Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Winds of Magic (DLC)
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Winds of Magic (DLC)

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Winds of Magic (DLC)

Release Date: 13/08/2019 | WORLDWIDE
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Sobre o jogo

Sobre este conteúdo

A primeira expansão do Warhammer: Vermintide 2 traz uma nova facção inimiga e novos desafios. Quando um meteoro cai em Reikland, homens-fera emergem das profundezas da floresta de Reikwald e correm para o epicentro a fim de reivindicá-lo como uma Pedra de Rebanho. Os cinco heróis devem detê-los antes que um desastre terrível atinja o Império.

Características principais

  • Nova facção inimiga: Homens-fera - como híbridos grotescos de humanos e feras, os homens-fera têm a inteligência de um homem e a astúcia de animais selvagens. Esses guerreiros brutais abraçam o Caos voluntariamente e não demonstrarão compaixão nem nobreza. Com profunda malícia pela ordem e a razão, esses Filhos do Caos querem destruir o mundo numa matança sangrenta.
    [*[b]]Nova dificuldade mais alta
[/b] - o cataclismo voltou e ainda mais difícil.
  • Nível máximo aumentado - de 30 para 35 e com novos talentos correspondentes.
  • Novo sistema de progressão - um sistema de progressão completamente novo e específico de Ventos da Magia, além das versões Forjadas na Trama de todos os tipos de armas.
  • Cinco armas novas - uma para cada herói.
    - A Kerillian tem um escudo e uma lança.
    - A Sienna pode golpear com suas chamas usando um mangual flamejante.
    - O Bardin tem um novo conjunto de machados de arremesso.
    - O Saltzpyre agora tem um podão com haste.
    - O Kruber pode usar uma lança pesada.
  • Novo nível de aventura: Presságios Sombrios - reúna seus amigos para enfrentar os poderosos homens-fera em um novo nível desafiador.
  • Novo modo de jogo: Ventos da Magia - reúna seus amigos e tente concluir novos desafios cada vez mais difíceis nas tramas dos oito Ventos da Magia.

    Os ventos da magia são feitos de diferentes “tramas” e serão uma combinação de:
    - Mapa: um pedaço de um mapa de aventura existente.
    - Vento: os diferentes Ventos da Magia afetarão e modificarão o mapa.
    - Objetivo: cada mapa terá um objetivo específico para os jogadores cumprirem.
    - Final: se os jogadores cumprirem o objetivo, eles enfrentarão o desafio final.
    - Dificuldade: a dificuldade aumentará conforme os jogadores avançam.
  • [/list]

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    Относно играта

    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

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    O hře

    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

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    Om spillet

    Om dette indhold

    Den første udvidelse til Warhammer: Vermintide 2 indeholder en ny gruppe af modstandere og nye udfordringer i spillet. En meteor styrter ned i Reikland, og Udyrene strømmer ud af Reikwald-skoven for at gøre krav på meteoren som en hellig floksten. Det er op til de 5 helte at standse dem inden en forfærdelig ulykke rammer Kejserriget.


    • Ny gruppe af fjender: Udyr – denne groteske hybrid af mennesker og dyr har menneskets intelligens og dyrets snuhed. De vilde krigere har villigt taget parti for Kaos og viser ingen nåde eller ædelhed. Disse børn af Kaos nærer et had for orden og oplysning dybt i deres sjæl, og de ønsker at gøre en ende på verden med et voldsomt blodbad.
    • Ny højere vanskelighed - Cataclysm er tilbage, nu endnu sværere.
    • Niveautak - Hævet fra niveau 30 til niveau 35, og med nye talenter til at matche.
    • Nyt progressionssystem - Alle nye, og separate Winds of Magic-specifikke progressionssystem sammen med Weave Forged-versioner af alle våben typer.
    • 5 nye våben – ét til hver helt
      - Kerillian har et spyd og et skjold.
      - Sienna kan svinge sine flammer med en brændende plejl.
      - Bardin har et nyt sæt kasteøkser.
      - Saltzpyre har nu en langbladet hellebard.
      - Kruber kan bruge et tungt spyd.
    • Ny eventyrbane – Kæmp mod de mægtige og stærke udyr sammen med dine venner i en udfordrende ny bane.
    • Ny spiltilstand: Winds of Magic – Tag dine venner med, og prøv at gennemføre nye udfordringer med stigende sværhedsgrad i vævningerne af de otte Winds of Magic.

      Magiens vinde består af forskellige "tråde" og er en kombination af:
      - Kort: Et stykke af et eksisterende eventyrkort.
      - Vind: De forskellige trolddomsvinde påvirker kortet.
      - Mål: Hvert kort har et særligt mål som spillerne skal opnå.
      - Finale: Hvis spillerne når målet, står de overfor den endelige udfordring.
      - Sværhedsgrad: Sværhedsgraden stiger jo længere spillerne når.

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    Info over het spel

    Over deze content

    De eerste uitbreiding voor Warhammer: Vermintide 2 voegt een gloednieuwe vijandelijke factie en nieuwe uitdagingen aan het spel toe. Wanneer een meteoriet neerstort in het Reikland, duiken Beastmen uit de diepten van het Reikwald-bos op en ze haasten zich naar het epicentrum om het als Herdstone te claimen. Het is aan de vijf helden om hen te stoppen voordat het Rijk wordt getroffen door een vreselijke ramp.

    Belangrijkste kenmerken

    • Nieuwe vijandelijke factie: Beastmen - groteske hybriden van mensen en beesten met de intelligentie van een mens en de sluwheid van wilde dieren. Deze woeste krijgers omarmen de chaos bereidwillig en tonen geen berouw of edelmoedigheid. Met een diepgaande lak aan orde en rede willen deze kinderen van chaos de wereld doen ondergaan in bloedige razernij.
    • Nieuwe hogere moeilijkheidsgraad - Cataclysm is terug en is nu nog moeilijker.
    • Hoger maximumlevel - verhoogd van level 30 naar 35, met nieuwe bijbehorende talenten.
    • Nieuw voortgangssysteem - geheel nieuw en afzonderlijk Winden der Magie-voortgangssysteem, naast Weave Forged-versies van alle soorten wapens.
    • 5 nieuwe wapens - een voor elke held
      - Kerillian heeft een schild en speer.
      - Sienna kan haar vlammen zwaaien met een brandende vlegel.
      - Bardin heeft een nieuwe set werpbijlen.
      - Saltzpyre heeft nu een hiep.
      - Kruber kan een zware speer gebruiken.
    • Nieuw avontuurslevel: Dark Omens - strijd samen met je vrienden tegen de machtige en sterke Beastmen in een uitdagend nieuw level.
    • Nieuwe spelvariant: Winden der Magie - probeer samen met je vrienden een nieuwe reeks van steeds moeilijkere uitdagingen te voltooien in de golven van de acht Winden der Magie.

      De winden der magie bestaan uit verschillende “wevingen” en zijn een combinatie van:
      - Kaart: een deel van een bestaande avonturenkaart.
      - Wind: de verschillende Winden der Magie beïnvloeden en wijzigen de kaart.
      - Doel: elke kaart heeft een specifiek doel dat spelers moeten behalen.
      - Finale: als het doel is behaald, komen spelers voor de finale uitdaging te staan.
      - Moeilijkheid: naarmate spelers verder komen, neemt de moeilijkheid toe.

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    About the Game

    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

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    Tietoja pelistä


    Ensimmäinen lisäosa Warhammer: Vermintide 2:een tarjoaa aivan uuden vihollisosapuolen ja uusia haasteita peliin. Meteorin jysähtäessä Reiklandiin Beastmenit ilmaantuvat Reikwaldin metsän siimeksestä ja rynnistävät meteorin luo, jotta voivat julistaa sen Herdstoneksi. Kaikki lepää viiden sankarin harteilla, sillä vain he voivat pysäyttää pedot ennen kuin Empire jää karmean katastrofin nielemäksi.


    • Uusi vihollisosapuoli: Beastmen – Groteskilla ihmisen ja pedon hybridillä yhdistyvät ihmisen älykkyys ja villieläimen viekkaus. Nämä raakalaismaiset soturit suorastaan syleilevät Chaosta eivätkä tunne myötätuntoa tai kunniaa. Heidän sietokykynsä ei kestä järkeä tai järjestystä – nämä kaaoksen lapset haluavat vain nähdä maailman päättyvän suureen verilöylyyn.
    • Uusi vaikeampi vaikeustaso – Cataclysm on palannut vielä vaikeampana.
    • Nostettu tasokatto – tasokattoa on nostettu tasosta 30 tasolle 35 ja se tuo mukanaan myös uusia kykyjä.
    • Uusi etenemisjärjestelmä – Uusi, erillinen Winds of Magic -kohtainen etenemisjärjestelmä ja Weave Forged -versiot kaikista asetyypeistä.
    • 5 uutta asetta – yksi kullekin sankarille
      – Kerillianilla on kilpi ja keihäs.
      – Sienna kylvää liekkejään palavalla varstalla.
      – Bardinilla on uusi setillinen heittokirveitä.
      – Saltzpyre on saanut itselleen vesurin.
      – Kruber voi nyt käyttää raskasta keihästä.
    • Uusi seikkailukenttä: Dark Omens – Taistele mahtavia ja vahvoja Beastmenejä vastaan yhdessä ystäviesi kanssa uudessa haastavassa kentässä.
    • Uusi pelitila: Winds of Magic – Yritä ystäviesi kanssa selättää uusi jatkuvasti vaikeutuvien haasteiden sarja kahdeksan Winds of Magicin kudelmassa.

      Winds of Magic koostuu erilaisista seuraavien asioiden kudelmasta:
      – Kartta: Pala jo olemassa olevaa seikkailukarttaa.
      – Tuuli: Winds of Magicin erilaiset tuulet vaikuttavat karttaan ja muokkaavat sitä.
      – Tavoite: Jokaisessa kartassa on pelaajille tietty tavoite selätettäväksi.
      – Loppuhuipennus: Jos tavoite saavutetaan, pelaajille esitetään vielä viimeinen haaste.
      – Vaikeustaso: Vaikeustaso nousee pelaajan etenemisen mukaan.

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    À propos du jeu

    À propos de ce contenu

    La première extension de Warhammer: Vermintide 2 intègre une toute nouvelle faction ennemie et de nouveaux défis au jeu. Lorsqu'une météorite s'écrase dans le Reikland, des hommes-bêtes émergent des profondeurs de la forêt de Reikwald et se précipitent vers son épicentre afin de le revendiquer comme une pierre des Hardes. Il appartiendra aux cinq héros de les arrêter avant qu'une terrible catastrophe ne frappe l'Empire.

    Fonctionnalités clés

    • Nouvelle faction ennemie : Hommes-bêtes : vulgaires hybrides entre humains et bêtes, les hommes-bêtes ont l'intelligence des hommes et la ruse des animaux sauvages. Ces féroces guerriers n'ont pas peur d'embrasser le Chaos et ne feront preuve d'aucune compassion ni d'aucune bonté. Éprouvant une haine profonde envers l'ordre et la raison, ces Enfants du Chaos veulent plonger le monde dans un bain de sang.
    • Nouvelle difficulté supérieure - La difficulté Cataclysme est de retour, et elle est encore plus difficile.
    • Limite de niveau augmentée - Passage du niveau 30 au niveau 35, avec l'ajout de nouveaux talents.
    • Nouveau système de progression - Un tout nouveau système de progression spécifique à Vents de Magie et des versions forgées des trames pour chaque type d'arme.
    • 5 nouvelles armes - une pour chaque héros
      - Kerillian possède un bouclier et une lance.
      - Sienna peut faire tournoyer ses flammes à l'aide d'un fléau ardent.
      - Bardin dispose d'un nouveau lot de haches de lancer.
      - Saltzpyre a désormais une serpe.
      - Kruber peut utiliser une lance lourde.
    • Nouveau niveau d'aventure : Mauvais présages - combattez les redoutables et puissants hommes-bêtes avec vos amis dans un nouveau niveau éprouvant.
    • Nouveau mode de jeu : Vents de magie - réunissez vos amis et tentez de terminer une nouvelle série de défis à la difficulté croissante dans les trames des huit vents de magie.

      Les vents de magie sont faits de différentes « trames » combinant :
      - Carte : une partie de carte aventure existante.
      - Vent : les différents vents de magie affecteront et modifieront la carte.
      - Objectif : les joueurs auront un objectif spécifique différent en fonction de la carte.
      - Clou du spectacle : si l'objectif est terminé, les joueurs devront relever le défi final.
      - Difficulté : la difficulté augmente à mesure que les joueurs progressent.

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    Über das Spiel

    Über die Inhalte

    Die erste Erweiterung für Warhammer: Vermintide 2 bringt eine brandneue Gegner-Fraktion und neue Herausforderungen mit ins Spiel. Als ein Meteor in Reikland einschlägt, erheben sich Tiermenschen aus den Tiefen des Reikwaldes und stürmen zum Epizentrum, um ihn als Herdenstein für sich zu beanspruchen. Die fünf Helden müssen sie aufhalten, bevor eine schreckliche Katastrophe über das Imperium hereinbricht.

    Neue Inhalte

    • Neue Gegner-Fraktion: Tiermenschen – Die Tiermenschen sind eine groteske Mischung aus Mensch und Tier, die über die Intelligenz der Menschen und die Gerissenheit wilder Tiere verfügt. Diese wilden Krieger begrüßen das Chaos und werden kein Mitleid oder nobles Verhalten zeigen. Mit tiefer Verachtung für Recht und Ordnung möchten diese Kinder des Chaos, dass die Welt in einem blutigen Gemetzel endet.
    • Neuer, höherer Schwierigkeitsgrad – Kataklysmus ist zurück, nun noch schwieriger.
    • Erhöhte Level-Obergrenze – Von Level 30 auf Level 35 erhöht und dazu passend neue Talente.
    • Neues Fortschrittssystem – Ein brandneues und eigenes Winde der Magie-spezifisches Fortschrittssystem mit aus Gewebe geschmiedete Versionen aller Waffentypen.
    • 5 neue Waffen – Eine für jeden Helden
      – Kerillian hat einen Schild und einen Speer.
      – Sienna kann ihre Flammen mit einem Flammenflegel schwingen.
      – Bardin hat ein neues Set von Wurfäxten.
      – Saltzbrand hat jetzt eine Hippe.
      – Kruber kann einen schweren Speer verwenden.
    • Neues Abenteuer-Level: Dark Omens – Bekämpfe die mächtigen und starken Tiermenschen zusammen mit deinen Freunden in einem herausfordernden neuen Level.
    • Neuer Spielmodus: Winde der Magie – Versuche zusammen mit deinen Freunden eine neue Reihe zunehmend schwerer werdender Herausforderungen in den Geweben der acht Winde der Magie zu meistern.

      Die Winde der Magie bestehen aus verschiedenen „Geweben“ und werden eine Kombination sein von:
      – Karte: Ein Stück einer existierenden Abenteuerkarte.
      – Wind: Die verschiedenen Winde der Magie werden sich auf die Karte auswirken und diese verändern.
      – Ziel: Jede Karte wird ein spezifisches Ziel haben, das die Spieler abschließen müssen.
      – Finale: Wenn das Ziel abgeschlossen ist, werden sich die Spieler der finalen Herausforderung stellen.
      – Schwierigkeitsgrad: Während die Spieler fortschreiten, steigt der Schwierigkeitsgrad.

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    Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

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    A játékról: 

    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

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    Informazioni sul gioco

    Informazioni su questo contenuto

    La prima espansione per Warhammer: Vermintide 2 porta nel gioco una nuovissima fazione nemica e nuove sfide. Quando un meteorite precipita sul Reikland, gli Uominibestia emergono dalle profondità della foresta del Reikwald e si affrettano verso l’epicentro per reclamarla come pietra del branco. Prima che un terribile disastro colpisca l’Impero, i cinque eroi dovranno fermarli.

    Caratteristiche principali

    • Nuova fazione nemica: Uominibestia - Grotteschi ibridi tra umani e bestie, gli Uominibestia possiedono l'intelligenza di un uomo e la scaltrezza degli animali selvaggi. Questi guerrieri selvaggi accettano il Caos di loro spontanea volontà e non mostrano compassione o nobiltà. Con profondo astio verso ordine e ragione, questi Figli del Caos vogliono porre fino al mondo, compiendo una strage sanguinosa.
    • Nuova difficoltà maggiore - Il Cataclisma è tornato ed è ancora più difficile.
    • Level cap aumentato - Aumentato dal livello 30 al 35, con nuovi talenti abbinati.
    • Nuovo sistema di progressi - Un sistema di progressi nuovo, separato e specifico per i Venti della Magia, oltre a delle versioni Forgiate nella Trama di tutti i tipi di armi.
    • 5 nuove armi - Una per ogni eroe
      - Kerillian ha uno scudo e una lancia.
      - Sienna può far oscillare le sue fiamme con un flagello ardente.
      - Bardin possiede un nuovo assortimento di asce da lancio.
      - Saltzpyre ora ha una roncola.
      - Kruber può utilizzare una lancia pesante.
    • Nuovo livello di avventura: Presagi Oscuri - Combatti contro i potenti e forti Uominibestia insieme ai tuoi amici in un nuovo, impegnativo livello.
    • Nuova modalità di gioco: Venti della Magia - Porta i tuoi amici e prova a completare una nuova gamma di sfide con difficoltà crescenti nelle trame degli otto Venti della Magia.

      I venti della magia sono composti da "trame" differenti e saranno una combinazione di:
      - Mappa: Una parte di una mappa avventura esistente.
      - Vento: I differenti Venti della Magia influenzeranno e modificheranno la mappa.
      - Obiettivo: Ogni mappa avrà un obiettivo specifico che i giocatori dovranno completare.
      - Finale: Quando gli obiettivi saranno completati, i giocatori affronteranno la sfida finale.
      - Difficoltà: Mentre i giocatori avanzano, la difficoltà cresce.

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    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

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    게임 정보

    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

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    Om spillet

    Om dette innholdet

    Den første utvidelsen for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 inneholder en splitter ny fiendegruppe og nye utfordringer. Når en meteor styrter i Reikland, kommer beistmennene frem fra dypet i Reikwald-skogen og skynder seg til episenteret for å kreve den som en vokterstein. Det er opp til fem helter å stoppe dem før en fryktelig katastrofe rammer riket.


    • Ny fiendegruppe: Beistmenn – Beistmennene er groteske krysninger av mennesker og beist med menneskers intelligens og villdyrs sluhet. Disse ville krigerne støtter Kaos, og viser ingen medlidenhet eller edelhet. Med dyp forakt for orden og fornuft vil disse kaosbarna gjøre ende på verden i et blodbad.
    • Ny høyere vanskelighet – Cataclysm er tilbake, sterkere enn noen sinne.
    • Høyere level-tak – Økt fra 30 til level 35, og med nye talenter for å matche.
    • Nytt progresjonssystem – Helt nytt, og separat Winds of Magic-spesifikt progresjonssystem sammen med Weave Forged-versjoner av alle våpentyper.
    • 5 nye våpen – ett for hver helt
      – Kerillian har et skjold og spyd.
      – Sienna kan svinge flammer med en brennende sliul.
      – Bardin har et nytt sett kasteøkser.
      – Saltzpyre har en faskinkniv.
      – Kruber kan bruke tungt spyd.
    • Nytt eventyrnivå: Mørke varsler – Kjemp mot de mektige og sterke beistmennene sammen med vennene dine i et utfordrende nytt nivå.
    • Ny spillmodus: Magiske vinder – Ta med vennene dine og prøv å fullfør et nytt sett med utfordringer som har økende vanskelighetsgrader i vindkastene til de åtte Magiske vinder.

      Magiske vinder består av ulike «vindkast» og er en kombinasjon av:
      - Kart: En bit av et eksisterende eventyrkart.
      - Vind: De ulike Magiske vindene vil påvirke og endre kartet.
      - Mål: Hvert kart vil ha et bestemt mål spillerne skal fullføre.
      - Finale: Dersom målet nås vil spillerne møte den endelige utfordringen.
      - Vanskelighetsgrad: Vanskelighetsgraden øker med spillerens progresjon.

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    Informacje o grze

    Informacje o tej zawartości

    Pierwsze rozszerzenie do gry Warhammer: Vermintide 2 zawiera nową nieprzyjacielską frakcję, a także nowe wyzwania. Kiedy w Reiklandzie z nieba spada meteoryt, z mrocznych głębin lasu Reikwald wyłaniają się zwierzoludzie, którzy ruszają ku niemu, by przejąć go jako kamień stada. Do walki z nimi staje pięcioro bohaterów. Muszą powstrzymać wrogów, zanim na Imperium spadnie straszliwa klęska.

    Główne cechy

    • Nowa nieprzyjacielska frakcja: Zwierzoludzie – jako groteskowe hybrydy ludzi i zwierząt posiadają inteligencję człowieka i przebiegłość dzikiej bestii. Ci surowi wojownicy wielbią Chaos i nie okazują współczucia ani szlachetności. Żywią głęboką niechęć do rozsądku i porządku. Jako Dzieci Chaosu pragną zniszczyć świat w krwawej rzezi.
    • Nowy wyższy poziom trudności – kataklizm powraca, teraz jeszcze potężniejszy.
    • Podwyższony limit poziomów – z 30 do 35 poziomów wraz z odpowiadającymi im talentami.
    • Nowy system postępu – całkiem nowy, odrębny system postępu zależny od Wiatrów Magii wraz z wersjami wszystkich typów broni wykutymi w splocie.
    • 5 nowych broni – po jednej dla każdego bohatera.
      – Kerillian otrzymuje włócznię z tarczą.
      – Sienna rozrzuca płomienie dzięki płonącemu cepowi.
      – Bardin ma teraz nowy zestaw toporów do rzucania.
      – Saltzpyre posługuje się gizarmą.
      – Kruber może używać ciężkiej włóczni.
    • Nowy poziom przygody: Mroczne Znaki – walcz u boku znajomych przeciwko potężnym zwierzoludziom na nowym, wymagającym poziomie.
    • Nowy tryb gry: Wiatry Magii – zbierz znajomych i zmierzcie się z nową serią wyzwań o narastającym stopniu trudności w splotach ośmiu Wiatrów Magii.

      Wiatry Magii posiadają różne „sploty”, które tworzą kombinację następujących elementów:
      – Mapa: duża część istniejącej mapy przygody.
      – Wiatr: różne Wiatry Magii będą wpływać na mapę, powodując jej modyfikację.
      – Cel: każda mapa będzie miała konkretny cel do osiągnięcia przez graczy.
      – Finał: jeśli cel zostanie osiągnięty, gracze staną przed trudnym ostatecznym wyzwaniem.
      – Poziom trudności: wraz z postępami poziom trudności będzie wzrastać.

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    Acerca do Jogo

    Informações do conteúdo

    A primeira expansão de Warhammer: Vermintide 2 introduz uma nova fação inimiga e desafios adicionais. Após a queda de um meteoro em Reikland, os Beastmen começam a surgir das profundezas da floresta Reikwald, lançando-se em direção ao epicentro para torná-lo um Herdstone. Os 5 heróis terão de evitar a todo o custo que esta tragédia alcance o Império.

    Caraterísticas principais

    • Nova fação inimiga: Beastmen - Uma grotesca combinação de humanos e monstros, que possui uma inteligência humana e a astúcia de um animal selvagem. Estes guerreiros selvagens acolhem o Chaos no seu seio e não mostram nem compaixão nem nobreza. Os Children of Chaos nutrem um profundo desprezo pela ordem e pela razão, desejando que o mundo acabe numa espiral de carnificina.
    • Novo nível de dificuldade ainda mais desafiante - Cataclysm voltou mais difícil do que nunca.
    • Novo nível máximo - O nível máximo foi aumentado de 30 para 35 e inclui novos talentos.
    • Novo sistema de progressão - Winds of Magic inclui um sistema de progressão específico, separado do resto do jogo e conta com as versões Weave Forged de todos os tipos de armas.
    • 5 Armas Novas - Uma para cada herói:
      - Kerillian tem um escudo e uma lança.
      - O mangual flamejante da Sienna torna possível comandar as chamas.
      - Bardin tem um novo conjunto de machados de arremesso.
      - Saltzpyre tem um podão novo.
      - Kruber pode usar uma lança pesada.
    • Novo nível no modo Adventure: Dark Omens - Enfrenta os poderosos e impressionantes Beastmen com os teus amigos num novo e desafiante nível.
    • Novo modo de jogo: Winds of Magic - convida os teus amigos a superar uma série de desafios com dificuldade exponencial nas secções dos oito Winds of Magic.

      Os Winds of Magic possuem diversas "tramas" e irão combinar o seguinte:
      - Mapa: Um pedaço de um mapa de aventura já existente.
      - Vento: Os diferentes Winds of Magic irão afetar e modificar o mapa.
      - Objetivo: Cada mapa terá objetivos específicos para completares.
      - Final: Se completares o objetivo, irás enfrentar o desafio final.
      - Dificuldade: A dificuldade irá aumentar à medida que avanças no jogo.

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    Despre joc

    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

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    Об игре

    Информация о дополнении

    Первое расширение к Warhammer: Vermintide 2 добавляет в игру совершенно новую фракцию врагов и новые испытания. На земли Рейкланда обрушивается метеорит, и к месту его падения из лесной чащи Рейквальда устремляются зверолюды, чтобы завладеть им и сделать из него камень стада. Пятерке героев предстоит остановить их и не допустить, чтобы Империю постигла ужасная беда.

    Ключевые особенности

    • Новая фракция врагов: зверолюды. Безобразная помесь человека и зверя — зверолюд — обладает разумом человека и хитростью дикого животного. Свирепые и воинственные зверолюды охотно открывают свои сердца Хаосу и не проявляют ни сострадания, ни благородства. Питая чистую злобу ко всем проявлениям порядка и рассудка, эти дети Хаоса стремятся погубить мир в кровавой бойне.
    • Новая повышенная сложность. Катаклизм вернулся – еще более разрушительный.
    • Увеличенный максимальный уровень – с 30 до 35 – и новые таланты для сражений.
    • Новая система прохождения Сплетений. В расширении «Ветра Магии» внедрена абсолютно новая и уникальная система прохождения Сплетений, а также добавлены выкованные в Сплетении версии всех видов оружия.
    • 5 новых видов оружия: по одному для каждого героя
      - Кериллан достались щит и копье.
      - Сиенна сможет швырять пламя огненным кистенем.
      - Бардин обзавелся новым набором метательных топоров.
      - Зальцпайр теперь владеет гизармой.
      - Крубер может использовать тяжелое копье.
    • Новый уровень приключений: «Дурные предзнаменования». Зовите друзей испытать силы на новом уровне, сражаясь с могучими и крепкими зверолюдами.
    • Новый режим игры: Ветра Магии. Попытайтесь вместе с друзьями пройти новый набор испытаний с растущей сложностью — Сплетения, пронизываемые восемью Ветрами Магии.

      Режим «Ветра Магии» переносит игроков в различные «сплетения» и представляет собой комбинацию следующих элементов:
      - Карта – фрагмент существующей карты приключений.
      - Ветер – на карту будут воздействовать различные Ветра Магии, изменяя ее.
      - Цель – на каждой карте у игроков будет определенная цель.
      - Развязка – достигнув цели, игроки встретятся с финальным испытанием.
      - Сложность – по мере прохождения сложность будет повышаться.

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    • 新敌对派系:野兽人——作为人类与野兽的怪异混种,野兽人拥有人类的智力与野生动物的狡诈。这些野蛮的战士自愿拥抱混沌,毫无同情心与荣誉感。这些混沌之子们对秩序与理智深恶痛绝,想要用鲜血将整个世界吞没。
    • 新更高难度——天劫回来了,并且比之前更难。
    • 提升等级上限——从30级升至35级,还有与之相匹的新天赋。
    • 新的进度系统——全新而独立的魔法之风特定进度系统,以及魔网版本的所有类型武器。
    • 5件新武器——每个英雄一件
    • 新冒险关卡:黑暗征兆——在充满挑战的新关卡里与好友们一起对抗威猛又强壮的野兽人。
    • 新的游戏模式:魔法之风——带上好友沐浴在魔法八风下尝试一系列新挑战,难度逐个递增。


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    Acerca del juego

    Acerca de este contenido

    La primera expansión de Warhammer: Vermintide 2 añade una facción de enemigos completamente nueva e innovadores desafíos al juego. Con la caída de un meteorito en Reikland, los hombres bestia emergieron de las profundidades del bosque Reikwald y se apresuraron al epicentro para reclamarlo como un pilar del rebaño. Depende de los cinco héroes detenerlos antes de que se desate una terrible catástrofe en el Imperio.

    Características principales

    • Nueva facción enemiga: Hombres bestia: como los grotescos híbridos entre humanos y bestias que son, los hombres bestia poseen la inteligencia de los hombres y la astucia de los animales salvajes. Estos salvajes guerreros aceptan el Caos de manera voluntaria y no mostrarán compasión o nobleza alguna. Con un profundo odio hacia el orden y la razón, estos hijos del Caos quieren destruir el mundo en un baño de sangre.
    • Nueva dificultad superior: Cataclismo ha regresado, y ahora es aún más difícil.
    • Límite de nivel aumentado: aumentado del nivel 30 al 35, y con nuevos talentos a juego.
    • Nuevo sistema de progresión: nuevo sistema de progresión específico de Vientos de la magia y versiones forjadas en tejido de todos los tipos de armas.
    • 5 nuevas armas, una para cada héroe:
      - Kerillian tiene un escudo y una lanza.
      - Sienna puede blandir sus llamas con un mayal en llamas.
      - Bardin tiene un nuevo juego de hachas arrojadizas.
      - Saltzpyre ahora tiene un podón.
      - Kruber puede usar una lanza pesada.
    • Nuevo nivel de aventura: Augurios oscuros: enfréntate a fuertes y poderosos hombres bestia junto con tus amigos en un nuevo y difícil nivel.
    • Nuevo modo de juego: Vientos de la Magia: trae a tus amigos e intenta completar un nuevo conjunto de desafíos con dificultad en aumento en los tejidos de los ocho Vientos de la Magia.

      Los vientos de la magia están formados a partir de "tejidos" diferentes y serán una mezcla de:
      - Mapa: Un pedazo de un mapa de aventura ya existente.
      - Viento: Los diferentes vientos de la magia afectarán al mapa y lo modificarán.
      - Objetivo: Cada mapa tiene un objetivo específico que los jugadores tendrán que completar.
      - Final: Si se completa el objetivo, los jugadores se enfrentarán al desafío final.
      - Dificultad: La dificultad aumenta a medida que los jugadores avanzan.

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    Om spelet

    Om detta innehåll

    Den första expansionen för Warhammer: Vermintide 2 kommer med en helt ny fiendesida och nya utmaningar till spelet. Efter att en meteor störtat i Reikland rusar det ut Beastmen från Reikwald-skogens djup mot epicentret för att göra anspråk på den som sin Herdstone. Det är upp till de fem hjältarna att sätta stopp för dem innan katastrofen blir ett faktum för Imperiet.


    • Ny fiendesida: Beastmen – Som groteska hybrider av människor och bestar har Beastmen människans intelligens och bestens slughet. Dessa brutala krigare välkomnar Kaoset med öppna armar utan varken medlidande eller heder. Kaosets barn känner en djup avsky för ordning och förnuft och vill att världen ska gå under i ett blodbad.
    • Ny högre svårighetsgrad - Kataklysm är tillbaka, nu ännu hårdare.
    • Höjt nivåtak - Höjt från nivå 30 till nivå 35, och med nya talanger att matcha.
    • Nytt framstegssystem - Helt nytt och separat Winds of Magic-framstegssystem tillsammans med Weave Forged-versioner av alla vapentyper.
    • 5 nya vapen – Ett för varje hjälte
      - Kerillian har sköld och spjut.
      - Sienna svingar sina flammor med en brinnande spikklubba.
      - Bardin har en ny uppsättning kastyxor.
      - Saltzpyre har nu en lövkniv.
      - Kruber kan använda ett tungt spjut.
    • Ny äventyrsnivå: – Slåss mot de mäktiga och kraftfulla Beastmen tillsammans med dina vänner på en utmanande ny nivå.
    • Nytt spelläge: Winds of Magic – Ta dina vänner till hjälp för att klara nya ständigt svårare utmaningar i de åtta Winds of Magics väv.

      Magins vindar utgörs av olika “väv” bestående av en kombination av:
      - Karta: En bit av en existerande äventyrskarta.
      - Vind: Magins olika vindar kommer att påverka och modifiera kartan.
      - Mål: Varje karta har ett specifikt mål som spelarna ska klara.
      - Slut: Om de klarar målet ställs spelarna inför den slutliga utmaningen.
      - Svårighetsgrad: Allteftersom spelarna gör framsteg ökas svårigheten.

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    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

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    Get the latest news and chat directly with us: https://discord.gg/9BHBX6p


    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

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    En son haberleri al ve bizimle doğrudan sohbet et: https://discord.gg/9BHBX6p

    Oyun Açıklaması

    Bu içerik hakkında

    Warhammer: Vermintide 2'nin ilk genişletme paketi, oyuna yepyeni bir düşman grubu ve yeni zorluklar ekliyor. Reikland'e bir meteor düşünce Reikwald ormanının derinliklerinden Canavar Adamlar çıkıyor ve Sürü Taşı olarak merkez üssünü ele geçirmek için taarruza geçiyor. İmparatorlukta korkunç bir felaket yaşanmasını engellemek için onları durdurmak beş kahramanın görevi.

    Temel özellikler

    • Yeni Düşman Grubu: Canavar Adamlar - Garip bir insan ve canavar melezi olan Canavar Adamlar, bir insanın zekasına ve bir vahşi hayvanın becerilerine sahiptir. Bu vahşi savaşçılar, Chaos'u kendi rızalarıyla kabul eder ve herhangi bir şefkat veya asalet belirtisi göstermez. Düzen ve mantığa karşı derin garez besleyen bu Chaos Çocukları, dünyayı kanlı bir vahşetle bitirmek istiyor.
    • Yeni Daha Yüksek Zorluk - Felaket geri döndü ve şimdi daha da zor.
    • Seviye Sınırı Yükseltildi - 30. seviyeden 35. seviyeye yükseltildi ve bununla uyumlu yeni yetenekler getirildi.
    • Yeni İlerleme Sistemi - Tüm silah türlerinin Dalgayla Dövülmüş versiyonlarıyla birlikte tamamen yeni ve ayrı olan Büyü Rüzgarlarına özel ilerleme sistemi.
    • 5 Yeni Silah - Her kahraman için bir tane
      - Kerillian'ın bir kalkanı ve mızrağı var.
      - Sienna, alevlerini yanan bir gürzle sallayabilir.
      - Bardin'in yeni bir atış baltası seti var.
      - Saltzpyre artık bir budama bıçağına sahip.
      - Kruber, ağır mızrak kullanabilir.
    • Yeni Macera Seviyesi: Kara Alametler - Zorlayıcı yeni bir seviyede arkadaşlarınla beraber görkemli ve güçlü Canavar Adamlara karşı savaş.
    • Yeni Oyun Modu: Büyü Rüzgarları - Arkadaşlarını çağır ve sekiz Büyü Rüzgarı dalgasında artan zorluk seviyesiyle yeni bir zorluk setini tamamlamaya çalış.

      Büyü Rüzgarları, farklı "dalgalardan" oluşur ve şunları içerir:
      - Harita: Mevcut bir macera haritasının bir parçası.
      - Rüzgar: Farklı Büyü Rüzgarları, haritayı etkiler ve değiştirir.
      - Hedef: Her haritada oyuncuların tamamlaması için belirli bir hedef olacak.
      - Final: Hedef tamamlanırsa oyuncular final mücadelesiyle yüzleşecek.
      - Zorluk: Oyuncular ilerledikçe zorluk artacak.

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    Get the latest news and chat directly with us: https://discord.gg/9BHBX6p

    Про гру

    The first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 brings a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game. As a meteor crashes down in the Reikland, Beastmen emerge from the depths of the Reikwald forest and rush to the epicenter to claim it as a Herdstone. It is up to the five heroes to stop them before a dreadful disaster strikes the Empire.

    Key features

    • New Enemy Faction: Beastmen - As grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts the Beastmen have the intelligence of a man and the cunning of wild animals. These savage warriors embrace Chaos willingly and will show no compassion or nobility. With profound malice for order and reason, these Children of Chaos want to end the world in bloody carnage.
    • New Higher Difficulty - Cataclysm is back, now even harder.
    • Raised Level Cap - Raised from level 30 to level 35, and with new talents to match.
    • New Progression System - All new, and separate Winds of Magic specific progression system along with Weave Forged versions of all weapon types.
    • 5 New Weapons - One for each hero
      - Kerillian has a shield and spear.
      - Sienna can swing her flames with a flaming flail.
      - Bardin has a new set of throwing axes.
      - Saltzpyre now has a billhook.
      - Kruber can use a heavy spear.
    • New Adventure Level: Dark Omens - Fight the mighty and strong Beastmen together with your friends in a challenging new level.
    • New Game Mode: Winds of Magic - Bring your friends and try to complete a new set of challenges with increasing difficulties in the weaves of the eight Winds of Magic.

      The winds of magic are made up of different “weaves” and will be a combination of:
      - Map: A chunk of an existing adventure map.
      - Wind: The different Winds of Magic will affect and modify the map.
      - Objective: Each map will have a specific objective for players to complete.
      - Finale: If the objective is completed the players will face the final challenge.
      - Difficulty: As players progress the difficulty will increase.

    System Requirements


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