geschickt einsetzt, kann diese Fähigkeit zahlreiche Feinde überraschen und töten. Seine Fähigkeit Menschenjäger erlaubt es ihm, im Kampf Gegner an der Stelle festzuhalten, während er gegen sie kämpft.

Trolle sind nicht nur für ihre Körperkraft weit und breit bekannt, sondern auch für ihren beeindruckenden Mangel an Intelligenz. Dies ist genau, was Throgg vom Rest seiner Art abhebt, denn er ist mit einer außerordentlichen Intelligenz gesegnet. Hinter seiner entstellten Visage verbirgt sich gnadenlose List, die Throgg einsetzt, um die bittere Kälte des Nordens in das Land der Menschen zu bringen.

Throgg ist ein mächtiger Anführer und Nahkämpfer mit einzigartigen Fähigkeiten, Quests und legendären Gegenständen. Als König der Trolle sorgt Throgg für verminderte Unterhaltungskosten für Troll- und Eistroll-Einheiten. Außerdem sind alle Einheiten in Throggs Armee immun gegenüber allen Formen von Verschleiß. Des Weiteren gewährt er fraktionsweit allen Troll- und Eistroll-Einheiten eine erhöhte physische Resistenz.

Wenn Throgg die Siedlung von Eringrad im Land der Trolle erobert, darf er dort ein einzigartiges Gebäude errichten: die Höhle des steinernen Throns, die fraktionsweit Boni für Troll-Einheiten erteilt. Throgg verfügt außerdem über einen einzigartig trollhaften Geschosszauber namens Schwallartiges Kotzen.

Neuer Kommandant

Häuptling der Chaosbarbaren
Die Anführer der norscanischen Armeen, die Häuptlinge der Chaosbarbaren, verfügen über eine einzigartige Abfolge von Spezialisierungen ihrer Fähigkeitsbäume, wodurch sie sich in bestimmten Kampfsituationen auszeichnen, und mächtige aktive und passive Fähigkeiten erlangen können, die ihre Effektivität im Kampf beeinflussen. Jeder dieser spezialisierten Pfade richtet sich nach einem der vier norscanischen Götter, und das Wesen dieser Fähigkeiten ist von deren Erscheinungsbild inspiriert. Häuptlinge können außerdem eine Reihe von Reittieren freischalten; bis hin zum mächtigen Kriegsmammut.

Neue Helden

Spieler der norscanischen Armeen können drei neue Heldentypen rekrutieren, die ihre Armeen unterstützen und Aktionen auf der Kampagnenkarte durchführen können.

Diese gewaltigen Bestien sind dem Rest ihrer Hautwolf-Verwandtschaft in allen Belangen überlegen. Nicht nur sind sie mächtige Krieger im Kampf gegen große Feinde, sondern sie haben auch zwei einzigartige, sich gegenseitig ausschließende Fähigkeitspfade: Der eine gewährt starke Offensiv-Boni, der andere defensive Unterstützungsboni im Kampf gegen feindliche Einheiten.

Hexer des Chaos (Lehre des Todes, Metalls, und Feuers)
Die norscanischen Zauberer können sich nach dem Rekrutieren entweder in der Lehre des Metalls, des Feuers, oder des Todes spezialisieren. Jedoch: einmal ein Norscaner, immer ein Norscaner … diese Magier sind keine Schwächlinge! Sie erhalten Nahkampfboni und können auf Streitwagen aufsitzen.

Fimir-Fluchunhold (Lehre der Schatten und des Feuers)
Fimir-Fluchunholde können zwar erfahrene Magier sein, jedoch machen ihre beeindruckende Gestalt und Muskulatur sie auch zu mächtigen Kämpfern. Diese Hybrid-Helden funktionieren am besten inmitten des Schlachtgetümmels, indem sie Zaubersprüche wirken und die übrigen Truppen mit ihren Kampffähigkeiten unterstützen. Fimir können zudem magische Angriffe einsetzen und Rüstungen brechen.


Häuptling der Chaosbarbaren: Fokus auf Nahkampf

Hautwolf-Werbestie: Schlacht/Gefechtsunterstützung
Hexer des Chaos: Lehre des Metalls/Todes/Feuers
Fimir-Fluchunhold: Duale Rolle, Lehre der Schatten/des Feuers

Barbaren: Zorn, Verstecken (Wald)
Barbaren-Speerträger: Zorn, Ansturm abwehren Gegen große Feinde, Verstecken (Wald)
Barbaren (Zweihandwaffen) Zorn, Verstecken (Wald)
Barbaren-Berserker: Raserei, Berserker, Verstecken (Wald), Immun gegen Psychologie
Barbaren-Champions: Schwere Rüstung, Verstecken (Wald), Zorn
Barbaren-Champions (Zweihandwaffen): Schwere Rüstung, Verstecken (Wald), Zorn

Barbarenjäger (Wurfspeere): Verstecken (Wald), Zorn, Gegen große Feinde
Barbarenjäger (Wurfaxt): Verstecken (Wald), Zorn, Rüstungsdurchdringende Geschosse

Kavallerie & Streitwagen
Barbaren-Streitwagen: Zorn
Eiswolfstreitwagen der Barbaren: Zorn, Erzeugt Angst, Kälteschaden

Geschosskavallerie & Streitwagen
Chaosbarbarenreiter: Verstecken (Wald), Zorn, In Bewegung feuern, Vorhutaufstellung
Chaosbarbarenreiter (Wurfäxte): Verstecken (Wald), Zorn, In Bewegung feuern, Vorhutaufstellung
Pferdeherren der Chaosbarbaren: Verstecken (Wald), Zorn, In Bewegung feuern, Vorhutaufstellung

Monster & Tiere
Norscanische Kriegshunde: Geschossresistenz, Verstecken (Wald)
Norscanische Eiswölfe: Geschossresistenz, Verstecken (Wald), Kälteschaden, Erzeugt Angst
Norscanische Trolle: Erzeugt Angst, Regeneration
Norscanische Eistrolle: Erzeugt Angst, Regeneration, Kälteschaden
Wilder Mantikor: Geschossresistenz, Erzeugt Angst, Verursacht Entsetzen
Hautwölfe: Physische Resistenz, Erzeugt Angst, Verstecken (Wald), Raserei, Gegen große Feinde
Hautwölfe (Gepanzert): Physische Resistenz, Erzeugt Angst, Verstecken (Wald), Raserei, Gegen große Feinde
Fimirkrieger: Erzeugt Angst, Aus dem Nebel, Rüstungsbrechend, Magische Angriffe
Fimirkrieger (Zweihandwaffen): Erzeugt Angst, Aus dem Nebel, Rüstungsbrechend, Gegen große Feinde

Seltene Monster & Bestien
Norscanischer Riese: Belagerungsangreifer, Erzeugt Angst, Verursacht Entsetzen
Wildes Mammut: Belagerungsangreifer, Erzeugt Angst, Verursacht Entsetzen
Frostwyrm: Geschossresistenz, Erzeugt Angst, Verursacht Entsetzen, Kälteaura, Kälteschaden
Kriegsmammut: Belagerungsangreifer, Erzeugt Angst, Verursacht Entsetzen, Wurfspeere gegen große Feinde
Kriegsmammut (Kriegsschrein): Belagerungsangreifer, Erzeugt Angst, Verursacht Entsetzen, Gunst der Mächte der Zerstörung, Quell des Ruhmes

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquista il Vecchio Mondo con le tribù predatrici della Norsca e degli Zannadinverno
  • Due nuovi Lord leggendari: Wulfrik l'Errante e Throgg
  • Recluta Lord della Norsca con menu abilità altamente specializzati
  • Recluta tre nuove tipologie di Eroe con menu abilità altamente specializzati
  • Prega gli dei oscuri per ottenere grandi ricompense!
  • Dai la caccia ai mostri più potenti del Vecchio Mondo e piegali alla tua causa
  • Tantissime nuove unità e creature mostruose tra cui Mammut da guerra e Wyrm del Ghiaccio
  • Rallenta gli avversari con l'abilità di combattimento "Morsa congelante"
  • Sbaraglia i nemici con le nuove abilità Rabbia e Berserk


Nel lontano nord, tra le Desolazioni del Caos e il Mare degli Artigli, si trova Norsca. È una penisola inospitale e desolata del Vecchio Mondo, popolata da tribù di feroci guerrieri, temprati dalle incessanti bufere, dalle creature mostruose e dalla crudele tundra ghiacciata di questa terra maledetta. Essi, servi fanatici degli dei oscuri, sono alla continua ricerca di avversari valorosi e terre da saccheggiare, bramosi di dimostrare la propria forza primordiale.

Stile di gioco

Una campagna a Norsca è teatro di razzie e distruzione continue. I saccheggi, infatti, sono la loro principale fonte di guadagno. Per questo, lo stile di gioco è movimentato e bellicoso. In altre parole, le armate sono sempre in movimento e in lotta con le altre fazioni. Radere al suolo gli insediamenti permette di erigere monoliti agli dei oscuri della Norsca... e gli dei premiano sempre chi è loro devoto!

In battaglia, le armate della Norsca sono rapide e feroci e la loro colonna portante è costituita da Predoni di fanteria pesantemente armati e via via più feroci. Con i giusti edifici, si può reclutare una vasta gamma di unità mostruose, come Troll, Guerrieri Fimir, Lupi del ghiaccio della Norsca e i Pellelupo. Ma si può anche contare su creature estremamente potenti: il Wyrm del Ghiaccio e il gigantesco Mammut da guerra.

Meccaniche Norsca peculiari

Fedeltà agli dei
Quando conquistano un insediamento, le fazioni della Norsca hanno un'opzione post-battaglia esclusiva. Oltre a occuparlo e saccheggiarlo, possono scegliere di raderlo al suolo ed erigere un monolito a uno dei quattro dei oscuri, incarnati dall'Aquila, dal Corvo, dal Serpente e dal Segugio. Maggiore è il numero di monoliti eretti, maggiore sarà la benevolenza mostrata dagli dei. Le ricompense si traducono in bonus in battaglia e nella campagna sempre più potenti e, in certi casi, in unità e personaggi speciali.

Condizioni di vittoria
Il cammino verso il trionfo nella campagna si intraprende giurando piena fedeltà a un dio e aggiudicandosi la sua ultima, massima ricompensa. Gli dei, però, sono gelosi, e gli altri tre non tollereranno il tuo rifiuto. Pertanto, invieranno i loro campioni più potenti a sfidare la tua supremazia, scatenando una serie di incarichi che garantiranno un'esperienza e un finale dalle tinte epiche.

Caccia ai mostri
Appena sbloccata l'abilità Caccia ai mostri nell'albero delle tecnologie, una fazione della Norsca avrà accesso al Monstrous Arcanum. Questo antico tomo è un elenco delle bestie e dei mostri più potenti che esistano al mondo. Il giocatore può scegliere di dargli la caccia, dando inizio a una serie di incarichi che culmineranno in battaglie contro queste creature leggendarie. Una volta sconfitte, potrebbero elargire dei trofei leggendari che il giocatore può equipaggiare ai propri personaggi. In certi casi, i mostri possono anche essere addomesticati e portati in battaglia.

Morsa congelante
Alcune unità, come i Lupi del ghiaccio della Norsca e i Troll di Ghiaccio della Norsca, sono pervase dall'essenza del gelo e possiedono l'abilità Morsa congelante. Questo nuovo effetto rallenta notevolmente le unità impegnate in corpo a corpo, rendendo più facile eliminare quelle che tentano di fuggire o cambiare assetto. Il possente Wyrm del Ghiaccio possiede anche l'abilità Aura raggelante, un effetto costante che riduce la velocità di movimento delle unità nemiche vicine.

Batti i capi delle altre fazioni della Norsca per creare una confederazione. Una dimostrazione di supremazia li renderà ben più disposti ad accettare il tuo dominio!

Gli avamposti dei Predoni possono essere costruiti negli insediamenti costieri conquistati al di fuori della Norsca. Essi fungono da centri di reclutamento, ma anche da punti di rifornimento per le armate. Conquistare le capitali di fazione al di fuori della Norsca, come Altdorf, Castel Drakenhof e così via, permette di costruire insediamenti della Norsca completamente sviluppati. Occupando queste città potrai anche scoprire i segreti dei loro vecchi padroni, sbloccando delle speciali tecnologie da ricercare.

Nuovi Lord leggendari

Una campagna nella Norsca può essere guidata da uno di questi due Lord leggendari: Wulfrik L'Errante, condottiero della fazione Norsca, o Throgg, Re dei Troll e condottiero della fazione Zannadinverno. Ciascuno inizia il gioco da una posizione di partenza diversa e possiede bonus esclusivi per la campagna e le battaglie.

Wulfrik l'Errante
Wulfrik è un carnefice implacabile. Una figura maestosa che vaga per mari e terre, indossando un'armatura decorata con i teschi delle sue vittime. Ha sgominato draghi e re, nobili e bestie leggendarie. Chiunque riceva da lui una sfida nella propria lingua non può tirarsi indietro.

Wulfrik è un condottiero e un duellante potente, con abilità, serie di incarichi e oggetti leggendari esclusivi. Possiede l'attributo Assediante, che gli permette di ignorare i requisiti per le macchine o le armi d'assedio quando attacca gli insediamenti fortificati. Le unità Mammut nella sua armata ricevono un bonus all'attacco corpo a corpo, i Predoni godono di costi di mantenimento ridotti e le unità nella sua scorta causano paura.

Inoltre, ha un'abilità di combattimento personale chiamata Zannamarina, come la sua leggendaria nave. Si tratta di un potente attacco di vento di vasta portata. Se posizionato con cura, può far vacillare ed eliminare diversi nemici. In battaglia, la sua abilità Cacciatore dei campioni gli permette di bloccare sul posto i personaggi nemici mentre li affronta.

Oltre che per la loro forza fisica, i Troll sono molto noti per la loro evidente mancanza di intelligenza. Throgg, tuttavia, si distingue dai suoi simili, poiché è dotato di un acume insolito per la sua mostruosa specie. Dietro al suo viso sgangherato, infatti, si cela una mente perfidamente astuta, che Throgg sfrutta per portare il freddo pungente del nord nelle terre degli uomini.

Throgg è un condottiero e un combattente in mischia potente, con abilità, serie di incarichi e oggetti leggendari esclusivi. In quanto Re dei Troll, Throgg riduce i costi di mantenimento dei Troll e dei Troll di Ghiaccio e le unità nel suo esercito sono immuni a ogni sorta di logoramento. Inoltre, conferisce un bonus alla resistenza fisica che si estende a tutti i Troll e i Troll di Ghiaccio della fazione.

Se Throgg cattura l'insediamento di Eringrad nella Terra dei Troll, può scegliere di costruirvi un edificio speciale, la Grotta del trono di rocce, che dona potenziamenti a tutte le unità Troll della fazione. Throgg, infine, può attaccare dalla distanza con un peculiare attacco magico chiamato "Vomito Copioso".

Nuovo Lord

Predone Capotribù
Condottieri degli eserciti della Norsca, i Predoni Capotribù vantano specializzazioni uniche nei loro menu abilità che consentono loro di eccellere in certi aspetti della battaglia e che conferiscono loro potenti abilità attive e passive che modificano la loro efficacia in battaglia. Ciascun percorso di specializzazione è dedicato a uno dei quattro dei della Norsca e la natura di queste abilità si ispira al loro aspetto. I Predoni Capotribù possono anche sbloccare varie cavalcature, tra cui il possente Mammut da guerra.

Nuovi eroi

I giocatori possono reclutare tre nuovi tipi di Eroe per fornire supporto ai propri eserciti e svolgere azioni sulla mappa della campagna.

Lican Pellelupo
Queste bestie massicce sono superiori agli altri Pellelupo sotto tutti gli aspetti. Oltre a essere molto potenti contro le unità grandi, possono scegliere tra due percorsi di abilità che si escludono a vicenda e che donano loro notevoli potenziamenti offensivi o difensivi contro le unità nemiche vicine.

Stregone sciamano (Sapere della Morte, del Metallo o del Fuoco)
Gli stregoni della Norsca possono specializzarsi nel Sapere del Metallo, del Fuoco o della Morte. Tuttavia, essendo della Norsca, sono tutto fuorché dei rammolliti! Possono migliorare la propria efficacia nel corpo a corpo e stare sopra ai carri.

Fimir Demoniaco (Sapere delle Ombre e del Fuoco)
I Fimir Demoniaci non solo sono abili nell'uso della magia, ma sono anche potenti guerrieri, grazie alla loro notevole statura e muscolatura. Questi eroi dal duplice ruolo danno il meglio di sé nel cuore della battaglia, dove lanciano magie e assistono le truppe con le loro abilità combattive. Possiedono inoltre attacchi magici e sono in grado di penetrare le corazze.

Elenco unità

Predone Capotribù: focus sul corpo a corpo

Lican Pellelupo: supporto in corpo a corpo/combattimento
Stregone sciamano: Sapere del Metallo/Fuoco/Morte
Fimir Demoniaco: ruolo duplice, Sapere delle Ombre/Fuoco

Predoni: rabbia, nascondersi (foresta)
Predoni lancieri: rabbia, dif. contro le cariche vs. grandi, nascondersi (foresta)
Predoni (Grandi Armi): rabbia, nascondersi (foresta)
Predoni berserkr: furia, berserk, nascondersi (foresta), immune alla psicologia
Predoni campioni: armatura pesante, nascondersi (foresta), rabbia
Predoni campioni (Grandi Armi): armatura pesante, nascondersi (foresta), rabbia

Fanteria da tiro
Predoni cacciatori (Giavellotti): Nascondersi (foresta), rabbia, contro le unità grandi
Predoni cacciatori (ascia da lancio): Nascondersi (foresta), rabbia, proiettili penetranti

Cavalleria e carri
Carro dei Predoni: rabbia
Carro dei Lupi del Ghiaccio predoni: Rabbia, causa paura, morsa congelante

Cavalleria da tiro e carri
Predoni a cavallo: nascondersi (foresta), rabbia, fuoco in movimento, schieramento d'avanguardia
Predoni a cavallo (asce da lancio): nascondersi (foresta), rabbia, fuoco in movimento, schieramento d'avanguardia
Predoni esperti a cavallo: nascondersi (foresta), rabbia, fuoco in movimento, schieramento d'avanguardia

Mostri e bestie
Mastini da Guerra della Norsca: resistenza alle armi da tiro, nascondersi (foresta)
Lupi del Ghiaccio della Norsca: resistenza alle armi da tiro, nascondersi (foresta), morsa congelante, causa paura
Troll della Norsca: causa paura, rigenerazione
Troll di Ghiaccio della Norsca: causa paura, rigenerazione, morsa congelante
Manticora selvaggia: resistenza alle armi da tiro, causa paura, causa terrore
Pellelupo: resistenza fisica, causa paura, nascondersi (foresta), furia, contro le unità grandi
Pellelupo (con corazza): resistenza fisica, causa paura, nascondersi (foresta), furia, contro le unità grandi
Guerrieri Fimir: Causa paura, dalla nebbia, penetra le corazze, attacchi magici
Guerrieri Fimir (Grandi Armi): causa paura, dalla nebbia, penetra le corazze, contro le unità grandi

Mostri e bestie rare
Gigante della Norsca: assediante, causa paura, causa terrore
Mammut selvaggio: assediante, causa paura, causa terrore
Wyrm del Ghiaccio: resistenza alle armi da tiro, causa paura, causa terrore, aura raggelante, morsa congelante
Mammut da guerra: Assediante, causa paura, causa terrore giavellotti contro le unità grandi
Mammut da guerra (Altare da Guerra): assediante, causa paura, causa terrore, favore dei Poteri Perniciosi, Dispensatore di Gloria

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Podbij Stary Świat jako plemiona Norski i Zimowego Kła.
  • Dwóch nowych, legendarnych lordów: Wulfrik Wędrowiec i Throgg.
  • Werbuj norskańskich lordów z rozbudowanymi drzewkami umiejętności.
  • Werbuj trzy nowe rodzaje bohaterów z rozbudowanymi drzewkami umiejętności.
  • Zadowól Mrocznych Bogów, aby otrzymać wspaniałe nagrody!
  • Zapoluj na najpotężniejsze potwory Starego Świata i przeciągnij je na swoją stronę.
  • Nowe jednostki, do których należą wyjątkowe potwory, w tym Mamuty Wojenne i Żmije Mrozu.
  • Spowalniaj przeciwników za pomocą umiejętności bojowej „Odmrożenie”.
  • Przebijaj się przez armie wroga za pomocą umiejętności „Szał” i „Berserk”.


Na dalekiej północy, między Pustkowiami Chaosu i Morzem Pazurów, leży Norsca. Ten niegościnny półwysep na dalekiej północy Starego Świata jest domem okrutnych plemion wojowników, zaprawionych w boju przez nieustępliwe zamieci, lodowatą tundrę oraz potwornych mieszkańców tej przeklętej krainy. Są fanatycznymi wyznawcami Mrocznych Bogów i zrobią wszystko, aby dowieść swej potęgi, poszukując godnych przeciwników i nowych obszarów do plądrowania.

Styl gry

Norskańska kampania skupia się na ciągłym plądrowaniu i zniszczeniu. Ich głównym źródłem dochodów są najazdy i kradzieże. Prowadzi to do bardzo mobilnego i skupiającego się na walce stylu gry – twoje armie muszą się stale poruszać i często ścierać z wrogiem. Burzenie osad umożliwia wznoszenie monolitów poświęconych Mrocznym Bogom Norski... a oni zawsze nagradzają wiernych!

W walce armie Norski są szybkie i okrutne, a ich trzon stanowią dzicy i ciężko uzbrojeni grasanci. Po wzniesieniu odpowiednich budynków mogą werbować różne potworne jednostki, takie jak trolle, wojowników fimirów, norskańskie wilki lodowe i skórne wilki. Na szczycie drzewka rozwoju budynków znajduje się żmij mrozu i olbrzymi mamut wojenny.

Wyjątkowe mechaniki Norski

Oddanie bogom
Po podbiciu osady norskańskie frakcje mają wyjątkową możliwość po bitwie. Poza okupacją i plądrowaniem, mogą zniszczyć osadę i wnieść monolit jednego z czterech Mrocznych Bogów, których personifikują jako Orła, Kruka, Węża i Ogara. Im więcej takich tworów, tym większa przychylność bogów. Nagrody są przyznawane jako coraz większe premie do kampanii oraz bitw czy, w niektórych przypadkach, wyjątkowych jednostek lub postaci.

Warunki zwycięstwa
Złożenie przysięgi na wierność jednemu z bogów i zdobycie jego najwspanialszej nagrody otwiera drogę do zwycięstwa w kampanii. Bogowie są zazdrośni i odtrącona przez ciebie trójka nie będzie tym zachwycona. Wyślą najpotężniejszych czempionów, aby rzucili ci wyzwanie, co aktywuje serię zadań prowadzących do wspaniałego zakończenia.

Polowanie na potwory
Gdy umiejętność „Łowca Potworów” zostanie odblokowana w drzewku technologicznym, norskańska frakcja zyskuje dostęp do Potwornych Arkan. W tej starożytnej księdze znajduje się lista najpotężniejszych bestii i potworów, które zamieszkują świat. Gracz może wybrać początkowe polowania, dzięki czemu wyruszy na składające się z wielu etapów zadanie, kończące się bitwą z tymi legendarnymi stworzeniami. Po pokonaniu ich gracz otrzyma legendarne trofea, które może przekazać swoim postaciom. W niektórych przypadkach potwory mogą być okiełznane i wykorzystywane w bitwach.

W oddziałach pojawiają się lodowe jednostki, takie jak norskańskie wilki lodowe i norskańskie lodowe trolle, które dysponują umiejętnością bierną „Odmrożenie”. Ten nowy efekt w znacznym stopniu spowalnia jednostki walczące w zwarciu, dzięki czemu łatwiej można dogonić uciekających lub próbujących zajść z flanki. Potężny żmij mrozu dysponuje umiejętnością „Aura Chłodu”, która przez cały czas spowalnia ruch pobliskich wrogich jednostek.

Zbierz norskańskie plemiona, pokonując ich przywódców w walce. Taki pokaz dominacji sprawi, że łatwiej przyjmą twoje zwierzchnictwo!

Posterunki grasantów można zakładać w podbitych nadmorskich osadach poza Norscą. Oferują one podstawowe opcje werbunkowe i przydają się do uzupełniania strat twoich wędrujących armii. Zdobycie stolic frakcji poza Norscą – takich jak Altdorf, Zamek Drakenhof i tym podobnych – umożliwi założenie norskańskich osad. Władanie tymi miastami pozwala także na poznanie sekretów pierwszych właścicieli, co odblokowuje wyjątkowe technologie badawcze.

Nowi legendarni lordowie

Kampanii Norski może przewodzić jeden z dwóch legendarnych lordów: Wulfrik Wędrowiec, przywódca frakcji Norsca, lub Throgg, król trolli i przywódca frakcji Zimowy Kieł. Każdy z nich zaczyna w innym miejscu i posiada wyjątkowe premie do kampanii oraz bitwy.

Wulfrik Wędrowiec
Wulfrik jest nieustępliwym katem. Przemierza lądy i morza odziany w czaszki ofiar, wzbudzając szacunek. Zabijał smoki i królów, wysoko urodzonych lordów i legendarne bestie. Nikt nie odmawia rzuconego przez niego wyzwania – szczególnie, że zostaje wygłoszone w ojczystym języku ofiary.

Wulfrik jest potężnym przywódcą i fechmistrzem o wyjątkowych umiejętnościach oraz mającym dostęp do serii zadań i legendarnych przedmiotów. Posiada atrybut „Napastnik oblężniczy”, który umożliwia mu zignorowanie konieczności posiadania machin oblężniczych przed zaatakowaniem osad otoczonych murami. Wszystkie jednostki mamutów w jego armii zyskują premię do ataku w zwarciu, wszystkie jednostki grasantów mają zmniejszony koszt utrzymania, a każda jednostka w jego świcie wzbudza strach.

Wulfrik posiada także osobistą umiejętność do walki zwaną „Morski Kieł”, na cześć swojego słynnego statku. To potężny atak o dużym zasięgu. Użyty w odpowiednim momencie może powalić i zabić wielu wrogów. W czasie walki umiejętność „Łowca Czempionów” umożliwia mu unieruchomienie wrogich postaci, gdy z nim walczą.

Trolle słyną nie tylko z siły fizycznej, ale także kompletnego braku inteligencji. To właśnie wyróżnia Throgga spośród reszty jego pobratymców – jest wyjątkowo inteligentny jak na swój gatunek. Jego szczerbaty wizerunek skrywa przebiegłość, którą Throgg wykorzystuje, aby zaprowadzić mróz północy w krainach ludzi.

Throgg to potężny przywódca i wojownik o wyjątkowych umiejętnościach oraz mający dostęp do serii zadań i legendarnych przedmiotów. Ponieważ jest królem trolli, jednostki trolli i lodowych trolli mają zmniejszony koszt utrzymania, a wszystkie jednostki w jego armii są niewrażliwe na wszelkie formy wyczerpania. Wzmacnia także odporność fizyczną wszystkich trolli i lodowych trolli.

Jeżeli Throgg przechwyci osadę Eringrad w Krainie Trolli, może tam wybudować wyjątkowy budynek – Jaskinia Kamiennego Tronu – który wzmacnia wszystkie trolle. Dysponuje też wyjątkowym atakiem zwanym „Obfite wymioty”.

Nowy władca

Przywódca grasantów
Przywódcy grasantów, stojący na czele norskańskich armii, mogą pochwalić się wyjątkowymi sekwencjami osobistych specjalizacji na swoich drzewkach umiejętności, co pozwala im doskonalić określone aspekty walki i osiągnąć potężne zdolności aktywne oraz pasywne, które wpływają na ich skuteczność bojową. Każda z tych ścieżek specjalizacji związana jest z jednym z czterech norskańskich bogów, a charakter tych zdolności inspirowany jest jego postacią. Wodzowie mogą także odblokowywać serie wierzchowców aż do potężnego mamuta wojennego.

Nowi bohaterowie

Norskańskie armie mogą werbować trzy nowe rodzaje bohaterów do wspierania wojska i wykonywania akcji na mapie kampanii.

Łak wilczej skóry
Te ogromne bestie są pod każdym względem lepsze od spokrewnionych z nimi wilczych skór. Są nie tylko potężnymi wojownikami, skutecznymi w walce z dużymi wrogami, ale też mają dwie odrębne, wzajemnie wykluczające się ścieżki rozwoju umiejętności, które dają im duże premie do wsparcia pobliskich jednostek w ataku lub obronie.

Szaman czarownik (domeny śmierci, metalu, ognia)
Norskańscy czarownicy mogą specjalizować się w domenach metalu, ognia lub śmierci. Jednak Norskanin to zawsze Norskanin... ci magowie to nie wymoczki! Poprawiają atak w zwarciu i mogą jeździć rydwanami.

Siewca niedoli fimirów (domeny cienia, ognia)
Siewcy niedoli fimirów są wprawnymi czarownikami, ale dzięki imponującej posturze i muskulaturze są również potężnymi wojownikami. Ci bohaterowie o podwójnej roli najlepiej sprawdzają się w wirze walki, rzucając czary i wspomagając oddziały zdolnościami bojowymi. Posiadają również ataki magiczne i są w stanie rozbijać zbroje.

Wykaz jednostek

Przywódca grasantów: skupienie na walce wręcz

Łak wilczej skóry: wspomaganie w zwarciu/walce
Szaman czarownik: domeny metalu/śmierci/ognia
Siewca niedoli fimirów: podwójna rola, domeny cienia/ognia

Grasanci: szał, ukrycie się (las)
Grasanci włócznicy: szał, obrona przed szarżą dużych wrogów, ukrycie się (las)
Grasanci (broń wielka): szał, ukrycie się (las)
Grasanci berserkerzy: szał, berserk, ukrycie się (las), odporność na psychologię
Czempioni grasantów: ciężka zbroja, ukrycie się (las), szał
Czempioni grasantów (wielka broń): ciężka zbroja, ukrycie się (las), szał

Piechota dystansowa
Łowcy grasantów (oszczep): ukrycie się (las), szał, skuteczność przeciw dużym celom
Łowcy grasantów (topór do rzucania) ukrycie się (las), szał, pociski przebijające zbroję

Jazda i rydwany
Rydwan grasantów: szał
Rydwan lodowych wilków grasantów: szał, wywoływanie strachu, odmrożenie

Jazda dystansowa i rydwany
Jeźdźcy grasantów: ukrycie się (las), szał, strzał w ruchu, wystawienie straży przedniej
Jeźdźcy grasantów (topory do rzucania): ukrycie się (las), szał, strzał w ruchu, wystawienie straży przedniej
Władcy koni grasantów: ukrycie się (las), szał, strzał w ruchu, wystawienie straży przedniej

Potwory i bestie
Norskańskie ogary: odporność na ostrzał, ukrycie się (las)
Norskańskie wilki lodowe: odporność na ostrzał, ukrycie się (las), odmrożenie, wywoływanie strachu
Norskańskie trolle: wywoływanie strachu, regeneracja
Norscańskie lodowe trolle: wywoływanie strachu, regeneracja, odmrożenie
Dzika mantykora: odporność na ostrzał, wywoływanie strachu, wywoływanie terroru
Wilcze skóry: odporność fizyczna, wywoływanie strachu, ukrycie się (las), szał, skuteczność przeciw dużym celom
Wilcze skóry (opancerzone): odporność fizyczna, wywoływanie strachu, ukrycie się (las), szał, skuteczność przeciw dużym celom
Wojownicy fimirów: wywoływanie strachu, z mgły, rozbicie zbroi, ataki magiczne
Wojownicy fimirów (wielka broń): wywoływanie strachu, z mgły, rozbicie zbroi, skuteczność przeciw dużym celom

Rzadkie potwory i bestie
Norskański olbrzym: napastnik oblężniczy, wywoływanie strachu, wywoływanie terroru
Dziki mamut: napastnik oblężniczy, wywoływanie strachu, wywoływanie terroru
Żmij mrozu: odporność na ostrzał, wywoływanie strachu, wywoływanie terroru, aura chłodu, odmrożenie
Mamut wojenny: napastnik oblężniczy, wywoływanie strachu, wywoływanie terroru, skuteczność przeciw dużym celom
Mamut wojenny (kaplica wojny): napastnik oblężniczy, wywoływanie strachu, wywoływanie terroru, łaska Niszczycielskich Mocy, ofiarujący chwałę

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquer the Old World as the marauding tribes of Norsca and Wintertooth
  • Two new Legendary Lords: Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg
  • Recruit Norscan Lords with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Recruit three new Hero types with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Entreat the dark gods for mighty rewards!
  • Hunt the mightiest monsters of the Old World and tame them to your cause
  • Massive new roster with unique monstrous units including War Mammoths and Frost-Wyrms
  • Slow your foes with the chilling Frostbite combat ability
  • Tear through your enemies with new Rage and Berserk abilities


In the far north, between the Chaos Wastes and the Sea of Claws, lies Norsca. A barren, inhospitable peninsula in the far north of the Old World, it is home to ferocious tribes of warriors, hardened by the relentless blizzards, the barren icy tundra and the monstrous denizens of this accursed land. Fanatical servants of the dark gods, they will stop at nothing to prove their primal might, in a relentless hunt for worthy foes and fresh raiding grounds.


A Norscan campaign is one of relentless pillage and ruination. Their principle sources of income are raiding and sacking. This lends itself to a very mobile and combative playstyle – always keeping your armies on the move and often in contention with other factions. Razing settlements enables you to erect monoliths to the dark gods of Norsca… and the gods always reward the faithful!

In battle, Norscan armies are swift and vicious, featuring a backbone of increasingly fierce and more heavily armed Marauder infantry units. With the right buildings in place, they can also recruit a wide array of monstrous units such as Trolls, Fimir Warriors, Norscan Ice Wolves and Skin Wolves. At the top of the tree are the Frost-Wyrm and the colossal War Mammoth.

Unique Norsca Mechanics

Allegiance to the gods
When conquering a settlement, Norscan factions have a unique new post-battle option. Alongside Occupying and Looting, they may choose to Raze a settlement and erect a monolith to one of the four dark gods, who they personify as the Eagle, the Crow, the Serpent and the Hound. The more monoliths that are erected, the more favour the gods bestow. Rewards are granted in the form of increasingly powerful campaign and battle bonuses and, in certain cases, unique units or characters.

Victory Conditions
By pledging your allegiance to a god fully and securing its final and greatest reward, you trigger the road to campaign victory. The gods are jealous, and the three you have spurned will not take kindly. They will dispatch their most powerful champions to challenge your supremacy, activating a series of quests which culminate in an epic endgame experience.

Monster hunting
When the Monster Hunter skill is unlocked in the tech tree, a Norsca faction gains access to the Monstrous Arcanum. This ancient tome lists the mightiest beasts and monsters to roam the world. The player may then choose to initiate hunts, embarking on multi-stage quests which culminate in battles against these legendary creatures. Once defeated, they may bestow legendary trophies which the player may equip his characters with. In certain cases, the monsters themselves may be brought to heel and recruited for use in battle.

A number of frost-imbued units appear in the roster, such as Norscan Ice Wolves and Norscan Ice Trolls, with the passive ability Frostbite. This new effect significantly slows units engaged in melee, making it considerably easier to run down routers or those attempting to manoeuvre. Similarly, the mighty Frost-Wyrm has the Chilling Aura ability, a constant effect slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy units.

Confederate the Norscan tribes by defeating their Faction Leaders in battle. Such a show of supremacy will make them much more amenable to accepting your rule!

Marauder Outposts can be established in conquered coastal settlements outside of Norsca. These provide basic recruitment options and act as handy replenishment-stops for your marauding armies. Securing major faction capitals outside Norsca – such as Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof and so on – allows you to build fully-developed Norscan settlements. Ownership of these cities also enables you to plunder the secrets of their original owners, unlocking unique new technologies to research.

New Legendary Lords

A Norsca campaign may be led by one of two Legendary Lords: Wulfrik The Wanderer, leader of the Norsca faction, or Throgg, King of the Trolls and leader of the Wintertooth faction. Each begins play in a different starting position and bring their own unique suite of campaign and battle bonuses.

Wulfrik The Wanderer
Wulfrik is a relentless executioner. He roams land and sea, an awe-inspiring figure draped with the skulls of his conquests. He has slain dragons and kings, highborn lords and beasts of legend. None may refuse the challenge he delivers – and in their own tongue, no less.

Wulfrik is a powerful leader and duellist with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. He has the Siege Attacker attribute, enabling him to ignore the requirement for siege engines or siege weapons before attacking walled settlements. All Mammoth units in his army gain bonus Melee Attack, all Marauder units enjoy reduced Upkeep Costs, and every unit in his retinue causes Fear.

Wulfrik also has a personal combat ability called Seafang, named after his fabled ship; a powerful and far-reaching wind attack. Carefully placed, it can stagger and slay numerous foes. In battle, his Hunter of Champions skill enables him to pin enemy characters in place while he fights them.

Trolls are widely known not just for their physical power, but also their striking lack of intelligence. It is this that sets Throgg apart from the rest of his kind, for he is gifted with a rare intelligence for his grotesque kind. Behind his snaggle-toothed visage lies a ruthless cunning that Throgg employs to bring the bitter chill of the north to the lands of man.

Throgg is a powerful leader and melee fighter with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. As the King of the Trolls, Throgg brings reduced upkeep to Troll and Ice Troll units, and units in Throgg’s army are immune to all forms of attrition. He also grants a Physical Resistance buff to all Troll and Ice Troll units factionwide.

If Throgg captures the settlement of Eringrad in Troll Country, he may build a unique building there – the Cave of the Rocky Throne – which grants buffs to Troll units factionwide. Throgg also has a uniquely Trollish magic missile attack called Copious Vomit

New Lord

Marauder Chieftain
Leaders of the Norscan armies, Marauder Chieftains boast unique sequences of personal specialisations in their skills trees, enabling them to truly excel in certain aspects of battle, and culminating is powerful active and passive abilities which transform their effectiveness in battle. Each of these specialisation paths is aligned with one of the four Norscan gods, and the nature of these abilities is inspired by their aspect. Chieftains can also unlock a series of mounts, culminating in the mighty War Mammoth.

New Heroes

Norsca players armies may recruit three new types of Hero units to support their armies and perform Campaign Map actions.

Skin Wolf Werekin
These hulking beasts are superior to their Skin Wolf kin in every way. As well as being powerful, anti-large focused warriors, they also have two unique, mutually exclusive skill-paths which grant them strong offensive or defensive combat-support buffs to nearby enemy units.

Shaman Sorcerer (Lores of Death, Metal Fire)
The sorcerers of Norsca may be recruited to specialise in the Lores of Metal, Fire or Death. However, once a Norscan, always a Norscan… these are no weakling mages! They gain melee attack improvements and may be mounted on chariots.

Fimir Balefiend (Lores of Shadows, Fire)
Fimir Balefiends may be adept magic-users, but their impressive stature and musculature also make them powerful fighters. These dual-role heroes work best in the thick of battle, casting spells and supporting the troops with their combat abilities. Fimir also have magical attacks and sunder armour.

Unit roster

Marauder Chieftain: melee focus

Skin Wolf Werekin: melee/combat support
Shaman Sorcerer: Lores of Metal/Death/Fire
Fimir Balefiend: dual-role, Lores of Shadows/Fire

Marauders: Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Spearmen: Rage, Charge Def. VS Large, Hide (forest)
Marauders (Great Weapons) Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Berserkers: Frenzy, Berserk, Hide (forest), Immune to Psychology
Marauder Champions: Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage
Marauder Champions (Great Weapons): Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage

Missile Infantry
Marauder Hunters (Javelin): Hide (forest), Rage, Anti Large
Marauder Hunters (Throwing Axe): Hide (forest), Rage, Armour Piercing missiles

Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Chariot: Rage
Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot: Rage, Causes Fear, Frostbite

Missile Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Horsemen: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemen (throwing axes): Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemasters: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment

Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Warhounds: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest)
Norscan Ice Wolves: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest), Frostbite, Cause Fear
Norscan Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration
Norscan Ice Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration, Frostbite
Feral Manticore: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror
Skin Wolves: Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Skin Wolves (armoured): Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Fimir Warriors: Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Magical Attacks
Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons): Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Anti-Large

Rare Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Giant: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Feral Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Frost-Wyrm: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror, Chilling Aura, Frostbite
War Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Anti Large javelins
War Mammoth (Warshrine): Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Favour of The Ruinous Powers, Giver of Glory

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquer the Old World as the marauding tribes of Norsca and Wintertooth
  • Two new Legendary Lords: Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg
  • Recruit Norscan Lords with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Recruit three new Hero types with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Entreat the dark gods for mighty rewards!
  • Hunt the mightiest monsters of the Old World and tame them to your cause
  • Massive new roster with unique monstrous units including War Mammoths and Frost-Wyrms
  • Slow your foes with the chilling Frostbite combat ability
  • Tear through your enemies with new Rage and Berserk abilities


In the far north, between the Chaos Wastes and the Sea of Claws, lies Norsca. A barren, inhospitable peninsula in the far north of the Old World, it is home to ferocious tribes of warriors, hardened by the relentless blizzards, the barren icy tundra and the monstrous denizens of this accursed land. Fanatical servants of the dark gods, they will stop at nothing to prove their primal might, in a relentless hunt for worthy foes and fresh raiding grounds.


A Norscan campaign is one of relentless pillage and ruination. Their principle sources of income are raiding and sacking. This lends itself to a very mobile and combative playstyle – always keeping your armies on the move and often in contention with other factions. Razing settlements enables you to erect monoliths to the dark gods of Norsca… and the gods always reward the faithful!

In battle, Norscan armies are swift and vicious, featuring a backbone of increasingly fierce and more heavily armed Marauder infantry units. With the right buildings in place, they can also recruit a wide array of monstrous units such as Trolls, Fimir Warriors, Norscan Ice Wolves and Skin Wolves. At the top of the tree are the Frost-Wyrm and the colossal War Mammoth.

Unique Norsca Mechanics

Allegiance to the gods
When conquering a settlement, Norscan factions have a unique new post-battle option. Alongside Occupying and Looting, they may choose to Raze a settlement and erect a monolith to one of the four dark gods, who they personify as the Eagle, the Crow, the Serpent and the Hound. The more monoliths that are erected, the more favour the gods bestow. Rewards are granted in the form of increasingly powerful campaign and battle bonuses and, in certain cases, unique units or characters.

Victory Conditions
By pledging your allegiance to a god fully and securing its final and greatest reward, you trigger the road to campaign victory. The gods are jealous, and the three you have spurned will not take kindly. They will dispatch their most powerful champions to challenge your supremacy, activating a series of quests which culminate in an epic endgame experience.

Monster hunting
When the Monster Hunter skill is unlocked in the tech tree, a Norsca faction gains access to the Monstrous Arcanum. This ancient tome lists the mightiest beasts and monsters to roam the world. The player may then choose to initiate hunts, embarking on multi-stage quests which culminate in battles against these legendary creatures. Once defeated, they may bestow legendary trophies which the player may equip his characters with. In certain cases, the monsters themselves may be brought to heel and recruited for use in battle.

A number of frost-imbued units appear in the roster, such as Norscan Ice Wolves and Norscan Ice Trolls, with the passive ability Frostbite. This new effect significantly slows units engaged in melee, making it considerably easier to run down routers or those attempting to manoeuvre. Similarly, the mighty Frost-Wyrm has the Chilling Aura ability, a constant effect slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy units.

Confederate the Norscan tribes by defeating their Faction Leaders in battle. Such a show of supremacy will make them much more amenable to accepting your rule!

Marauder Outposts can be established in conquered coastal settlements outside of Norsca. These provide basic recruitment options and act as handy replenishment-stops for your marauding armies. Securing major faction capitals outside Norsca – such as Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof and so on – allows you to build fully-developed Norscan settlements. Ownership of these cities also enables you to plunder the secrets of their original owners, unlocking unique new technologies to research.

New Legendary Lords

A Norsca campaign may be led by one of two Legendary Lords: Wulfrik The Wanderer, leader of the Norsca faction, or Throgg, King of the Trolls and leader of the Wintertooth faction. Each begins play in a different starting position and bring their own unique suite of campaign and battle bonuses.

Wulfrik The Wanderer
Wulfrik is a relentless executioner. He roams land and sea, an awe-inspiring figure draped with the skulls of his conquests. He has slain dragons and kings, highborn lords and beasts of legend. None may refuse the challenge he delivers – and in their own tongue, no less.

Wulfrik is a powerful leader and duellist with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. He has the Siege Attacker attribute, enabling him to ignore the requirement for siege engines or siege weapons before attacking walled settlements. All Mammoth units in his army gain bonus Melee Attack, all Marauder units enjoy reduced Upkeep Costs, and every unit in his retinue causes Fear.

Wulfrik also has a personal combat ability called Seafang, named after his fabled ship; a powerful and far-reaching wind attack. Carefully placed, it can stagger and slay numerous foes. In battle, his Hunter of Champions skill enables him to pin enemy characters in place while he fights them.

Trolls are widely known not just for their physical power, but also their striking lack of intelligence. It is this that sets Throgg apart from the rest of his kind, for he is gifted with a rare intelligence for his grotesque kind. Behind his snaggle-toothed visage lies a ruthless cunning that Throgg employs to bring the bitter chill of the north to the lands of man.

Throgg is a powerful leader and melee fighter with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. As the King of the Trolls, Throgg brings reduced upkeep to Troll and Ice Troll units, and units in Throgg’s army are immune to all forms of attrition. He also grants a Physical Resistance buff to all Troll and Ice Troll units factionwide.

If Throgg captures the settlement of Eringrad in Troll Country, he may build a unique building there – the Cave of the Rocky Throne – which grants buffs to Troll units factionwide. Throgg also has a uniquely Trollish magic missile attack called Copious Vomit

New Lord

Marauder Chieftain
Leaders of the Norscan armies, Marauder Chieftains boast unique sequences of personal specialisations in their skills trees, enabling them to truly excel in certain aspects of battle, and culminating is powerful active and passive abilities which transform their effectiveness in battle. Each of these specialisation paths is aligned with one of the four Norscan gods, and the nature of these abilities is inspired by their aspect. Chieftains can also unlock a series of mounts, culminating in the mighty War Mammoth.

New Heroes

Norsca players armies may recruit three new types of Hero units to support their armies and perform Campaign Map actions.

Skin Wolf Werekin
These hulking beasts are superior to their Skin Wolf kin in every way. As well as being powerful, anti-large focused warriors, they also have two unique, mutually exclusive skill-paths which grant them strong offensive or defensive combat-support buffs to nearby enemy units.

Shaman Sorcerer (Lores of Death, Metal Fire)
The sorcerers of Norsca may be recruited to specialise in the Lores of Metal, Fire or Death. However, once a Norscan, always a Norscan… these are no weakling mages! They gain melee attack improvements and may be mounted on chariots.

Fimir Balefiend (Lores of Shadows, Fire)
Fimir Balefiends may be adept magic-users, but their impressive stature and musculature also make them powerful fighters. These dual-role heroes work best in the thick of battle, casting spells and supporting the troops with their combat abilities. Fimir also have magical attacks and sunder armour.

Unit roster

Marauder Chieftain: melee focus

Skin Wolf Werekin: melee/combat support
Shaman Sorcerer: Lores of Metal/Death/Fire
Fimir Balefiend: dual-role, Lores of Shadows/Fire

Marauders: Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Spearmen: Rage, Charge Def. VS Large, Hide (forest)
Marauders (Great Weapons) Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Berserkers: Frenzy, Berserk, Hide (forest), Immune to Psychology
Marauder Champions: Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage
Marauder Champions (Great Weapons): Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage

Missile Infantry
Marauder Hunters (Javelin): Hide (forest), Rage, Anti Large
Marauder Hunters (Throwing Axe): Hide (forest), Rage, Armour Piercing missiles

Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Chariot: Rage
Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot: Rage, Causes Fear, Frostbite

Missile Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Horsemen: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemen (throwing axes): Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemasters: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment

Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Warhounds: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest)
Norscan Ice Wolves: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest), Frostbite, Cause Fear
Norscan Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration
Norscan Ice Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration, Frostbite
Feral Manticore: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror
Skin Wolves: Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Skin Wolves (armoured): Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Fimir Warriors: Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Magical Attacks
Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons): Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Anti-Large

Rare Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Giant: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Feral Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Frost-Wyrm: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror, Chilling Aura, Frostbite
War Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Anti Large javelins
War Mammoth (Warshrine): Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Favour of The Ruinous Powers, Giver of Glory

Total War: WARHAMMER – Норска

  • Покорите Старый Свет, возглавив племена грабителей Норски или отдав его на растерзание Зимнему Клыку
  • Два новых легендарных лорда: Вульфрик Странник и Трогг
  • Наймите норскийских лордов с развитыми древами навыков
  • Наймите три новых типа героев с развитыми древами навыков
  • Обращайтесь за помощью к темным богам, чтобы получить щедрую награду!
  • Пленяйте самых ужасных монстров Старого Света и укрощайте их, чтобы заставить сражаться на вашей стороне
  • Пополняйте свои ряды уникальными чудовищами, такими как боевые мамонты и ледяные змеи
  • Замедляйте врагов при помощи боевой способности "Лютая стужа"
  • Прореживайте вражеские ряды при помощи новых способностей "Ярость" и "Берсерк"


Далеко на севере Старого Света, между Пустошами Хаоса и морем Когтей лежит полуостров Норска. Его неприветливые, бесплодные земли населены племенами кровожадных воинов, закаленных вьюгами, проживанием в ледяной тундре и соседством с чудовищными обитателями Норски. Эти племена поклоняются темным богам, неустанно ищут достойных противников и богатые поживой земли. Они ни перед чем не остановятся в попытках доказать свою первобытную мощь.


Норскийская кампания призывает вас к безудержному грабежу и разрушению. Основной источник дохода норскийцев – это налеты и разорение чужих земель, что влияет на стиль игры, заставляя действовать быстро и агрессивно, постоянно перемещать войска с места на место и нередко выступать против других фракций. На месте разрушенных поселений вы сможете возводить монолиты в честь темных богов Норски... а боги всегда благосклонны к тем, кто им верен!

В бою войска норскийцев быстры и безжалостны. Их основной ударной силой являются пешие отряды грабителей, жестокие и хорошо вооруженные. После возведения ряда построек вы сможете также нанимать самых разнообразных чудовищ – например, троллей, воинов фимиров, норскийских ледяных волков и вульфхеднаров. Самые элитные чудовища – это ледяной змей и исполинский боевой мамонт.

Уникальная механика Норски

Преданность богам
Захватив поселение, норскийские фракции могут выполнить новое уникальное действие. Помимо "Оккупации" и "Грабежа" они могут выполнить "Разрушение" и возвести на месте поселения монолит в честь одного из четырех темных богов, которых норскийцы представляют в виде Орла, Вороны, Змея и Пса. Чем больше монолитов возведено, тем благосклоннее будут боги. В награду они могут даровать различные преимущества в кампании или битвах, а в некоторых случаях – даже уникальные отряды или персонажей.

Условия победы
Достигнув максимального уровня служения богу и получив от него высшую награду, вы получите возможность завершить кампанию. Однако боги завистливы, и те трое богов, которых вы отвергли, будут этим недовольны. Они направят против вас своих сильнейших воителей, чтобы испытать вашу мощь. Связанная с этим цепочка заданий завершится грандиозным финалом.

Охота на чудовищ
Разблокировав способность "Охотник на чудовищ", фракция Норска получает доступ к Monstrous Arcanum – древнему фолианту, в котором перечислены самые могучие звери и чудовища этого мира. После этого игрок может начать охоту, в ходе которой ему придется выполнять цепочки заданий. Кульминацией охоты станет бой с легендарным существом, победив которое, игрок может получить легендарные трофеи для своих персонажей. В некоторых случаях монстров можно укрощать и пополнять ими свою армию.

В списке отрядов теперь появились отряды с постоянной способностью "Обморожение", такие как норскийские ледяные волки и норскийские ледяные тролли. Эта способность позволяет значительно замедлять вражеские отряды в ближнем бою и преследовать их или препятствовать их маневрам. Могучий ледяной змей также имеет способность "Леденящая аура", стабильно замедляющую скорость движения находящихся поблизости вражеских отрядов.

Присоединяйте племена Норски к своей конфедерации, побеждая их вождей на поле боя. Такая демонстрация силы заставит их куда быстрее признать вас своим лидером!

На месте захваченных прибрежных поселений за пределами Норски вы можете строить форпосты грабителей, позволяющие нанимать базовые отряды и пополнять вашу армию в случае необходимости. Захваченный крупный столичный город за пределами Норски, такой как Альтдорф, замок Дракенгоф и другие, можно превратить в полноценное поселение Норски. Кроме того, в этом случае вы завладеете секретами предыдущих хозяев города и получите доступ к уникальным технологиям и возможностям развития.

Новые легендарные лорды

В кампании Норски можно выбрать одного из двух легендарных лордов – Вульфрика Странника, лидера фракции Норски, или Трогга, короля троллей и лидера фракции Зимнего Клыка. Для каждого из лордов предусмотрена уникальная стартовая позиция и уникальный набор преимуществ в кампании или битвах.

Вульфрик Странник
Вульфрик слывет неумолимым палачом, скитающимся по суше и морю. Его фигура, украшенная черепами его жертв, способна внушить священный ужас любому. Ему доводилось убивать драконов и королей, высокорожденных лордов и легендарных зверей. Выбрав жертву, он бросает ей вызов на ее родном языке – и отказаться от него не может никто.

Вульфрик – могучий лидер и воин с уникальными навыками, цепочками заданий и легендарными предметами. Он обладает свойством "Штурм укреплений", позволяющим ему штурмовать поселение, не дожидаясь постройки осадных башен или таранов. Все отряды мамонтов в его армии получают преимущество в ближнем бою, стоимость содержания всех отрядов грабителей снижается, а все его спутники получают страшный вид.

Вульфрик также обладает персональной боевой способностью "Морской Клык", названной так в честь его прославленного корабля. Она дает Вульфрику мощную и дальнобойную атаку ветром. Будучи умело примененной, эта способность может нанести сокрушительный урон врагу. В бою способность Вульфрика "Охотник на воителей" позволяет ему приковывать вражеских персонажей к одному месту, пока он с ними сражается.

Тролли широко известны не только своей силой, но и феноменальной тупостью. Этим Трогг и отличается от своих сородичей: он наделен редкостным умом. За его кривозубым оскалом кроется безжалостная и коварная натура, упорно идущая к своей цели. А целью Трогга является господство лютой северной стужи на землях людей.

Трогг – могучий лидер и воин ближнего боя с уникальными навыками, цепочками заданий и легендарными предметами. Король троллей Трогг снижает стоимость содержания для троллей и ледяных троллей. Кроме того, все отряды в армии Трогга невосприимчивы к любым видам небоевых потерь, а у всех отрядов троллей и ледяных троллей во фракции повышается сопротивление физическому урону.

Захватив Эренгард в Стране Троллей, Трогг может создать там уникальную постройку – Пещеру Каменного Трона, которая дает преимущества всем отрядам троллей во фракции. Также Трогг владеет уникальной тролльей магической атакой "Обильная рвота".

Новый лорд

Вожак грабителей
Лидеры норскийских армий – вожаки грабителей обладают уникальной возможностью получить персональную специализацию, благодаря которой они могут стать искуснейшими воинами и полководцами и получить боевые и постоянные способности, дающие значительное преимущество в бою. Особенности каждой специализации обусловлены тем, какой из четырех норскийских богов ей покровительствует. Также вожаки могут получать и улучшать транспорт, вплоть до могучих боевых мамонтов.

Новые герои

Играя за Норску, можно нанять три новых типа героев, которые не только усилят армию, но и смогут выполнять действия на карте кампании.

Эти огромные звери во всем превосходят своих сородичей-вульфхеднаров, являясь могучими воинами, особенно эффективными в бою с крупным противником. Кроме того, они обладают двумя уникальными ветками навыков, выбрав одну из которых, они получают значительные преимущества в нападении или защите, что весьма полезно для поддержки в бою.

Шаман-чародей (школы смерти, металла, огня)
Чародеи Норски могут изучать такие школы магии, как металл, огонь или смерть. Однако норскийцами не становятся, а рождаются – и эти чародеи не исключение! Они могут получить преимущество для ближнего боя и даже управлять колесницами.

Гибельный демон фимиров (школы теней, огня)
Гибельные демоны фимиров – не только искусные чародеи, но и грозные воины, наделенные впечатляющим телосложением и физической силой. Им самое место в гуще сражения, где они могут оказать неоценимую поддержку войскам как заклинаниями, так и своими боевыми умениями. Демоны также владеют магическими атаками и способны повреждать броню.

Список войск

Вожак грабителей: ближний бой

Вульфхеднар-оборотень: ближний бой и поддержка
Шаман-чародей: школы металла, смерти, огня
Гибельный демон фимиров: воин и чародей, школы теней, огня

Грабители: Ярость, Маскировка (лес)
Грабители-копейщики: Ярость, Защита от натиска крупных врагов, Маскировка (лес)
Грабители (тяжелое оружие): Ярость, Маскировка (лес)
Грабители-берсерки: Неистовство, Берсерк, Маскировка (лес), Невосприимчивы к психологии
Грабители-воители: Тяжелая броня, Маскировка (лес), Ярость
Грабители-воители (тяжелое оружие): Тяжелая броня, Маскировка (лес), Ярость

Стрелковая пехота
Грабители-охотники (дротик): Маскировка (лес), Ярость, Борьба с крупными целями
Грабители-охотники (метательный топор): Маскировка (лес), Ярость, Бронебойные выстрелы

Всадники и колесницы
Колесница грабителей: Ярость
Колесница грабителей с ледяными волками: Ярость, Вызывают страх, Обморожение

Всадники и колесницы дальнего боя
Конные грабители: Маскировка (лес), Стрельба в движении, Передовое развертывание
Конные грабители (метательные топоры): Маскировка (лес), Ярость, Стрельба в движении, Передовое развертывание
Грабители-всадники: Маскировка (лес), Ярость, Стрельба в движении, Передовое развертывание

Чудовища и звери
Норскийские боевые псы: Сопротивление выстрелам, Маскировка (лес)
Норскийские ледяные волки: Сопротивление выстрелам, Маскировка (лес), Обморожение, Вызывают страх
Норскийские тролли: Вызывают страх, Регенерация
Норскийские ледяные тролли: Вызывают страх, Регенерация, Обморожение
Дикая мантикора: Сопротивление выстрелам, Вызывают страх, Вызывают ужас
Вульфхеднары: Физическая сопротивляемость, Вызывают страх, Маскировка (лес), Неистовство, Борьба с крупными целями
Вульфхеднары (доспехи): Физическая сопротивляемость, Вызывают страх, Маскировка (лес), Неистовство, Борьба с крупными целями
Воины фимиров: Вызывают страх, Из тумана, Повреждают броню, Магические атаки
Воины фимиров (тяжелое оружие): Вызывают страх, Из тумана, Повреждают броню, Борьба с крупными целями

Редкие чудовища и звери
Норскийский великан: Штурм укреплений, Вызывают страх, Вызывают ужас
Дикий мамонт: Штурм укреплений, Вызывают страх, Вызывают ужас
Ледяной змей: Сопротивление Выстрелам, Вызывают страх, Вызывают ужас, Леденящая аура, Обморожение
Боевой мамонт: Штурм укреплений, Вызывают страх, Вызывают ужас, Борьба с крупными целями (дротики)
Боевой мамонт (воинское святилище): Штурм укреплений, Вызывают страх, Вызывают ужас, Милость Разрушительных сил, Дарующий славу

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquer the Old World as the marauding tribes of Norsca and Wintertooth
  • Two new Legendary Lords: Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg
  • Recruit Norscan Lords with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Recruit three new Hero types with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Entreat the dark gods for mighty rewards!
  • Hunt the mightiest monsters of the Old World and tame them to your cause
  • Massive new roster with unique monstrous units including War Mammoths and Frost-Wyrms
  • Slow your foes with the chilling Frostbite combat ability
  • Tear through your enemies with new Rage and Berserk abilities


In the far north, between the Chaos Wastes and the Sea of Claws, lies Norsca. A barren, inhospitable peninsula in the far north of the Old World, it is home to ferocious tribes of warriors, hardened by the relentless blizzards, the barren icy tundra and the monstrous denizens of this accursed land. Fanatical servants of the dark gods, they will stop at nothing to prove their primal might, in a relentless hunt for worthy foes and fresh raiding grounds.


A Norscan campaign is one of relentless pillage and ruination. Their principle sources of income are raiding and sacking. This lends itself to a very mobile and combative playstyle – always keeping your armies on the move and often in contention with other factions. Razing settlements enables you to erect monoliths to the dark gods of Norsca… and the gods always reward the faithful!

In battle, Norscan armies are swift and vicious, featuring a backbone of increasingly fierce and more heavily armed Marauder infantry units. With the right buildings in place, they can also recruit a wide array of monstrous units such as Trolls, Fimir Warriors, Norscan Ice Wolves and Skin Wolves. At the top of the tree are the Frost-Wyrm and the colossal War Mammoth.

Unique Norsca Mechanics

Allegiance to the gods
When conquering a settlement, Norscan factions have a unique new post-battle option. Alongside Occupying and Looting, they may choose to Raze a settlement and erect a monolith to one of the four dark gods, who they personify as the Eagle, the Crow, the Serpent and the Hound. The more monoliths that are erected, the more favour the gods bestow. Rewards are granted in the form of increasingly powerful campaign and battle bonuses and, in certain cases, unique units or characters.

Victory Conditions
By pledging your allegiance to a god fully and securing its final and greatest reward, you trigger the road to campaign victory. The gods are jealous, and the three you have spurned will not take kindly. They will dispatch their most powerful champions to challenge your supremacy, activating a series of quests which culminate in an epic endgame experience.

Monster hunting
When the Monster Hunter skill is unlocked in the tech tree, a Norsca faction gains access to the Monstrous Arcanum. This ancient tome lists the mightiest beasts and monsters to roam the world. The player may then choose to initiate hunts, embarking on multi-stage quests which culminate in battles against these legendary creatures. Once defeated, they may bestow legendary trophies which the player may equip his characters with. In certain cases, the monsters themselves may be brought to heel and recruited for use in battle.

A number of frost-imbued units appear in the roster, such as Norscan Ice Wolves and Norscan Ice Trolls, with the passive ability Frostbite. This new effect significantly slows units engaged in melee, making it considerably easier to run down routers or those attempting to manoeuvre. Similarly, the mighty Frost-Wyrm has the Chilling Aura ability, a constant effect slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy units.

Confederate the Norscan tribes by defeating their Faction Leaders in battle. Such a show of supremacy will make them much more amenable to accepting your rule!

Marauder Outposts can be established in conquered coastal settlements outside of Norsca. These provide basic recruitment options and act as handy replenishment-stops for your marauding armies. Securing major faction capitals outside Norsca – such as Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof and so on – allows you to build fully-developed Norscan settlements. Ownership of these cities also enables you to plunder the secrets of their original owners, unlocking unique new technologies to research.

New Legendary Lords

A Norsca campaign may be led by one of two Legendary Lords: Wulfrik The Wanderer, leader of the Norsca faction, or Throgg, King of the Trolls and leader of the Wintertooth faction. Each begins play in a different starting position and bring their own unique suite of campaign and battle bonuses.

Wulfrik The Wanderer
Wulfrik is a relentless executioner. He roams land and sea, an awe-inspiring figure draped with the skulls of his conquests. He has slain dragons and kings, highborn lords and beasts of legend. None may refuse the challenge he delivers – and in their own tongue, no less.

Wulfrik is a powerful leader and duellist with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. He has the Siege Attacker attribute, enabling him to ignore the requirement for siege engines or siege weapons before attacking walled settlements. All Mammoth units in his army gain bonus Melee Attack, all Marauder units enjoy reduced Upkeep Costs, and every unit in his retinue causes Fear.

Wulfrik also has a personal combat ability called Seafang, named after his fabled ship; a powerful and far-reaching wind attack. Carefully placed, it can stagger and slay numerous foes. In battle, his Hunter of Champions skill enables him to pin enemy characters in place while he fights them.

Trolls are widely known not just for their physical power, but also their striking lack of intelligence. It is this that sets Throgg apart from the rest of his kind, for he is gifted with a rare intelligence for his grotesque kind. Behind his snaggle-toothed visage lies a ruthless cunning that Throgg employs to bring the bitter chill of the north to the lands of man.

Throgg is a powerful leader and melee fighter with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. As the King of the Trolls, Throgg brings reduced upkeep to Troll and Ice Troll units, and units in Throgg’s army are immune to all forms of attrition. He also grants a Physical Resistance buff to all Troll and Ice Troll units factionwide.

If Throgg captures the settlement of Eringrad in Troll Country, he may build a unique building there – the Cave of the Rocky Throne – which grants buffs to Troll units factionwide. Throgg also has a uniquely Trollish magic missile attack called Copious Vomit

New Lord

Marauder Chieftain
Leaders of the Norscan armies, Marauder Chieftains boast unique sequences of personal specialisations in their skills trees, enabling them to truly excel in certain aspects of battle, and culminating is powerful active and passive abilities which transform their effectiveness in battle. Each of these specialisation paths is aligned with one of the four Norscan gods, and the nature of these abilities is inspired by their aspect. Chieftains can also unlock a series of mounts, culminating in the mighty War Mammoth.

New Heroes

Norsca players armies may recruit three new types of Hero units to support their armies and perform Campaign Map actions.

Skin Wolf Werekin
These hulking beasts are superior to their Skin Wolf kin in every way. As well as being powerful, anti-large focused warriors, they also have two unique, mutually exclusive skill-paths which grant them strong offensive or defensive combat-support buffs to nearby enemy units.

Shaman Sorcerer (Lores of Death, Metal Fire)
The sorcerers of Norsca may be recruited to specialise in the Lores of Metal, Fire or Death. However, once a Norscan, always a Norscan… these are no weakling mages! They gain melee attack improvements and may be mounted on chariots.

Fimir Balefiend (Lores of Shadows, Fire)
Fimir Balefiends may be adept magic-users, but their impressive stature and musculature also make them powerful fighters. These dual-role heroes work best in the thick of battle, casting spells and supporting the troops with their combat abilities. Fimir also have magical attacks and sunder armour.

Unit roster

Marauder Chieftain: melee focus

Skin Wolf Werekin: melee/combat support
Shaman Sorcerer: Lores of Metal/Death/Fire
Fimir Balefiend: dual-role, Lores of Shadows/Fire

Marauders: Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Spearmen: Rage, Charge Def. VS Large, Hide (forest)
Marauders (Great Weapons) Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Berserkers: Frenzy, Berserk, Hide (forest), Immune to Psychology
Marauder Champions: Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage
Marauder Champions (Great Weapons): Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage

Missile Infantry
Marauder Hunters (Javelin): Hide (forest), Rage, Anti Large
Marauder Hunters (Throwing Axe): Hide (forest), Rage, Armour Piercing missiles

Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Chariot: Rage
Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot: Rage, Causes Fear, Frostbite

Missile Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Horsemen: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemen (throwing axes): Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemasters: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment

Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Warhounds: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest)
Norscan Ice Wolves: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest), Frostbite, Cause Fear
Norscan Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration
Norscan Ice Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration, Frostbite
Feral Manticore: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror
Skin Wolves: Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Skin Wolves (armoured): Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Fimir Warriors: Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Magical Attacks
Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons): Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Anti-Large

Rare Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Giant: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Feral Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Frost-Wyrm: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror, Chilling Aura, Frostbite
War Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Anti Large javelins
War Mammoth (Warshrine): Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Favour of The Ruinous Powers, Giver of Glory

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquista el Viejo Mundo con las tribus saqueadoras de Norsca y Diente Invernal.
  • Conoce a los dos nuevos Señores legendarios: Wulfrik el Errante y Throgg.
  • Recluta a Señores de Norsca con árboles de habilidades muy especializados.
  • Recluta a tres nuevos tipos de héroe con árboles de habilidades muy especializados.
  • ¡Suplica a los Dioses Oscuros y consigue valiosas recompensas!
  • Da caza a los más poderosos monstruos del Viejo Mundo y dómalos para tu causa.
  • Disfruta de la nueva lista de unidades monstruosas únicas, incluidos los Mamuts de Guerra y los Dragones de Escarcha.
  • Ralentiza a tus enemigos con «Congelación», una escalofriante habilidad de combate.
  • Ábrete paso entre tus enemigos con las nuevas habilidades Rabia y Locura.


En el lejano norte, entre los Desiertos del Caos y el Mar de las Garras, se encuentra Norsca. Esta árida e inhóspita península del Viejo Mundo alberga feroces tribus de guerreros, endurecidos por ventiscas implacables, la gélida tundra y los monstruosos moradores de esta tierra infausta. Los fanáticos siervos de los Dioses Oscuros no se detendrán ante nada con tal de demostrar su poder primitivo en una búsqueda interminable de nuevos territorios y enemigos dignos.

Estilo de juego

La campaña de Norsca destaca por sus implacables pillajes y su nivel de destrucción. Las principales fuentes de ingresos son los asaltos y el saqueo. Por ello, el estilo de juego es muy combativo y de bastante movilidad: siempre habrá ejércitos en movimiento y frecuentes enfrentamientos con otras facciones. Si arrasas asentamientos, podrás erigir monolitos para los Dioses Oscuros de Norsca... ¡Y todo dios que se precie siempre recompensa a sus fieles!

En la batalla, los ejércitos de Norsca son rápidos y despiadados, con una columna central cada vez más feroz y unas unidades de infantería Bárbaras armadas hasta los dientes. Si cuentan con las instalaciones adecuadas, también pueden reclutar una gran variedad de unidades monstruosas, como Trolls, Fimires Guerreros, Lobos de Hielo Norses y Pieles Lobo. En lo más alto del escalafón encontrarás al Dragón de Escarcha y al colosal Mamut de Guerra.

Mecánicas exclusivas de Norsca

Devoción a los Dioses
Si conquistan un asentamiento, las facciones de Norsca adquirirán una nueva y exclusiva opción posterior a la batalla. Además de Ocupación y Saqueo, podrán Arrasar un asentamiento y levantar un monolito para uno de los cuatro Dioses Oscuros encarnados por el Águila, el Cuervo, la Serpiente y el Mastín. Cuantos más monolitos erijan, mayores serán los favores de los dioses. Las recompensas llegarán en forma de bonificaciones de campaña y de batalla cada vez más potentes y, en determinados casos, de unidades o personajes únicos.

Condiciones de victoria
Si juras tu total devoción a un solo dios y garantizas su mayor recompensa final, activarás la senda hacia la victoria de campaña. Pero los dioses son celosos y no se lo tomarán muy bien los otros tres a quienes has despreciado. Estos dioses encargarán a sus campeones más poderosos que desafíen tu supremacía, de modo que se activarán una serie de misiones que culminarán en un final de juego épico.

Caza de monstruos
Al desbloquear la habilidad Cazador de monstruos en el árbol tecnológico, una facción de Norsca obtendrá acceso al Monstrous Arcanum. Este tomo ancestral alberga una colección de las bestias y monstruos más poderosos del mundo. El jugador podrá empezar cacerías y embarcarse en misiones de varias fases que culminarán en batallas contra estas criaturas legendarias. Una vez derrotadas, los jugadores podrán reclamar trofeos legendarios con los que equipar a sus personajes. En determinados casos, el jugador podrá meter en cintura a los propios monstruos y reclutarlos para la batalla.

El plantel de unidades incluye varias con capacidades gélidas, como los Lobos de Hielo Norses y los Trolls de Hielo Norses, con la habilidad pasiva Congelación. Este nuevo efecto ralentiza considerablemente a las unidades involucradas en combates cuerpo a cuerpo, lo que facilita en gran medida cargar contra porteadores y evitar intentos de maniobra. De igual modo, el poderoso Dragón de Escarcha posee la habilidad Aura escalofriante, un efecto continuo que ralentiza la velocidad de movimiento de las unidades enemigas cercanas.

Confedera las tribus Norses al derrotar a sus líderes de facción en combate. Esa demostración de fuerza los hará mucho más sumisos para aceptar tus reglas.

Puestos avanzados
Se pueden establecer puestos avanzados Bárbaros en asentamientos costeros conquistados fuera de Norsca. Además de proporcionar opciones de reclutamiento básico serán puntos de avituallamiento muy prácticos para tus ejércitos Bárbaros. Si aseguras importantes capitales de facción fuera de Norsca, como Altdorf, el Castillo Drakenhof y otros, podrás crear asentamientos Norses totalmente desarrollados. El control de estas ciudades también te permitirá robar los secretos de sus dueños originales, lo que desbloqueará nuevas tecnologías para investigar.

Nuevos Señores legendarios

Una campaña de Norsca puede ser dirigida por uno o más Señores legendarios: Wulfrik El Errante, líder de la facción de Norsca, o Throgg, Rey de los Trolls y líder de la facción Diente Invernal. Cada uno comienza en una posición inicial distinta y tiene su propio conjunto exclusivo de bonificaciones de campaña y de batalla.

Wulfrik el Errante
Wulfrik es un verdugo implacable. Con su imponente figura, viaja por tierra y por mar portando los cráneos de sus víctimas. Asesino de reyes y dragones, también ha acabado con la vida de nobles y bestias legendarias. Nadie puede rehusar sus desafíos y menos cuando los lanza en sus propios idiomas.

Wulfrik es un líder y duelista poderoso con habilidades, misiones y objetos legendarios exclusivos. Posee el atributo Atacante en asedios, que le permite ignorar los requisitos para máquinas o armas de asedio antes de atacar asentamientos amurallados. Todas las unidades de mamuts de su ejército obtienen la bonificación Ataque cuerpo a cuerpo, todas las unidades Bárbaras disfrutan de costes de mantenimiento reducidos y todas las unidades de su séquito infligen Miedo.

Wulfrik también posee la habilidad de combate personal Colmillo del mar, nombrada así en honor a su navío de leyenda. Con ella lanza un poderoso ataque de viento de largo alcance. Si se coloca estratégicamente, puede aturdir y acabar con numerosos enemigos. En combate, su habilidad Cazador de Paladines le permite acorralar a personajes enemigos mientras lucha contra ellos.

Los Trolls tienen mucha fama, no solo por su potencia física, sino por su increíble falta de inteligencia. Sin embargo, eso es justo lo que distingue a Throgg del resto de los de su grotesca especie, pues posee una inteligencia poco común. Bajo su rostro de dientes perfectamente desordenados se oculta un ingenio implacable que utiliza para trasladar el más gélido resentimiento del norte hasta las tierras de los hombres.

Throgg es un poderoso líder y luchador cuerpo a cuerpo con habilidades, misiones y objetos legendarios exclusivos. Como Rey de los Trolls, Throgg otorga mantenimiento reducido a las unidades Troll y Troll de Hielo. Además, las unidades de su ejército son inmunes a todo tipo de desgaste. También concede una mejora de Resistencia física a todas las unidades Troll y Troll de Hielo de la facción.

Si Throgg captura el asentamiento de Eringrad en Territorio Troll, podrá construir allí un edificio único, la Cueva del Trono de Roca, que concede mejoras a todas las unidades Troll de la facción. Throgg posee además un ataque de proyectil mágico Troll llamado Gran vómito.

Nuevo Señor

Caudillo Bárbaro
Los Caudillos Bárbaros son los líderes de los ejércitos Norses y poseen secuencias únicas de especializaciones personales en sus árboles de habilidades que les permiten destacar en determinados aspectos de la batalla, culminando con habilidades activas y pasivas muy poderosas que transforman su efectividad en combate. Cada una de estas rutas de especialización se alinea con uno de los cuatro dioses Norses y la naturaleza de estas habilidades se inspira en su apariencia. Además, los Caudillos pueden desbloquear una serie de monturas, con el Mamut de Guerra como máximo exponente.

Nuevos Héroes

Los ejércitos de jugadores Norsca pueden reclutar tres nuevos tipos de Héroes para apoyar a sus filas y ejecutar acciones de Mapa de la campaña.

Licántropo Piel Lobo
Estas descomunales bestias son superiores a sus hermanos Piel Lobo en todos los sentidos. Además de su cualidad de guerreros poderosos eficaces contra enemigos grandes, poseen dos rutas de habilidades únicas y exclusivas que les confieren gran ayuda en combates ofensivos o defensivos contra las unidades enemigas cercanas.

Chamán Hechicero (Saberes de Muerte, Metal, Fuego)
Se puede reclutar a hechiceros de Norsca para especializarlos en los Saberes de Metal, Fuego o Muerte. No obstante, los Norses jamás dejarán de ser Norses... ¡Estos magos no se andan con chiquitas! Pueden obtener mejoras de ataque cuerpo a cuerpo y pueden montar carros.

Fimir Demoniaco (Saberes de Sombras, Fuego)
Los Fimires demoniacos pueden usar la magia con habilidad, pero su imponente estatura y musculatura también los convierte en guerreros muy poderosos. Estos héroes duales se manejan mejor en el fragor de la batalla y lanzan hechizos y apoyan a las tropas con sus habilidades de combate. Los cuentan además con Ataques mágicos y Secesión de armadura.

Lista de unidades

Caudillo Bárbaro: cuerpo a cuerpo

Licántropo Piel Lobo: cuerpo a cuerpo/apoyo en combate
Chamán Hechicero: Saberes de Metal/Muerte/Fuego
Fimir Demoniaco: papel dual, Saberes de Sombras/Fuego

Bárbaros: Rabia, Ocultarse (bosque)
Lanceros Bárbaros: Rabia, Def. cargas VS grandes, Ocultarse (bosque)
Bárbaros (armas a dos manos) Rabia, Ocultarse (bosque)
Bersérkers Bárbaros: Furia, Locura, Ocultarse (bosque), Inmune a la psicología
Paladines Bárbaros: Armadura pesada, Ocultarse (bosque), Rabia
Paladines Bárbaros (armas a dos manos): Armadura pesada, Ocultarse (bosque), Rabia

Infantería de proyectiles
Cazadores Bárbaros (jabalina): Ocultarse (bosque), Rabia, Eficaz contra enemigos grandes
Cazadores Bárbaros (hacha arrojadiza): Ocultarse (bosque), Rabia, Proyectiles con poder de perforación

Caballería y carros
Carro de Bárbaros: Rabia
Carro de Bárbaros con Lobos de Hielo: Rabia, Causa miedo, Congelación

Caballería de proyectiles y carros
Jinetes Bárbaros: Ocultarse (bosque), Rabia, Fuego en movimiento, Despliegue en vanguardia
Jinetes Bárbaros (hachas arrojadizas): Ocultarse (bosque), Rabia, Fuego en movimiento, Despliegue en vanguardia
Señores de los Caballos Bárbaros: Ocultarse (bosque), Rabia, Fuego en movimiento, Despliegue en vanguardia

Monstruos y bestias
Mastines Bárbaros Norses: Resistencia a los proyectiles, Ocultarse (bosque)
Lobos de Hielo Norses: Resistencia a los proyectiles, Ocultarse (bosque), Congelación, Causan miedo
Trolls Norses: Causan miedo, Regeneración
Trolls de Hielo Norses: Causan miedo, Regeneración, Congelación
Mantícora Salvaje: Resistencia a los proyectiles, Causa miedo, Causa terror
Pieles Lobo: Resistencia física, Causan miedo, Ocultarse (bosque), Furia, Eficaz contra enemigos grandes
Pieles Lobo (con armadura): Resistencia física, Causan miedo, Ocultarse (bosque), Furia, Eficaz contra enemigos grandes
Fimires Guerreros: Causan miedo, De entre la niebla, Secesión de armadura, Ataques mágicos
Fimires Guerreros (armas a dos manos): Causan miedo, De entre la niebla, Secesión de armadura, Eficaces contra enemigos grandes

Monstruos y bestias raros
Gigante Norse: Atacante en asedios, Causa miedo, Causa terror
Mamut Salvaje: Atacante en asedios, Causa miedo, Causa terror
Dragón de Escarcha: Resistencia a los proyectiles, Causa miedo, Causa terror, Aura escalofriante, Congelación
Mamut de Guerra: Atacante en asedios, Causa miedo, Causa terror, Jabalinas eficaces contra enemigos grandes
Mamut de Guerra (templete): Atacante en asedios, Causa miedo, Causa terror, Favor de los Poderes Ruinosos, Dador de gloria

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquer the Old World as the marauding tribes of Norsca and Wintertooth
  • Two new Legendary Lords: Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg
  • Recruit Norscan Lords with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Recruit three new Hero types with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Entreat the dark gods for mighty rewards!
  • Hunt the mightiest monsters of the Old World and tame them to your cause
  • Massive new roster with unique monstrous units including War Mammoths and Frost-Wyrms
  • Slow your foes with the chilling Frostbite combat ability
  • Tear through your enemies with new Rage and Berserk abilities


In the far north, between the Chaos Wastes and the Sea of Claws, lies Norsca. A barren, inhospitable peninsula in the far north of the Old World, it is home to ferocious tribes of warriors, hardened by the relentless blizzards, the barren icy tundra and the monstrous denizens of this accursed land. Fanatical servants of the dark gods, they will stop at nothing to prove their primal might, in a relentless hunt for worthy foes and fresh raiding grounds.


A Norscan campaign is one of relentless pillage and ruination. Their principle sources of income are raiding and sacking. This lends itself to a very mobile and combative playstyle – always keeping your armies on the move and often in contention with other factions. Razing settlements enables you to erect monoliths to the dark gods of Norsca… and the gods always reward the faithful!

In battle, Norscan armies are swift and vicious, featuring a backbone of increasingly fierce and more heavily armed Marauder infantry units. With the right buildings in place, they can also recruit a wide array of monstrous units such as Trolls, Fimir Warriors, Norscan Ice Wolves and Skin Wolves. At the top of the tree are the Frost-Wyrm and the colossal War Mammoth.

Unique Norsca Mechanics

Allegiance to the gods
When conquering a settlement, Norscan factions have a unique new post-battle option. Alongside Occupying and Looting, they may choose to Raze a settlement and erect a monolith to one of the four dark gods, who they personify as the Eagle, the Crow, the Serpent and the Hound. The more monoliths that are erected, the more favour the gods bestow. Rewards are granted in the form of increasingly powerful campaign and battle bonuses and, in certain cases, unique units or characters.

Victory Conditions
By pledging your allegiance to a god fully and securing its final and greatest reward, you trigger the road to campaign victory. The gods are jealous, and the three you have spurned will not take kindly. They will dispatch their most powerful champions to challenge your supremacy, activating a series of quests which culminate in an epic endgame experience.

Monster hunting
When the Monster Hunter skill is unlocked in the tech tree, a Norsca faction gains access to the Monstrous Arcanum. This ancient tome lists the mightiest beasts and monsters to roam the world. The player may then choose to initiate hunts, embarking on multi-stage quests which culminate in battles against these legendary creatures. Once defeated, they may bestow legendary trophies which the player may equip his characters with. In certain cases, the monsters themselves may be brought to heel and recruited for use in battle.

A number of frost-imbued units appear in the roster, such as Norscan Ice Wolves and Norscan Ice Trolls, with the passive ability Frostbite. This new effect significantly slows units engaged in melee, making it considerably easier to run down routers or those attempting to manoeuvre. Similarly, the mighty Frost-Wyrm has the Chilling Aura ability, a constant effect slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy units.

Confederate the Norscan tribes by defeating their Faction Leaders in battle. Such a show of supremacy will make them much more amenable to accepting your rule!

Marauder Outposts can be established in conquered coastal settlements outside of Norsca. These provide basic recruitment options and act as handy replenishment-stops for your marauding armies. Securing major faction capitals outside Norsca – such as Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof and so on – allows you to build fully-developed Norscan settlements. Ownership of these cities also enables you to plunder the secrets of their original owners, unlocking unique new technologies to research.

New Legendary Lords

A Norsca campaign may be led by one of two Legendary Lords: Wulfrik The Wanderer, leader of the Norsca faction, or Throgg, King of the Trolls and leader of the Wintertooth faction. Each begins play in a different starting position and bring their own unique suite of campaign and battle bonuses.

Wulfrik The Wanderer
Wulfrik is a relentless executioner. He roams land and sea, an awe-inspiring figure draped with the skulls of his conquests. He has slain dragons and kings, highborn lords and beasts of legend. None may refuse the challenge he delivers – and in their own tongue, no less.

Wulfrik is a powerful leader and duellist with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. He has the Siege Attacker attribute, enabling him to ignore the requirement for siege engines or siege weapons before attacking walled settlements. All Mammoth units in his army gain bonus Melee Attack, all Marauder units enjoy reduced Upkeep Costs, and every unit in his retinue causes Fear.

Wulfrik also has a personal combat ability called Seafang, named after his fabled ship; a powerful and far-reaching wind attack. Carefully placed, it can stagger and slay numerous foes. In battle, his Hunter of Champions skill enables him to pin enemy characters in place while he fights them.

Trolls are widely known not just for their physical power, but also their striking lack of intelligence. It is this that sets Throgg apart from the rest of his kind, for he is gifted with a rare intelligence for his grotesque kind. Behind his snaggle-toothed visage lies a ruthless cunning that Throgg employs to bring the bitter chill of the north to the lands of man.

Throgg is a powerful leader and melee fighter with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. As the King of the Trolls, Throgg brings reduced upkeep to Troll and Ice Troll units, and units in Throgg’s army are immune to all forms of attrition. He also grants a Physical Resistance buff to all Troll and Ice Troll units factionwide.

If Throgg captures the settlement of Eringrad in Troll Country, he may build a unique building there – the Cave of the Rocky Throne – which grants buffs to Troll units factionwide. Throgg also has a uniquely Trollish magic missile attack called Copious Vomit

New Lord

Marauder Chieftain
Leaders of the Norscan armies, Marauder Chieftains boast unique sequences of personal specialisations in their skills trees, enabling them to truly excel in certain aspects of battle, and culminating is powerful active and passive abilities which transform their effectiveness in battle. Each of these specialisation paths is aligned with one of the four Norscan gods, and the nature of these abilities is inspired by their aspect. Chieftains can also unlock a series of mounts, culminating in the mighty War Mammoth.

New Heroes

Norsca players armies may recruit three new types of Hero units to support their armies and perform Campaign Map actions.

Skin Wolf Werekin
These hulking beasts are superior to their Skin Wolf kin in every way. As well as being powerful, anti-large focused warriors, they also have two unique, mutually exclusive skill-paths which grant them strong offensive or defensive combat-support buffs to nearby enemy units.

Shaman Sorcerer (Lores of Death, Metal Fire)
The sorcerers of Norsca may be recruited to specialise in the Lores of Metal, Fire or Death. However, once a Norscan, always a Norscan… these are no weakling mages! They gain melee attack improvements and may be mounted on chariots.

Fimir Balefiend (Lores of Shadows, Fire)
Fimir Balefiends may be adept magic-users, but their impressive stature and musculature also make them powerful fighters. These dual-role heroes work best in the thick of battle, casting spells and supporting the troops with their combat abilities. Fimir also have magical attacks and sunder armour.

Unit roster

Marauder Chieftain: melee focus

Skin Wolf Werekin: melee/combat support
Shaman Sorcerer: Lores of Metal/Death/Fire
Fimir Balefiend: dual-role, Lores of Shadows/Fire

Marauders: Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Spearmen: Rage, Charge Def. VS Large, Hide (forest)
Marauders (Great Weapons) Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Berserkers: Frenzy, Berserk, Hide (forest), Immune to Psychology
Marauder Champions: Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage
Marauder Champions (Great Weapons): Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage

Missile Infantry
Marauder Hunters (Javelin): Hide (forest), Rage, Anti Large
Marauder Hunters (Throwing Axe): Hide (forest), Rage, Armour Piercing missiles

Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Chariot: Rage
Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot: Rage, Causes Fear, Frostbite

Missile Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Horsemen: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemen (throwing axes): Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemasters: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment

Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Warhounds: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest)
Norscan Ice Wolves: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest), Frostbite, Cause Fear
Norscan Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration
Norscan Ice Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration, Frostbite
Feral Manticore: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror
Skin Wolves: Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Skin Wolves (armoured): Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Fimir Warriors: Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Magical Attacks
Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons): Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Anti-Large

Rare Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Giant: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Feral Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Frost-Wyrm: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror, Chilling Aura, Frostbite
War Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Anti Large javelins
War Mammoth (Warshrine): Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Favour of The Ruinous Powers, Giver of Glory

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquer the Old World as the marauding tribes of Norsca and Wintertooth
  • Two new Legendary Lords: Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg
  • Recruit Norscan Lords with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Recruit three new Hero types with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Entreat the dark gods for mighty rewards!
  • Hunt the mightiest monsters of the Old World and tame them to your cause
  • Massive new roster with unique monstrous units including War Mammoths and Frost-Wyrms
  • Slow your foes with the chilling Frostbite combat ability
  • Tear through your enemies with new Rage and Berserk abilities


In the far north, between the Chaos Wastes and the Sea of Claws, lies Norsca. A barren, inhospitable peninsula in the far north of the Old World, it is home to ferocious tribes of warriors, hardened by the relentless blizzards, the barren icy tundra and the monstrous denizens of this accursed land. Fanatical servants of the dark gods, they will stop at nothing to prove their primal might, in a relentless hunt for worthy foes and fresh raiding grounds.


A Norscan campaign is one of relentless pillage and ruination. Their principle sources of income are raiding and sacking. This lends itself to a very mobile and combative playstyle – always keeping your armies on the move and often in contention with other factions. Razing settlements enables you to erect monoliths to the dark gods of Norsca… and the gods always reward the faithful!

In battle, Norscan armies are swift and vicious, featuring a backbone of increasingly fierce and more heavily armed Marauder infantry units. With the right buildings in place, they can also recruit a wide array of monstrous units such as Trolls, Fimir Warriors, Norscan Ice Wolves and Skin Wolves. At the top of the tree are the Frost-Wyrm and the colossal War Mammoth.

Unique Norsca Mechanics

Allegiance to the gods
When conquering a settlement, Norscan factions have a unique new post-battle option. Alongside Occupying and Looting, they may choose to Raze a settlement and erect a monolith to one of the four dark gods, who they personify as the Eagle, the Crow, the Serpent and the Hound. The more monoliths that are erected, the more favour the gods bestow. Rewards are granted in the form of increasingly powerful campaign and battle bonuses and, in certain cases, unique units or characters.

Victory Conditions
By pledging your allegiance to a god fully and securing its final and greatest reward, you trigger the road to campaign victory. The gods are jealous, and the three you have spurned will not take kindly. They will dispatch their most powerful champions to challenge your supremacy, activating a series of quests which culminate in an epic endgame experience.

Monster hunting
When the Monster Hunter skill is unlocked in the tech tree, a Norsca faction gains access to the Monstrous Arcanum. This ancient tome lists the mightiest beasts and monsters to roam the world. The player may then choose to initiate hunts, embarking on multi-stage quests which culminate in battles against these legendary creatures. Once defeated, they may bestow legendary trophies which the player may equip his characters with. In certain cases, the monsters themselves may be brought to heel and recruited for use in battle.

A number of frost-imbued units appear in the roster, such as Norscan Ice Wolves and Norscan Ice Trolls, with the passive ability Frostbite. This new effect significantly slows units engaged in melee, making it considerably easier to run down routers or those attempting to manoeuvre. Similarly, the mighty Frost-Wyrm has the Chilling Aura ability, a constant effect slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy units.

Confederate the Norscan tribes by defeating their Faction Leaders in battle. Such a show of supremacy will make them much more amenable to accepting your rule!

Marauder Outposts can be established in conquered coastal settlements outside of Norsca. These provide basic recruitment options and act as handy replenishment-stops for your marauding armies. Securing major faction capitals outside Norsca – such as Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof and so on – allows you to build fully-developed Norscan settlements. Ownership of these cities also enables you to plunder the secrets of their original owners, unlocking unique new technologies to research.

New Legendary Lords

A Norsca campaign may be led by one of two Legendary Lords: Wulfrik The Wanderer, leader of the Norsca faction, or Throgg, King of the Trolls and leader of the Wintertooth faction. Each begins play in a different starting position and bring their own unique suite of campaign and battle bonuses.

Wulfrik The Wanderer
Wulfrik is a relentless executioner. He roams land and sea, an awe-inspiring figure draped with the skulls of his conquests. He has slain dragons and kings, highborn lords and beasts of legend. None may refuse the challenge he delivers – and in their own tongue, no less.

Wulfrik is a powerful leader and duellist with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. He has the Siege Attacker attribute, enabling him to ignore the requirement for siege engines or siege weapons before attacking walled settlements. All Mammoth units in his army gain bonus Melee Attack, all Marauder units enjoy reduced Upkeep Costs, and every unit in his retinue causes Fear.

Wulfrik also has a personal combat ability called Seafang, named after his fabled ship; a powerful and far-reaching wind attack. Carefully placed, it can stagger and slay numerous foes. In battle, his Hunter of Champions skill enables him to pin enemy characters in place while he fights them.

Trolls are widely known not just for their physical power, but also their striking lack of intelligence. It is this that sets Throgg apart from the rest of his kind, for he is gifted with a rare intelligence for his grotesque kind. Behind his snaggle-toothed visage lies a ruthless cunning that Throgg employs to bring the bitter chill of the north to the lands of man.

Throgg is a powerful leader and melee fighter with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. As the King of the Trolls, Throgg brings reduced upkeep to Troll and Ice Troll units, and units in Throgg’s army are immune to all forms of attrition. He also grants a Physical Resistance buff to all Troll and Ice Troll units factionwide.

If Throgg captures the settlement of Eringrad in Troll Country, he may build a unique building there – the Cave of the Rocky Throne – which grants buffs to Troll units factionwide. Throgg also has a uniquely Trollish magic missile attack called Copious Vomit

New Lord

Marauder Chieftain
Leaders of the Norscan armies, Marauder Chieftains boast unique sequences of personal specialisations in their skills trees, enabling them to truly excel in certain aspects of battle, and culminating is powerful active and passive abilities which transform their effectiveness in battle. Each of these specialisation paths is aligned with one of the four Norscan gods, and the nature of these abilities is inspired by their aspect. Chieftains can also unlock a series of mounts, culminating in the mighty War Mammoth.

New Heroes

Norsca players armies may recruit three new types of Hero units to support their armies and perform Campaign Map actions.

Skin Wolf Werekin
These hulking beasts are superior to their Skin Wolf kin in every way. As well as being powerful, anti-large focused warriors, they also have two unique, mutually exclusive skill-paths which grant them strong offensive or defensive combat-support buffs to nearby enemy units.

Shaman Sorcerer (Lores of Death, Metal Fire)
The sorcerers of Norsca may be recruited to specialise in the Lores of Metal, Fire or Death. However, once a Norscan, always a Norscan… these are no weakling mages! They gain melee attack improvements and may be mounted on chariots.

Fimir Balefiend (Lores of Shadows, Fire)
Fimir Balefiends may be adept magic-users, but their impressive stature and musculature also make them powerful fighters. These dual-role heroes work best in the thick of battle, casting spells and supporting the troops with their combat abilities. Fimir also have magical attacks and sunder armour.

Unit roster

Marauder Chieftain: melee focus

Skin Wolf Werekin: melee/combat support
Shaman Sorcerer: Lores of Metal/Death/Fire
Fimir Balefiend: dual-role, Lores of Shadows/Fire

Marauders: Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Spearmen: Rage, Charge Def. VS Large, Hide (forest)
Marauders (Great Weapons) Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Berserkers: Frenzy, Berserk, Hide (forest), Immune to Psychology
Marauder Champions: Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage
Marauder Champions (Great Weapons): Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage

Missile Infantry
Marauder Hunters (Javelin): Hide (forest), Rage, Anti Large
Marauder Hunters (Throwing Axe): Hide (forest), Rage, Armour Piercing missiles

Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Chariot: Rage
Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot: Rage, Causes Fear, Frostbite

Missile Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Horsemen: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemen (throwing axes): Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemasters: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment

Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Warhounds: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest)
Norscan Ice Wolves: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest), Frostbite, Cause Fear
Norscan Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration
Norscan Ice Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration, Frostbite
Feral Manticore: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror
Skin Wolves: Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Skin Wolves (armoured): Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Fimir Warriors: Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Magical Attacks
Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons): Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Anti-Large

Rare Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Giant: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Feral Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Frost-Wyrm: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror, Chilling Aura, Frostbite
War Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Anti Large javelins
War Mammoth (Warshrine): Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Favour of The Ruinous Powers, Giver of Glory

Total War: WARHAMMER – Norsca

  • Conquer the Old World as the marauding tribes of Norsca and Wintertooth
  • Two new Legendary Lords: Wulfrik the Wanderer and Throgg
  • Recruit Norscan Lords with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Recruit three new Hero types with deep-specialisation skill trees
  • Entreat the dark gods for mighty rewards!
  • Hunt the mightiest monsters of the Old World and tame them to your cause
  • Massive new roster with unique monstrous units including War Mammoths and Frost-Wyrms
  • Slow your foes with the chilling Frostbite combat ability
  • Tear through your enemies with new Rage and Berserk abilities


In the far north, between the Chaos Wastes and the Sea of Claws, lies Norsca. A barren, inhospitable peninsula in the far north of the Old World, it is home to ferocious tribes of warriors, hardened by the relentless blizzards, the barren icy tundra and the monstrous denizens of this accursed land. Fanatical servants of the dark gods, they will stop at nothing to prove their primal might, in a relentless hunt for worthy foes and fresh raiding grounds.


A Norscan campaign is one of relentless pillage and ruination. Their principle sources of income are raiding and sacking. This lends itself to a very mobile and combative playstyle – always keeping your armies on the move and often in contention with other factions. Razing settlements enables you to erect monoliths to the dark gods of Norsca… and the gods always reward the faithful!

In battle, Norscan armies are swift and vicious, featuring a backbone of increasingly fierce and more heavily armed Marauder infantry units. With the right buildings in place, they can also recruit a wide array of monstrous units such as Trolls, Fimir Warriors, Norscan Ice Wolves and Skin Wolves. At the top of the tree are the Frost-Wyrm and the colossal War Mammoth.

Unique Norsca Mechanics

Allegiance to the gods
When conquering a settlement, Norscan factions have a unique new post-battle option. Alongside Occupying and Looting, they may choose to Raze a settlement and erect a monolith to one of the four dark gods, who they personify as the Eagle, the Crow, the Serpent and the Hound. The more monoliths that are erected, the more favour the gods bestow. Rewards are granted in the form of increasingly powerful campaign and battle bonuses and, in certain cases, unique units or characters.

Victory Conditions
By pledging your allegiance to a god fully and securing its final and greatest reward, you trigger the road to campaign victory. The gods are jealous, and the three you have spurned will not take kindly. They will dispatch their most powerful champions to challenge your supremacy, activating a series of quests which culminate in an epic endgame experience.

Monster hunting
When the Monster Hunter skill is unlocked in the tech tree, a Norsca faction gains access to the Monstrous Arcanum. This ancient tome lists the mightiest beasts and monsters to roam the world. The player may then choose to initiate hunts, embarking on multi-stage quests which culminate in battles against these legendary creatures. Once defeated, they may bestow legendary trophies which the player may equip his characters with. In certain cases, the monsters themselves may be brought to heel and recruited for use in battle.

A number of frost-imbued units appear in the roster, such as Norscan Ice Wolves and Norscan Ice Trolls, with the passive ability Frostbite. This new effect significantly slows units engaged in melee, making it considerably easier to run down routers or those attempting to manoeuvre. Similarly, the mighty Frost-Wyrm has the Chilling Aura ability, a constant effect slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy units.

Confederate the Norscan tribes by defeating their Faction Leaders in battle. Such a show of supremacy will make them much more amenable to accepting your rule!

Marauder Outposts can be established in conquered coastal settlements outside of Norsca. These provide basic recruitment options and act as handy replenishment-stops for your marauding armies. Securing major faction capitals outside Norsca – such as Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof and so on – allows you to build fully-developed Norscan settlements. Ownership of these cities also enables you to plunder the secrets of their original owners, unlocking unique new technologies to research.

New Legendary Lords

A Norsca campaign may be led by one of two Legendary Lords: Wulfrik The Wanderer, leader of the Norsca faction, or Throgg, King of the Trolls and leader of the Wintertooth faction. Each begins play in a different starting position and bring their own unique suite of campaign and battle bonuses.

Wulfrik The Wanderer
Wulfrik is a relentless executioner. He roams land and sea, an awe-inspiring figure draped with the skulls of his conquests. He has slain dragons and kings, highborn lords and beasts of legend. None may refuse the challenge he delivers – and in their own tongue, no less.

Wulfrik is a powerful leader and duellist with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. He has the Siege Attacker attribute, enabling him to ignore the requirement for siege engines or siege weapons before attacking walled settlements. All Mammoth units in his army gain bonus Melee Attack, all Marauder units enjoy reduced Upkeep Costs, and every unit in his retinue causes Fear.

Wulfrik also has a personal combat ability called Seafang, named after his fabled ship; a powerful and far-reaching wind attack. Carefully placed, it can stagger and slay numerous foes. In battle, his Hunter of Champions skill enables him to pin enemy characters in place while he fights them.

Trolls are widely known not just for their physical power, but also their striking lack of intelligence. It is this that sets Throgg apart from the rest of his kind, for he is gifted with a rare intelligence for his grotesque kind. Behind his snaggle-toothed visage lies a ruthless cunning that Throgg employs to bring the bitter chill of the north to the lands of man.

Throgg is a powerful leader and melee fighter with unique skills, quest-chains and legendary items. As the King of the Trolls, Throgg brings reduced upkeep to Troll and Ice Troll units, and units in Throgg’s army are immune to all forms of attrition. He also grants a Physical Resistance buff to all Troll and Ice Troll units factionwide.

If Throgg captures the settlement of Eringrad in Troll Country, he may build a unique building there – the Cave of the Rocky Throne – which grants buffs to Troll units factionwide. Throgg also has a uniquely Trollish magic missile attack called Copious Vomit

New Lord

Marauder Chieftain
Leaders of the Norscan armies, Marauder Chieftains boast unique sequences of personal specialisations in their skills trees, enabling them to truly excel in certain aspects of battle, and culminating is powerful active and passive abilities which transform their effectiveness in battle. Each of these specialisation paths is aligned with one of the four Norscan gods, and the nature of these abilities is inspired by their aspect. Chieftains can also unlock a series of mounts, culminating in the mighty War Mammoth.

New Heroes

Norsca players armies may recruit three new types of Hero units to support their armies and perform Campaign Map actions.

Skin Wolf Werekin
These hulking beasts are superior to their Skin Wolf kin in every way. As well as being powerful, anti-large focused warriors, they also have two unique, mutually exclusive skill-paths which grant them strong offensive or defensive combat-support buffs to nearby enemy units.

Shaman Sorcerer (Lores of Death, Metal Fire)
The sorcerers of Norsca may be recruited to specialise in the Lores of Metal, Fire or Death. However, once a Norscan, always a Norscan… these are no weakling mages! They gain melee attack improvements and may be mounted on chariots.

Fimir Balefiend (Lores of Shadows, Fire)
Fimir Balefiends may be adept magic-users, but their impressive stature and musculature also make them powerful fighters. These dual-role heroes work best in the thick of battle, casting spells and supporting the troops with their combat abilities. Fimir also have magical attacks and sunder armour.

Unit roster

Marauder Chieftain: melee focus

Skin Wolf Werekin: melee/combat support
Shaman Sorcerer: Lores of Metal/Death/Fire
Fimir Balefiend: dual-role, Lores of Shadows/Fire

Marauders: Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Spearmen: Rage, Charge Def. VS Large, Hide (forest)
Marauders (Great Weapons) Rage, Hide (forest)
Marauder Berserkers: Frenzy, Berserk, Hide (forest), Immune to Psychology
Marauder Champions: Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage
Marauder Champions (Great Weapons): Heavy Armour, Hide (forest), Rage

Missile Infantry
Marauder Hunters (Javelin): Hide (forest), Rage, Anti Large
Marauder Hunters (Throwing Axe): Hide (forest), Rage, Armour Piercing missiles

Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Chariot: Rage
Marauder Ice Wolves Chariot: Rage, Causes Fear, Frostbite

Missile Cavalry & Chariots
Marauder Horsemen: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemen (throwing axes): Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment
Marauder Horsemasters: Hide (forest), Rage, Fire While Moving, Vanguard Deployment

Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Warhounds: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest)
Norscan Ice Wolves: Missile Resistance, Hide (forest), Frostbite, Cause Fear
Norscan Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration
Norscan Ice Trolls: Cause Fear, Regeneration, Frostbite
Feral Manticore: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror
Skin Wolves: Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Skin Wolves (armoured): Physical Resistance, Cause fear, Hide (forest), Frenzy, Anti-Large
Fimir Warriors: Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Magical Attacks
Fimir Warriors (Great Weapons): Cause Fear, From the Mist, Armour Sundering, Anti-Large

Rare Monsters & Beasts
Norscan Giant: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Feral Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror
Frost-Wyrm: Missile Resistance, Cause Fear, Cause Terror, Chilling Aura, Frostbite
War Mammoth: Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Anti Large javelins
War Mammoth (Warshrine): Siege Attacker, Cause Fear, Cause terror, Favour of The Ruinous Powers, Giver of Glory

System Requirements


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