Total War: Warhammer - The Grim & The Grave (DLC)
Total War: Warhammer - The Grim & The Grave (DLC)

Total War: Warhammer - The Grim & The Grave (DLC)

Release Date: 01/09/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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Total War: WARHAMMER – The Grim & The Grave

The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles.

  • Two new Legendary Lords…
  • …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
  • Two new additional Lord types
  • Five all-new battlefield units plus variants
  • Five new battlefields for custom battles and multiplayer battles
  • 18 elite Regiments of Renown

Ever-devious and ever-ruthless, the Unliving Aristocracy summons forth horrifying new threats to unman the forces of The Empire. Smelling blood on the tainted air, the Strigoi Ghoul Kings stir from their stale catacombs, while Mannfred’s darkest student, Helman Ghorst, pauses in his damnable studies and readies the Corpse-Carts for battle.

But the proud men of The Empire do not stand idly by in the face of such unholy threats. Even now the call goes out, and all eyes turn to Volkmar The Grim, Grand Theogonist of The Cult of Sigmar. Pious and forbidding, Karl Franz’ staunchest ally calls forth his Arch Lectors and rides into battle on the War Altar of Sigmar, a sight to strike terror even into the unbeating hearts of The Undead.

Man versus vampire: legend versus legend.

The Grim and The Grave.

New Legendary Lords

Volkmar The Grim
Volkmar The Grim is the Grand Theogonist, the head of the Cult of Sigmar and the most powerful religious leader in the Empire. He is a pious and foreboding man who is utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos in all its forms. When he accompanies an army into battle, he typically rides atop the resplendent War Altar of Sigmar, inspiring the soldiers around him to great acts of heroism as he strikes the followers of evil down with powerful blows and words of divine force. Volkmar is a holy terror on the battlefield, a man who fights with the fury of Sigmar himself. It is said that his soul is forged of steel, and he fights the malign influence of Chaos with every fibre of his being.

Campaign bonuses
When Volkmar leads a Grand Campaign, any Flagellant you recruit into his army will gain improvements to their weapon damage and charge bonus stats, and will be cheaper to recruit.

Volkmar may embark on quests to earn his Legendary items. The Jade Griffon provides a passive augment that regenerates Volkmar’s health, while the Staff of Command brings a number of improvements to Volkmar’s combat skills, public order management and post-battle loot income.

Battle prayers
Volkmar can unlock three Grand Battle Prayers to utter in combat, improving the offensive and defensive capabilities of himself and those around him.

Unique mount
When Volkmar has unlocked his Battle Prayers, he gains access to the War Altar of Sigmar, a resplendent fighting platform replete with a vast bronze Griffon bearing Ghal Maraz.

Unique Skills
Volkmar has the unique skills Para Bellum Aeturnus and Heretic Hunter, which improve the abilities of Flagellants and Warrior Priests in both battle and campaign.

Helman Ghorst
Helman Ghorst was once a man, yet that life was ripped from him. The loss of his father and brothers to plague sent Ghorst into an obsessive madness; he began studying the black arts in the hope of returning his lost kin to life. Coming to the attention of Mannfred von Carstein, the Count taught him necromancy, transforming Helman into something beyond the grief-maddened man from Templehof. Now, he is carried through the night on a bone-ridged cart, pulled not by horses, but by the brothers he so desperately wished to save – each a once-handsome farrier restored to a mockery of life, forced to stumble along at the head of their brother’s unloving host.

Campaign bonuses
When chosen to lead a Grand Campaign, Helman Ghorst confers a bonus to the casualty replenishment rate of all Vampire Counts armies. In addition, all units in Helman Ghorst’s army gain poison attacks.

Helman may embark upon a quest for The Liber Noctus, a legendary tome which weakens his enemies in battle, and enables him to use special abilities more frequently.

Unique Mount
Helman may unlock The Brothers Ghorst Corpse Cart. Drawn by the undead remnants of his brothers, this unique mount vastly improves his weapon strength and damage output.

Unique Spell
Awaken from the Grave, Helman’s unique spell, summons a unit of Grave Guard or, when upgraded, a Wight King to fight for him.

Unique Skills
Helman has the unique skill Leading from the Front which improves abilities of the plague-bearing Corpse Carts and the phantasmal Mortis Engine.

New Lords

Arch Lector
The High Priest of the Cult of Sigmar is the Grand Theogonist, and beneath him are his two Arch Lectors - grim, imposing figures, both on and off the battlefield. It is the duty of Arch Lectors to protect the populace and cast out evil. They epitomise the warrior courage of Sigmar himself, leading from the front where they manifest the power of the gods and inspire whole armies to acts of heroism.

Battle prayers
Arch Lectors can learn three Grand Battle Prayers to aid their armies in combat. Hammer of Sigmar improves the Arch Lector’s melee attack skill. Shields of Faith is an area-effect augment for nearby allies, improving their damage resistance. Soulfire is a large area-effect offensive power, causing mass magical damage to enemy units.

Strigoi Ghoul King
The pallid creatures known as Ghoul Kings are in fact once-proud Strigoi Vampires forced into a troglodytic existence. Though all Strigoi descend from the same ancient lineage of Ushoran, they have devolved to become something far fouler and more hate-filled than their brethren. The Ghoul Kings spend their days creeping through the hidden places of the world, but under cover of night, they wreak their vengeance at the head of a shambling army of Undead.

Powerful warriors and spellcasters, Strigoi Ghoul Kings wield a mixed lore combining spells from the Lore of Vampires and the Lore of Death, and may unlock and ride Terrorgheists into battle.

Unique Spell
Command of The Unliving, the Strigoi Ghoul King’s unique spell, summons a unit of Crypt Ghouls or, when upgraded, a unit of Crypt Horrors to fight for him in battle.

New Units

Corpse Cart
Drawn by shambling zombies, Corpse Carts act like magnets for Dark Magic, drawing their power from the land itself and re-animating the dead around them. Sometimes a Corpse Cart is hung with a great bell, the clapper of which is a fell lodestone of eldritch provenance. When necromantic magic is thick in the air, the bell tolls and ripples of Dark Magic emanate from the Corpse Cart.

As a magical support chariot, the Corpse Cart projects a magical aura known as the Vigor Mortis. This confers regeneration on the corpse cart and raises the melee attack of nearby undead units. With the Balefire upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an increased chance to miscast on nearby enemy wizards. With the Unholy Lodestone upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an area-effect regeneration augment on nearby friendly undead units.

Mortis Engine
The remains of Necromancers and Liche Lords are sometimes enshrined within a Mortis Engine, a cage of fused bone surrounded by trappings of grandeur, and borne to war by a host of spirits bound to the infernal device. Heavy with evil magics and painstakingly illuminated, the Blasphemous Tome the Mortis Engine bears has been crafted with such care that their creator's souls have passed into the leaves of human skin that form its pages. These books can be a boon to the twisted practitioners of necromancy.

As a magical support chariot, the Mortis Engine Regenerates hitpoints for itself and nearby friendly undead units, and causes magical damage to nearby enemy units within the same radius. The attendant Blasphemous Tome also increases the owner’s Winds of Magic power reserve. Upon destruction, the Mortis Engine explodes in a cataclysm of arcane energy, causing widespread damage to nearby friends and foes.

Free Company Militia
While state troops form the mainstay of the Empire’s military forces, its armies are often bulked out by ad-hoc regiments of militia who are recruited to fight as and when required. No one can foretell how many will turn up at the muster, or what their fighting quality will be. After all, these irregular troops receive no formal training or discipline.

Free Company Militia are dual-role hybrid troops. Armed with both short-range pistols and swords, the can fight as the situation demands. With the Vanguard Deployment ability, they can be deployed deep in the field.

When battle is joined, bands of crazed Flagellants beat themselves into a frenzy before charging headlong towards the enemy. They throw themselves into the fray without hesitation, against the most hopeless of odds. With howls of doom on their lips and visions of martyrdom in their thoughts, Flagellants fight with wild ferocity, swinging their flails at their enemies and leaving trails of blood and woe in their wake.

Flagellants are both Frenzied and Unbreakable. Their Strength of the Penitent special ability super-charges their fighting skills, conferring enhanced physical resistance and melee defence.

Knights of The Blazing Sun
The Templar order of The Blazing Sun pride themselves on learning the very arts and sciences of war. Resplendent on their armoured mounts, they fight in the name of Myrmidia, the very goddess of warfare. For generations they have fought devoutly for the honour and sanctity of the Empire.

Powerful shock cavalry akin to the famous Reiksguard, the Knights of The Blazing Sun carry glinting shields which blind those wishing to cause them harm. This confers a certain resistance to magical damage. Their righteous zeal also grants them flaming attacks.

Regiments of Renown

These are elite units – legendary within the annals of the Old World – whose statistics are much-improved over those of their standard counterparts. They can be unlocked for recruitment when the Lord under your command has attained the sufficient skill level, and are instantly recruited from the special Regiments of Renown recruitment menu into his army. In this respect they differ from standard units, which spend at least one turn in the recruitment queue.

Alongside enhanced stats, each Regiment of Renown also has one or more special abilities its standard-roster counterpart does not.

Please note: unit abilities and details subject to change.


The Tattersouls - Flagellants
Increased unit size

This brotherhood of zealots is led by the crazed prophet Gerhard The Worm, who fought alongside Volkmar in the war against The Everchosen. Little remains of his personality now but the raw fervour which drives his men.

Stirland’s Revenge – Free Company Militia
Stalk, armour piercing missiles, immune to psychology

A shower of growling ne’er-do-wells, the ragged militia of Stirland’s Revenge are always spoiling for a fight. What they lack in personal hygiene, they more than make up for in their thirst for vengeance against the undead.

Hammer of The Witches – Great Cannon
Enhanced physical resistance, shells cause magical damage

A single regiment is all that remains of Fort Oberstyre’s once-formidable batteries. The Hammer of The Witches earned its name in service of the town of Gortansford, tearing The Grey Hag to shreds with hastily-improvised grapeshot-rounds of horseshoes.

Sigmar’s Sons - Swordsmen

Sigmar’s Sons originally served in The Red Masquers, a regiment that fought alongside Volkmar against the Norscans. They are Veteran warriors and merciless killers to a man, fearless in the face of evil.

Silver Bullets – Handgunners
Stalk, bullets deal magical damage

Prior to battle, their foul-mouthed quartermaster Curser Brecht hands each of these marksmen a single silver bullet, granting them proof against whatever Sylvania may throw against them. Whether real or imagined, these good-luck charms seem to work…

The Sunmaker – Helstorm Rocket Battery
Flaming attacks, Increased number of missiles per volley

The final invention of the scatterbrained Talabheim alchemist Jurgen Bugelstrauss before his untimely demise, The Sunmaker fires specialist phosphoric rockets that burn with a blinding brilliance.

The Templehof Luminark – Luminark of Hysh
Encourage, Net of Amyntok

Crafted by Jovi Sunscryer, most experienced of the White Wizards, The lenses of the Templehof Luminark are ground to perfection and offer an unmatched degree of focus.

The Royal Altdorf Gryphites – Demigryphs
Cause terror

At the head of the Drakwald Riders, the Royal Altdorf Gryphites are among the finest of The Order’s inner-circle of cavalrymen.

Zintler’s Reiksguard – Reiksguard
Vanguard Deployment

Led by the Reiksmarshal Hans Zintler, the long and oft-storied history of this proud order has given them a peerless positional perspective. Masters of the flanking manoeuvre, their enemies find themselves under savage assault before the battle has been joined in earnest.

Vampire Counts

The Feasters in The Dusk – Crypt Ghouls
Stalk, vanguard deployment

Most Crypt Ghouls are only too eager to pound towards their foes for the meal they represent. The Feasters in The Dusk are uncharacteristically measured in their approach, preferring to advance in stealthy fashion before lunging at their prey from the shadows.

The Devils of Shwartzhafen – Vargheists
Vanguard Deployment

These once-handsome sons of the Von Carstein dynasty, trapped for long years in the warpstone-tainted caverns below Castle Swartzhafen, bear no trace of their former intellect. Now, they haunt the night at Mannfred’s behest, tearing his opponents to bloody rags.

The Direpack – Dire Wolves
Bonus VS large, increased mass and size

Uncommonly ferocious, these grossly muscled fiends eschew smaller targets in favour of foes large enough to satisfy their ravenous appetites.

The Sternsmen – Grave Guard

In life, these cursed warriors were the honour guard of Verek The Blade, First Castellan of Sternieste. In death, they fight with an unholy zeal which resists the blows of their foes.

The Tithe – Zombies
Increased size and physical resistance

These once-proud fighting men of Sylvania, now reduced to shambling servants of The Midnight Aristocracy, are physically superior to ‘civilian’ zombies in every way

The Chillgheists – Hexwraiths
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

Guardians of the Necropolis of Vargravia, The Chillgheists draw power from the cursed land and instil a blasphemous resolve in their cold-hearted brethren.

The Claw of Nagash – Mortis Engine
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

It is said that the huge ironbone reliquary of this Mortis Engine contains the withered but still-moving hand of Nagash himself, lending it the unholy power to ward off enemy magics.

Verek’s Reavers – Black Knights

Cursed to fight for the Wight King Verek The Blade, these cavalry are seemingly unstoppable, their limbs reattaching and shattered bones remade before their opponents’ startled eyes.

The Konigstein Stalkers – Skeleton Warriors
Poison Attacks, improved armour

Even veterans of conflict with the clacking hordes of Sylvania are unprepared for the poisonous onslaught of the Konigstein Stalkers.

Total War: WARHAMMER – The Grim & The Grave

The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles.

  • Two new Legendary Lords…
  • …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
  • Two new additional Lord types
  • Five all-new battlefield units plus variants
  • Five new battlefields for custom battles and multiplayer battles
  • 18 elite Regiments of Renown

Ever-devious and ever-ruthless, the Unliving Aristocracy summons forth horrifying new threats to unman the forces of The Empire. Smelling blood on the tainted air, the Strigoi Ghoul Kings stir from their stale catacombs, while Mannfred’s darkest student, Helman Ghorst, pauses in his damnable studies and readies the Corpse-Carts for battle.

But the proud men of The Empire do not stand idly by in the face of such unholy threats. Even now the call goes out, and all eyes turn to Volkmar The Grim, Grand Theogonist of The Cult of Sigmar. Pious and forbidding, Karl Franz’ staunchest ally calls forth his Arch Lectors and rides into battle on the War Altar of Sigmar, a sight to strike terror even into the unbeating hearts of The Undead.

Man versus vampire: legend versus legend.

The Grim and The Grave.

New Legendary Lords

Volkmar The Grim
Volkmar The Grim is the Grand Theogonist, the head of the Cult of Sigmar and the most powerful religious leader in the Empire. He is a pious and foreboding man who is utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos in all its forms. When he accompanies an army into battle, he typically rides atop the resplendent War Altar of Sigmar, inspiring the soldiers around him to great acts of heroism as he strikes the followers of evil down with powerful blows and words of divine force. Volkmar is a holy terror on the battlefield, a man who fights with the fury of Sigmar himself. It is said that his soul is forged of steel, and he fights the malign influence of Chaos with every fibre of his being.

Campaign bonuses
When Volkmar leads a Grand Campaign, any Flagellant you recruit into his army will gain improvements to their weapon damage and charge bonus stats, and will be cheaper to recruit.

Volkmar may embark on quests to earn his Legendary items. The Jade Griffon provides a passive augment that regenerates Volkmar’s health, while the Staff of Command brings a number of improvements to Volkmar’s combat skills, public order management and post-battle loot income.

Battle prayers
Volkmar can unlock three Grand Battle Prayers to utter in combat, improving the offensive and defensive capabilities of himself and those around him.

Unique mount
When Volkmar has unlocked his Battle Prayers, he gains access to the War Altar of Sigmar, a resplendent fighting platform replete with a vast bronze Griffon bearing Ghal Maraz.

Unique Skills
Volkmar has the unique skills Para Bellum Aeturnus and Heretic Hunter, which improve the abilities of Flagellants and Warrior Priests in both battle and campaign.

Helman Ghorst
Helman Ghorst was once a man, yet that life was ripped from him. The loss of his father and brothers to plague sent Ghorst into an obsessive madness; he began studying the black arts in the hope of returning his lost kin to life. Coming to the attention of Mannfred von Carstein, the Count taught him necromancy, transforming Helman into something beyond the grief-maddened man from Templehof. Now, he is carried through the night on a bone-ridged cart, pulled not by horses, but by the brothers he so desperately wished to save – each a once-handsome farrier restored to a mockery of life, forced to stumble along at the head of their brother’s unloving host.

Campaign bonuses
When chosen to lead a Grand Campaign, Helman Ghorst confers a bonus to the casualty replenishment rate of all Vampire Counts armies. In addition, all units in Helman Ghorst’s army gain poison attacks.

Helman may embark upon a quest for The Liber Noctus, a legendary tome which weakens his enemies in battle, and enables him to use special abilities more frequently.

Unique Mount
Helman may unlock The Brothers Ghorst Corpse Cart. Drawn by the undead remnants of his brothers, this unique mount vastly improves his weapon strength and damage output.

Unique Spell
Awaken from the Grave, Helman’s unique spell, summons a unit of Grave Guard or, when upgraded, a Wight King to fight for him.

Unique Skills
Helman has the unique skill Leading from the Front which improves abilities of the plague-bearing Corpse Carts and the phantasmal Mortis Engine.

New Lords

Arch Lector
The High Priest of the Cult of Sigmar is the Grand Theogonist, and beneath him are his two Arch Lectors - grim, imposing figures, both on and off the battlefield. It is the duty of Arch Lectors to protect the populace and cast out evil. They epitomise the warrior courage of Sigmar himself, leading from the front where they manifest the power of the gods and inspire whole armies to acts of heroism.

Battle prayers
Arch Lectors can learn three Grand Battle Prayers to aid their armies in combat. Hammer of Sigmar improves the Arch Lector’s melee attack skill. Shields of Faith is an area-effect augment for nearby allies, improving their damage resistance. Soulfire is a large area-effect offensive power, causing mass magical damage to enemy units.

Strigoi Ghoul King
The pallid creatures known as Ghoul Kings are in fact once-proud Strigoi Vampires forced into a troglodytic existence. Though all Strigoi descend from the same ancient lineage of Ushoran, they have devolved to become something far fouler and more hate-filled than their brethren. The Ghoul Kings spend their days creeping through the hidden places of the world, but under cover of night, they wreak their vengeance at the head of a shambling army of Undead.

Powerful warriors and spellcasters, Strigoi Ghoul Kings wield a mixed lore combining spells from the Lore of Vampires and the Lore of Death, and may unlock and ride Terrorgheists into battle.

Unique Spell
Command of The Unliving, the Strigoi Ghoul King’s unique spell, summons a unit of Crypt Ghouls or, when upgraded, a unit of Crypt Horrors to fight for him in battle.

New Units

Corpse Cart
Drawn by shambling zombies, Corpse Carts act like magnets for Dark Magic, drawing their power from the land itself and re-animating the dead around them. Sometimes a Corpse Cart is hung with a great bell, the clapper of which is a fell lodestone of eldritch provenance. When necromantic magic is thick in the air, the bell tolls and ripples of Dark Magic emanate from the Corpse Cart.

As a magical support chariot, the Corpse Cart projects a magical aura known as the Vigor Mortis. This confers regeneration on the corpse cart and raises the melee attack of nearby undead units. With the Balefire upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an increased chance to miscast on nearby enemy wizards. With the Unholy Lodestone upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an area-effect regeneration augment on nearby friendly undead units.

Mortis Engine
The remains of Necromancers and Liche Lords are sometimes enshrined within a Mortis Engine, a cage of fused bone surrounded by trappings of grandeur, and borne to war by a host of spirits bound to the infernal device. Heavy with evil magics and painstakingly illuminated, the Blasphemous Tome the Mortis Engine bears has been crafted with such care that their creator's souls have passed into the leaves of human skin that form its pages. These books can be a boon to the twisted practitioners of necromancy.

As a magical support chariot, the Mortis Engine Regenerates hitpoints for itself and nearby friendly undead units, and causes magical damage to nearby enemy units within the same radius. The attendant Blasphemous Tome also increases the owner’s Winds of Magic power reserve. Upon destruction, the Mortis Engine explodes in a cataclysm of arcane energy, causing widespread damage to nearby friends and foes.

Free Company Militia
While state troops form the mainstay of the Empire’s military forces, its armies are often bulked out by ad-hoc regiments of militia who are recruited to fight as and when required. No one can foretell how many will turn up at the muster, or what their fighting quality will be. After all, these irregular troops receive no formal training or discipline.

Free Company Militia are dual-role hybrid troops. Armed with both short-range pistols and swords, the can fight as the situation demands. With the Vanguard Deployment ability, they can be deployed deep in the field.

When battle is joined, bands of crazed Flagellants beat themselves into a frenzy before charging headlong towards the enemy. They throw themselves into the fray without hesitation, against the most hopeless of odds. With howls of doom on their lips and visions of martyrdom in their thoughts, Flagellants fight with wild ferocity, swinging their flails at their enemies and leaving trails of blood and woe in their wake.

Flagellants are both Frenzied and Unbreakable. Their Strength of the Penitent special ability super-charges their fighting skills, conferring enhanced physical resistance and melee defence.

Knights of The Blazing Sun
The Templar order of The Blazing Sun pride themselves on learning the very arts and sciences of war. Resplendent on their armoured mounts, they fight in the name of Myrmidia, the very goddess of warfare. For generations they have fought devoutly for the honour and sanctity of the Empire.

Powerful shock cavalry akin to the famous Reiksguard, the Knights of The Blazing Sun carry glinting shields which blind those wishing to cause them harm. This confers a certain resistance to magical damage. Their righteous zeal also grants them flaming attacks.

Regiments of Renown

These are elite units – legendary within the annals of the Old World – whose statistics are much-improved over those of their standard counterparts. They can be unlocked for recruitment when the Lord under your command has attained the sufficient skill level, and are instantly recruited from the special Regiments of Renown recruitment menu into his army. In this respect they differ from standard units, which spend at least one turn in the recruitment queue.

Alongside enhanced stats, each Regiment of Renown also has one or more special abilities its standard-roster counterpart does not.

Please note: unit abilities and details subject to change.


The Tattersouls - Flagellants
Increased unit size

This brotherhood of zealots is led by the crazed prophet Gerhard The Worm, who fought alongside Volkmar in the war against The Everchosen. Little remains of his personality now but the raw fervour which drives his men.

Stirland’s Revenge – Free Company Militia
Stalk, armour piercing missiles, immune to psychology

A shower of growling ne’er-do-wells, the ragged militia of Stirland’s Revenge are always spoiling for a fight. What they lack in personal hygiene, they more than make up for in their thirst for vengeance against the undead.

Hammer of The Witches – Great Cannon
Enhanced physical resistance, shells cause magical damage

A single regiment is all that remains of Fort Oberstyre’s once-formidable batteries. The Hammer of The Witches earned its name in service of the town of Gortansford, tearing The Grey Hag to shreds with hastily-improvised grapeshot-rounds of horseshoes.

Sigmar’s Sons - Swordsmen

Sigmar’s Sons originally served in The Red Masquers, a regiment that fought alongside Volkmar against the Norscans. They are Veteran warriors and merciless killers to a man, fearless in the face of evil.

Silver Bullets – Handgunners
Stalk, bullets deal magical damage

Prior to battle, their foul-mouthed quartermaster Curser Brecht hands each of these marksmen a single silver bullet, granting them proof against whatever Sylvania may throw against them. Whether real or imagined, these good-luck charms seem to work…

The Sunmaker – Helstorm Rocket Battery
Flaming attacks, Increased number of missiles per volley

The final invention of the scatterbrained Talabheim alchemist Jurgen Bugelstrauss before his untimely demise, The Sunmaker fires specialist phosphoric rockets that burn with a blinding brilliance.

The Templehof Luminark – Luminark of Hysh
Encourage, Net of Amyntok

Crafted by Jovi Sunscryer, most experienced of the White Wizards, The lenses of the Templehof Luminark are ground to perfection and offer an unmatched degree of focus.

The Royal Altdorf Gryphites – Demigryphs
Cause terror

At the head of the Drakwald Riders, the Royal Altdorf Gryphites are among the finest of The Order’s inner-circle of cavalrymen.

Zintler’s Reiksguard – Reiksguard
Vanguard Deployment

Led by the Reiksmarshal Hans Zintler, the long and oft-storied history of this proud order has given them a peerless positional perspective. Masters of the flanking manoeuvre, their enemies find themselves under savage assault before the battle has been joined in earnest.

Vampire Counts

The Feasters in The Dusk – Crypt Ghouls
Stalk, vanguard deployment

Most Crypt Ghouls are only too eager to pound towards their foes for the meal they represent. The Feasters in The Dusk are uncharacteristically measured in their approach, preferring to advance in stealthy fashion before lunging at their prey from the shadows.

The Devils of Shwartzhafen – Vargheists
Vanguard Deployment

These once-handsome sons of the Von Carstein dynasty, trapped for long years in the warpstone-tainted caverns below Castle Swartzhafen, bear no trace of their former intellect. Now, they haunt the night at Mannfred’s behest, tearing his opponents to bloody rags.

The Direpack – Dire Wolves
Bonus VS large, increased mass and size

Uncommonly ferocious, these grossly muscled fiends eschew smaller targets in favour of foes large enough to satisfy their ravenous appetites.

The Sternsmen – Grave Guard

In life, these cursed warriors were the honour guard of Verek The Blade, First Castellan of Sternieste. In death, they fight with an unholy zeal which resists the blows of their foes.

The Tithe – Zombies
Increased size and physical resistance

These once-proud fighting men of Sylvania, now reduced to shambling servants of The Midnight Aristocracy, are physically superior to ‘civilian’ zombies in every way

The Chillgheists – Hexwraiths
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

Guardians of the Necropolis of Vargravia, The Chillgheists draw power from the cursed land and instil a blasphemous resolve in their cold-hearted brethren.

The Claw of Nagash – Mortis Engine
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

It is said that the huge ironbone reliquary of this Mortis Engine contains the withered but still-moving hand of Nagash himself, lending it the unholy power to ward off enemy magics.

Verek’s Reavers – Black Knights

Cursed to fight for the Wight King Verek The Blade, these cavalry are seemingly unstoppable, their limbs reattaching and shattered bones remade before their opponents’ startled eyes.

The Konigstein Stalkers – Skeleton Warriors
Poison Attacks, improved armour

Even veterans of conflict with the clacking hordes of Sylvania are unprepared for the poisonous onslaught of the Konigstein Stalkers.

Total War: WARHAMMER – The Grim & The Grave

The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles.

  • Two new Legendary Lords…
  • …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
  • Two new additional Lord types
  • Five all-new battlefield units plus variants
  • Five new battlefields for custom battles and multiplayer battles
  • 18 elite Regiments of Renown

Ever-devious and ever-ruthless, the Unliving Aristocracy summons forth horrifying new threats to unman the forces of The Empire. Smelling blood on the tainted air, the Strigoi Ghoul Kings stir from their stale catacombs, while Mannfred’s darkest student, Helman Ghorst, pauses in his damnable studies and readies the Corpse-Carts for battle.

But the proud men of The Empire do not stand idly by in the face of such unholy threats. Even now the call goes out, and all eyes turn to Volkmar The Grim, Grand Theogonist of The Cult of Sigmar. Pious and forbidding, Karl Franz’ staunchest ally calls forth his Arch Lectors and rides into battle on the War Altar of Sigmar, a sight to strike terror even into the unbeating hearts of The Undead.

Man versus vampire: legend versus legend.

The Grim and The Grave.

New Legendary Lords

Volkmar The Grim
Volkmar The Grim is the Grand Theogonist, the head of the Cult of Sigmar and the most powerful religious leader in the Empire. He is a pious and foreboding man who is utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos in all its forms. When he accompanies an army into battle, he typically rides atop the resplendent War Altar of Sigmar, inspiring the soldiers around him to great acts of heroism as he strikes the followers of evil down with powerful blows and words of divine force. Volkmar is a holy terror on the battlefield, a man who fights with the fury of Sigmar himself. It is said that his soul is forged of steel, and he fights the malign influence of Chaos with every fibre of his being.

Campaign bonuses
When Volkmar leads a Grand Campaign, any Flagellant you recruit into his army will gain improvements to their weapon damage and charge bonus stats, and will be cheaper to recruit.

Volkmar may embark on quests to earn his Legendary items. The Jade Griffon provides a passive augment that regenerates Volkmar’s health, while the Staff of Command brings a number of improvements to Volkmar’s combat skills, public order management and post-battle loot income.

Battle prayers
Volkmar can unlock three Grand Battle Prayers to utter in combat, improving the offensive and defensive capabilities of himself and those around him.

Unique mount
When Volkmar has unlocked his Battle Prayers, he gains access to the War Altar of Sigmar, a resplendent fighting platform replete with a vast bronze Griffon bearing Ghal Maraz.

Unique Skills
Volkmar has the unique skills Para Bellum Aeturnus and Heretic Hunter, which improve the abilities of Flagellants and Warrior Priests in both battle and campaign.

Helman Ghorst
Helman Ghorst was once a man, yet that life was ripped from him. The loss of his father and brothers to plague sent Ghorst into an obsessive madness; he began studying the black arts in the hope of returning his lost kin to life. Coming to the attention of Mannfred von Carstein, the Count taught him necromancy, transforming Helman into something beyond the grief-maddened man from Templehof. Now, he is carried through the night on a bone-ridged cart, pulled not by horses, but by the brothers he so desperately wished to save – each a once-handsome farrier restored to a mockery of life, forced to stumble along at the head of their brother’s unloving host.

Campaign bonuses
When chosen to lead a Grand Campaign, Helman Ghorst confers a bonus to the casualty replenishment rate of all Vampire Counts armies. In addition, all units in Helman Ghorst’s army gain poison attacks.

Helman may embark upon a quest for The Liber Noctus, a legendary tome which weakens his enemies in battle, and enables him to use special abilities more frequently.

Unique Mount
Helman may unlock The Brothers Ghorst Corpse Cart. Drawn by the undead remnants of his brothers, this unique mount vastly improves his weapon strength and damage output.

Unique Spell
Awaken from the Grave, Helman’s unique spell, summons a unit of Grave Guard or, when upgraded, a Wight King to fight for him.

Unique Skills
Helman has the unique skill Leading from the Front which improves abilities of the plague-bearing Corpse Carts and the phantasmal Mortis Engine.

New Lords

Arch Lector
The High Priest of the Cult of Sigmar is the Grand Theogonist, and beneath him are his two Arch Lectors - grim, imposing figures, both on and off the battlefield. It is the duty of Arch Lectors to protect the populace and cast out evil. They epitomise the warrior courage of Sigmar himself, leading from the front where they manifest the power of the gods and inspire whole armies to acts of heroism.

Battle prayers
Arch Lectors can learn three Grand Battle Prayers to aid their armies in combat. Hammer of Sigmar improves the Arch Lector’s melee attack skill. Shields of Faith is an area-effect augment for nearby allies, improving their damage resistance. Soulfire is a large area-effect offensive power, causing mass magical damage to enemy units.

Strigoi Ghoul King
The pallid creatures known as Ghoul Kings are in fact once-proud Strigoi Vampires forced into a troglodytic existence. Though all Strigoi descend from the same ancient lineage of Ushoran, they have devolved to become something far fouler and more hate-filled than their brethren. The Ghoul Kings spend their days creeping through the hidden places of the world, but under cover of night, they wreak their vengeance at the head of a shambling army of Undead.

Powerful warriors and spellcasters, Strigoi Ghoul Kings wield a mixed lore combining spells from the Lore of Vampires and the Lore of Death, and may unlock and ride Terrorgheists into battle.

Unique Spell
Command of The Unliving, the Strigoi Ghoul King’s unique spell, summons a unit of Crypt Ghouls or, when upgraded, a unit of Crypt Horrors to fight for him in battle.

New Units

Corpse Cart
Drawn by shambling zombies, Corpse Carts act like magnets for Dark Magic, drawing their power from the land itself and re-animating the dead around them. Sometimes a Corpse Cart is hung with a great bell, the clapper of which is a fell lodestone of eldritch provenance. When necromantic magic is thick in the air, the bell tolls and ripples of Dark Magic emanate from the Corpse Cart.

As a magical support chariot, the Corpse Cart projects a magical aura known as the Vigor Mortis. This confers regeneration on the corpse cart and raises the melee attack of nearby undead units. With the Balefire upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an increased chance to miscast on nearby enemy wizards. With the Unholy Lodestone upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an area-effect regeneration augment on nearby friendly undead units.

Mortis Engine
The remains of Necromancers and Liche Lords are sometimes enshrined within a Mortis Engine, a cage of fused bone surrounded by trappings of grandeur, and borne to war by a host of spirits bound to the infernal device. Heavy with evil magics and painstakingly illuminated, the Blasphemous Tome the Mortis Engine bears has been crafted with such care that their creator's souls have passed into the leaves of human skin that form its pages. These books can be a boon to the twisted practitioners of necromancy.

As a magical support chariot, the Mortis Engine Regenerates hitpoints for itself and nearby friendly undead units, and causes magical damage to nearby enemy units within the same radius. The attendant Blasphemous Tome also increases the owner’s Winds of Magic power reserve. Upon destruction, the Mortis Engine explodes in a cataclysm of arcane energy, causing widespread damage to nearby friends and foes.

Free Company Militia
While state troops form the mainstay of the Empire’s military forces, its armies are often bulked out by ad-hoc regiments of militia who are recruited to fight as and when required. No one can foretell how many will turn up at the muster, or what their fighting quality will be. After all, these irregular troops receive no formal training or discipline.

Free Company Militia are dual-role hybrid troops. Armed with both short-range pistols and swords, the can fight as the situation demands. With the Vanguard Deployment ability, they can be deployed deep in the field.

When battle is joined, bands of crazed Flagellants beat themselves into a frenzy before charging headlong towards the enemy. They throw themselves into the fray without hesitation, against the most hopeless of odds. With howls of doom on their lips and visions of martyrdom in their thoughts, Flagellants fight with wild ferocity, swinging their flails at their enemies and leaving trails of blood and woe in their wake.

Flagellants are both Frenzied and Unbreakable. Their Strength of the Penitent special ability super-charges their fighting skills, conferring enhanced physical resistance and melee defence.

Knights of The Blazing Sun
The Templar order of The Blazing Sun pride themselves on learning the very arts and sciences of war. Resplendent on their armoured mounts, they fight in the name of Myrmidia, the very goddess of warfare. For generations they have fought devoutly for the honour and sanctity of the Empire.

Powerful shock cavalry akin to the famous Reiksguard, the Knights of The Blazing Sun carry glinting shields which blind those wishing to cause them harm. This confers a certain resistance to magical damage. Their righteous zeal also grants them flaming attacks.

Regiments of Renown

These are elite units – legendary within the annals of the Old World – whose statistics are much-improved over those of their standard counterparts. They can be unlocked for recruitment when the Lord under your command has attained the sufficient skill level, and are instantly recruited from the special Regiments of Renown recruitment menu into his army. In this respect they differ from standard units, which spend at least one turn in the recruitment queue.

Alongside enhanced stats, each Regiment of Renown also has one or more special abilities its standard-roster counterpart does not.

Please note: unit abilities and details subject to change.


The Tattersouls - Flagellants
Increased unit size

This brotherhood of zealots is led by the crazed prophet Gerhard The Worm, who fought alongside Volkmar in the war against The Everchosen. Little remains of his personality now but the raw fervour which drives his men.

Stirland’s Revenge – Free Company Militia
Stalk, armour piercing missiles, immune to psychology

A shower of growling ne’er-do-wells, the ragged militia of Stirland’s Revenge are always spoiling for a fight. What they lack in personal hygiene, they more than make up for in their thirst for vengeance against the undead.

Hammer of The Witches – Great Cannon
Enhanced physical resistance, shells cause magical damage

A single regiment is all that remains of Fort Oberstyre’s once-formidable batteries. The Hammer of The Witches earned its name in service of the town of Gortansford, tearing The Grey Hag to shreds with hastily-improvised grapeshot-rounds of horseshoes.

Sigmar’s Sons - Swordsmen

Sigmar’s Sons originally served in The Red Masquers, a regiment that fought alongside Volkmar against the Norscans. They are Veteran warriors and merciless killers to a man, fearless in the face of evil.

Silver Bullets – Handgunners
Stalk, bullets deal magical damage

Prior to battle, their foul-mouthed quartermaster Curser Brecht hands each of these marksmen a single silver bullet, granting them proof against whatever Sylvania may throw against them. Whether real or imagined, these good-luck charms seem to work…

The Sunmaker – Helstorm Rocket Battery
Flaming attacks, Increased number of missiles per volley

The final invention of the scatterbrained Talabheim alchemist Jurgen Bugelstrauss before his untimely demise, The Sunmaker fires specialist phosphoric rockets that burn with a blinding brilliance.

The Templehof Luminark – Luminark of Hysh
Encourage, Net of Amyntok

Crafted by Jovi Sunscryer, most experienced of the White Wizards, The lenses of the Templehof Luminark are ground to perfection and offer an unmatched degree of focus.

The Royal Altdorf Gryphites – Demigryphs
Cause terror

At the head of the Drakwald Riders, the Royal Altdorf Gryphites are among the finest of The Order’s inner-circle of cavalrymen.

Zintler’s Reiksguard – Reiksguard
Vanguard Deployment

Led by the Reiksmarshal Hans Zintler, the long and oft-storied history of this proud order has given them a peerless positional perspective. Masters of the flanking manoeuvre, their enemies find themselves under savage assault before the battle has been joined in earnest.

Vampire Counts

The Feasters in The Dusk – Crypt Ghouls
Stalk, vanguard deployment

Most Crypt Ghouls are only too eager to pound towards their foes for the meal they represent. The Feasters in The Dusk are uncharacteristically measured in their approach, preferring to advance in stealthy fashion before lunging at their prey from the shadows.

The Devils of Shwartzhafen – Vargheists
Vanguard Deployment

These once-handsome sons of the Von Carstein dynasty, trapped for long years in the warpstone-tainted caverns below Castle Swartzhafen, bear no trace of their former intellect. Now, they haunt the night at Mannfred’s behest, tearing his opponents to bloody rags.

The Direpack – Dire Wolves
Bonus VS large, increased mass and size

Uncommonly ferocious, these grossly muscled fiends eschew smaller targets in favour of foes large enough to satisfy their ravenous appetites.

The Sternsmen – Grave Guard

In life, these cursed warriors were the honour guard of Verek The Blade, First Castellan of Sternieste. In death, they fight with an unholy zeal which resists the blows of their foes.

The Tithe – Zombies
Increased size and physical resistance

These once-proud fighting men of Sylvania, now reduced to shambling servants of The Midnight Aristocracy, are physically superior to ‘civilian’ zombies in every way

The Chillgheists – Hexwraiths
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

Guardians of the Necropolis of Vargravia, The Chillgheists draw power from the cursed land and instil a blasphemous resolve in their cold-hearted brethren.

The Claw of Nagash – Mortis Engine
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

It is said that the huge ironbone reliquary of this Mortis Engine contains the withered but still-moving hand of Nagash himself, lending it the unholy power to ward off enemy magics.

Verek’s Reavers – Black Knights

Cursed to fight for the Wight King Verek The Blade, these cavalry are seemingly unstoppable, their limbs reattaching and shattered bones remade before their opponents’ startled eyes.

The Konigstein Stalkers – Skeleton Warriors
Poison Attacks, improved armour

Even veterans of conflict with the clacking hordes of Sylvania are unprepared for the poisonous onslaught of the Konigstein Stalkers.

Total War: WARHAMMER – Le Sévère et le Cercueil

« Le Sévère et le Cercueil » est le premier pack seigneur pour Total War: WARHAMMER. Rassemblant les forces de l'Empire et des Comtes Vampires, il ajoute à vos campagnes et vos batailles de célèbres ennemis, ainsi que de nouvelles unités du monde de Warhammer : le jeu des batailles fantastiques.

  • 2 nouveaux Seigneurs légendaires...
  • ... de chaînes de quêtes, des objets magiques et des arbres de compétences inédits
  • 2 nouveaux types de Seigneurs supplémentaires
  • 5 nouvelles unités de champ de bataille ainsi que leurs variantes
  • Cinq nouveaux champs pour les batailles personnalisées et multijoueur
  • 18 Régiments de Renom d'élite

L'Aristocratie morte-vivante, toujours plus sournoise et impitoyable, fait appel à de nouvelles menaces afin d'éradiquer les forces de l'Empire. Reniflant l'odeur du sang dans l'air, les Rois Goules de la dynastie des Strigoi s'extirpent de leurs catacombes tandis qu'Helman Ghorst, le disciple le plus sinistre de Mannfred, met de côté ses études maudites pour apprêter les Charrettes macabres au combat.

Mais les fiers Hommes de l'Empire n'ont pas l'intention de rester les bras croisés devant des menaces aussi profanes. Tous se tournent alors vers Volkmar le Sévère, Grand Théogoniste du Culte de Sigmar. Aussi pieux que menaçant, l'allié le plus téméraire de Karl Franz appelle ses Archidiacres et s'élance dans la bataille sur l'Autel de Guerre de Sigmar, un spectacle capable de terrifier les Morts-Vivants eux-mêmes.

L'Homme contre le Vampire : une légende face à une autre.

Le Sévère et le Cercueil.

De nouveaux Seigneurs légendaires

Volkmar le Sévère
Volkmar le Sévère est le Grand Théogoniste, le prêtre suprême du Culte de Sigmar et le chef religieux le plus puissant de l'Empire. C'est un homme pieux et inquiétant, dévoué corps et âme à la destruction du Chaos sous toutes ses formes. Lorsqu'il accompagne une armée en bataille, il le fait généralement du haut de l'Autel de Guerre de Sigmar, inspirant aux soldats qui l'entourent de grands actes d'héroïsme tandis que lui-même abat les adeptes du mal à grands renfort de paroles divines. Volkmar est la terreur sacrée des champs de bataille, combattant avec la fureur de Sigmar lui-même. On raconte que son cœur est fait d'acier, et qu'il combat l'influence maligne du Chaos avec tous les fibres de son être.

Bonus de campagne
Lorsque Volkmar mène une grande campagne, tout Flagellant recruté dans son armée coûtera moins cher, et bénéficiera d'une augmentation de ses dégâts par les armes ainsi que de ses stats de bonus de charge.

Volkmar peut se lancer dans des quêtes afin d'obtenir des objets légendaires. Le Griffon de Jade octroie un bonus passif qui régénère la santé de Volkmar, tandis que le Bâton de Commandement améliore ses compétences au combat, sa gestion de l'ordre public et le revenu gagné grâce aux butins post-bataille.

Prières de bataille
Volkmar peut déverrouiller trois Grandes Prières de Bataille à faire au combat, qui augmentent son attaque et sa défense, ainsi que celles de ceux qui l'entourent.

Monture unique
Lorsque Volkmar a déverrouillé ses Prières de Bataille, il accède à l'Autel de Guerre de Sigmar, une splendide plateforme de combat sur laquelle trône un grand Griffon de bronze brandissant le Ghal Maraz.

Compétences uniques
Volkmar a des compétences uniques, Para Bellum Aeternus et Chasseur Hérétique, qui améliorent les capacités des Flagellants et des Prêtres-Guerriers, dans la bataille et en campagne.

Helman Ghorst
Helman Ghorst était jadis un homme avant que le destin ne le dépouille de sa vie. La perte de son père et de ses frères, emportés par la peste, l'a fait sombrer dans une obsessionnelle folie. Il a alors commencé à étudier la magie noire avec l'espoir de les ramener à la vie. C'est alors que Mannfred von Carstein le remarqua. Le comte lui enseigna l'art de la nécromancie, le transformant ainsi en une créature à des lieues de celui qu'il était lorsque, brisé par le chagrin, il partit de Templehof. Dorénavant, il se déplace de nuit sur une charrette faite d'os tirée par ses propres frères, ceux-là mêmes qu'il rêvait de sauver, autrefois fiers maréchaux-ferrants à qui l'on a insufflé un semblant de vie afin qu'ils servent de chevaux de trait.

Bonus de campagne
Lorsque Helman Ghorst est choisi pour mener une Grande Campagne, il octroie un bonus au taux de reconstitution des pertes de toutes les armées vampires. De plus, ses unités bénéficieront d'attaques empoisonnées.

Helman peut se lancer dans des quêtes afin d'obtenir le Liber Noctus, un livre légendaire qui affaiblit les ennemis au combat, et qui lui permet d'utiliser ses capacités spéciales plus fréquemment.

Monture unique
Helman peut déverrouiller la Charrette macabre des Frères Ghorst Tirée par ce qu'il reste de ses frères, cette monture unique augmente grandement la puissance de ses armes et les dégâts infligés.

Sort unique
Le seul sort à la disposition d'Helman invoque une unité de Garde des Cryptes. Si le sort est amélioré, il appellera un Roi Revenant afin de se battre à ses côtés.

Compétences uniques
Helman dispose de la compétence unique Mener par le Front qui améliore les capacités des Charrettes macabres porteuses de peste et des Machines Mortis fantasmatiques.

Nouveaux Seigneurs

Le Grand Prêtre du Culte de Sigmar est le Grand Théogoniste, et il est secondé par ses deux Archidiacres : d'imposantes figures austères, célèbres pour leurs talents de guerriers et d'orateurs. Les Archidiacres ont pour devoir de protéger la population et de repousser le mal. Ils incarnent le courage guerrier de Sigmar, et n'hésitent pas à mener personnellement des armées, apportant à leurs ennemis la colère de leur dieu, et inspirant les plus hauts faits d'armes à leurs soldats.

Prières de bataille
Les Archidiacres peuvent apprendre trois Grandes Prières de Bataille afin d'aider leurs armées au combat. Le Marteau de Sigmar améliore l'attaque en mêlée des Archidiacres. Le Bouclier de Foi augmente la résistance aux dégâts des alliés situés dans sa zone d'effet. Le Feu de l'Âme est un pouvoir offensif couvrant une vaste zone, infligeant ainsi des dégâts magiques aux unités ennemies.

Roi Goule Strigoi
Les créatures blafardes qu'on nomme les rois goules sont en fait d'anciens Vampires de la dynastie des Striges que l'on a forcés à mener une existence de troglodytes. Tous les Striges descendent de la noble lignée d'Ushoran, mais ils ont peu à peu régressé jusqu'à devenir des créatures encore plus repoussantes et haineuses que les autres vampires. Les Rois Goules vivent la majeure partie du temps reclus, mais à la tombée de la nuit, il leur arrive d'émerger de leur tanière à la tête d'une armée de morts-vivants.

Puissants guerriers et lanceurs de sorts, les Rois Goules Strigoi disposent de sorts du Domaine des Vampires et de la Mort, et peuvent déverrouiller des Terreurgheists à chevaucher au combat.

Sort unique
Le Commandement des Morts, sort unique aux Rois Goules Strigoi, invoque une unité de Goules des Cryptes ou, si amélioré, une unité des Horreurs des Cryptes pour se battre à ses côtés.

Nouvelles unités

Charrette macabre
Tirée par des zombies, la charrette macabre agit comme un véritable aimant à magie noire, et tire son pouvoir du sol et de l'air, qu'elle utilise pour animer les morts autour d'elle. Certains sont coiffées d'une grande cloche dont le battant est fait de magnétite. Lorsque des sorts nécromantiques sont jetés sur la charrette, la cloche émet un glas menaçant et des volutes de magie noire s'échappent du véhicule.

Char magique de renfort, la Charrette macabre projette une aura enchantée connue sous le nom de Vigor Mortis. Cela active la régénération de ceux qui se tiennent dessus, et augmente l'attaque en mêlée des unités mortes-vivantes alentour. Avec l'amélioration Brasero Infernal, la Charrette macabre augmente les possibilités d'échec des sorts que lancent les Sorciers ennemis à proximité. Améliorée d'un Bourdon Maudit, la Charrette macabre permet aux unités mortes-vivantes à alentour de se régénérer.

Machines Mortis
Les restes des Nécromanciens et des Seigneurs Liches sont parfois conservés dans une Machine Mortis, une cage d'os suturés, magnifiquement ouvragée, et tirée au combat par un ost d'esprits liés à l'engin infernal. Le Livre Blasphématoire qui trône sur la Machine Mortis vibre de magie noire. Il a été si précieusement enluminé que les âmes de ses artisans ont imprégné la peau humaine dont sont faites ses pages. Ces ouvrages sont prisés par les Nécromanciens les plus sournois.

Char magique de renfort, la Machine Mortis régénère ses propres points de vie, ainsi que ceux des unités mortes-vivantes alentour. Elle inflige également des dégâts aux unités ennemis situé dans le même périmètre. Son Livre Blasphématoire augmentera également la réserve de puissance des Vents de Magie de celui qui le détient. Lors de sa destruction, la Machine Mortis explose dans une tornade d'énergie arcanique, infligeant des dégâts aux alliés et ennemis se tenant dans une vaste zone tout autour.

Milice des Franches-Compagnies gratuite
Même si les troupes régulières forment l'ossature des armées impériales, ces dernières sont souvent renforcées par des bataillons de miliciens recrutés (parfois de force) pour combattre lorsque la situation l'exige. Nul ne peut prédire le nombre de combattants qui pourront être levés de cette façon, pas plus que leur discipline martiale. Après tout, ces troupes irrégulières ne reçoivent aucun entraînement particulier.

La milice des Franches-Compagnies sont des troupes hybride à deux rôles. Armées de pistolets à courte portée et d'épées, ses unités peuvent s'adapter au combat. Avec la capacité Déploiement de l'avant-garde, elles peuvent s'enfoncer en profondeur sur le champ de bataille.

En prélude d'un affrontement, des bandes de flagellants se fouettent et plongent dans une frénésie extatique avec de se jeter sur l'ennemi. Ils chargent sans se soucier de leur sécurité, et n'hésitent pas à engager les adversaires les plus redoutables. Hurlant des imprécations inspirées par les visions de leur martyre futur, les flagellants combattent comme des possédés, au point que leurs fléaux laissent derrière eux un sillage sanglant et des piles de corps disloqués.

Les Flagellants sont Frénétiques et Indémoralisables. La capacité spéciale dite « Force du Pénitent » booste leurs compétences au combat, augmentant leur résistance physique et leur défense en mêlée.

Chevaliers du Soleil Flamboyant
L'ordre des Templiers du Soleil Flamboyant peut se vanter d'avoir appris les arts et la science de la guerre. Resplendissants sur leurs montures blindées, ces chevaliers se battent au nom de Myrmidia, la déesse de la guerre. Des générations durant, ils ont combattu avec ferveur pour l'honneur et la sainteté de l'Empire.

Puissante cavalerie semblable à la célèbre Reiksguard, les Chevaliers du Soleil Flamboyant se protègent derrière des boucliers capables d'aveugler ceux qui souhaiteraient les attaquer. Cela donne une certaine résistance aux dégâts magiques. Leur zèle vertueux leur donne aussi des attaques enflammées.

Régiments de Renom

Ce sont des unités d'élite, légendaires dans les annales du Vieux Monde, dont les statistiques sont améliorées par celles de leurs homologues de base. Elles peuvent être recrutées lorsque le Seigneur sous votre commandement a atteint le bon niveau de compétence, et intègrent son armée instantanément à partir du groupe de recrutement des Régiments de Renom spéciaux. C'est ainsi qu'elles diffèrent des unités standard, qui passent au moins un tour dans la file de recrutement.

En plus de ses stats augmentées, chaque Régiment de Renom bénéficie également d'une ou plusieurs capacités spéciales, dont son équivalent de base ne dispose pas.

Note : les capacités et détails des unités sont sujets à des modifications


Les Âmes en lambeaux (Flagellants)
Taille de l'unité augmentée

Cette fraternité de fanatiques est menée par Gerhard Le Ver, prophète dément qui a combattu aux côtés de Volkmar lors de la guerre contre le Seigneur de la Fin des Temps. Il ne reste dorénavant pas grand-chose de sa personnalité, si ce n'est la ferveur bestiale avec laquelle il mène ses hommes.

La Revanche du Stirland (Milice de Franche-Compagnie)
Harceler, projectiles perforants, immunisé à la psychologie

Ribambelle de vauriens, la milice de la Revanche du Stirland est toujours avide de combat. Ils compensent leur manque d'hygiène par la soif de vengeance que leur inspire les Morts-Vivants.

Le Marteau des Sorciers (Grand Canon)
Résistance physique améliorée, projectiles infligeant des dégâts magiques

Il ne reste qu'un seul régiment de la batterie du Fort Oberstyre, autrefois impressionnant. Le Marteau des Sorcières doit son nom aux services qu'il a rendus dans la ville de Gortansford, où il réduisit la Sorcière Grise en lambeaux avec des mitrailles de fers à cheval rapidement improvisées.

Les Fils de Sigmar (Bretteurs)

Au départ, les Fils de Sigmar servaient dans les rangs des Masques Rouges, un régiment qui combattit les Norses aux côtés de Volkmar. Ce sont des vétérans et des tueurs sans pitié, qui affrontent le mal sans sourciller.

Les balles bénies en argent (Arquebusiers)
Traqueurs dont les balles infligent des dégâts magiques

Avant la bataille, le quartier-maître de ces tireurs d'élite, Bredt Le Vulgaire, leur donne une seule balle d'argent, leur offrant ainsi une protection infaillible contre les projectiles sylvanniens. Réels ou imaginaires, ces porte-bonheurs semblent fonctionner...

Le Faiseur de Soleil (Batterie Tonnerre de Feu)
Attaques Enflammées, nombre de projectiles augmenté

Le Faiseur de Soleil est la dernière invention de Jurgen Bugelstrauss, alchimiste tête en l'air de Talabheim. Il permet de tirer des salves de phosphore qui brûlent avec une lumière aveuglante.

L'Héliobolis de Templehof (Héliobolis de Hysh)
Encourager, Filet d'Amyntok

Conçu par Jovi Sunscryer, le plus expérimentés des Sorciers blancs. Les lentilles de l'Héliobolis de Templehof offrent une qualité de visibilité sans pareil.

Les Gryphites royaux d'Altdorf (Chevaliers Demigriffons)
Provoque la terreur

À la tête des Chevaliers de la Drakwald, les Gryphites royaux d'Altdorf comptent parmi les meilleurs chevaliers proches de l'Ordre.

La Reiksguard de Zintler (Reiksguard)
Déploiement de l'avant-garde

L'histoire de ce fier ordre, mené par le Reiksmarshall Hans Zintler, est aussi longue qu'ancienne, et a permis à ses membres d'atteindre une position inégalée. Maîtres des manœuvres de contournement, ces soldats assaillissent leurs ennemis avec sauvagerie avant même que la bataille ne batte son plein.

Les Comtes Vampires

Les Festoyeurs du Crépuscule (Goules des Cryptes)
Harceler, déploiement de l'avant-gard

La plupart des Goules des Cryptes n'aspire qu'à bondir sur les ennemis afin s'en repaître. Les Festoyeurs du Crépuscule sont étonnamment méticuleux dans leur approche, préférant s'avancer furtivement avant de s'attaquer à leurs proies.

Les Démons de Swartzhafen (Vargheists)
Déploiement de l'avant-garde

Ces hommes, autrefois charmants fils de la dynastie des Von Carstein, ont passé des années dans les grottes infestées de malepierre sous les fondations du château Swartzhafen. Il ne leur reste dorénavant plus aucune trace d'intelligence. Aujourd'hui, ils chassent la nuit sur les ordres de Mannfred afin de déchirer ses adversaires en sanglants lambeaux.

La Meute funeste (Loups Funestes)
Bonus contre les unités larges, masse et taille augmentées

Particulièrement féroces, ces tas de muscles démoniaques délaissent les cibles les plus petites pour s'en prendre aux plus grosses, afin de rassasier leur appétit vorace.

Les Austères (Garde des Cryptes)

De leur vivant, ces guerriers maudits formaient la garde d'honneur de Verek Finelame, Premier châtelain de Sternieste. Dans la mort, ils se battent avec un zèle maudit qui leur permet de résister aux coups des ennemis.

La Dîme (Zombies)
Augmentation de la taille et de la résistance physique

Autrefois fiers guerriers de Sylvanie, ces hommes ont été réduits au rôle de serviteurs de l'Aristocratie de la Nuit. Ils restent néanmoins physiquement supérieurs aux zombies dits « civils ».

Les Gelgheists (Émissaires d'Outre-Tombe)
Résistance magique, aura ralentissante

Gardes de la Nécropole de Vargravia, les Gelgheists puisent leur puissance dans la terre maudite et inspire leurs impitoyables frères à des actes encore plus blasphématoires.

La Griffe de Nagash (Machines Mortis)
Résistance magique, aura ralentissante

On dit que l'énorme reliquaire de cette Machine Mortis contient la main flétrie, quoiqu’encore vive, de Nagash lui-même, et octroie la puissance profane de repousser la magie ennemie.

Patrouilleurs de Verek (Chevaliers Noirs)

Condamnés à se battre au com du Roi Revenant Verek Finelame, ces cavaliers ne semblent reculer devant rien. Leurs membres se reforment et les os se ressoudent devant les yeux ébahis de leurs adversaires.

Les Traqueurs de Konigstein (Guerriers Squelettes)
Attaques Empoisonnées, armure améliorée

Même les vétérans qui se sont maintes fois frottés aux hordes sylvaniennes sont démunies face aux charges empoisonnées des Rôdeurs de Konigstein.

Total War: WARHAMMER – Die Grimmen und Grimmigen

Die Grimmen und Grimmigen ist das erste Kommandant-Paket für Total War: WARHAMMER. Es verstärkt die Streitkräfte des Imperiums und der Vampirfürsten und macht berühmte Rivalencharaktere und neue Kulteinheiten der Welt von Warhammer Fantasy Battles in Kampagnen und Schlachten verfügbar.

  • Zwei neue legendäre Kommandanten...
  • ... mit neuen Aufgabenketten, magischen Gegenständen und Fähigkeitenbäumen
  • Zwei neue zusätzliche Kommandantarten
  • Fünf brandneue Gefechtseinheiten mit Variationen
  • Fünf neue Schlachtfelder für benutzerdefinierte und Mehrspielerschlachten
  • 18 legendäre Söldnerregimenter

Verschlagen und ruchlos wie eh und je bedroht die Aristokratie der Nacht mit neuen Schrecken die Menschheit des Imperiums. Der Duft von Blut liegt in der verseuchten Luft und die Strigoi-Ghulkönige regen sich in ihren faden Katakomben, während Manfreds verdorbenster Student, Helman Ghorst, von seinen düsteren Studien Auszeit nimmt und die Leichenkarren in die Schlacht führt.

Doch die stolzen Männer des Imperiums lassen solch Drohungen nicht unerwidert stehen. Der Ruf erschallt, und alle Augen richten sich auf Volkmar den Grimmigen, Großtheogonist des Sigmarkultes. Fromm und furchteinflößend zugleich ruft der engste Verbündete von Karl Franz seine Erzlektoren herbei und reitet auf dem Kriegsaltar des Sigmar in die Schlacht – ein Anblick, der selbst die eiskalten Herzen der Untoten mit Furcht erfüllt.Mann gegen Vampir: Legende gegen Legende.Die Grimmen und Grimmigen.

Mensch gegen Vampir: Legende gegen Legende.

Die Grimmen und Grimmigen

Neue Legendäre Kommandanten

Volkmar der Grimmige
Volkmar der Grimmige ist Großtheogonist und Oberhaupt des Sigmarkultes und damit der mächtigste religiöse Führer im gesamten Imperium. Er ist ein frommer und sorgenvoller Mann, der sich völlig der Zerstörung des Chaos in all seinen Formen verschrieben hat. Wenn er ein Heer des Imperiums in die Schlacht begleitet, fährt er meist auf dem prächtigen Kriegsaltar des Sigmar und spornt durch seinen Anblick die Soldaten in seiner Nähe zu Heldentaten an, während er selbst die Diener des Bösen mit mächtigen Hieben und Worten von göttlicher Macht niederringt. Auf dem Schlachtfeld ist Volkmar ein heiliger Schrecken, ein Mann, der mit dem Zorn Sigmars selbst kämpft. Es heißt, Volkmars Seele sei aus Stahl geschmiedet und jede Faser seines Seins bekämpft den bösen Einfluss des Chaos.

Unter der Führung Volkmars in einer Großen Kampagne erhalten sämtliche rekrutierte Flagellanten verbesserten Waffenschaden und Angriffsbonus und ihre Rekrutierung ist günstiger.

Volkmar kann durch Aufgaben seine Legendären Gegenstände erhalten. Der Jadegreif verleiht eine passive Verstärkung, die Volkmars Gesundheit regeneriert; der Stab der Herrschaft verbessert Volkmars Kampffähigkeiten, die Verwaltung der öffentlichen Ordnung und den Beutegewinn nach der Schlacht.

Volkmar kann eine Reihe von Großen Kampfgebeten für die Schlacht freischalten, die die offensiven und defensiven Fähigkeiten von ihm selbst und in seinem Umfeld verbessern.

Einzigartiges Reittier
Nach dem Freischalten der Kampfgebete erhält Volkmar Zugriff auf den Kriegsaltar des Sigmar, einer gewaltigen Kampfplattform mit einem mächtigen Bronzegreifen, der Ghal Maraz trägt.

Einzigartige Fähigkeiten
Volkmar verfügt über die einzigartige Fähigkeiten Para Bellum Aeturnus und Ketzerjäger, die die Fähigkeiten von Flagellanten und Kriegerpriestern in der Schlacht und Kampagne verbessern.

Helman Ghorst
Helman Ghorst war einst ein Mensch, doch dieses Leben wurde ihm entrissen. Der Verlust seines Vaters und seiner Brüder an die Seuche stürzte Ghorst in die Finsternis besessenen Wahnsinns; verbissen studierte er fortan die Schwarze Magie in der Hoffnung, seine Familie wieder zum Leben zu erwecken. Er erweckte die Aufmerksamkeit Manfreds von Carstein, der seinen Schützling in der Kunst der Nekromantie einwies und Helman von einem vor Trauer irrsinnigen Mann aus Tempelhof in eine wahrhaft mächtige Kreatur verwandelte. Nun fährt er auf einem mit Knochen konstruierten Karren durch die Nacht, welcher nicht von Pferden gezogen, sondern von den geliebten Brüdern selbst voran geschleppt wird. Waren sie doch allesamt einstmals stolze Hufner, müssen sie nun in einer Spötterei des Lebens am Kopf einer lieblosen Armee ihresgleichen vorwärts taumeln.

Führt Helman Ghorst eine Große Kampagne an, verleiht er einen Bonus auf die Verluste-Verstärkungsrate aller Armeen der Vampirfürsten. Außerdem erhält Helman Ghorsts Armee Giftattacken.

Helman kann sich auf die Suche nach dem Liber Noctus machen, einem legendären Buch, das Feinde im Kampf schwächt und es ihm ermöglicht, seine Spezialfähigkeiten öfters einzusetzen.

Einzigartiges Reittier
Helman kann den Leichenkarren der Gebrüder Ghorst freischalten. Von den untoten Überresten seiner Brüder gezogen, verstärkt dieses einzigartige Reittier seine Waffenstärke und den Schaden.

Einzigartig Zauber
Helmans einzigartiger Zauber, „Auferstehung“, ruft eine Einheit Verfluchter herbei, oder nach Verbesserung einen Fluchfürst.

Einzigartige Fähigkeiten
Helman verfügt über die einzigartige Fähigkeit „An vorderster Front“, die die Fähigkeiten der Leichenkarren und Mortis-Schreine verbessern.

Neue Kommandanten

Der Hohepriester des Kultes des Sigmar ist der Großtheogonist, dem zwei Erzlektoren unterstellt sind. Erzlektoren sind grimme, einschüchternde Gestalten, auf dem Schlachtfeld und abseits davon. Es ist die Aufgabe der Erzlektoren, die Bevölkerung zu beschützen und solches Übel auszutreiben. Sie verkörpern den Kriegerischen Mut Sigmars selbst und stehen stets an vorderster Front, wo sie die Macht der Götter beschwören und ganze Heere zu Heldentaten inspirieren.

Erzlektoren können drei Große Kampfgebete lernen, um ihre Armeen im Kampf zu unterstützen. Hammer des Sigmar verbessert den Nahkampf des Erzlektors. Schild des Glaubens ist eine flächendeckende Verstärkung von Verbündeten im Umfeld und stärkt ihre Schadenresistenz. Seelenfeuer ist ein offensiver Spruch mit großem Wirkungsbereich, der Feinden magischen Schaden zufügt.

Die fahlen Kreaturen, die als Ghulkönige bekannt sind, waren in der Tat einst stolze Vampire der Blutlinie der Strigoi, die dazu verdammt waren, ihr Unleben abgeschieden und einsam in feuchtkalter Tiefe zu verbringen. Obwohl alle Strigoi dem einst stolzen und uralten Geschlecht des Ushoran entstammen, verkamen sie zu Wesen, die weitaus schändlicher und hasserfüllter waren als ihre Vettern. Sie bringen ihre Tage damit zu, durch die verborgenen Orte der Welt zu schleichen, während sie im Schutze der Nacht ihrem Rachedurst freien Lauf lassen und am Kopf einer schlurfenden Armee der Untoten gegen ihre nichts ahnenden Widersacher ziehen.

Als mächtige Krieger und Magier bedienen sich die Strigoi-Ghulkönige einer Mischung der Lehre der Vampire und der Lehre des Todes. Sie können Flederbestien um Kampf freischalten.

Einzigartiger Zauber
Der einzigartige Zauber der Strigoi-Ghulkönige, Befehl der Unlebenden, ruft eine Einheit Gruftghule herbei, nach Verbesserung eine Einheit Gruftschrecken.

Neue Einheiten

Schlurfende Zombies sind vor die Leichenkarren gespannt, die Energien der Schwarzen Magie anziehen, indem sie aus dem Land selbst ihre Kraft schöpfen und die Toten um sich herum zum Leben erwecken. Manchmal ist auch eine große Glocke an einem Leichenkarren befestigt, deren Schwengel ein schauriger Magnet seltsamen Ursprungs ist. Wenn die Luft von nekromantischen Energien geschwängert ist, beginnt die Glocke zu schlagen und Wellen Schwarzer Magie breiten sich vom Leichenkarren her aus.

Der Leichenkarren bietet magische Unterstützung und projiziert eine magische Aura, die Vigor Mortis genannt wird. Sie verleiht dem Leichenkarren Regeneration und verstärkt den Nahkampfangriff untoter Einheiten im Umfeld. Mit der Hexenfeuer-Verbesserung steigert der Leichenkarren die Chance auf Kontrollverlust feindlicher Magier im Umfeld. Mit der Verbesserung „Unheiliger Sog“ verstärkt der Leichenkarren flächendeckend die Regeneration verbündeter Untoter in der Nähe.

Die Überreste von Nekromanten und Leichen werden in einen Mortis-Schrein gebettet, einen mit Zeichen der Macht bedeckten Knochenkäfig. Dieses höllische Gefährt wird von einem Heer aus Geistern durch die Luft getragen, deren Essenz unauflöslich an den Schrein gebunden ist. Die Blasphemischen Schriften dem Mortis-Schreins sind vollkommen bon böser Magie durchdrungen und so kunstvoll mit Buchmalereien geschmückt, dass die Seele ihres Schöpfers in die Seiten aus Menschenhaut übergegangen ist. Es kann den Anwendern der Nekromantie ein Segen sein.

Der Mortis-Schrein bietet magische Unterstützung und regeneriert Trefferpunkte an sich selbst und verbündeten Untoten in der Nähe. Er fügt Feinden imselben Radius magischen Schaden zu. Die beiligenden Blasphemischen Schriften steigern die Energiereserve der Winde der Magie des Besitzers. Bei seiner Zerstörung explodiert der Mortis-Schrein in einen Kataklysmus arkaner Energie und fügt Verbündeten und Feinden in einem großen Radius Schaden zu.

Obwohl die Staatstruppen den Hauptteil der Streitkräfte des Imperiums bilden, werden dessen Armeen oft durch ad hoc ausgehobene Milizregimenter aufgestockt die zusammengestellt werden, um dort zu kämpfen, wo man sie benötigt. Niemand kann voraussagen, wie viele Bürger und Bauern bei den Einberufungen auftauchen oder welche Kampfkraft sie besitzen. Letztendlich erhalten diese irregulären Truppen keinerlei Formalausbildung.

Freischärler-Milizionäre sind Hybridtruppen mit Doppelfunktion. Sie tragen Pistolen mit kurzer Reichweite und Schwerter und können in jeder Situation kämpfen. Durch die Fähigkeit der Vorhutaufstellung lassen sie sich tief im Feld positionieren.

Wenn die Schlacht beginnt, peitschen sich ganze Haufen wildgewordener Flagellanten in einen kollektiven Wahn, bevor sie sich geradewegs auf den Feind werfen. Sie stürzen sich ohne zu zögern in das Getümmel und scheuen auch die hoffnungslosesten Kämpfe nicht. Mit geheulten Untergangsreden auf den Lippen und Visionen ihres eigenen Märtyrertods vor Augen kämpfen Flagellanten mit wildem Zorn und schwingen ihre Flegel in weiten Bögen durch die Reihen des Feindes und lassen nichts als Blut und Wehgeschrei hinter sich.

Flagellanten sind sowohl In Rage als auch Unerschütterlich. Ihre Spezialfertigkeit „Stärke des Büßers“ lädt ihre Kampffähigkeiten schnell auf und verleiht verbesserte physische Resistenz und Nahkampfabwehr.

Ritter des Sonnenordens
Die Templer des Sonnenordens sind stolz auf ihre Lehre der Kunst und Wissenschaft des Kriegs. Sie sitzen stolz auf ihren prächtig gepanzerten Rössern und kämpfen im Namen der Myrmidia, Göttin des Kriegs. Seit Generationen kämpfen sie ergeben für die Ehre und Heiligkeit des Imperiums.

Diese mächtige Schockkavallerie gleicht der berühmten Reichsgarde. Die Ritter des Sonnenordens tragen glänzende Schilde, die jene blenden, die ihnen Böses wollen. Dies verleiht ihnen eine gewisse Resistenz gegen Magieschaden. Ihr rechtschaffener Eifer verleiht ihnen auch Flammenattacken.

Legendäre Söldnerregimenter

Diese Eliteeinheiten sind Legenden der Alten Welt, mit deutlich besseren Werten als ihre normalen Gegenstücke. Sie werden zur Rekrutierung freigeschaltet, sobald der entsprechende legendäre Kommandant die jeweilige Fähigkeitenstufe erreicht hat und werden dann sofort vom Rekrutierungsmenü der legendären Söldnerregimenter seiner Armee hinzugefügt. Dies unterscheidet sie von normalen Einheiten, die mindestens eine Runde lang in der Rekrutierungsliste warten.

Neben den verbesserten Werten hat jedes legendäre Söldnerregiment eine oder mehrere Spezialfertigkeiten, die ihrer Standardversion fehlt.

Bitte beachten: Einheitenfähigkeiten und Details unterliegen Änderungen.


Die Lumpenseelen - Flagellanten
Gesteigerte Einheitengröße

Diese fanatische Bruderschaft wird vom verrückten Propheten Gerhardt dem Wurm angeführt, der im Krieg gegen den Ewig Auserwählten an der Seite Volkmars kämpfte. Von seiner Persönlichkeit ist nicht mehr viel übrig, doch treibt seine schiere Inbrunst die Männer an.

Stirlands Rache - Freischärler
Schleichen, rüstungsdurchdringende Geschosse, immun gegen Psychologie

Eine Bande knurrender Tunichtgute - Die zerlumpte Miliz von Stirlands Rache sucht immer den Kampf. Was ihnen an köreprlicher Hygiene fehlt, gleichen sie mit ihrem Durst nach Rache an den Untoten wieder aus.

Hexenhammer - Großkanone
Gesteigerte Physische Resistenz, Geschosse verursachen Magieschaden

Nur ein einziges Regiment der einst mächtigen Batterien der Festung Oberstyr ist noch übrig. Der Hexenhammer verdankt seinen Namen dem Dienst an der Stadt Gortansford, wo er die Graue Hexe mit in der Eile zusammengeworfenen Kartätschenladungen voller Hufeisen zerfetzte.

Söhne Sigmars - Schwertkämpfer

Die Söhne Sigmars dienten ursprünglich in den Rotmasken, einem Regiment, das neben Volkmar gegen die Norsekrieger kämpfte. Diese Kriegsveteranen sind gnadenlose Killer, furchtlos im Angesicht des Bösen.

Die Silberkugeln - Musketenschützen
Schleicher, Kugeln verursachen Magieschaden

Vor der Schlacht bekommen die Schützen von ihrem griesgrämigen Quartiermeister Fluchhart Bredt eine einzige Silberkugel, zum Schutz vor dem, was Sylvania ihnen entgegen schicken könnte. Ob man daran glaubt oder nicht, diese Glücksbringer scheinen zu helfen...

Der Sonnenmacher - Höllensturm-Raketenlafette
Flammenattacken, erhöhte Anzahl der Geschosse

Die letzte Erfindung des wirrköpfigen talabheimer Alchemisten Jürgen Bügelstrauß vor seinem frühen Dahinscheiden. Der Sonnenmacher verschießt spezielle Phosphorraketen, die gleißend hell verbrennen.

Tempelhofer Luminarium - Luminarium des Hysh
Ermutigen, Amyntoks Netz

Gefertigt von Jovi Sonnenleser, dem erfahrendsten der Weißen Zauberer. Die Linsen des Tempelhofer Luminariums sind perfekt geschliffen und bieten einen unerreichten Grad von Fokus.

Fürstlich-Altdorfsche Griffiniten – Demigreifen
Erzeugen Entsetzen

Die Fürstlich-Altdorfschen Griffiniten stehen an der Spitze der Drakenwald-Reiter und gehören zu den besten Reitern des Inneren Kreises ihres Ordens.

Zintlers Reichsgardisten - Reichsgarde

Unter der Führung des Reichsmarschalls Hans Zintler ist diesem altehrwürdigen und stolzen Orden eine unerreichte positionelle Perspektive gegeben. Sie sind Meister des Flankenmanövers und ihre Feinde sehen sich einem wilden Angriff gegenüber, ehe der Kampf überhaupt richtig losgeht.


Die Dämmernager - Gruftghule
Schleichen, Vorhutaufstellung

Die meisten Gruftghule sind nur allzu erpicht darauf, auf ihre Gegner loszustürmen, um sich eine Mahlzeit zu sichern. Die Dämmernager gehen ungewöhnlich gemäßigt an die Sache heran; sie schleichen sich langsam an ihre Beute an und schlagen dann blitzartig aus dem Schatten zu.

Die Teufel von Schwarzhafen - Vargheists

Diese einst ansehnlichen Söhne der von Carsteins waren lange Jahre in den mit Warpstein durchzogenen Höhlen unter der Burg Schwarzhafen gefangen. Von ihrem Intellekt ist nichts mehr übrig. Nun jagen sie auf Manfreds Geheiß hin durch die Nacht und reißen ihre Feinde in blutige Fetzen.

Das Todesrudel - Todeswölfe
Bonus gegen große Feinde, gesteigerte Masse und Größe

Diese obszön muskulösen Bestien ignorieren kleinere Ziele und stillen ihren unbändigen Heißhunger an großen Feinden.

Die Steuermänner - Verfluchte

Zu Lebzeiten waren diese verfluchten Krieger die Ehrengarde von Verek der Klinge, Erster Kastelan der Burg Sternrist. Nach ihrem Tod kämpfen sie nun mit unheiligem Eifer, der Treffer ihrer Feinde abweist.

Der Zehnt - Zombies
Gesteigerte Größe und physische Resistenz

Diese einst stolzen Kämpfer Sylvanias sind nun nichts weiter als schlurfende Diener der Aristokratie der Nacht. Körperlich sind sie „normalen“ Zombies in jeder Weise überlegen.

Die Frostgeister - Sensenreiter
Magieresistenz, verlangsamende Aura

Sie bewachen die Nekropole Vargravia. Die Frostgeister erhalten ihre Machte vom verfluchten Land und wecken in den kalten Herzen ihrer Kameraden blasphemische Entschlossenheit.

Die Klaue des Nagash - Mortis-Schrein
Magieresistenz, verlangsamende Aura

Der gewaltige, eisenbeschlagene Reliquienschrein dieses Mortis-Schreins enthält die verschrumpelte, sich noch bewegende Hand von Nagash selbst, von wo die unheilige Macht kommt, feindliche Magie abzuwehren.

Vereks Raubritter - Fluchritter

Diese Kavallerie wurde zum Kampf für den Fluchfürsten Verek die Klinge verdammt. Sie scheint unaufhaltsam zu sein, abgetrennte Gliedmaßen kehren vor den ungläubigen Augen ihrer Feinde an ihren Platz zurück.

Die Königstein-Wiedergänger - Skelettkrieger
Giftattacken, verbesserte Rüstung

Selbst Veteranen der Konflikte mit den klappernden Horden Sylvanias sind nicht vorbereitet auf den giftigen Angriff der Königstein-Wiedergänger.

Total War: WARHAMMER – Il Tetro e la Tomba

Il Tetro e la Tomba è il primo pacchetto Lord di Total War: WARHAMMER. Le forze di Impero e Conti Vampiro sono sostenute in questo pacchetto, che introduce nelle tue campagne e battaglie celebri personaggi rivali e nuove iconiche unità appartenenti al mondo di Warhammer: Il mondo delle battaglie Fantasy.

  • Due nuovi Lord leggendari...
  • ...con catene degli incarichi, oggetti magici e menu delle abilità mai visti prima
  • Due nuovi tipi di Lord
  • Cinque nuove unità (più varianti)
  • Cinque nuovi campi di battaglia per le battaglie personalizzate e multigiocatore
  • 18 Reggimenti della Fama elitari

Infida e spietata, l'aristocrazia Nonmorta evoca orribili nuove minacce atte ad abbattere le forze dell'Impero. I Ghoul Re Strigoi sentono odore di sangue nell'aria contaminata ed escono dalle loro catacombe stantie, mentre il pupillo più oscuro di Mannfred, Helman Ghorst, interrompe i suoi studi dannati e prepara i Carri dei Cadaveri alla battaglia.

Ma i fieri uomini dell'Impero non resteranno indolenti dinanzi a tali empie minacce e gli occhi di tutti sono puntati verso Volkmar il Tetro, Grande Teogonista del Culto di Sigmar. Devoto e arcigno, l'alleato più leale di Karl Franz richiama i suoi Arcilettori e li spedisce in battaglia sull'Altare da Guerra di Sigmar, che incute terrore anche nei cuori senza vita dei Nonmorti.

Uomo contro vampiro: leggenda contro leggenda.

Il Tetro e la Tomba.

Nuovi Lord leggendari

Volkmar il Tetro
Volkmar il Tetro è il Grande Teogonista, capo del Culto di Sigmar e il leader religioso più potente in tutto l'Impero. È un uomo fervente e ispirato, totalmente devoto alla distruzione del Caos in tutte le sue forme. Quando accompagna un'armata in battaglia, solitamente lo fa sul radioso Altare da Guerra di Sigmar, spronando i soldati attorno a compiere atti di grande eroismo, mentre abbatte i seguaci del male con potenti colpi e parole colme di potenza divina. Volkmar è terrificante sul campo di battaglia, un uomo che combatte con la furia di Sigmar in persona. Si dice che la sua anima sia forgiata nell'acciaio e che combatta l'influenza maligna del Caos con ogni fibra del suo essere.

Bonus campagna
Quando Volkmar guida una Campagna Principale, le statistiche dei danni causati dalle armi e del bonus carica di ogni Flagellante che hai reclutato riceveranno miglioramenti e il reclutamento sarà meno costoso.

Volkmar può intraprendere incarichi per ottenere i suoi oggetti leggendari. Il Grifone di Giada offre un potenziamento passivo che rigenera la salute di Volkmar, e il Bastone del Comando fornisce diversi miglioramenti alle sue capacità combattive, alla gestione dell'ordine pubblico e agli introiti del bottino post-battaglia.

Salmi da Battaglia
Volkmar può sbloccare tre Grandi Salmi da Battaglia da proferire in combattimento, così da migliorare le capacità offensive e difensive di se stesso e di chi gli sta intorno.

Cavalcatura unica
Dopo aver sbloccato i suoi Salmi da Battaglia, Volkmar ottiene accesso all'Altare da Guerra di Sigmar, una piattaforma volante splendente fornita di un immenso Grifone di bronzo che brandisce Ghal Maraz.

Abilità uniche
Le abilità uniche di Volkmar sono Para Bellum Aeternum e Cacciatore Eretico, che migliorano le abilità dei Flagellanti e dei Preti Guerrieri sia in battaglia, sia nella campagna.

Helman Ghorst
Un tempo Helman Ghorst era un uomo, ma la vita gli fu strappata. La perdita di suo padre e dei suoi fratelli a causa della peste lo fece impazzire: iniziò a studiare quindi le Arti Nere nella speranza di poter far tornare in vita la sua famiglia. Mannfred von Carstein lo notò e decise di insegnargli la Necromanzia: trasformò così Helman in qualcosa di più che il semplice pazzo proveniente da Templehof. Ora, si muove di notte su un carro di ossa, non trainato da cavalli, ma dai fratelli che così disperatamente voleva salvare: un tempo giovani di bell'aspetto, ora sono una caricatura della vita, costretti a vagare in eterno alla testa del carro del proprio fratello.

Bonus campagna
Quando conduce una Campagna Principale, Helman Ghorst fornisce un bonus alla velocità di reintegro delle vittime di tutte le armate dei Conti Vampiro. Inoltre, tutte le unità dell'esercito di Helman Ghorst ottengono Attacchi Venefici.

Helman può intraprendere un incarico per il Liber Noctis, un libro leggendario in grado di indebolire i nemici in battaglia e che gli permette di usare le abilità speciali più di frequente.

Cavalcatura unica
Helman può sbloccare il Carro dei Cadaveri dei Fratelli Ghorst. Guidato dalle spoglie Nonmorte dei suoi fratelli, questo carro può migliorare significativamente la forza dell'arma e danni conferiti.

Incantesimo unico
"Risvegliato dalla tomba", l'incantesimo unico di Helman, evoca un'unità di Guardie dei Tumuli o, quando è potenziato, uno Spettro Re che combatterà per lui.

Abilità uniche
Le abilità uniche di Helman sono Conduzione dal fronte, che migliora le abilità dei Carri dei Cadaveri portatori di piaghe e l'infernale Macchina Mortis.

Nuovi Lord

Il Sommo Sacerdote del Culto di Sigmar è il Grande Teogonista e sotto il suo comando ci sono due Arcilettori, individui tetri e intimidatori sia sul campo di battaglia che in altre circostanze. Il compito degli Arcilettori è di proteggere la popolazione e scacciare il male. Essi sono l'epitome del coraggio guerriero di Sigmar e conducono le truppe della prima linea, dove manifestano il potere degli dei e ispirano l'intera armata a compiere atti di eroismo.

Salmi da Battaglia
Gli Arcilettori possono imparare tre Grandi Salmi da Battaglia con cui aiutare le loro armate in combattimento. Il Martello di Sigmar migliora la capacità di attacco nel corpo a corpo degli Arcilettori. Scudo di Fede è un potenziamento che ha effetto in un'area specifica per gli alleati vicini e che migliora la loro resistenza ai danni. Fuoco Spirituale è un potere offensivo che ha effetto in un'area maggiore e causa danni magici di massa alle unità nemiche.

Ghoul Re Strigoi
Le pallide creature chiamate Ghoul Re sono in realtà Vampiri Strigoi costretti ad un'esistenza primitiva. Nonostante tutti discendano dalla stessa antica casata di Ushoran, sono regrediti fino a diventare più empi e pieni di odio dei propri simili. I Ghoul Re trascorrono le giornate aggirandosi nei luoghi angusti del mondo, ma di notte si vendicano a capo di una barcollante armata di Nonmorti.

Potenti guerrieri e lanciaincantesimi, i Ghoul Re Strigoi brandiscono un sapere che unisce incantesimi del Sapere dei Vampiri con il Sapere della Morte e possono sbloccare e cavalcare gli Spiriti del Terrore in battaglia.

Incantesimo unico
L'incantesimo unico dei Ghoul Re Strigoi evoca un'unità di Ghoul delle Cripte o, se potenziato, un'unità di Orrori delle Cripte che combatte per lui in battaglia.

Nuove unità

Carro dei Cadaveri
Trainati da zombi dinoccolati, i Carri dei Cadaveri attirano la Magia Oscura, attingendo potere dal suolo e animando i morti nelle vicinanze. A volte sfoggiano una grande campana, il cui batacchio è un'empia magnetite di origini misteriose. Quando la magia necromantica è densa, la campana rintocca e tentacoli di Magia Oscura fuoriescono dal carro.

In quanto supporto magico, il Carro dei Cadaveri proietta un'aura nota come Vigor Mortis. Permette al Carro dei Cadaveri di rigenerarsi e aumenta le capacità di attacco corpo a corpo delle unità di Nonmorti nelle vicinanze. Con il potenziamento Fuoco Fatuo, il Carro dei Cadaveri fornisce più possibilità di causare incidenti di lancio sui Maghi nemici vicini. Con il potenziamento Magnetite Empia, il Carro dei Cadaveri fornisce un aumento di rigenerazione che ha effetto in una specifica area sulle unità di Nonmorti alleate vicine.

Macchina Mortis
I resti di Necromanti e Lord Liche vengono a volte inseriti all'interno di una Macchina Mortis, una gabbia di ossa fuse circondata da maestosi finimenti e portata in guerra da una schiera di spiriti vincolati al marchingegno infernale. Colmo di magia oscura e scrupolosamente decorato, il Tomo della Blasfemia in dotazione alla Macchina Mortis è stato creato con tale cura che le anime dei suoi autori si sono trasformate nei fogli di pelle umana che ne formano le pagine. Questo libro è fondamentale per i contorti praticanti della Necromanzia.

In quanto carro di supporto magico, la Macchina Mortis rigenera punti ferita per se stessa e le unità di Nonmorti alleate nelle vicinanze e causa danni magici alle unità nemiche all'interno dello stesso raggio. Inoltre, il relativo Tomo della Blasfemia aumenta la riserva di potere dei Venti della Magia. Dopo essere stata distrutta, la Macchina Mortis esplode in un cataclisma di energia arcana e causa danni estesi a nemici e alleati nelle vicinanze.

Milizia della Libera Compagnia
Se le Truppe provinciali costituiscono il nerbo dell'Impero, i suoi eserciti sono spesso rinforzati da reggimenti di milizia reclutati sul posto per combattere quando è necessario. Nessuno può dire in quanti si presenteranno all'adunata, o quale sarà la loro capacità guerriera. In fondo, queste truppe irregolari non ricevono nessun addestramento o disciplina.

La Milizia della Libera Compagnia è composta da truppe ibride dal doppio ruolo. I soldati sono armati di pistole a corta gittata e spade e possono quindi affrontare diverse situazioni di combattimento. Grazie all'abilità Schieramento dell'avanguardia, possono essere schierati in profondità nel campo.

Quando prendono parte alla battaglia, le bande di Flagellanti esagitati si percuotono per raggiungere la furia prima di caricare a testa bassa verso il nemico. Si gettano nella mischia senza alcuna esitazione, scagliandosi contro gli ostacoli più impossibili. Con ululati di sventura sulle labbra e la visione del martirio nei pensieri, combattono con ferocia selvaggia, brandendo i flagelli contro l'avversario e tracciando archi di sangue e devastazione sulla strada.

I Flagellanti sono Infuriati e Irriducibili. La loro abilità speciale Forza del Penitente carica le capacità combattive e conferisce resistenza fisica e difesa corpo a corpo potenziate.

Cavalieri del Sole Splendente
L'ordine templare del Sole Splendente vanta la conoscenza dell'arte e della scienza della guerra. In sella alle loro splendenti cavalcature corazzate, i Cavalieri combattono nel nome di Myrmidia, la dea della guerra. Per generazioni hanno combattuto devotamente, per l'onore e la sacralità dell'Impero.

I Cavalieri del Sole Splendente, potente cavalleria d'assalto simile alla Guardia del Reik, portano con sé scudi scintillanti che accecano coloro che provano ad attaccarli. Ciò fornisce una certa resistenza ai danni magici. Grazie al legittimo zelo hanno anche gli attacchi a base di fuoco.

Reggimenti della Fama

Queste sono unità d'élite, vere e proprie leggende nel Vecchio Mondo, e le loro statistiche sono di molto superiori a quelle delle loro controparti standard. Si possono sbloccare per il reclutamento quando il Lord sotto il tuo comando ha ottenuto il livello sufficiente di abilità e sono istantaneamente arruolate nel suo esercito dallo speciale menu di reclutamento del Reggimento della Fama. Da questo punto di vista, sono unità diverse dalle altre, che devono passare almeno un turno nella coda di reclutamento.

Oltre alle statistiche migliorate, ogni Reggimento della Fama ha anche una o più abilità speciali rispetto alla sua controparte standard.

Nota: le abilità e i dettagli delle unità sono soggette a cambiamenti.


Gli Straccianime - Flagellanti
Dimensioni dell'unità aumentate.

Questa fratellanza di fanatici è guidata dal folle profeta Gerhard il Verme, che combatté al fianco di Volkmar nella guerra contro il Prescelto Eterno. Resta poco ormai della sua personalità, eccetto il puro fervore che fomenta i suoi uomini.

Vendetta dello Stirland - Milizia della Libera Compagnia
Caccia, Penetrazione dell'armatura, Immune alla Psicologia

Composta da ringhianti buoni a nulla, la stracciata milizia della Vendetta dello Stirland è sempre pronta a combattere. Ciò che le manca in termini di igiene personale, lo compensano con la loro sete di vendetta contro i Nonmorti.

Martello delle Streghe - Grande Cannone
Resistenza fisica potenziata, i proiettili causano danni magici

Un singolo reggimento è tutto ciò che resta delle batterie di Forte Oberstyre, un tempo formidabili. Il Martello delle Streghe prese il suo nome durante il servizio nella città di Gortansford, quando ridusse a brandelli la Strega Grigia con proiettili improvvisati fatti di ferri di cavalli.

Figli di Sigmar - Spadaccini

I Figli di Sigmar servivano in origine le Maschere Rosse, un reggimento che combatté al fianco di Volkmar, contro i Norsmanni. Si tratta di guerrieri veterani e spietati assassini, sprezzanti del male.

Proiettili d’Argento - Archibugieri
Caccia, i proiettili causano danni magici

Prima della battaglia, il loro sboccato quartiermastro Bredt il Blasfemo porge a ogni tiratore scelto un proiettile d'argento, che garantisce loro la difesa contro qualsiasi cosa la Sylvania li porterà ad affrontare. Che siano reali o finti, questi amuleti sembrano funzionare...

Gli Artefici del Sole - Batteria di Razzi Tempesta Infernale
Attacchi a base di fuoco, numero di proiettili per raffica aumentato

Si tratta dell'ultima invenzione di Jurgen Bugelstrauss, distratto alchemista di Talabheim, creata prima della sua precoce dipartita. Vengono sparati razzi fosforici che ardono con una luce accecante.

La Luminarca di Templehof - Luminarca di Hysh
Incoraggia, Rete di Amyntok

Create da Jovi Scrutasole, il Mago Bianco più esperto, le lenti della Luminarca di Templehof sfiorano la perfezione e offrono una messa fuoco senza pari. Il suo incantesimo infuso può bloccare un nemico prima di perforarlo con il Dardo di Luce di Solheim.

I Grifiti Reali di Altdorf - Semigrifoni
Causano Terrore

In testa ai Cavalieri del Drakwald, i Grifiti Reali di Altdorf sono tra i più pregiati del circolo interno di cavalieri dell'Ordine.

Guardia del Reik di Zintler (Guardia del Reik)
Schieramento dell'avanguardia

Quest'ordine audace, guidato dal Maresciallo del Reik Hans Zitler, possiede una lunga storia che ha consentito ai cavalieri di raggiungere una posizione senza pari. Sono esperti nelle manovre aggiranti e i loro nemici si ritrovano sotto un selvaggio assalto già dalle prime battute della battaglia.

Conti Vampiro

I Banchettatori del Crepuscolo - Ghoul delle Cripte
Caccia, Schieramento dell'avanguardia

Gran parte dei Ghoul delle Cripte brama di gettarsi sul nemico perché questi rappresenta il loro pasto. I Banchettatori del Crepuscolo hanno un atteggiamento stranamente pacato e preferiscono avanzare in modo furtivo prima di assaltare la preda dall'ombra.

I Diavoli di Schwartzhafen - Vargheist
Schieramento dell'avanguardia

Questi figli della dinastia von Carstein, un tempo di bell'aspetto, sono rimasti per anni nelle caverne macchiate dalla Warpietra sotto il castello di Schwartzhafen e ormai non hanno più traccia del loro antico intelletto. Ora, infestano la notte in nome di Mannfred e riducono i suoi nemici in brandelli sanguinolenti.

Il Branco Spettrale - Lupi Zombi
Bonus vs unità grandi, massa e dimensioni aumentate

Questi demoni, disgustosamente ripugnanti ed eccezionalmente feroci, rifuggono i piccoli obiettivi e preferiscono i nemici più grandi per soddisfare la loro fame.

I Fanti Austeri - Guardia dei Tumuli

Quando erano in vita, questi guerrieri maledetti rappresentavano la guardia d'onore di Verek la Lama, primo castellano di Sternieste. Dopo la morte, combattono con empio zelo e resistono i colpi dei nemici.

I Tributi - Zombi
Dimensione e resistenza fisica aumentate

Un tempo fieri combattenti della Sylvania, questi servi dinoccolati dell'aristocrazia della notte sono fisicamente superiori agli zombi "civili".

Gli Spettri del Freddo - Spettri Dannati
Resistenza alla magia, aura di rallentamento

Gli Spettri del Freddo, guardiani della necropoli di Vargravia, prendono potere dalla terra maledetta e instillano una blasfema risolutezza nei loro compagni spietati.

L’Artiglio di Nagash - Macchina Mortis
Resistenza alla magia, aura di rallentamento

Si dice che l'immenso reliquiario di questa Macchina Mortis contenga la mano di Nagash stesso, raggrinzita ma ancora in movimento, il cui Empio Potere tiene lontana la magia nemica.

Mietitori di Verek - Cavalieri Neri

Questa cavalleria, costretta da una maledizione a combattere per lo Spettro Re Verek la Lama, sembra inarrestabile. Gli arti dei loro guerrieri si riattaccano e le ossa fratturate si riparano dinanzi agli occhi sorpresi dei loro avversari.

I Cacciatori di Konigstein - Scheletri Guerrieri
Attacchi Venefici, armatura migliorata

Persino i veterani del conflitto con le orde della Sylvania non sono pronti al velenoso massacro dei Cacciatori di Konigstein.

Total War: WARHAMMER – The Grim & The Grave

The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles.

  • Two new Legendary Lords…
  • …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
  • Two new additional Lord types
  • Five all-new battlefield units plus variants
  • Five new battlefields for custom battles and multiplayer battles
  • 18 elite Regiments of Renown

Ever-devious and ever-ruthless, the Unliving Aristocracy summons forth horrifying new threats to unman the forces of The Empire. Smelling blood on the tainted air, the Strigoi Ghoul Kings stir from their stale catacombs, while Mannfred’s darkest student, Helman Ghorst, pauses in his damnable studies and readies the Corpse-Carts for battle.

But the proud men of The Empire do not stand idly by in the face of such unholy threats. Even now the call goes out, and all eyes turn to Volkmar The Grim, Grand Theogonist of The Cult of Sigmar. Pious and forbidding, Karl Franz’ staunchest ally calls forth his Arch Lectors and rides into battle on the War Altar of Sigmar, a sight to strike terror even into the unbeating hearts of The Undead.

Man versus vampire: legend versus legend.

The Grim and The Grave.

New Legendary Lords

Volkmar The Grim
Volkmar The Grim is the Grand Theogonist, the head of the Cult of Sigmar and the most powerful religious leader in the Empire. He is a pious and foreboding man who is utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos in all its forms. When he accompanies an army into battle, he typically rides atop the resplendent War Altar of Sigmar, inspiring the soldiers around him to great acts of heroism as he strikes the followers of evil down with powerful blows and words of divine force. Volkmar is a holy terror on the battlefield, a man who fights with the fury of Sigmar himself. It is said that his soul is forged of steel, and he fights the malign influence of Chaos with every fibre of his being.

Campaign bonuses
When Volkmar leads a Grand Campaign, any Flagellant you recruit into his army will gain improvements to their weapon damage and charge bonus stats, and will be cheaper to recruit.

Volkmar may embark on quests to earn his Legendary items. The Jade Griffon provides a passive augment that regenerates Volkmar’s health, while the Staff of Command brings a number of improvements to Volkmar’s combat skills, public order management and post-battle loot income.

Battle prayers
Volkmar can unlock three Grand Battle Prayers to utter in combat, improving the offensive and defensive capabilities of himself and those around him.

Unique mount
When Volkmar has unlocked his Battle Prayers, he gains access to the War Altar of Sigmar, a resplendent fighting platform replete with a vast bronze Griffon bearing Ghal Maraz.

Unique Skills
Volkmar has the unique skills Para Bellum Aeturnus and Heretic Hunter, which improve the abilities of Flagellants and Warrior Priests in both battle and campaign.

Helman Ghorst
Helman Ghorst was once a man, yet that life was ripped from him. The loss of his father and brothers to plague sent Ghorst into an obsessive madness; he began studying the black arts in the hope of returning his lost kin to life. Coming to the attention of Mannfred von Carstein, the Count taught him necromancy, transforming Helman into something beyond the grief-maddened man from Templehof. Now, he is carried through the night on a bone-ridged cart, pulled not by horses, but by the brothers he so desperately wished to save – each a once-handsome farrier restored to a mockery of life, forced to stumble along at the head of their brother’s unloving host.

Campaign bonuses
When chosen to lead a Grand Campaign, Helman Ghorst confers a bonus to the casualty replenishment rate of all Vampire Counts armies. In addition, all units in Helman Ghorst’s army gain poison attacks.

Helman may embark upon a quest for The Liber Noctus, a legendary tome which weakens his enemies in battle, and enables him to use special abilities more frequently.

Unique Mount
Helman may unlock The Brothers Ghorst Corpse Cart. Drawn by the undead remnants of his brothers, this unique mount vastly improves his weapon strength and damage output.

Unique Spell
Awaken from the Grave, Helman’s unique spell, summons a unit of Grave Guard or, when upgraded, a Wight King to fight for him.

Unique Skills
Helman has the unique skill Leading from the Front which improves abilities of the plague-bearing Corpse Carts and the phantasmal Mortis Engine.

New Lords

Arch Lector
The High Priest of the Cult of Sigmar is the Grand Theogonist, and beneath him are his two Arch Lectors - grim, imposing figures, both on and off the battlefield. It is the duty of Arch Lectors to protect the populace and cast out evil. They epitomise the warrior courage of Sigmar himself, leading from the front where they manifest the power of the gods and inspire whole armies to acts of heroism.

Battle prayers
Arch Lectors can learn three Grand Battle Prayers to aid their armies in combat. Hammer of Sigmar improves the Arch Lector’s melee attack skill. Shields of Faith is an area-effect augment for nearby allies, improving their damage resistance. Soulfire is a large area-effect offensive power, causing mass magical damage to enemy units.

Strigoi Ghoul King
The pallid creatures known as Ghoul Kings are in fact once-proud Strigoi Vampires forced into a troglodytic existence. Though all Strigoi descend from the same ancient lineage of Ushoran, they have devolved to become something far fouler and more hate-filled than their brethren. The Ghoul Kings spend their days creeping through the hidden places of the world, but under cover of night, they wreak their vengeance at the head of a shambling army of Undead.

Powerful warriors and spellcasters, Strigoi Ghoul Kings wield a mixed lore combining spells from the Lore of Vampires and the Lore of Death, and may unlock and ride Terrorgheists into battle.

Unique Spell
Command of The Unliving, the Strigoi Ghoul King’s unique spell, summons a unit of Crypt Ghouls or, when upgraded, a unit of Crypt Horrors to fight for him in battle.

New Units

Corpse Cart
Drawn by shambling zombies, Corpse Carts act like magnets for Dark Magic, drawing their power from the land itself and re-animating the dead around them. Sometimes a Corpse Cart is hung with a great bell, the clapper of which is a fell lodestone of eldritch provenance. When necromantic magic is thick in the air, the bell tolls and ripples of Dark Magic emanate from the Corpse Cart.

As a magical support chariot, the Corpse Cart projects a magical aura known as the Vigor Mortis. This confers regeneration on the corpse cart and raises the melee attack of nearby undead units. With the Balefire upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an increased chance to miscast on nearby enemy wizards. With the Unholy Lodestone upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an area-effect regeneration augment on nearby friendly undead units.

Mortis Engine
The remains of Necromancers and Liche Lords are sometimes enshrined within a Mortis Engine, a cage of fused bone surrounded by trappings of grandeur, and borne to war by a host of spirits bound to the infernal device. Heavy with evil magics and painstakingly illuminated, the Blasphemous Tome the Mortis Engine bears has been crafted with such care that their creator's souls have passed into the leaves of human skin that form its pages. These books can be a boon to the twisted practitioners of necromancy.

As a magical support chariot, the Mortis Engine Regenerates hitpoints for itself and nearby friendly undead units, and causes magical damage to nearby enemy units within the same radius. The attendant Blasphemous Tome also increases the owner’s Winds of Magic power reserve. Upon destruction, the Mortis Engine explodes in a cataclysm of arcane energy, causing widespread damage to nearby friends and foes.

Free Company Militia
While state troops form the mainstay of the Empire’s military forces, its armies are often bulked out by ad-hoc regiments of militia who are recruited to fight as and when required. No one can foretell how many will turn up at the muster, or what their fighting quality will be. After all, these irregular troops receive no formal training or discipline.

Free Company Militia are dual-role hybrid troops. Armed with both short-range pistols and swords, the can fight as the situation demands. With the Vanguard Deployment ability, they can be deployed deep in the field.

When battle is joined, bands of crazed Flagellants beat themselves into a frenzy before charging headlong towards the enemy. They throw themselves into the fray without hesitation, against the most hopeless of odds. With howls of doom on their lips and visions of martyrdom in their thoughts, Flagellants fight with wild ferocity, swinging their flails at their enemies and leaving trails of blood and woe in their wake.

Flagellants are both Frenzied and Unbreakable. Their Strength of the Penitent special ability super-charges their fighting skills, conferring enhanced physical resistance and melee defence.

Knights of The Blazing Sun
The Templar order of The Blazing Sun pride themselves on learning the very arts and sciences of war. Resplendent on their armoured mounts, they fight in the name of Myrmidia, the very goddess of warfare. For generations they have fought devoutly for the honour and sanctity of the Empire.

Powerful shock cavalry akin to the famous Reiksguard, the Knights of The Blazing Sun carry glinting shields which blind those wishing to cause them harm. This confers a certain resistance to magical damage. Their righteous zeal also grants them flaming attacks.

Regiments of Renown

These are elite units – legendary within the annals of the Old World – whose statistics are much-improved over those of their standard counterparts. They can be unlocked for recruitment when the Lord under your command has attained the sufficient skill level, and are instantly recruited from the special Regiments of Renown recruitment menu into his army. In this respect they differ from standard units, which spend at least one turn in the recruitment queue.

Alongside enhanced stats, each Regiment of Renown also has one or more special abilities its standard-roster counterpart does not.

Please note: unit abilities and details subject to change.


The Tattersouls - Flagellants
Increased unit size

This brotherhood of zealots is led by the crazed prophet Gerhard The Worm, who fought alongside Volkmar in the war against The Everchosen. Little remains of his personality now but the raw fervour which drives his men.

Stirland’s Revenge – Free Company Militia
Stalk, armour piercing missiles, immune to psychology

A shower of growling ne’er-do-wells, the ragged militia of Stirland’s Revenge are always spoiling for a fight. What they lack in personal hygiene, they more than make up for in their thirst for vengeance against the undead.

Hammer of The Witches – Great Cannon
Enhanced physical resistance, shells cause magical damage

A single regiment is all that remains of Fort Oberstyre’s once-formidable batteries. The Hammer of The Witches earned its name in service of the town of Gortansford, tearing The Grey Hag to shreds with hastily-improvised grapeshot-rounds of horseshoes.

Sigmar’s Sons - Swordsmen

Sigmar’s Sons originally served in The Red Masquers, a regiment that fought alongside Volkmar against the Norscans. They are Veteran warriors and merciless killers to a man, fearless in the face of evil.

Silver Bullets – Handgunners
Stalk, bullets deal magical damage

Prior to battle, their foul-mouthed quartermaster Curser Brecht hands each of these marksmen a single silver bullet, granting them proof against whatever Sylvania may throw against them. Whether real or imagined, these good-luck charms seem to work…

The Sunmaker – Helstorm Rocket Battery
Flaming attacks, Increased number of missiles per volley

The final invention of the scatterbrained Talabheim alchemist Jurgen Bugelstrauss before his untimely demise, The Sunmaker fires specialist phosphoric rockets that burn with a blinding brilliance.

The Templehof Luminark – Luminark of Hysh
Encourage, Net of Amyntok

Crafted by Jovi Sunscryer, most experienced of the White Wizards, The lenses of the Templehof Luminark are ground to perfection and offer an unmatched degree of focus.

The Royal Altdorf Gryphites – Demigryphs
Cause terror

At the head of the Drakwald Riders, the Royal Altdorf Gryphites are among the finest of The Order’s inner-circle of cavalrymen.

Zintler’s Reiksguard – Reiksguard
Vanguard Deployment

Led by the Reiksmarshal Hans Zintler, the long and oft-storied history of this proud order has given them a peerless positional perspective. Masters of the flanking manoeuvre, their enemies find themselves under savage assault before the battle has been joined in earnest.

Vampire Counts

The Feasters in The Dusk – Crypt Ghouls
Stalk, vanguard deployment

Most Crypt Ghouls are only too eager to pound towards their foes for the meal they represent. The Feasters in The Dusk are uncharacteristically measured in their approach, preferring to advance in stealthy fashion before lunging at their prey from the shadows.

The Devils of Shwartzhafen – Vargheists
Vanguard Deployment

These once-handsome sons of the Von Carstein dynasty, trapped for long years in the warpstone-tainted caverns below Castle Swartzhafen, bear no trace of their former intellect. Now, they haunt the night at Mannfred’s behest, tearing his opponents to bloody rags.

The Direpack – Dire Wolves
Bonus VS large, increased mass and size

Uncommonly ferocious, these grossly muscled fiends eschew smaller targets in favour of foes large enough to satisfy their ravenous appetites.

The Sternsmen – Grave Guard

In life, these cursed warriors were the honour guard of Verek The Blade, First Castellan of Sternieste. In death, they fight with an unholy zeal which resists the blows of their foes.

The Tithe – Zombies
Increased size and physical resistance

These once-proud fighting men of Sylvania, now reduced to shambling servants of The Midnight Aristocracy, are physically superior to ‘civilian’ zombies in every way

The Chillgheists – Hexwraiths
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

Guardians of the Necropolis of Vargravia, The Chillgheists draw power from the cursed land and instil a blasphemous resolve in their cold-hearted brethren.

The Claw of Nagash – Mortis Engine
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

It is said that the huge ironbone reliquary of this Mortis Engine contains the withered but still-moving hand of Nagash himself, lending it the unholy power to ward off enemy magics.

Verek’s Reavers – Black Knights

Cursed to fight for the Wight King Verek The Blade, these cavalry are seemingly unstoppable, their limbs reattaching and shattered bones remade before their opponents’ startled eyes.

The Konigstein Stalkers – Skeleton Warriors
Poison Attacks, improved armour

Even veterans of conflict with the clacking hordes of Sylvania are unprepared for the poisonous onslaught of the Konigstein Stalkers.

Total War: WARHAMMER – The Grim & The Grave

The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles.

  • Two new Legendary Lords…
  • …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
  • Two new additional Lord types
  • Five all-new battlefield units plus variants
  • Five new battlefields for custom battles and multiplayer battles
  • 18 elite Regiments of Renown

Ever-devious and ever-ruthless, the Unliving Aristocracy summons forth horrifying new threats to unman the forces of The Empire. Smelling blood on the tainted air, the Strigoi Ghoul Kings stir from their stale catacombs, while Mannfred’s darkest student, Helman Ghorst, pauses in his damnable studies and readies the Corpse-Carts for battle.

But the proud men of The Empire do not stand idly by in the face of such unholy threats. Even now the call goes out, and all eyes turn to Volkmar The Grim, Grand Theogonist of The Cult of Sigmar. Pious and forbidding, Karl Franz’ staunchest ally calls forth his Arch Lectors and rides into battle on the War Altar of Sigmar, a sight to strike terror even into the unbeating hearts of The Undead.

Man versus vampire: legend versus legend.

The Grim and The Grave.

New Legendary Lords

Volkmar The Grim
Volkmar The Grim is the Grand Theogonist, the head of the Cult of Sigmar and the most powerful religious leader in the Empire. He is a pious and foreboding man who is utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos in all its forms. When he accompanies an army into battle, he typically rides atop the resplendent War Altar of Sigmar, inspiring the soldiers around him to great acts of heroism as he strikes the followers of evil down with powerful blows and words of divine force. Volkmar is a holy terror on the battlefield, a man who fights with the fury of Sigmar himself. It is said that his soul is forged of steel, and he fights the malign influence of Chaos with every fibre of his being.

Campaign bonuses
When Volkmar leads a Grand Campaign, any Flagellant you recruit into his army will gain improvements to their weapon damage and charge bonus stats, and will be cheaper to recruit.

Volkmar may embark on quests to earn his Legendary items. The Jade Griffon provides a passive augment that regenerates Volkmar’s health, while the Staff of Command brings a number of improvements to Volkmar’s combat skills, public order management and post-battle loot income.

Battle prayers
Volkmar can unlock three Grand Battle Prayers to utter in combat, improving the offensive and defensive capabilities of himself and those around him.

Unique mount
When Volkmar has unlocked his Battle Prayers, he gains access to the War Altar of Sigmar, a resplendent fighting platform replete with a vast bronze Griffon bearing Ghal Maraz.

Unique Skills
Volkmar has the unique skills Para Bellum Aeturnus and Heretic Hunter, which improve the abilities of Flagellants and Warrior Priests in both battle and campaign.

Helman Ghorst
Helman Ghorst was once a man, yet that life was ripped from him. The loss of his father and brothers to plague sent Ghorst into an obsessive madness; he began studying the black arts in the hope of returning his lost kin to life. Coming to the attention of Mannfred von Carstein, the Count taught him necromancy, transforming Helman into something beyond the grief-maddened man from Templehof. Now, he is carried through the night on a bone-ridged cart, pulled not by horses, but by the brothers he so desperately wished to save – each a once-handsome farrier restored to a mockery of life, forced to stumble along at the head of their brother’s unloving host.

Campaign bonuses
When chosen to lead a Grand Campaign, Helman Ghorst confers a bonus to the casualty replenishment rate of all Vampire Counts armies. In addition, all units in Helman Ghorst’s army gain poison attacks.

Helman may embark upon a quest for The Liber Noctus, a legendary tome which weakens his enemies in battle, and enables him to use special abilities more frequently.

Unique Mount
Helman may unlock The Brothers Ghorst Corpse Cart. Drawn by the undead remnants of his brothers, this unique mount vastly improves his weapon strength and damage output.

Unique Spell
Awaken from the Grave, Helman’s unique spell, summons a unit of Grave Guard or, when upgraded, a Wight King to fight for him.

Unique Skills
Helman has the unique skill Leading from the Front which improves abilities of the plague-bearing Corpse Carts and the phantasmal Mortis Engine.

New Lords

Arch Lector
The High Priest of the Cult of Sigmar is the Grand Theogonist, and beneath him are his two Arch Lectors - grim, imposing figures, both on and off the battlefield. It is the duty of Arch Lectors to protect the populace and cast out evil. They epitomise the warrior courage of Sigmar himself, leading from the front where they manifest the power of the gods and inspire whole armies to acts of heroism.

Battle prayers
Arch Lectors can learn three Grand Battle Prayers to aid their armies in combat. Hammer of Sigmar improves the Arch Lector’s melee attack skill. Shields of Faith is an area-effect augment for nearby allies, improving their damage resistance. Soulfire is a large area-effect offensive power, causing mass magical damage to enemy units.

Strigoi Ghoul King
The pallid creatures known as Ghoul Kings are in fact once-proud Strigoi Vampires forced into a troglodytic existence. Though all Strigoi descend from the same ancient lineage of Ushoran, they have devolved to become something far fouler and more hate-filled than their brethren. The Ghoul Kings spend their days creeping through the hidden places of the world, but under cover of night, they wreak their vengeance at the head of a shambling army of Undead.

Powerful warriors and spellcasters, Strigoi Ghoul Kings wield a mixed lore combining spells from the Lore of Vampires and the Lore of Death, and may unlock and ride Terrorgheists into battle.

Unique Spell
Command of The Unliving, the Strigoi Ghoul King’s unique spell, summons a unit of Crypt Ghouls or, when upgraded, a unit of Crypt Horrors to fight for him in battle.

New Units

Corpse Cart
Drawn by shambling zombies, Corpse Carts act like magnets for Dark Magic, drawing their power from the land itself and re-animating the dead around them. Sometimes a Corpse Cart is hung with a great bell, the clapper of which is a fell lodestone of eldritch provenance. When necromantic magic is thick in the air, the bell tolls and ripples of Dark Magic emanate from the Corpse Cart.

As a magical support chariot, the Corpse Cart projects a magical aura known as the Vigor Mortis. This confers regeneration on the corpse cart and raises the melee attack of nearby undead units. With the Balefire upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an increased chance to miscast on nearby enemy wizards. With the Unholy Lodestone upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an area-effect regeneration augment on nearby friendly undead units.

Mortis Engine
The remains of Necromancers and Liche Lords are sometimes enshrined within a Mortis Engine, a cage of fused bone surrounded by trappings of grandeur, and borne to war by a host of spirits bound to the infernal device. Heavy with evil magics and painstakingly illuminated, the Blasphemous Tome the Mortis Engine bears has been crafted with such care that their creator's souls have passed into the leaves of human skin that form its pages. These books can be a boon to the twisted practitioners of necromancy.

As a magical support chariot, the Mortis Engine Regenerates hitpoints for itself and nearby friendly undead units, and causes magical damage to nearby enemy units within the same radius. The attendant Blasphemous Tome also increases the owner’s Winds of Magic power reserve. Upon destruction, the Mortis Engine explodes in a cataclysm of arcane energy, causing widespread damage to nearby friends and foes.

Free Company Militia
While state troops form the mainstay of the Empire’s military forces, its armies are often bulked out by ad-hoc regiments of militia who are recruited to fight as and when required. No one can foretell how many will turn up at the muster, or what their fighting quality will be. After all, these irregular troops receive no formal training or discipline.

Free Company Militia are dual-role hybrid troops. Armed with both short-range pistols and swords, the can fight as the situation demands. With the Vanguard Deployment ability, they can be deployed deep in the field.

When battle is joined, bands of crazed Flagellants beat themselves into a frenzy before charging headlong towards the enemy. They throw themselves into the fray without hesitation, against the most hopeless of odds. With howls of doom on their lips and visions of martyrdom in their thoughts, Flagellants fight with wild ferocity, swinging their flails at their enemies and leaving trails of blood and woe in their wake.

Flagellants are both Frenzied and Unbreakable. Their Strength of the Penitent special ability super-charges their fighting skills, conferring enhanced physical resistance and melee defence.

Knights of The Blazing Sun
The Templar order of The Blazing Sun pride themselves on learning the very arts and sciences of war. Resplendent on their armoured mounts, they fight in the name of Myrmidia, the very goddess of warfare. For generations they have fought devoutly for the honour and sanctity of the Empire.

Powerful shock cavalry akin to the famous Reiksguard, the Knights of The Blazing Sun carry glinting shields which blind those wishing to cause them harm. This confers a certain resistance to magical damage. Their righteous zeal also grants them flaming attacks.

Regiments of Renown

These are elite units – legendary within the annals of the Old World – whose statistics are much-improved over those of their standard counterparts. They can be unlocked for recruitment when the Lord under your command has attained the sufficient skill level, and are instantly recruited from the special Regiments of Renown recruitment menu into his army. In this respect they differ from standard units, which spend at least one turn in the recruitment queue.

Alongside enhanced stats, each Regiment of Renown also has one or more special abilities its standard-roster counterpart does not.

Please note: unit abilities and details subject to change.


The Tattersouls - Flagellants
Increased unit size

This brotherhood of zealots is led by the crazed prophet Gerhard The Worm, who fought alongside Volkmar in the war against The Everchosen. Little remains of his personality now but the raw fervour which drives his men.

Stirland’s Revenge – Free Company Militia
Stalk, armour piercing missiles, immune to psychology

A shower of growling ne’er-do-wells, the ragged militia of Stirland’s Revenge are always spoiling for a fight. What they lack in personal hygiene, they more than make up for in their thirst for vengeance against the undead.

Hammer of The Witches – Great Cannon
Enhanced physical resistance, shells cause magical damage

A single regiment is all that remains of Fort Oberstyre’s once-formidable batteries. The Hammer of The Witches earned its name in service of the town of Gortansford, tearing The Grey Hag to shreds with hastily-improvised grapeshot-rounds of horseshoes.

Sigmar’s Sons - Swordsmen

Sigmar’s Sons originally served in The Red Masquers, a regiment that fought alongside Volkmar against the Norscans. They are Veteran warriors and merciless killers to a man, fearless in the face of evil.

Silver Bullets – Handgunners
Stalk, bullets deal magical damage

Prior to battle, their foul-mouthed quartermaster Curser Brecht hands each of these marksmen a single silver bullet, granting them proof against whatever Sylvania may throw against them. Whether real or imagined, these good-luck charms seem to work…

The Sunmaker – Helstorm Rocket Battery
Flaming attacks, Increased number of missiles per volley

The final invention of the scatterbrained Talabheim alchemist Jurgen Bugelstrauss before his untimely demise, The Sunmaker fires specialist phosphoric rockets that burn with a blinding brilliance.

The Templehof Luminark – Luminark of Hysh
Encourage, Net of Amyntok

Crafted by Jovi Sunscryer, most experienced of the White Wizards, The lenses of the Templehof Luminark are ground to perfection and offer an unmatched degree of focus.

The Royal Altdorf Gryphites – Demigryphs
Cause terror

At the head of the Drakwald Riders, the Royal Altdorf Gryphites are among the finest of The Order’s inner-circle of cavalrymen.

Zintler’s Reiksguard – Reiksguard
Vanguard Deployment

Led by the Reiksmarshal Hans Zintler, the long and oft-storied history of this proud order has given them a peerless positional perspective. Masters of the flanking manoeuvre, their enemies find themselves under savage assault before the battle has been joined in earnest.

Vampire Counts

The Feasters in The Dusk – Crypt Ghouls
Stalk, vanguard deployment

Most Crypt Ghouls are only too eager to pound towards their foes for the meal they represent. The Feasters in The Dusk are uncharacteristically measured in their approach, preferring to advance in stealthy fashion before lunging at their prey from the shadows.

The Devils of Shwartzhafen – Vargheists
Vanguard Deployment

These once-handsome sons of the Von Carstein dynasty, trapped for long years in the warpstone-tainted caverns below Castle Swartzhafen, bear no trace of their former intellect. Now, they haunt the night at Mannfred’s behest, tearing his opponents to bloody rags.

The Direpack – Dire Wolves
Bonus VS large, increased mass and size

Uncommonly ferocious, these grossly muscled fiends eschew smaller targets in favour of foes large enough to satisfy their ravenous appetites.

The Sternsmen – Grave Guard

In life, these cursed warriors were the honour guard of Verek The Blade, First Castellan of Sternieste. In death, they fight with an unholy zeal which resists the blows of their foes.

The Tithe – Zombies
Increased size and physical resistance

These once-proud fighting men of Sylvania, now reduced to shambling servants of The Midnight Aristocracy, are physically superior to ‘civilian’ zombies in every way

The Chillgheists – Hexwraiths
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

Guardians of the Necropolis of Vargravia, The Chillgheists draw power from the cursed land and instil a blasphemous resolve in their cold-hearted brethren.

The Claw of Nagash – Mortis Engine
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

It is said that the huge ironbone reliquary of this Mortis Engine contains the withered but still-moving hand of Nagash himself, lending it the unholy power to ward off enemy magics.

Verek’s Reavers – Black Knights

Cursed to fight for the Wight King Verek The Blade, these cavalry are seemingly unstoppable, their limbs reattaching and shattered bones remade before their opponents’ startled eyes.

The Konigstein Stalkers – Skeleton Warriors
Poison Attacks, improved armour

Even veterans of conflict with the clacking hordes of Sylvania are unprepared for the poisonous onslaught of the Konigstein Stalkers.

Total War: WARHAMMER - Мрачный и зловещий

"Мрачный и зловещий" - это первый комплект лордов для игры Total War: WARHAMMER. Расширяя возможности Империи и графств вампиров, он добавляет в кампании и битвы двух знаменитых персонажей и целый ряд культовых отрядов из вселенной Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

  • Два новых легендарных лорда...
  • ...с собственными цепочками заданий, магическими предметами и деревьями навыков
  • Два новых типа лордов
  • Пять совершенно новых видов войск с вариациями
  • Пять новых полей сражений для своих и сетевых битв
  • 18 элитных знаменитых отрядов

Намереваясь погрузить Империю в вечную тьму, коварная и безжалостная полуночная аристократия призвала новых кошмарных тварей. Ужасные стриги - древние короли упырей - вылезают на запах крови из своих катакомб, а Гельман Горст, самый зловещий из учеников Манфреда, отложил свои штудии, чтобы готовить к битве новые труповозки.

Но гордые люди Империи не сдаются. В этот тяжелый час все взгляды прикованы к Фолькмару Мрачному - Великому теогонисту зигмаритов. Благочестивый, суровый и всецело преданный Карлу Францу, Фолькмар призывает своих архилекторов и мчится в бой на воинском алтаре Зигмара, наполняя ужасом небьющиеся сердца нежити.

Человек против вампира: легенда против легенды

Мрачный и зловещий

Новые легендарные лорды

Фолькмар Мрачный
Великий теогонист Фолькмар Мрачный, возглавляющий культ Зигмара, является самым могущественным религиозным иерархом Империи. Благочестивый и строгий, он посвятил свою жизнь искоренению Хаоса в любых формах и проявлениях. Мчась на битву верхом на величественном воинском алтаре, Великий теогонист крушит врагов с яростью, достойной самого Зигмара, и вдохновляет союзников на подлинные чудеса героизма. Говорят, что душа Фолькмара выкована из стали и закалена в горниле ненависти к Разрушительным силам.

Преимущества в кампании
Если вы выберете Фолькмара лидером своей фракции в Большой кампании, у всех флагеллянтов, нанятых в его армию, улучшится урон от оружия и сила натиска, а стоимость их найма при этом снизится.

Особые задания
Выполняя особые задания, Фолькмар может получить легендарные предметы. Нефритовый грифон постоянно восстанавливает его здоровье, а посох Командования дает преимущества в бою, укрепляет общественный порядок и увеличивает стоимость трофеев после битв.

Боевые молитвы
Фолькмар может выучить три великие боевые молитвы, которые улучшают наступательные и оборонительные характеристики как его самого, так и соседних отрядов.

Уникальный транспорт
Выучив боевые молитвы, Фолькмар получит доступ к воинскому алтарю Зигмара - самоходной боевой платформе, украшенной огромным бронзовыми грифоном, сжимающим Гхал Мараз.

Уникальные навыки
Фолькмар обладает уникальными навыками Para Bellum Aeturnus и "Гонитель ереси", которые улучшают способности флагеллянтов и воинов-жрецов как в кампании, так и в битвах.

Гельман Горст
Когда-то Гельман Горст был самым обычным человеком. Потеряв отца и братьев из-за чумы, он помутился рассудком и обратился к темной магии в надежде их оживить. Однажды он встретил Манфреда фон Карштайна, который взялся учить его премудростям некромантии. Нынешний Горст совсем не похож на несчастного безумца, бежавшего из Темпельгофа. В его костяную телегу вместо коней запряжены те самые братья, которых он когда-то отчаянно пытался спасти. Возвращенные к жалкому подобию жизни, они вынуждены вечно брести во главе его огромной орды нежити.

Преимущества в кампании
Выбрав Гельмана Горста лидером своей фракции в Большой кампании, вы повысите скорость восполнения потерь во всех армиях графов вампиров. Вдобавок, все отряды в собственной армии Горста получают ядовитые атаки.

Особые задания
Выполнив цепочку особых заданий, Горст может получить "Либер Ноктус" - легендарный гримуар, ослабляющий врагов и позволяющий чаще применять особые способности.

Уникальный транспорт
Гельман может получить доступ к уникальному транспорту - труповозке братьев Горста. Запряженная мертвыми родичами Гельмана, эта костяная телега существенно повышает силу его оружия и увеличивает наносимый урон.

Уникальное заклинание
Уникальное заклинание Горста "Пробуждение из могил" позволяет призвать отряд стражей могил, а в улучшенном варианте - короля-мертвеца.

Уникальные навыки
Гельман обладает уникальным навыком "Предводитель", который улучшает способности несущих чуму труповозок и зловещих колесниц смерти.

Новые лорды

Великому теогонисту, возглавляющему культ Зигмара, подчинены архилекторы - мрачные и могущественные иерархи, внушающие трепет как в мирное время, так и на войне. С бесстрашием, достойным самого Зигмара, они идут на битву в первых рядах, провозглашая волю богов и вдохновляя на подвиги целые армии.

Боевые молитвы
Архилекторы могут выучить три великие боевые молитвы для поддержки своих армий. "Молот Зигмара" улучшает атаку архилектора в ближнем бою, "Щит веры" усиливает соседних союзников, повышая их сопротивление урону, а "Огонь души" наносит массовый магический урон отрядам противника.

Король упырей
Мертвенно-бледные короли упырей относятся к стригам - некогда гордым вампирам, утратившим разум и опустившимся до животного уровня. Хотя все стриги ведут свой род от древнего короля Ушорана, некоторые из его потомков пали особенно низко. Днем короли упырей прячутся в своих тайных убежищах, а под покровом ночи выходят на поверхность, чтобы вершить месть во главе армий нежити.

Могущественные воины и чародеи, короли упырей могут применять заклинания школы Вампиров и Смерти. Самые выдающиеся из них ездят в бой верхом на кошмарных терроргейстах.

Уникальное заклинание
Уникальное заклинание стриг позволяет этому герою нежити призвать отряд упырей из склепа, а в улучшенном варианте - ужасов из склепа.

Новые войска

Запряженные зомби труповозки черпают силу темной магии из самой земли, заставляя погребенные в ней тела подниматься из могил. Некоторые из них снабжены огромными колоколами из камней притяжения, звон которых пробуждает волны некромантской энергии. Под звуки этого мрачного набата кости сами собираются в скелеты, а мертвецы встают на ноги.

Труповозка - это своего рода колесница магической поддержки, распространяющая ауру, которую некроманты называют "Вигор Мортис". Эта аура восстанавливает прочность самое

труповозки и усиливает соседние отряды нежити, улучшая их атаку в ближнем бою. С улучшением "Сигнальный огонь" труповозка повышает шанс магической ошибки у соседних магов противника, а с улучшением "Нечистый камень притяжения" - восстанавливает здоровье всех дружественных отрядов нежити в зоне действия.

Колесница смерти
Останки могущественных некромантов и высших личей иногда помещают в колесницу смерти - богато украшенную костяную клетку на колесах, приводимую в движение сонмами заключенных в ней духом. Иногда колесница снабжена реликварием, в котором хранится Нечестивый фолиант; буквы и рисунки, покрывающие его страницы из человеческой кожи, вычерчены с такой тщательностью, что в них порой заключены души писцов. Для опытного некроманта такая книга - бесценный подарок.

Будучи средством магической поддержки, колесница смерти восстанавливает собственную прочность и здоровье соседних дружественных отрядов нежити, а также наносит магический урон соседним отрядам противника в той же области. Добавление Нечестивого фолианта увеличивает запас Ветров Магии, доступный владельцу. Уничтожение колесницы сопровождается мощным магическим взрывом, наносящим урон всем отрядам на достаточно большой площади.

Свободный отряд ополченцев
Хотя основу армий Империи составляют штатные войска, их часто дополняют отрядами местного ополчения - как добровольными, так и не очень. Численность и боеспособность таких отрядов непредсказуема: их обучением и тренировками никто специально не занимается.

Бойцы свободного отряда ополчения, вооруженные мечами и маломощными пистолетами, могут как сражаться в ближнем бою, так и выступать в роли стрелков. Благодаря способности "Передовое развертывание" их можно размещать ближе к позициям противника.

Оказавшись на поле боя, флагеллянты исступленно хлещут себя бичами, а потом в мученическом экстазе бросаются в самую гущу битвы, не отступая даже в самых безнадежных ситуациях. Выкрикивая мрачные пророчества и размахивая кистенями, эти безумцы продолжают сеять смерть, пока последний из них не упадет замертво.

Отряды флагеллянтов обладают свойствами "Свирепость" и "Несокрушимость". Особая способность "Сила кающихся" повышает их боевую эффективность, улучшая сопротивление физическому урону и защиту в ближнем бою.

Рыцари Пылающего солнца
Рыцари-храмовники ордена Пылающего солнца посвящают свою жизнь изучению воинских искусств и наук. Гордо восседая на своих бронированных конях, они сражаются во имя Мирмидии - богини самой войны. Уже многие поколения этих рыцарей преданно служат Империи, стоя на страже ее чести и святости.

Эти грозные ударные всадники, подобные Рейксгвардии, экипированы сверкающими щитами, которые ослепляют врагов и отражают часть магического урона. Сами же рыцари, в свою очередь, могут применять огненные атаки.

Знаменитые отряды

Эти элитные отряды, прославленные в хрониках Старого света, намного сильнее обычных войск того же типа, а их наем осуществляется мгновенно, в то время как на подготовку остальных войск тратится как минимум один ход. Для знаменитых отрядов предусмотрен отдельный резерв найма, который доступен только в том случае, если соответствующий легендарный лорд находится под вашим контролем и достиг требуемого уровня.

Помимо улучшенных характеристик, каждый знаменитый отряд обладает как минимум одной уникальной способностью.

Примечание: способности и характеристики отрядов могут меняться.


Истерзанные Души (флагеллянты)
Увеличенная численность отряда.

Члены этой секты, возглавляемой безумным пророком Герхардом Червем, сражались плечом к плечу с Фолькмаром на войне с Навеки Избранным. Практически утратив разум, они сохранили лишь фанатичное рвение.

Мстители Штирланда - свободный отряд ополчения
Скрытность, бронебойные выстрелы, невосприимчивость к психологии.

Этот отряд штирландского ополчения, напоминающий толпу битых жизнью бродяг, всегда готов броситься в бой. Недостаток личной гигиены у его бойцов с лихвой возмещается жаждой отомстить нежити.

Молот Ведьм (великая пушка)
Повышенное сопротивление физическому урону, снаряды наносят магческий урон.

Эта пушка - все, что осталось от грозных батарей форта Оберштир. Свое прозвище она получила в битве при Гортансфорде, разорвав в клочья Серую Ведьму залпом самодельной картечи из подков.

Сыны Зигмара - мечники

Изначально Сыны Зигмара входили в состав Красных Масок - полка, сопровождавшего Фолькмара на войне с Норской. Эти опытные и безжалостные воины не знают страха перед лицом зла.

Серебряные Пули - пистольеры
Маскировка, пули наносят магический урон.

У этого отряда есть особая традиция: перед каждой битвой интендант Брехт Сквернослов раздает стрелкам по одной серебряной пуле для защиты от сильванской нечисти. Суеверие это или нет, но, кажется, оно работает...

Солнцедел - батарея огненных ракет
Огненные атаки, увеличение числа ракет в залпе.

Эта батарея - последнее, что изобрел безумный талабхаймский алхимик Юрген Бюгельштраусс перед своей безвременной гибелью. Она стреляет особыми фосфорными ракетами, горящими с ослепительной яркостью.

Темпельгофский Светоковчег - светоковчег Хиша
Воодушевление, Сеть Аминтока.

Созданные великим Белым магом Жови по прозвищу "Солнечное Око", линзы этой магической машины имеют идеальную форму и обеспечивают непревзойденную точность фокусировки. Темпельгофский Светоковчег сначала обездвиживает цель связанным заклинанием, а затем пронзает ее "Осветительным снарядом Зольхайма".

Королевские грифиты Альтдорфа - демигрифы
Ужасающий вид.

Мчащиеся во главе Драквальдских всадников, Королевские грифиты Альтдорфа входят в число лучших наездников внутреннего круга Ордена.

Рейксгвардия Цинтлера - Рейксгвардия
Передовое развертывание.

За свою долгую и славную историю отряд рейксмаршала Ганса Цинтлера приобрел огромный позиционно-тактический опыт. Эти мастера фланговых обходов способны атаковать и разгромить вражеский отряд еще до того, как он присоединится к битве.

Графства вампиров

Пирующие в Сумерках - упыри из склепов
Скрытность, передовое развертывание.

Большинство упрырей из склепов бросаются на врага с жадностью голодных зверей. Пирующие в Сумерках не таковы - они предпочитают незаметно подкрадываться к добыче, а затем наносить стремительный удар из тени.

Шварцхафенские Дьяволы - варгейсты
Передовое развертывание.

Эти некогда благородные отпрыски рода фон Карштайн много лет провели в шварцхафенских подземельях среди камня варпа. Полностью утратившие разум, они рыщут в ночи, разрывая врагов Манфреда на куски.

Лютая стая - лютые волки
Преимущество против крупных целей, увеличенный размер и масса.

Эти необычно крупные и свирепые хищники не обращают внимания на мелких врагов, предпочитая более достойную добычу.

Кормчие - стража могил

При жизни эти воины служили в гвардии Верека Клинка, Первого кастелляна Штерниеста. После смерти они сражаются с проклятым рвением, помогающим им устоять под самыми сокрушительными ударами.

Десятина - зомби
Увеличенный размер и сопротивление физическому урону.

Некогда гордые воины Сильвании, превращенные в безмозглых слуг полуночной аристократии, крупнее и сильнее обычных "гражданских" зомби.

Хладогейсты - духи сглаза
Сопротивление магии, аура замедления.

Эти стражи некрополя Вагравии черпают силу из проклятой земли и вселяют нечестивую решимость в сердца своих собратьев по несмерти.

Коготь Нагаша - колесница смерти
Сопротивление магии, аура замедления.

Говорят, что в огромном железном реликварии этой колесницы хранится истлевшая, но еще шевелящаяся рука самого Нагаша, способная отражать вражескую магию.

Разбойники Верека - черные рыцари

Этих проклятых всадников короля-мертвеца Верека не в силах остановить никто. Их разрубленные кости срастаются прямо на глазах изумленных врагов.

Следопыты Кенигштайна - воины-скелеты
Ядовитые атаки, улучшенные доспехи.

Ядовитые клинки Следопытов Кенигштайна способны застать врасплох даже опытных ветеранов, закаленных в боях с мертвецами Сильвании.

Total War: WARHAMMER - El Sombrío y la Tumba

El Sombrío y la Tumba es el primer pack de señores para Total War: WARHAMMER. Potencia más aún las fuerzas del Imperio y los Condes Vampiro e introduce a famosos personajes rivales y célebres unidades del mundo de Warhammer Fantasy Battles en tus campañas y batallas.

  • Dos nuevos Señores legendarios...
  • ... con nuevas cadenas de aventuras, objetos mágicos y cuadros de habilidades
  • Dos nuevos tipos de Señores adicionales
  • Cinco unidades del campo de batalla totalmente nuevas más variaciones.
  • Cinco nuevos campo de batalla para batallas y batallas multijugador personalizadas.
  • 18 Regimientos de Renombre de élite

Retorcida y despiadada, la Aristocracia de la Noche invoca nuevas y horripilantes amenazas para acabar con las fuerzas del Imperio. El mancillado aire transporta el olor a sangre y los Strigoi Reyes Necrófagos se revuelven en sus mohosas catacumbas, mientras Helman Ghorst, el pupilo más siniestro de Mannfred, detiene momentáneamente sus impíos estudios y prepara los Carros de Cadáveres para la batalla.

Sin embargo, los orgullosos hombres del Imperio no se quedan de brazos cruzados ante semejantes amenazas y todas las miradas se vuelven hacia Volkmar el Sombrío, Gran Teogonista del Culto de Sigmar. El más fiel aliado de Karl Franz, pío e intimidante, convoca a los Archilectores y marcha a la batalla sobre el Altar de Guerra de Sigmar, una visión capaz de sembrar el terror en los inertes corazones de los No Muertos.

Hombre contra Vampiro: dos leyendas enfrentadas.

El Sombrío y la Tumba.

Nuevos Señores legendarios

Volkmar el Sombrío
Volkmar el Sombrío es el Gran Teogonista, jefe del Culto de Sigmar y el líder religioso más poderoso del Imperio. Es un hombre pío y devoto, dedicado en cuerpo y alma a la destrucción del Caos en todas sus formas. Cuando acompaña a un ejército a la batalla, lo hace sobre el resplandeciente Altar de Guerra de Sigmar, alentando con ello a llevar a cabo actos heroicos a los soldados que hay a su alrededor, a la vez que ataca a los seguidores del Caos con poderosos golpes y palabras de fuerza divina. Volkmar es un terror sagrado en el campo de batalla, un hombre que lucha con la furia del mismísimo Sigmar. Dicen que su alma está forjada en acero y que lucha contra la diabólica influencia del Caos con cada fibra de su ser.

Bonificaciones de Campaña
Cuando Volkmar lidera una Gran Campaña, cualquier Flagelante que reclutes en su ejército verá mejoradas las estadísticas del daño por armas, de la bonificación de carga y será más barato de reclutar.

Volkmar puede embarcarse en aventuras para ganar objetos legendarios. El Grifo de Jade ofrece un aumento pasivo que regenera la salud de Volkmar, mientras que el Báculo del poder confiere una serie de mejoras a sus habilidades de combate, a su gestión del orden público y a los ingresos del botín posterior a la batalla.

Plegarias de batalla
Volkmar puede desbloquear tres Grandes Plegarias de batalla que poder usar en la batalla, mejorando las capacidades ofensivas y defensivas propias y de aquellos a su alrededor.

Montura única
Una vez que Volkmar haya desbloqueado sus Plegarias de batalla, obtendrá acceso al Altar de Guerra de Sigmar, una resplandeciente plataforma de batalla con un gran Grifo de bronce y que porta el Ghal Maraz.

Habilidades únicas
Volkmar posee las habilidades únicas que mejoran las habilidades Para Bellum Aeturnus y Cazador herético de los Flagelantes y los Sacerdotes Guerrero tanto en la batalla como en la campaña.

Helman Ghorst
Antaño, Helman Ghorst fue un hombre, pero esa vida le fue arrebatada. La pérdida de su padre y sus hermanos a causa de la plaga hizo enloquecer a Ghorst, quien se entregó al estudio de la magia negra con la esperanza de devolver a los suyos a la vida. Mannfred von Carstein no pudo evitar reparar en él y le enseñó el arte de la nigromancia, transformando a Helman en algo distinto al hombre de Templehof, loco por el dolor. Ahora, viaja por la noche a bordo de un carro hecho de huesos, tirado no por caballos, sino por los hermanos que tan desesperadamente quiso salvar, los otrora apuestos herradores convertidos en una burla de la vida y obligados a vagar a la cabeza de las huestes de su siniestro hermano.

Bonificaciones de Campaña
Al ser elegido para liderar una Gran Campaña, Helman Ghorst confiere una bonificación al reemplazo de bajas de todos los ejércitos de los Condes Vampiro. Además, todas las unidades de su ejército obtendrán ataques envenenados.

Helman Ghorst puede embarcarse en una aventura para encontrar el Liber Noctus, un libro legendario que debilita a sus enemigos en la batalla y que le permite usar habilidades especiales con más frecuencia.

Montura única
Helman puede desbloquear el Carro de Cadáveres de los hermanos Ghorst Atraído por los restos No Muertos de sus hermanos, esta montura exclusiva mejora enormemente la fuerza de su arma y los daños provocados.

Hechizo único
El exclusivo hechizo de Helman Ghorst, el Despertar de la tumba, convoca una unidad de la Guardia de los Túmulos o, si es mejorado, convoca a un Rey Tumulario para que luche por él.

Habilidades únicas

Helman posee la habilidad única "Liderazgo desde el frente" que mejora las habilidades de los Carros de Cadáveres que llevan la plaga y el fantasmal Sagrario Mortis.

Nuevos Señores

El Sumo Sacerdote del Culto de Sigmar es el Gran Teogonista y, bajo él, están sus dos Archilectores, sombríos e imponentes en el campo de batalla y fuera de él. Es el deber de un Archilector proteger a su pueblo y purgar semejantes maldades. Ellos encarnan el coraje guerrero del mismísimo Sigmar y lideran a sus soldados desde el frente, donde manifiestan el poder de los dioses e inspiran a ejércitos enteros a llevar a cabo actos heroicos.

Plegarias de batalla
Los Archilectores pueden aprender tres Grandes Plegarias de batalla para asistir a sus ejércitos en combate. El Martillo de Sigmar mejora las habilidades de combate cuerpo a cuerpo de los Archilectores. El Escudo de Fe es un potenciador que actúa sobre una zona para los enemigos cercanos, mejorando su resistencia a los daños. El Alma de Fuego es un poder ofensivo que actúa sobre una zona, causando daño mágico en masa a las unidades enemigas.

Strigoi Rey Necrófago
Las pálidas criaturas conocidas como Reyes Necrófagos fueron antaño altivos Vampiros Strigoi que se vieron obligados a llevar una existencia troglodita. Aunque todos los Strigoi descienden del mismo linaje ancestral de Ushoran, han evolucionado hasta llegar a ser algo mucho más oscuro y repugnante que sus hermanos. Los Reyes Necrófagos pasan sus días moviéndose sigilosamente por los lugares más recónditos del mundo, aprovechando la cobertura que les proporciona la noche para llevar a cabo su venganza al frente de un ejército de renqueantes No Muertos.

Poderosos guerreros y hechiceros, los Strigoi Reyes Necrófagos emplean una mezcla de Saber combinando hechizos del Saber de los Vampiros y el Saber de la Muerte y podrían desbloquear Engendros del Terror y acudir montados en ellos a la batalla.

Hechizo único
El exclusivo hechizo del Rey Necrófago Strigoi, el Mando de los No Muertos, convoca una unidad de Necrófagos de la Cripta, si es mejorado, convoca a una unidad de los Horrores de la Cripta para que luche por él en el combate.

Nuevas unidades

Carro de Cadáveres
Tirados por renqueantes Zombis, los Carros de Cadáveres actúan como imanes para la Magia Oscura y obtienen su poder de la tierra misma a la vez que reaniman a los muertos de su alrededor. A veces, los Carros de Cadáveres llevan una gran campana cuyo badajo no es sino un maligno imán de origen sobrenatural. Cuando el aire rebosa de magia nigromántica, la campana suena y oleadas de Magia Oscura emanan del carruaje.

El Carro de Cadáveres, como carruaje de apoyo mágico, proyecta un aura mágica conocida como Vigor Mortis, que otorga regeneración al Carro de Cadáveres y mejora el ataque cuerpo a cuerpo de las unidades No Muertas cercanas. Al mejorar el Fuego infernal, el Carro de Cadáveres otorga una mayor probabilidad de disfunción mágica a los hechiceros enemigos cercanos. Con la mejora de la Piedra impía, el Carro de Cadáveres confiere una potenciación con efecto zonal de la regeneración para las unidades No Muertas.

Sagrario Mortis
Los restos de Nigromantes y Señores Liche suelen acabar consagrados dentro de un Sagrario Mortis, una estructura de huesos soldados, envuelta en símbolos de grandeza y llevada a la guerra por una hueste de espíritus vinculados al infernal artefacto. Cargado de magia maligna e ilustrado con gran profusión de detalles, el Tomo blasfemo que porta el Sagrario Mortis ha sido creado con tanto cuidado que las almas de sus creadores se han fundido con sus hojas, hechas de piel humana. Estos libros pueden ser una bendición para los oscuros adeptos a la nigromancia.

El Sagrario Mortis, como carruaje de apoyo mágico, regenera sus propios puntos de golpe, los de las unidades amigas No Muertas y causa daño mágico a las unidades enemigas cercanas dentro del mismo radio. Además, el presente Tomo blasfemo aumenta la reserva energética de los Vientos de la Magia de su dueño. Tras haber sembrado la destrucción, el Sagrario Mortis explota en un cataclismo de energía arcana, provocando extensos daños a las unidades amigas y enemigas.

Milicia de Compañía Libre
Aunque las tropas estatales constituyen el grueso principal de las fuerzas militares del Imperio, sus filas son a menudo nutridas con regimientos de milicias para luchar donde y cuando sea necesario. Nadie sabe a ciencia cierta cuántos responderán a la leva o cuál será su capacidad para luchar en el campo de batalla. Después de todo, estas tropas no regulares no reciben instrucción alguna ni disciplina castrense.

La Milicia de Compañía Libre son tropas híbridas con un doble papel. Armadas con pistolas de corto alcance y espadas, pueden luchar según la situación lo requiera. Con la habilidad de despliegue en vanguardia, pueden adentrarse mucho en el campo de batalla.

Cuando acuden a la batalla, grupos de enloquecidos Flagelantes se golpean a sí mismos hasta enloquecer y cargan directamente contra el enemigo. Luego, se lanzan al combate sin dudarlo ni un instante, aunque deban luchar en las circunstancias más adversas. Con aullidos de condenación saliendo de sus labios y visiones de martirio en sus pensamientos, los Flagelantes luchan con una ferocidad inusitada, golpeando al enemigo con sus flagelos y dejando a su paso únicamente sangre y desolación.

Los Flagelantes son Indesmoralizables y están impulsados por su Furia asesina. Su habilidad especial, La Fortaleza del Penitente, recarga enormemente sus habilidades de combate y les confiere una mayor resistencia física y defensa cuerpo a cuerpo.

Caballeros del Sol Llameante
La orden templaria del Sol Llameante se vanagloria de conocer a fondo las artes y ciencias de la guerra. Resplandecientes a lomos de sus acorazadas monturas, luchan en nombre de Myrmidia, la mismísima diosa de la guerra. Durante generaciones han luchado devotamente por el honor y la santidad del Imperio.

Los Caballeros del Sol Llameante son una poderosa caballería de choque, similar a la célebre Reiksguard, cuyos miembros portan relucientes escudos, capaces de cegar a todo aquel que desee hacerles daño Y que les confiere una cierta resistencia frente al daño mágico. Su fervor justiciero les permite realizar ataques flamígeros.

Regimientos de Renombre

Estas son unidades de élite, legendarias en todos los anales del Viejo Mundo, y sus estadísticas son mucho mejores que las de sus contrapartidas regulares. Podrás desbloquearlas, y reclutarlas, cuando el Señor legendario bajo tu mando consiga el suficiente nivel de habilidad. Se unirán directamente a su ejército desde el menú especial de reclutamiento de los Regimientos de renombre. En este sentido, difieren de las unidades regulares, que necesitan al menos un turno en la cola de reclutamiento.

Además de unas estadísticas mejoradas, cada Regimiento de Renombre cuenta con una o más habilidades especiales en comparación con sus contrapartidas regulares.

Nota: las habilidades y los detalles de las unidades pueden cambiar.


Almas Desoladas – Flagelantes
Incrementa el tamaño de las unidades.

Esta hermandad de fanáticos es liderada por Gerhard el Gusano, el loco profeta que luchó junto a Volkmar en la guerra contra El Elegido. De su verdadero ser poco queda ahora, sino el puro fervor que guía a sus hombres.

Venganza de Stirland – Milicia de Compañía Libre
Hostigar, proyectiles con poder de penetración, inmune a la psicología

La milicia de la Venganza de Stirland está compuesta por un hatajo de andrajosos y lastimeros sinvergüenzas, ávidos por luchar. Aunque su higiene personal deja que desear, su ansia por vengarse de los No Muertos compensa semejante carencia.

Martillo de las Brujas – Gran Cañón
Resistencia física mejorada; la munición inflige daño mágico.

Un solo regimiento es todo lo que queda de las otrora formidables baterías del Fuerte Oberstyre. El Martillo de las Brujas debe su nombre a los servicios prestados en la localidad de Gortansford, donde pulverizó al Brujo Gris con una improvisada munición que incorporaba herraduras de caballo como metralla.

Hijos de Sigmar - Espaderos

Los Hijos de Sigmar originalmente sirvieron en los Máscaras Rojas, un regimiento que luchó junto a Volkmar contra los Norses. Son guerreros veteranos, despiadados asesinos y no sienten miedo cuando se enfrentan al mal.

Balas de plata - Arcabuceros
Hostigar, las balas infligen daño mágico

Antes de la batalla, su malhablado cuartel maestre, Bredt el Lenguaraz, da a cada uno de estos tiradores una sola bala de plata, garantizándoles así protección contra cualquier ataque de Sylvania. Sea porque funcionan sea sugestión, estos talismanes de la buena suerte tienen mucho éxito.

Hacedor de Soles – Batería de cohetes Helstorm
Ataques flamígeros, n.º de proyectiles por volea incrementado

La última invención que jamás llegó a ver completada el atolondrado alquimista de Talabheim, Jurgen Bugelstrauss, recibió el apodo de "Hacedor de Soles", pues dispara unos cohetes de fósforo que arden con un brillo cegador.

Luminarca de Templehof - Luminarca de Hysh
Alentar, Red de Amyntok

Las lentes de la Luminarca de Templehof, diseñada por Jovi Escrutasoles, el más experimentado de los Hechiceros Blancos, siguen un perfecto diseño y ofrecen un grado de enfoque sin precedentes. Su hechizo vinculado puede inmovilizar a un enemigo antes de atravesarlo con el Rayo Lumínico de Solheim.

Los Grifitas Reales de Altdorf - Semigrifos
Causa terror

A la cabeza de los Jinetes del Drakwald, los Grifitas Reales de Altdorf se cuentan entre los mejores caballeros del círculo interno de la orden.

Reiksguard de Zintler – Reiksguard
Despliegue en vanguardia

Liderada por el Mariscal del Reik Hans Zintler, la larga y frecuentemente citada historia de esta orgullosa orden les ha dado una perspectiva posicional sin igual. Expertos en maniobras de flanqueo, sus enemigos a menudo experimentan despiadados ataques aun antes de que empiece la batalla.

Condes Vampiro

Devoradores del crepúsculo – Necrófagos de la Cripta
Hostigar, despliegue en vanguardia

La mayoría de Necrófagos de la Cripta están más que dispuestos a aporrear a sus enemigos por la comida que estos representan. Los Devoradores del crepúsculo avanzan con inusitada discreción y actúan con sigilo antes de lanzarse contra su presa desde las sombras.

Demonios de Swartzhafen – Vargheists
Despliegue en vanguardia

Los una vez hermosos hijos de la dinastía von Carstein, atrapados durante muchísimos años en las cavernas mancilladas por la piedra de bruja bajo el Castillo Swarzhafen, no portan ni rastro de su antiguo intelecto. Ahora, acechan la noche a petición de Mannfred, desgarrando a sus oponentes en sangrientos jirones.

Manada de Lobos Espectrales – Lobos Espectrales
Bonif. vs gran tamaño, masa y tamaño incrementados

Con una ferocidad fuera de lo común, estos enemigos increíblemente musculosos evitan a las presas más pequeñas para ir a favor de los enemigos lo suficientemente grandes que satisfagan su famélico apetito.

Adustos – Guardia de los Túmulos

En la vida, estos guerreros malditos, eran la guardia de honor de Verek el Filo, primer castellano de Sternieste. En muerte, luchan con un fervor impío que resiste los golpes de sus enemigos.

Mayoral – Zombis
Tamaño incrementado y resistencia física.

Los una vez orgullosos luchadores de Sylvania, ahora reducidos a unos rastreros sirviente de la Aristocracia de la Noche, son superiores a los zombis "civiles" en todos los aspectos.

Engendros del Frío – Espectros Condenadores
Resistencia mágica, aura ralentizadora

Los guardianes de la Necrópolis de Vargravia, los Engendros del Frío obtienen el poder de la tierra maldita e instigan una blasfema determinación en el frío corazón de los hermanos.

Garra de Nagash – Sagrario Mortis
Resistencia mágica, aura ralentizadora

Se dice que el enorme relicario de huesos de hierro de este Sagrario Mortis contiene la mano marchita, aunque aún se mueve, del mismo Nagash, otorgándole el poder impío de repeler la magia enemiga.

Raptores de Verek - Caballeros Negros

Condenados a luchar por el Rey Tumulario Verek el Filo, esta caballería parece imparable, sus miembros se vuelven a unir y sus huesos machacados se vuelven a recomponer ante los ojos estupefactos de sus oponentes.

Hostigadores de Konigstein – Guerreros Esqueletos
Ataques envenenados, armadura mejorada

Incluso los soldados veteranos acostumbrados a luchar contra las repiqueteantes hordas de Sylvania no están preparados para la venenosa masacre de los Hostigadores de Konigstein.

Total War: WARHAMMER – The Grim & The Grave

The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles.

  • Two new Legendary Lords…
  • …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
  • Two new additional Lord types
  • Five all-new battlefield units plus variants
  • Five new battlefields for custom battles and multiplayer battles
  • 18 elite Regiments of Renown

Ever-devious and ever-ruthless, the Unliving Aristocracy summons forth horrifying new threats to unman the forces of The Empire. Smelling blood on the tainted air, the Strigoi Ghoul Kings stir from their stale catacombs, while Mannfred’s darkest student, Helman Ghorst, pauses in his damnable studies and readies the Corpse-Carts for battle.

But the proud men of The Empire do not stand idly by in the face of such unholy threats. Even now the call goes out, and all eyes turn to Volkmar The Grim, Grand Theogonist of The Cult of Sigmar. Pious and forbidding, Karl Franz’ staunchest ally calls forth his Arch Lectors and rides into battle on the War Altar of Sigmar, a sight to strike terror even into the unbeating hearts of The Undead.

Man versus vampire: legend versus legend.

The Grim and The Grave.

New Legendary Lords

Volkmar The Grim
Volkmar The Grim is the Grand Theogonist, the head of the Cult of Sigmar and the most powerful religious leader in the Empire. He is a pious and foreboding man who is utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos in all its forms. When he accompanies an army into battle, he typically rides atop the resplendent War Altar of Sigmar, inspiring the soldiers around him to great acts of heroism as he strikes the followers of evil down with powerful blows and words of divine force. Volkmar is a holy terror on the battlefield, a man who fights with the fury of Sigmar himself. It is said that his soul is forged of steel, and he fights the malign influence of Chaos with every fibre of his being.

Campaign bonuses
When Volkmar leads a Grand Campaign, any Flagellant you recruit into his army will gain improvements to their weapon damage and charge bonus stats, and will be cheaper to recruit.

Volkmar may embark on quests to earn his Legendary items. The Jade Griffon provides a passive augment that regenerates Volkmar’s health, while the Staff of Command brings a number of improvements to Volkmar’s combat skills, public order management and post-battle loot income.

Battle prayers
Volkmar can unlock three Grand Battle Prayers to utter in combat, improving the offensive and defensive capabilities of himself and those around him.

Unique mount
When Volkmar has unlocked his Battle Prayers, he gains access to the War Altar of Sigmar, a resplendent fighting platform replete with a vast bronze Griffon bearing Ghal Maraz.

Unique Skills
Volkmar has the unique skills Para Bellum Aeturnus and Heretic Hunter, which improve the abilities of Flagellants and Warrior Priests in both battle and campaign.

Helman Ghorst
Helman Ghorst was once a man, yet that life was ripped from him. The loss of his father and brothers to plague sent Ghorst into an obsessive madness; he began studying the black arts in the hope of returning his lost kin to life. Coming to the attention of Mannfred von Carstein, the Count taught him necromancy, transforming Helman into something beyond the grief-maddened man from Templehof. Now, he is carried through the night on a bone-ridged cart, pulled not by horses, but by the brothers he so desperately wished to save – each a once-handsome farrier restored to a mockery of life, forced to stumble along at the head of their brother’s unloving host.

Campaign bonuses
When chosen to lead a Grand Campaign, Helman Ghorst confers a bonus to the casualty replenishment rate of all Vampire Counts armies. In addition, all units in Helman Ghorst’s army gain poison attacks.

Helman may embark upon a quest for The Liber Noctus, a legendary tome which weakens his enemies in battle, and enables him to use special abilities more frequently.

Unique Mount
Helman may unlock The Brothers Ghorst Corpse Cart. Drawn by the undead remnants of his brothers, this unique mount vastly improves his weapon strength and damage output.

Unique Spell
Awaken from the Grave, Helman’s unique spell, summons a unit of Grave Guard or, when upgraded, a Wight King to fight for him.

Unique Skills
Helman has the unique skill Leading from the Front which improves abilities of the plague-bearing Corpse Carts and the phantasmal Mortis Engine.

New Lords

Arch Lector
The High Priest of the Cult of Sigmar is the Grand Theogonist, and beneath him are his two Arch Lectors - grim, imposing figures, both on and off the battlefield. It is the duty of Arch Lectors to protect the populace and cast out evil. They epitomise the warrior courage of Sigmar himself, leading from the front where they manifest the power of the gods and inspire whole armies to acts of heroism.

Battle prayers
Arch Lectors can learn three Grand Battle Prayers to aid their armies in combat. Hammer of Sigmar improves the Arch Lector’s melee attack skill. Shields of Faith is an area-effect augment for nearby allies, improving their damage resistance. Soulfire is a large area-effect offensive power, causing mass magical damage to enemy units.

Strigoi Ghoul King
The pallid creatures known as Ghoul Kings are in fact once-proud Strigoi Vampires forced into a troglodytic existence. Though all Strigoi descend from the same ancient lineage of Ushoran, they have devolved to become something far fouler and more hate-filled than their brethren. The Ghoul Kings spend their days creeping through the hidden places of the world, but under cover of night, they wreak their vengeance at the head of a shambling army of Undead.

Powerful warriors and spellcasters, Strigoi Ghoul Kings wield a mixed lore combining spells from the Lore of Vampires and the Lore of Death, and may unlock and ride Terrorgheists into battle.

Unique Spell
Command of The Unliving, the Strigoi Ghoul King’s unique spell, summons a unit of Crypt Ghouls or, when upgraded, a unit of Crypt Horrors to fight for him in battle.

New Units

Corpse Cart
Drawn by shambling zombies, Corpse Carts act like magnets for Dark Magic, drawing their power from the land itself and re-animating the dead around them. Sometimes a Corpse Cart is hung with a great bell, the clapper of which is a fell lodestone of eldritch provenance. When necromantic magic is thick in the air, the bell tolls and ripples of Dark Magic emanate from the Corpse Cart.

As a magical support chariot, the Corpse Cart projects a magical aura known as the Vigor Mortis. This confers regeneration on the corpse cart and raises the melee attack of nearby undead units. With the Balefire upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an increased chance to miscast on nearby enemy wizards. With the Unholy Lodestone upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an area-effect regeneration augment on nearby friendly undead units.

Mortis Engine
The remains of Necromancers and Liche Lords are sometimes enshrined within a Mortis Engine, a cage of fused bone surrounded by trappings of grandeur, and borne to war by a host of spirits bound to the infernal device. Heavy with evil magics and painstakingly illuminated, the Blasphemous Tome the Mortis Engine bears has been crafted with such care that their creator's souls have passed into the leaves of human skin that form its pages. These books can be a boon to the twisted practitioners of necromancy.

As a magical support chariot, the Mortis Engine Regenerates hitpoints for itself and nearby friendly undead units, and causes magical damage to nearby enemy units within the same radius. The attendant Blasphemous Tome also increases the owner’s Winds of Magic power reserve. Upon destruction, the Mortis Engine explodes in a cataclysm of arcane energy, causing widespread damage to nearby friends and foes.

Free Company Militia
While state troops form the mainstay of the Empire’s military forces, its armies are often bulked out by ad-hoc regiments of militia who are recruited to fight as and when required. No one can foretell how many will turn up at the muster, or what their fighting quality will be. After all, these irregular troops receive no formal training or discipline.

Free Company Militia are dual-role hybrid troops. Armed with both short-range pistols and swords, the can fight as the situation demands. With the Vanguard Deployment ability, they can be deployed deep in the field.

When battle is joined, bands of crazed Flagellants beat themselves into a frenzy before charging headlong towards the enemy. They throw themselves into the fray without hesitation, against the most hopeless of odds. With howls of doom on their lips and visions of martyrdom in their thoughts, Flagellants fight with wild ferocity, swinging their flails at their enemies and leaving trails of blood and woe in their wake.

Flagellants are both Frenzied and Unbreakable. Their Strength of the Penitent special ability super-charges their fighting skills, conferring enhanced physical resistance and melee defence.

Knights of The Blazing Sun
The Templar order of The Blazing Sun pride themselves on learning the very arts and sciences of war. Resplendent on their armoured mounts, they fight in the name of Myrmidia, the very goddess of warfare. For generations they have fought devoutly for the honour and sanctity of the Empire.

Powerful shock cavalry akin to the famous Reiksguard, the Knights of The Blazing Sun carry glinting shields which blind those wishing to cause them harm. This confers a certain resistance to magical damage. Their righteous zeal also grants them flaming attacks.

Regiments of Renown

These are elite units – legendary within the annals of the Old World – whose statistics are much-improved over those of their standard counterparts. They can be unlocked for recruitment when the Lord under your command has attained the sufficient skill level, and are instantly recruited from the special Regiments of Renown recruitment menu into his army. In this respect they differ from standard units, which spend at least one turn in the recruitment queue.

Alongside enhanced stats, each Regiment of Renown also has one or more special abilities its standard-roster counterpart does not.

Please note: unit abilities and details subject to change.


The Tattersouls - Flagellants
Increased unit size

This brotherhood of zealots is led by the crazed prophet Gerhard The Worm, who fought alongside Volkmar in the war against The Everchosen. Little remains of his personality now but the raw fervour which drives his men.

Stirland’s Revenge – Free Company Militia
Stalk, armour piercing missiles, immune to psychology

A shower of growling ne’er-do-wells, the ragged militia of Stirland’s Revenge are always spoiling for a fight. What they lack in personal hygiene, they more than make up for in their thirst for vengeance against the undead.

Hammer of The Witches – Great Cannon
Enhanced physical resistance, shells cause magical damage

A single regiment is all that remains of Fort Oberstyre’s once-formidable batteries. The Hammer of The Witches earned its name in service of the town of Gortansford, tearing The Grey Hag to shreds with hastily-improvised grapeshot-rounds of horseshoes.

Sigmar’s Sons - Swordsmen

Sigmar’s Sons originally served in The Red Masquers, a regiment that fought alongside Volkmar against the Norscans. They are Veteran warriors and merciless killers to a man, fearless in the face of evil.

Silver Bullets – Handgunners
Stalk, bullets deal magical damage

Prior to battle, their foul-mouthed quartermaster Curser Brecht hands each of these marksmen a single silver bullet, granting them proof against whatever Sylvania may throw against them. Whether real or imagined, these good-luck charms seem to work…

The Sunmaker – Helstorm Rocket Battery
Flaming attacks, Increased number of missiles per volley

The final invention of the scatterbrained Talabheim alchemist Jurgen Bugelstrauss before his untimely demise, The Sunmaker fires specialist phosphoric rockets that burn with a blinding brilliance.

The Templehof Luminark – Luminark of Hysh
Encourage, Net of Amyntok

Crafted by Jovi Sunscryer, most experienced of the White Wizards, The lenses of the Templehof Luminark are ground to perfection and offer an unmatched degree of focus.

The Royal Altdorf Gryphites – Demigryphs
Cause terror

At the head of the Drakwald Riders, the Royal Altdorf Gryphites are among the finest of The Order’s inner-circle of cavalrymen.

Zintler’s Reiksguard – Reiksguard
Vanguard Deployment

Led by the Reiksmarshal Hans Zintler, the long and oft-storied history of this proud order has given them a peerless positional perspective. Masters of the flanking manoeuvre, their enemies find themselves under savage assault before the battle has been joined in earnest.

Vampire Counts

The Feasters in The Dusk – Crypt Ghouls
Stalk, vanguard deployment

Most Crypt Ghouls are only too eager to pound towards their foes for the meal they represent. The Feasters in The Dusk are uncharacteristically measured in their approach, preferring to advance in stealthy fashion before lunging at their prey from the shadows.

The Devils of Shwartzhafen – Vargheists
Vanguard Deployment

These once-handsome sons of the Von Carstein dynasty, trapped for long years in the warpstone-tainted caverns below Castle Swartzhafen, bear no trace of their former intellect. Now, they haunt the night at Mannfred’s behest, tearing his opponents to bloody rags.

The Direpack – Dire Wolves
Bonus VS large, increased mass and size

Uncommonly ferocious, these grossly muscled fiends eschew smaller targets in favour of foes large enough to satisfy their ravenous appetites.

The Sternsmen – Grave Guard

In life, these cursed warriors were the honour guard of Verek The Blade, First Castellan of Sternieste. In death, they fight with an unholy zeal which resists the blows of their foes.

The Tithe – Zombies
Increased size and physical resistance

These once-proud fighting men of Sylvania, now reduced to shambling servants of The Midnight Aristocracy, are physically superior to ‘civilian’ zombies in every way

The Chillgheists – Hexwraiths
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

Guardians of the Necropolis of Vargravia, The Chillgheists draw power from the cursed land and instil a blasphemous resolve in their cold-hearted brethren.

The Claw of Nagash – Mortis Engine
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

It is said that the huge ironbone reliquary of this Mortis Engine contains the withered but still-moving hand of Nagash himself, lending it the unholy power to ward off enemy magics.

Verek’s Reavers – Black Knights

Cursed to fight for the Wight King Verek The Blade, these cavalry are seemingly unstoppable, their limbs reattaching and shattered bones remade before their opponents’ startled eyes.

The Konigstein Stalkers – Skeleton Warriors
Poison Attacks, improved armour

Even veterans of conflict with the clacking hordes of Sylvania are unprepared for the poisonous onslaught of the Konigstein Stalkers.

Total War: WARHAMMER – The Grim & The Grave

The Grim & The Grave is the first Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER. Bolstering the forces of both The Empire and The Vampire Counts, it introduces famous rival characters and new iconic units from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles to your campaigns and battles.

  • Two new Legendary Lords…
  • …with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
  • Two new additional Lord types
  • Five all-new battlefield units plus variants
  • Five new battlefields for custom battles and multiplayer battles
  • 18 elite Regiments of Renown

Ever-devious and ever-ruthless, the Unliving Aristocracy summons forth horrifying new threats to unman the forces of The Empire. Smelling blood on the tainted air, the Strigoi Ghoul Kings stir from their stale catacombs, while Mannfred’s darkest student, Helman Ghorst, pauses in his damnable studies and readies the Corpse-Carts for battle.

But the proud men of The Empire do not stand idly by in the face of such unholy threats. Even now the call goes out, and all eyes turn to Volkmar The Grim, Grand Theogonist of The Cult of Sigmar. Pious and forbidding, Karl Franz’ staunchest ally calls forth his Arch Lectors and rides into battle on the War Altar of Sigmar, a sight to strike terror even into the unbeating hearts of The Undead.

Man versus vampire: legend versus legend.

The Grim and The Grave.

New Legendary Lords

Volkmar The Grim
Volkmar The Grim is the Grand Theogonist, the head of the Cult of Sigmar and the most powerful religious leader in the Empire. He is a pious and foreboding man who is utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos in all its forms. When he accompanies an army into battle, he typically rides atop the resplendent War Altar of Sigmar, inspiring the soldiers around him to great acts of heroism as he strikes the followers of evil down with powerful blows and words of divine force. Volkmar is a holy terror on the battlefield, a man who fights with the fury of Sigmar himself. It is said that his soul is forged of steel, and he fights the malign influence of Chaos with every fibre of his being.

Campaign bonuses
When Volkmar leads a Grand Campaign, any Flagellant you recruit into his army will gain improvements to their weapon damage and charge bonus stats, and will be cheaper to recruit.

Volkmar may embark on quests to earn his Legendary items. The Jade Griffon provides a passive augment that regenerates Volkmar’s health, while the Staff of Command brings a number of improvements to Volkmar’s combat skills, public order management and post-battle loot income.

Battle prayers
Volkmar can unlock three Grand Battle Prayers to utter in combat, improving the offensive and defensive capabilities of himself and those around him.

Unique mount
When Volkmar has unlocked his Battle Prayers, he gains access to the War Altar of Sigmar, a resplendent fighting platform replete with a vast bronze Griffon bearing Ghal Maraz.

Unique Skills
Volkmar has the unique skills Para Bellum Aeturnus and Heretic Hunter, which improve the abilities of Flagellants and Warrior Priests in both battle and campaign.

Helman Ghorst
Helman Ghorst was once a man, yet that life was ripped from him. The loss of his father and brothers to plague sent Ghorst into an obsessive madness; he began studying the black arts in the hope of returning his lost kin to life. Coming to the attention of Mannfred von Carstein, the Count taught him necromancy, transforming Helman into something beyond the grief-maddened man from Templehof. Now, he is carried through the night on a bone-ridged cart, pulled not by horses, but by the brothers he so desperately wished to save – each a once-handsome farrier restored to a mockery of life, forced to stumble along at the head of their brother’s unloving host.

Campaign bonuses
When chosen to lead a Grand Campaign, Helman Ghorst confers a bonus to the casualty replenishment rate of all Vampire Counts armies. In addition, all units in Helman Ghorst’s army gain poison attacks.

Helman may embark upon a quest for The Liber Noctus, a legendary tome which weakens his enemies in battle, and enables him to use special abilities more frequently.

Unique Mount
Helman may unlock The Brothers Ghorst Corpse Cart. Drawn by the undead remnants of his brothers, this unique mount vastly improves his weapon strength and damage output.

Unique Spell
Awaken from the Grave, Helman’s unique spell, summons a unit of Grave Guard or, when upgraded, a Wight King to fight for him.

Unique Skills
Helman has the unique skill Leading from the Front which improves abilities of the plague-bearing Corpse Carts and the phantasmal Mortis Engine.

New Lords

Arch Lector
The High Priest of the Cult of Sigmar is the Grand Theogonist, and beneath him are his two Arch Lectors - grim, imposing figures, both on and off the battlefield. It is the duty of Arch Lectors to protect the populace and cast out evil. They epitomise the warrior courage of Sigmar himself, leading from the front where they manifest the power of the gods and inspire whole armies to acts of heroism.

Battle prayers
Arch Lectors can learn three Grand Battle Prayers to aid their armies in combat. Hammer of Sigmar improves the Arch Lector’s melee attack skill. Shields of Faith is an area-effect augment for nearby allies, improving their damage resistance. Soulfire is a large area-effect offensive power, causing mass magical damage to enemy units.

Strigoi Ghoul King
The pallid creatures known as Ghoul Kings are in fact once-proud Strigoi Vampires forced into a troglodytic existence. Though all Strigoi descend from the same ancient lineage of Ushoran, they have devolved to become something far fouler and more hate-filled than their brethren. The Ghoul Kings spend their days creeping through the hidden places of the world, but under cover of night, they wreak their vengeance at the head of a shambling army of Undead.

Powerful warriors and spellcasters, Strigoi Ghoul Kings wield a mixed lore combining spells from the Lore of Vampires and the Lore of Death, and may unlock and ride Terrorgheists into battle.

Unique Spell
Command of The Unliving, the Strigoi Ghoul King’s unique spell, summons a unit of Crypt Ghouls or, when upgraded, a unit of Crypt Horrors to fight for him in battle.

New Units

Corpse Cart
Drawn by shambling zombies, Corpse Carts act like magnets for Dark Magic, drawing their power from the land itself and re-animating the dead around them. Sometimes a Corpse Cart is hung with a great bell, the clapper of which is a fell lodestone of eldritch provenance. When necromantic magic is thick in the air, the bell tolls and ripples of Dark Magic emanate from the Corpse Cart.

As a magical support chariot, the Corpse Cart projects a magical aura known as the Vigor Mortis. This confers regeneration on the corpse cart and raises the melee attack of nearby undead units. With the Balefire upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an increased chance to miscast on nearby enemy wizards. With the Unholy Lodestone upgrade, the Corpse Cart confers an area-effect regeneration augment on nearby friendly undead units.

Mortis Engine
The remains of Necromancers and Liche Lords are sometimes enshrined within a Mortis Engine, a cage of fused bone surrounded by trappings of grandeur, and borne to war by a host of spirits bound to the infernal device. Heavy with evil magics and painstakingly illuminated, the Blasphemous Tome the Mortis Engine bears has been crafted with such care that their creator's souls have passed into the leaves of human skin that form its pages. These books can be a boon to the twisted practitioners of necromancy.

As a magical support chariot, the Mortis Engine Regenerates hitpoints for itself and nearby friendly undead units, and causes magical damage to nearby enemy units within the same radius. The attendant Blasphemous Tome also increases the owner’s Winds of Magic power reserve. Upon destruction, the Mortis Engine explodes in a cataclysm of arcane energy, causing widespread damage to nearby friends and foes.

Free Company Militia
While state troops form the mainstay of the Empire’s military forces, its armies are often bulked out by ad-hoc regiments of militia who are recruited to fight as and when required. No one can foretell how many will turn up at the muster, or what their fighting quality will be. After all, these irregular troops receive no formal training or discipline.

Free Company Militia are dual-role hybrid troops. Armed with both short-range pistols and swords, the can fight as the situation demands. With the Vanguard Deployment ability, they can be deployed deep in the field.

When battle is joined, bands of crazed Flagellants beat themselves into a frenzy before charging headlong towards the enemy. They throw themselves into the fray without hesitation, against the most hopeless of odds. With howls of doom on their lips and visions of martyrdom in their thoughts, Flagellants fight with wild ferocity, swinging their flails at their enemies and leaving trails of blood and woe in their wake.

Flagellants are both Frenzied and Unbreakable. Their Strength of the Penitent special ability super-charges their fighting skills, conferring enhanced physical resistance and melee defence.

Knights of The Blazing Sun
The Templar order of The Blazing Sun pride themselves on learning the very arts and sciences of war. Resplendent on their armoured mounts, they fight in the name of Myrmidia, the very goddess of warfare. For generations they have fought devoutly for the honour and sanctity of the Empire.

Powerful shock cavalry akin to the famous Reiksguard, the Knights of The Blazing Sun carry glinting shields which blind those wishing to cause them harm. This confers a certain resistance to magical damage. Their righteous zeal also grants them flaming attacks.

Regiments of Renown

These are elite units – legendary within the annals of the Old World – whose statistics are much-improved over those of their standard counterparts. They can be unlocked for recruitment when the Lord under your command has attained the sufficient skill level, and are instantly recruited from the special Regiments of Renown recruitment menu into his army. In this respect they differ from standard units, which spend at least one turn in the recruitment queue.

Alongside enhanced stats, each Regiment of Renown also has one or more special abilities its standard-roster counterpart does not.

Please note: unit abilities and details subject to change.


The Tattersouls - Flagellants
Increased unit size

This brotherhood of zealots is led by the crazed prophet Gerhard The Worm, who fought alongside Volkmar in the war against The Everchosen. Little remains of his personality now but the raw fervour which drives his men.

Stirland’s Revenge – Free Company Militia
Stalk, armour piercing missiles, immune to psychology

A shower of growling ne’er-do-wells, the ragged militia of Stirland’s Revenge are always spoiling for a fight. What they lack in personal hygiene, they more than make up for in their thirst for vengeance against the undead.

Hammer of The Witches – Great Cannon
Enhanced physical resistance, shells cause magical damage

A single regiment is all that remains of Fort Oberstyre’s once-formidable batteries. The Hammer of The Witches earned its name in service of the town of Gortansford, tearing The Grey Hag to shreds with hastily-improvised grapeshot-rounds of horseshoes.

Sigmar’s Sons - Swordsmen

Sigmar’s Sons originally served in The Red Masquers, a regiment that fought alongside Volkmar against the Norscans. They are Veteran warriors and merciless killers to a man, fearless in the face of evil.

Silver Bullets – Handgunners
Stalk, bullets deal magical damage

Prior to battle, their foul-mouthed quartermaster Curser Brecht hands each of these marksmen a single silver bullet, granting them proof against whatever Sylvania may throw against them. Whether real or imagined, these good-luck charms seem to work…

The Sunmaker – Helstorm Rocket Battery
Flaming attacks, Increased number of missiles per volley

The final invention of the scatterbrained Talabheim alchemist Jurgen Bugelstrauss before his untimely demise, The Sunmaker fires specialist phosphoric rockets that burn with a blinding brilliance.

The Templehof Luminark – Luminark of Hysh
Encourage, Net of Amyntok

Crafted by Jovi Sunscryer, most experienced of the White Wizards, The lenses of the Templehof Luminark are ground to perfection and offer an unmatched degree of focus.

The Royal Altdorf Gryphites – Demigryphs
Cause terror

At the head of the Drakwald Riders, the Royal Altdorf Gryphites are among the finest of The Order’s inner-circle of cavalrymen.

Zintler’s Reiksguard – Reiksguard
Vanguard Deployment

Led by the Reiksmarshal Hans Zintler, the long and oft-storied history of this proud order has given them a peerless positional perspective. Masters of the flanking manoeuvre, their enemies find themselves under savage assault before the battle has been joined in earnest.

Vampire Counts

The Feasters in The Dusk – Crypt Ghouls
Stalk, vanguard deployment

Most Crypt Ghouls are only too eager to pound towards their foes for the meal they represent. The Feasters in The Dusk are uncharacteristically measured in their approach, preferring to advance in stealthy fashion before lunging at their prey from the shadows.

The Devils of Shwartzhafen – Vargheists
Vanguard Deployment

These once-handsome sons of the Von Carstein dynasty, trapped for long years in the warpstone-tainted caverns below Castle Swartzhafen, bear no trace of their former intellect. Now, they haunt the night at Mannfred’s behest, tearing his opponents to bloody rags.

The Direpack – Dire Wolves
Bonus VS large, increased mass and size

Uncommonly ferocious, these grossly muscled fiends eschew smaller targets in favour of foes large enough to satisfy their ravenous appetites.

The Sternsmen – Grave Guard

In life, these cursed warriors were the honour guard of Verek The Blade, First Castellan of Sternieste. In death, they fight with an unholy zeal which resists the blows of their foes.

The Tithe – Zombies
Increased size and physical resistance

These once-proud fighting men of Sylvania, now reduced to shambling servants of The Midnight Aristocracy, are physically superior to ‘civilian’ zombies in every way

The Chillgheists – Hexwraiths
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

Guardians of the Necropolis of Vargravia, The Chillgheists draw power from the cursed land and instil a blasphemous resolve in their cold-hearted brethren.

The Claw of Nagash – Mortis Engine
Magical Resistance, slowing aura

It is said that the huge ironbone reliquary of this Mortis Engine contains the withered but still-moving hand of Nagash himself, lending it the unholy power to ward off enemy magics.

Verek’s Reavers – Black Knights

Cursed to fight for the Wight King Verek The Blade, these cavalry are seemingly unstoppable, their limbs reattaching and shattered bones remade before their opponents’ startled eyes.

The Konigstein Stalkers – Skeleton Warriors
Poison Attacks, improved armour

Even veterans of conflict with the clacking hordes of Sylvania are unprepared for the poisonous onslaught of the Konigstein Stalkers.

System Requirements
