Worms Clan Wars
Worms Clan Wars

Worms Clan Wars

Release Date: 15/08/2013 | WORLDWIDE
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$10.02 + VAT


Now with Steam Workshop

Sobre o jogo

Lançamento exclusivo para PC, o Worms™ Clan Wars reúne os amigos e a família juntos na nobre busca por auto‐aperfeiçoamento, domínio mundial e explosão de ovelhas.

O Worms™ Clan Wars é o maior e melhor jogo Worms™ até hoje - mais vermes, maiores paisagens, água mais dinâmica, mais armas e mais itens de personalização que antes. O Worms™ Clan Wars é projetado para aproveitar ao máximo a próxima geração de hardware de PC. Ele tem visuais 3D de alta definição fantásticos (oferecendo a jogabilidade clássica do 2D) com novos efeitos de luz, novos recursos para ajudar os usuários a interagirem socialmente, adições emocionantes para melhorar a experiência de jogador único e mais de tudo que o fã de Worms poderia querer.

Forme Clãs, Domine o Mundo

Junte-se aos amigos e outros jogadores do Worms™ Clan Wars para formar times assustadores; nomeie seu clã, desenhe seu próprio emblema, promova outros jogadores para serem líderes e oficiais. Coloque seu clã na liga e lute junto para deixar sua marca nos quadros de líderes. Ninguém quer uma sala de troféus vazia!

Mantenha contato com os amigos e inimigos também usando o WormNET, o sistema de comunicação e lobby próprio do jogo. Cada clã tem seu próprio canal e um número de outros canais para fornecer uma variedade de desafios de jogo pesado! Entre on-line para passar tempo, conversar, recrutar novos membro ou encontrar jogos.

Fique conectado ao jogo em qualquer lugar com um aplicativo complementar de celular (web, iOS e Android). Este é o melhor multiplayer on-line do Worms™ até hoje!

Jogabilidade Afiada de Jogador Único Também

O Modo Estória adiciona muita variedade ao apresentar a física baseada em engenhocas pela primeira vez. Uma vasta variedade de máquinas interessantes apimenta a jogabilidade e torna o jogo solo de Worms™ muito mais divertido! O jogo de jogador‐único não é só uma questão de lidar com a morte e a destruição, mas sim negociar pontes de corda astutamente balançantes e resgatar os amigos de armadilhas que desafiam a morte! O jogador passa muito mais tempo jogando e muito menos esperando os oponentes de I.A. agirem.

Divirta-se Com o Steam Workshop

Você se acha um tipo artístico? A integração do Steam Workshop permite que você seja criativo! Agora você pode fazer seus vermes se vestirem exatamente do jeito que você quer. Importe seus próprios objetos e texturas 3D para o jogo usando uma ferramenta em separado. Você pode modelar chapéus, óculos, bigodes, enfeites e lápides para seus vermes. Você também pode desenhar suas próprias paisagens! Orgulhoso de suas criações? Você pode compartilhá-las on-line, graças ao Steam Workshop!

Worms™ Clan Wars é a versão com mais recursos completos do Worms™ até hoje!

• Exclusivo para PC! O que o jogadores peso pesado esperavam
• Novo: Suporte ao Clã
• Novo: Ligas de Clã Multiplayer
• Novo: Editor de Emblema do Clã
• Novo: App complementar para iOS/Android/Web
• Novo: Suporte do Steam Workshop. Crie seus próprios itens personalizados, desenhe suas próprias paisagens e compartilhe com o Steam Workshop.
• Novo: Transições de luz do dia para a noite
• Novo: Física baseada em 'Engenhocas'
• Editor de Paisagem
• Mais de 200 itens de personalização individuais para os vermes
• 65 Armas e Utilidades, incluindo 10 novos itens extravagantes: Megamorteiro, Cavacova, Macaco Alado, Oxigênio, Feitiço Verme, Blitz Bovina, Almofada Berro, Teleporte Desintegrador, Pacotágua e Equiliser
• 4 Classes melhoradas de vermes, incluindo novas habilidades especiais
• 5 Ambientes: Inca, Viking, Japão Feudal, Revolução Industrial e Pré-História
• Duelos Mortais Multiplayer e modos Forte
• 25 Missões de estória para jogador único
• 10 missões ‘Operação‐Verme’ de ataque por tempo
• Paisagens 30% mais vastas (maiores já vistas!)

Now with Steam Workshop

Относно играта

Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

Form Clans, Take On The World

Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

Get Busy With Steam Workshop

Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

  • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
  • New: Clan Support
  • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
  • New: Clan Emblem Editor
  • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
  • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
  • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
  • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
  • Landscape Editor
  • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
  • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
  • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
  • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
  • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
  • 25 Single Player story missions
  • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
  • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
  • Now with Steam Workshop

    O hře

    Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

    Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

    Form Clans, Take On The World

    Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

    Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

    Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

    Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

    Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

    Get Busy With Steam Workshop

    Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

    Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

    • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
    • New: Clan Support
    • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
    • New: Clan Emblem Editor
    • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
    • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
    • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
    • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
    • Landscape Editor
    • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
    • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
    • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
    • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
    • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
    • 25 Single Player story missions
    • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
    • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
    • Now with Steam Workshop

      Om spillet

      Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

      Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

      Form Clans, Take On The World

      Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

      Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

      Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

      Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

      Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

      Get Busy With Steam Workshop

      Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

      Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

      • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
      • New: Clan Support
      • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
      • New: Clan Emblem Editor
      • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
      • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
      • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
      • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
      • Landscape Editor
      • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
      • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
      • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
      • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
      • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
      • 25 Single Player story missions
      • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
      • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
      • Now with Steam Workshop

        Info over het spel

        Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

        Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

        Form Clans, Take On The World

        Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

        Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

        Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

        Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

        Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

        Get Busy With Steam Workshop

        Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

        Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

        • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
        • New: Clan Support
        • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
        • New: Clan Emblem Editor
        • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
        • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
        • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
        • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
        • Landscape Editor
        • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
        • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
        • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
        • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
        • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
        • 25 Single Player story missions
        • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
        • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
        • Now with Steam Workshop

          About the Game

          Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

          Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

          Form Clans, Take On The World

          Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

          Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

          Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

          Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

          Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

          Get Busy With Steam Workshop

          Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

          Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

          • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
          • New: Clan Support
          • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
          • New: Clan Emblem Editor
          • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
          • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
          • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
          • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
          • Landscape Editor
          • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
          • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
          • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
          • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
          • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
          • 25 Single Player story missions
          • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
          • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
          • Now with Steam Workshop

            Tietoja pelistä

            Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

            Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

            Form Clans, Take On The World

            Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

            Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

            Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

            Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

            Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

            Get Busy With Steam Workshop

            Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

            Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

            • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
            • New: Clan Support
            • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
            • New: Clan Emblem Editor
            • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
            • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
            • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
            • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
            • Landscape Editor
            • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
            • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
            • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
            • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
            • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
            • 25 Single Player story missions
            • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
            • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
            • Now with Steam Workshop

              À propos du jeu

              Prévu exclusivement sur PC, Worms™ Clan Wars rassemble les familles et les amis dans le noble buts de progresser, dominer le monde et faire exploser des moutons.

              Worms™ Clan Wars est le plus gros et le meilleur jeu Worms™ qui soit : plus de vers, des niveaux plus grands, de l'eau dynamique, des armes supplémentaires et toujours plus d'objets pour le personnaliser. Worms™ Clan Wars est conçu pour tirer pleinement parti de la puissance de la prochaine génération d'ordinateurs. Il possède une belle identité visuelle en 3D haute définition (tout en conservant la jouabilité classique en 2D) avec de nouveaux effets de lumière, de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour faciliter l'interaction sociale, des ajouts pour améliorer l'expérience de jeu en solitaire, et tout ce que le fan de Worms peut désirer.

              Formez votre clan, relevez le défi mondial

              Rejoignez vos amis et d'autres joueurs de Worms™ Clan Wars pour monter une équipe redoutable : baptisez votre clan, concevez votre emblème, promouvez vos partenaires au rang d'officier ou de chef. Inscrivez votre clan à la ligue et serrez-vous les coudes pour marquer le classement de votre empreinte. Cela va de soi que tous veulent remplir leur armoire à trophées !

              Restez en contact avec vos amis ET vos ennemis à l'aide de WormNET, le système de chat et de salons du jeu. Chaque clan possède son propre canal de chat, et d'autres canaux sont disponibles pour rassembler tous les joueurs purs et durs autour de leur passion du moment ! Connectez-vous pour discuter, recruter de nouveaux membres, trouver des parties ou même passer le temps !

              Restez connectés au jeu lorsque vous êtes en déplacement, grâce à une application pour appareil mobile (web, iOS et Android). C'est le meilleur Worms™ multijoueur en ligne jamais créé !

              Retrouvez toute la fourberie du jeu en solo

              Le "mode scénario" rajoute de la variété en introduisant des dispositifs basés sur la physique. D'innombrables machines machiavéliques pimentent le jeu, et rendent le solo de Worms™ bien plus divertissant ! Le jeu solo ne consiste pas uniquement à semer la mort et la destruction, il faudra aussi savamment négocier des ponts de singe tremblants et secourir des alliés tombés dans des pièges mortels ! Le joueur passe bien plus de temps à jouer qu'à attendre que l'I.A. se décide.

              Au travail avec Steam Workshop

              Vous vous considérez comme un artiste ? L'intégration à Steam Workshop vous permet de laisser parler votre créativité ! Vous pouvez désormais affubler vos vers de la tenue de vos rêves. Importez vos propres objets et textures en 3D dans le jeu grâce à un outil intermédiaire. Vous pouvez façonner des chapeaux, des lunettes, des moustaches, des bibelots et des pierres tombales. Vous avez également moyen de créer vos propres niveaux ! Vous êtes fiers de vos créations et souhaitez le crier au monde entier ? Partagez-les en ligne via Steam Workshop !

              Worms™ Clan Wars est le jeu Worms™ le plus complet qui existe !

              • C'est le jeu que tous les fans de la série attendaient!
              • Nouveauté : gestion de clans
              • Nouveauté : ligues de clans en multijoueur
              • Nouveauté : éditeur d'emblème des clans
              • Nouveauté : application associée pour iOS/Android/Internet
              • Nouveauté : gestion de Steam Workshop Créez vous-mêmes vos objets et vos niveaux puis partagez-les grâce à Steam Workshop.
              • Nouveauté : transitions lumineuses jour/nuit
              • Nouveauté : "dispositifs" basés sur la physique
              • Éditeur de terrain
              • Plus de 200 objets pour personnaliser chaque ver un par un
              • 65 armes et outils, dont 10 nouveautés : le mégamortier, le fossoyeur, le singe volant, l'oxygène, le charme de ver, la frappe bovine, le coussin péteur, le zappeur, l'aqua pack et le niveleur
              • 4 classes de vers améliorées avec de nouvelles capacités
              • 5 environnements : inca, viking, Japon féodal, révolution industrielle et préhistorique
              • Modes "match à mort" et "fort" en multijoueur
              • 25 missions solo en mode Scénario
              • 10 missions "Worm-ops" contre-la-montre
              • Des niveaux 30 % plus grands (taille jamais atteinte auparavant !)
              • Now with Steam Workshop

                Über das Spiel

                Exklusiv auf dem PC bringt Worms™ Clan Wars Freunde und Familien im ehrenwerten Streben nach Weltherrschaft und explodierenden Schafen zusammen.

                Worms™ Clan Wars ist das bisher umfangreichste und beste Worms™ Spiel überhaupt – mehr Würmer, größere Level, mehr Waffen und mehr Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten als jemals zuvor. Worms™ Clan Wars wurde speziell auf die leistungsfähige PC Hardware angepasst. Wunderschöne hochauflösende 3D Level (aber in klassischem 2D Gameplay) mit neuen Lichteffekten, mehr Interaktionsmöglichkeiten der Nutzer untereinander und eine erweiterte Einzelspieler-Kampagne lassen das Herz eines jeden Worms-Fans höher schlagen.

                Ihr Clan gegen alle

                Mit Clanunterstützung können Sie sich zu einem gefürchteten Team zusammenrotten, Ihre Wappen frei konfigurieren, verschiedene Mitgliederränge vergeben und sich in die Clan Liga stürzen. Die Aussicht auf einen gefüllten Trophäenschrank wartet!

                Bleiben sie in Kontakt mit Freund und Feind. WormNET ist das rundum erneuerte Lobby- und Chatsystem mit einer Vielzahl an Kanälen. Chatten, Mitglieder anwerben, Spielpartien finden – all das ist problemlos möglich.

                Über ein Webportal und eine App (iOS und Android) bleiben Sie auch unterwegs auf dem Laufenden. Status und Fortschritt des eigenen Clans oder auch der Konkurrenz lassen sich jederzeit einsehen. Wichtige Ergebnisse der Ligaspiele und die eigene Performance sind jederzeit abrufbar. Selbst Strategiebesprechungen sind von Unterwegs möglich.

                Auch alleine spannend

                Die Einzelspielermissionen versprechen abwechslungsreichen Spielspaß mit sich physikalisch korrekt verhaltenden Hindernissen. Es geht aber nicht nur darum Tod und Zerstörung zu säen. Fiese Fallen und abenteuerliche Konstruktionen verlangen gutes Timing, um verbündete Würmer vor dem sicheren Tod zu retten. Machen wir uns nichts vor – natürlich geht es dabei wieder um Tod und Zerstörung. Und das ist auch gut so!

                Kreativ im Steam Workshop

                Über die Integration von Steam Workshop können Sie sich kreativ austoben. Mit diversen 3D-Programmen lassen sich selbst erstellte dreidimensionale Objekte und Texturen wie Hüte, Bärte, Accessoires und Grabsteine importieren und mit anderen Nutzern teilen – für spaßig individuelle Wurm-Outfits. Außerdem steht ein umfangreicher Leveleditor bereit, um auf selbst erstellen Karten Unheil über feindliche Würmer zu bringen. Selbst Audioaufnahmen lassen sich einbinden und online teilen. Lassen Sie die Welt an Ihren Sieges- und Verzweiflungsschreien teilhaben.

                Worms™ Clan Wars ist das bisher umfangreichste Worms-Spiel!

                • Darauf haben die Hardcore-Fans gewartet!
                • Neu: Clanunterstützung
                • Neu: Mehrspieler Clan-Ligasystem
                • Neu: Clanwappen-Editor
                • Neu: App zum Spiel für iOS, Android und im Browser
                • Neu: Einbindung von Steam Workshop. Erstellen und Teilen von Objekten, Einzel- und Mehrspieler-Levels und Audioaufnahmen.
                • Neu: Tag- und Nachtwechsel
                • Neu: Sich physikalisch korrekt verhaltende Hindernisse
                • Landschaftseditor
                • Über 200 individuell anpassbare Kleidungsstücke und Accessoires für Ihre Würmer
                • 65 Waffen inklusive 10 neuer und haarsträubender Tötungsvorrichtungen: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack und The Equilizer
                • Vier verbesserte Würmer-Klassen mit neuen Spezialfähigkeiten
                • 5 dynamische Umgebungen: Urzeit, Inka, Wikinger, feudales Japan und industrielle Revolution
                • Mehrspielermodi: Deathmatch und Festungsmodus
                • 25 Einzelspielermissionen
                • 10 „Worm-Ops“ Spezialmissionen unter Zeitdruck
                • Um 30% vergrößerte Level (größer als jemals zuvor)
                • Now with Steam Workshop

                  Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

                  Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                  Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                  Form Clans, Take On The World

                  Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                  Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                  Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                  Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                  Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                  Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                  Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                  Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                  • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                  • New: Clan Support
                  • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                  • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                  • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                  • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                  • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                  • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                  • Landscape Editor
                  • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                  • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                  • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                  • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                  • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                  • 25 Single Player story missions
                  • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                  • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                  • Now with Steam Workshop

                    A játékról: 

                    Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                    Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                    Form Clans, Take On The World

                    Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                    Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                    Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                    Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                    Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                    Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                    Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                    Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                    • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                    • New: Clan Support
                    • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                    • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                    • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                    • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                    • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                    • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                    • Landscape Editor
                    • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                    • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                    • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                    • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                    • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                    • 25 Single Player story missions
                    • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                    • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                    • Now with Steam Workshop

                      Informazioni sul gioco

                      Worms™ Clan Wars è un'esclusiva PC che farà riscoprire ad amici e famiglie la nobile arte del mettersi in gioco, della supremazia mondiale e delle pecore esplosive.

                      Worms™ Clan Wars è il migliore e più grande titolo Worms™ che sia mai stato creato. I paesaggi sono più estesi, l'acqua più dinamica e non ci sono mai stati così tanti vermi, armi e oggetti per la personalizzazione. Worms™ Clan Wars è stato progettato per trarre pieno vantaggio dalla nuova generazione di hardware PC: una stupenda grafica 3D ad alta risoluzione (senza per questo tradire le sue classiche meccaniche di gioco 2D), effetti di luce, nuove funzionalità per facilitare l'interazione sociale fra gli utenti, sfiziose aggiunte per migliorare l'esperienza in singolo, e quant'altro un fan di Worms possa desiderare.

                      Forma un clan, sfida il mondo

                      Unisciti ai tuoi amici o agli altri giocatori di Worms™ Clan Wars per formare delle temibili squadre. Dai un nome al clan, creane l'emblema e promuovi gli altri giocatori al rango di ufficiale e capoclan. Iscrivi il tuo clan nella lega e combattete fianco a fianco per lasciare il segno nelle classifiche. Del resto, a che serve una teca per i trofei, se non ne vinci neanche uno?

                      Resta in contatto con i tuoi amici, ma anche con i tuoi nemici, con il WormNet, il sistema di sala d'attesa e chat esclusivo al gioco. Ogni clan ha un proprio canale per la chat, come pure svariati canali per soddisfare i gusti ludici dei palati più hardcore! Fai un salto online per socializzare, chattare, arruolare nuovi membri o trovare le partite giuste.

                      Inoltre, puoi connetterti al gioco anche quando sei via, grazie all'applicazione portatile Worms Companion (web, iOS e Android). Il multigiocatore online di Worms™ si è superato!

                      E il gioco in singolo non è da meno

                      La modalità Storia sprizza imprevedibilità da tutti i pori, con il debutto dei marchingegni regolati dalla fisica. Una pletora di macchinari ingegnosi che ravvivano le dinamiche di gioco e tramutano la modalità giocatore singolo di Worms™ in un vero spasso! Ma questa modalità non è solo sinonimo di morte e distruzione, sarà anche necessario districarsi fra ponti di corda ingannevoli e salvare i tuoi alleati dalle trappole mortali! Così il giocatore spenderà più tempo a giocare e meno tempo ad aspettare che l'I.A. nemica faccia la sua mossa.

                      Datti da fare con lo Steam Workshop

                      Ti reputi un'artista incompreso? L'integrazione con lo Steam Workshop ti permette di scatenare la tua creatività! Così potrai far indossare ai tuoi vermi l'abbigliamento che hai sempre desiderato. Come pure importare nel gioco oggetti 3D di tua creazione grazie a uno strumento a parte. Potrai plasmare i cappelli, gli occhiali, i baffi, i ninnoli e le lapidi dei tuoi vermi. Potrai persino progettare i paesaggi a modo tuo! E se sei particolarmente orgoglioso delle tue creazioni, perché non condividerle online? Tutto grazie allo Steam Workshop!

                      Worms™ Clan Wars è la versione più completa mai vista di Worms™!

                      • Ovvero il gioco che i fan hardcore bramano da sempre.
                      • Novità: il supporto dei clan.
                      • Novità: le leghe clan multigiocatore.
                      • Novità: l'editor per gli emblemi dei clan.
                      • Novità: l'applicazione Worms Companion per iOS/Android/web.
                      • Novità: il supporto dello Steam Workshop. Crea i tuoi oggetti per la personalizzazione, progetta i tuoi paesaggi e poi condividi il tutto con lo Steam Workshop.
                      • Novità: ciclo giorno/notte con annessa transizione di luce.
                      • Novità: marchingegni regolati dalla fisica.
                      • Editor paesaggi
                      • Oltre 200 oggetti unici per la personalizzazione dei vermi.
                      • 65 armi e oggetti utili, compresi 10 nuovi oltraggiosi oggetti: Mega mortaio, Becchino, Scimmia alata, Ossigeno, Wormuleto, Blitz bovino, Cuscino scorreggione, Pistola teletrasporto, Pacchetto Acqua e l'Equalizzatore.
                      • 4 classi di vermi migliorate, comprese nuove abilità speciali.
                      • 5 ambienti: Inca, Vichinghi, Giappone feudale, Rivoluzione industriale e Preistoria.
                      • Modalità Deathmatch multigiocatore e Fortini.
                      • 25 missioni Storia per giocatore singolo.
                      • 10 missioni Sfida a tempo "Centro operativo".
                      • Paesaggi più grandi del 30% (mai così vasti!).
                      • Now with Steam Workshop


                        Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                        Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                        Form Clans, Take On The World

                        Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                        Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                        Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                        Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                        Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                        Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                        Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                        Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                        • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                        • New: Clan Support
                        • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                        • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                        • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                        • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                        • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                        • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                        • Landscape Editor
                        • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                        • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                        • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                        • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                        • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                        • 25 Single Player story missions
                        • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                        • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                        • Now with Steam Workshop

                          게임 정보

                          Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                          Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                          Form Clans, Take On The World

                          Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                          Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                          Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                          Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                          Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                          Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                          Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                          Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                          • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                          • New: Clan Support
                          • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                          • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                          • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                          • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                          • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                          • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                          • Landscape Editor
                          • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                          • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                          • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                          • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                          • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                          • 25 Single Player story missions
                          • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                          • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                          • Now with Steam Workshop

                            Om spillet

                            Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                            Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                            Form Clans, Take On The World

                            Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                            Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                            Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                            Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                            Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                            Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                            Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                            Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                            • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                            • New: Clan Support
                            • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                            • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                            • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                            • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                            • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                            • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                            • Landscape Editor
                            • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                            • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                            • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                            • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                            • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                            • 25 Single Player story missions
                            • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                            • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                            • Now with Steam Workshop

                              Informacje o grze

                              Worms™ Clan Wars to gra dostępna wyłącznie na komputery PC, łącząca przyjaciół i członków rodziny w chęci‐samodoskonalenia się, pragnieniu zdobycia dominacji nad światem i upodobaniu do wybuchających owiec.

                              Worms™ Clan Wars to największa i najlepsza jak dotychczas gra z serii Worms™ - większe plansze, a także więcej niż kiedykolwiek robali, dynamicznej wody, broni i przedmiotów do modyfikacji. Worms™ Clan Wars to gra, której celem jest wykorzystanie pełni możliwości komputerów osobistych nowej generacji. Gra jest wyposażona w doskonałą grafikę 3D (choć wciąż zachowuje klasyczny, dwuwymiarowy model rozgrywki) wzbogaconą o nowe efekty oświetlenia, nowe funkcje społecznościowe, ciekawe dodatki poprawiające grę w trybie solowym, a także inne elementy, którymi nie wzgardzi żaden prawdziwy fan serii Worms.

                              Twórz klany i podbijaj świat

                              Dołącz do znajomych oraz innych grających w Worms™ Clan Wars i razem stwórzcie nieustraszoną drużynę. Wymyślcie nazwę klanu, zaprojektujcie emblemat i awansujcie graczy na dowódców i oficerów. Wprowadź swój klan do ligi i walcz o jak najwyższą pozycję w tabeli rankingowej. Nikt nie chce, by jego gablotka na trofea była pusta!

                              Bądź w kontakcie z przyjaciółmi i wrogami za pośrednictwem WormNETu - systemu z wbudowanym lobby i funkcją rozmów. Każdy klan ma swój oddzielny kanał do prowadzenia rozmów oraz może korzystać z mnóstwa innych kanałów dostosowanych do rozmaitych potrzeb i gustów graczy! Wejdź do gry online, by spotkać znajomych, rozmawiać, werbować nowych członków i wyszukiwać gry.

                              Nie rozstawaj się z grą poza domem dzięki komórkowej aplikacji towarzyszącej (web, iOS i Android). Nigdy nie było lepszej rozgrywki wieloosobowej w Worms™!

                              Ciekawa rozgrywka solowa

                              Tryb fabularny zapewnia więcej możliwości za sprawą wprowadzonych po raz pierwszy wynalazków funkcjonujących w oparciu o zasady fizyki. Rozgrywkę wzbogaca ogromna ilość różnych machin i wynalazków. Dzięki nim gra solowa w Worms™ jest dużo ciekawsza! W grze solowej nie chodzi tylko o samą śmierć i zniszczenie. Trzeba również pokonywać niebezpieczne mosty sznurowe i ratować przyjaciół przed zwodniczymi pułapkami! Gracz spędza o wiele więcej czasu na samej grze niż na oczekiwaniu na strzał komputerowego przeciwnika.

                              Projektowanie w usłudze Steam Workshop

                              Uważasz się za artystę? Dzięki usłudze Steam Workshop możesz zaprezentować swoją kreatywność! Możesz sprawić, by twoje robale wyglądały dokładnie tak, jak tego chcesz. Importuj do gry własne obiekty 3D i tekstury za pomocą oddzielnego narzędzia. Modeluj kapelusze, okulary, wąsy, ozdoby i nagrobki. Możesz także zaprojektować własną scenerię! Czujesz dumę, patrząc na swoje dzieła? Udostępnij je online za pomocą usługi Steam Workshop!

                              Worms™ Clan Wars to najlepiej wyposażona wersja gry Worms™ w historii!

                              • To gra, na którą od dawna czekali najwięksi fani serii
                              • Nowość: Obsługa klanów
                              • Nowość: Wieloosobowe ligowe rozgrywki dla klanów
                              • Nowość: Edytor emblematów klanu
                              • Nowość: Aplikacja towarzysząca dla systemów iOS/Android/Web
                              • Nowość: Obsługa Steam Workshop. Twórz przedmioty do modyfikacji, projektuj własne scenerie i udostępniaj je za pośrednictwem usługi Steam Workshop.
                              • Nowość: Płynne przejścia pomiędzy oświetleniem dziennym i nocnym
                              • Nowość: 'Wynalazki' oparte na zasadach fizyki
                              • Edytor krajobrazu
                              • Ponad 200 przedmiotów do modyfikacji robali
                              • 65 broni i przedmiotów, włączając 10 nowych elementów gry: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack i Equiliser
                              • 4 udoskonalone klasy robali, w szczególności nowe zdolności specjalne
                              • 5 scenerii: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution i Prehistoric
                              • Tryby Deathmatch wieloosobowy i Forty
                              • 25 misje fabularne dla trybu gry solowej
                              • 10 misji na czas ‘Worm‐Ops’
                              • Plansze większe o 30% (Większych dotąd nie było!)

                              Now with Steam Workshop

                              Acerca do Jogo

                              Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                              Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                              Form Clans, Take On The World

                              Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                              Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                              Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                              Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                              Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                              Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                              Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                              Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                              • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                              • New: Clan Support
                              • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                              • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                              • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                              • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                              • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                              • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                              • Landscape Editor
                              • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                              • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                              • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                              • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                              • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                              • 25 Single Player story missions
                              • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                              • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                              • Now with Steam Workshop

                                Despre joc

                                Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                                Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                                Form Clans, Take On The World

                                Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                                Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                                Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                                Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                                Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                                Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                                Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                                Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                                • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                                • New: Clan Support
                                • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                                • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                                • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                                • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                                • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                                • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                                • Landscape Editor
                                • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                                • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                                • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                                • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                                • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                                • 25 Single Player story missions
                                • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                                • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                                • Now with Steam Workshop

                                  Об игре

                                  Выходящая исключительно на ПК, игра Worms™ Clan Wars объединяет вместе друзей и семьи в благородном стремлении к самосовершенствованию, мировому господству и взрывающимся овцам.

                                  Worms™ Clan Wars - это самая большая и самая лучшая на сегодняшний день игра из серии Worms™. Больше червей, больше местностей, больше динамической воды, больше оружия и больше опций настройки, чем когда-либо ранее. При разработке Worms™ Clan Wars мы обеспечили возможность насладиться всеми преимуществами аппаратного обеспечения для ПК следующего поколения. Доступны прекрасные трехмерные видеоматериалы (с сохранением классического двухмерного игрового процесса) с новыми эффектами освещения, новые опции, помогающие пользователям общаться друг с другом, великолепные дополнения для улучшения однопользовательской игры и еще больше всего того, что может найти поклонник Worms.

                                  Формируй кланы, завоюй мир

                                  Объединись с друзьями и другими игроками Worms™ Clan Wars, чтобы сформировать грозную команду; назови свой клан, разработай собственную эмблему, выдвигай других игроков на посты лидеров и командиров. Регистрируй свой клан в лиге и сражайся вместе с другими, чтобы оставить свой след в таблицах лидеров. Никто не хочет иметь пустой шкаф для трофеев!

                                  Поддерживай связь с друзьями и недругами с помощью WormNET, собственной прихожей игры и системы чата. Каждый клан имеет собственный канал чата, а ряд других каналов пригодится для игроков, имеющих абсолютно разные вкусы! Выходи в Интернет, чтобы просто отвиснуть, поболтать, нанять новых участников или найти игры.

                                  Оставайся на связи с игрой, когда находишься в пути, благодаря сопутствующему мобильному приложению (браузер, iOS и Android). Это самая лучшая коллективная игра в Интернете в Worms™ всех времен и народов!

                                  Также великолепный однопользовательский игровой процесс

                                  Сюжетный режим добавляет разнообразия, впервые представляя хитроумные приспособления, действующие на основе законов физики. Множество интересных машин придает остроты игровому процессу и делает одиночное прохождение Worms™ еще более веселым! Смысл однопользовательской игры не в том, чтобы сеять лишь смерть и уничтожение, но и в налаживании хитроумных качающихся веревочных мостов и спасении друзей из смертельно опасных ловушек! Игрок тратит намного больше времени на игру и значительно меньше времени в ожидании, пока его компьютерный соперник сделает выстрел.

                                  Займись делом вместе с Мастерской Steam

                                  Считаешь, что обладаешь художественными способностями? Интеграция Магазина Steam позволит тебе проявить всю свою созидательность! Теперь ты сделаешь так, что прикиды твоих червей будут именно такими, как ты захочешь. Импортируй собственные трехмерные объекты и текстуры в игру с помощью отдельного инструмента. Ты сможешь моделировать для своих червей головные уборы, очки, усы, безделушки и надгробия. Можно создавать собственную местность! Гордишься созданным? Опубликуй его в интернете благодаря Мастерской Steam!

                                  На данный момент, Worms™ Clan Wars является самой полнофункциональной версией Worms™!

                                  • Kоторую с нетерпением ждали ярые поклонники.
                                  • Новинка: поддержка кланов.
                                  • Новинка: множество клановых лиг.
                                  • Новинка: редактор эмблемы клана.
                                  • Новинка: сопутствующее приложение для iOS/Android/браузера.
                                  • Новинка: поддержка Мастерской Steam. Создавай собственные опции настройки и собственную местность, а затем публикуй их с помощью Мастерской Steam.
                                  • Новинка: переход от дневного освещения к ночному.
                                  • Новинка: хитроумные приспособления, действующие на основе законов физики.
                                  • Редактор местности
                                  • Более 200 индивидуальных опций настройки для червей.
                                  • 65 видов оружия и средств, включающих 10 обалденных новых предметов: "Мегамортира", "Могильщик", "Крылатая обезьяна", "Кислород", "Червешарм", "Коровий блиц", "Навозоподушка", "Телепорт-бластер", "Водяной ранец" и "Уравнитель".
                                  • 4 улучшенных класса червей, включая новые особые способности.
                                  • 5 окружений: "Инка", "Викинг", "Феодальная Япония", "Промышленная революция" и "До наших дней".
                                  • Режимы коллективного смертельного поединка и крепостей.
                                  • 25 однопользовательских сюжетных миссий
                                  • 10 миссий на время "Червьназ".
                                  • Местность увеличена на 30% (больше, чем когда-либо!)

                                  Now with Steam Workshop


                                  Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                                  Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                                  Form Clans, Take On The World

                                  Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                                  Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                                  Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                                  Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                                  Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                                  Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                                  Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                                  Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                                  • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                                  • New: Clan Support
                                  • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                                  • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                                  • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                                  • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                                  • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                                  • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                                  • Landscape Editor
                                  • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                                  • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                                  • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                                  • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                                  • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                                  • 25 Single Player story missions
                                  • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                                  • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                                  • Now with Steam Workshop

                                    Acerca del juego

                                    Worms™ Clan Wars llega en exclusiva a PC para reunir a amigos y familias en la noble búsqueda de la superación personal, el dominio del mundo y las ovejas explosivas.

                                    Worms™ Clan Wars es el mejor juego de Worms™ y el más grande hasta la fecha: más gusanos, escenarios más extensos, agua más dinámica, más armas y más objetos de personalización que nunca. Worms™ Clan Wars está diseñado para scar el máximo partido a la nueva generación de hardware para PC. Cuenta con magníficos gráficos en 3D de alta definición (aunque conserva el estilo de juego clásico en 2D) con nuevos efectos de iluminación, nuevas funciones para ayudar a los usuarios a interactuar socialmente, interesantes incorporaciones para mejorar la experiencia para un jugador y más de todo lo que un fan de Worms™ podría desear.

                                    Forma clanes y tomad el mundo

                                    Únete a tus amigos y a otros jugadores de Worms™ Clan Wars para formar un equipo aterrador; ponle nombre a tu clan, diseña su propio emblema y asciende a otros jugadores para que ejerzan de líderes y oficiales. Accede a la liga con tu clan y luchad juntos para haceros un hueco en los marcadores. ¡Nadie quiere una vitrina de trofeos vacía!

                                    Mantente en contacto con amigos y enemigos por igual con WormNet, el vestíbulo y el sistema de chat propios del juego. ¡Cada clan tiene su propio canal de chat, pero además existen una variedad de canales para satisfacer una amplia gama de gustos de juego hardcore! Conéctate a internet para pasar el rato, charlar, reclutar nuevos miembros o encontrar partidas.

                                    Mantente conectado al juego en todo momento mediante la aplicación Worms Companion (web, iOS y Android). ¡Este es el mejor Worms™ multijugador online!

                                    El modo para un jugador también va como la seda

                                    Por primera vez, el modo Historia añade una increíble variedad de aparatos con física. ¡Un montón de maquinaria interesante pone la chispa a la jugabilidad y hace que el modo para un jugador de Worms™ sea mucho más divertido! El modo para un jugador no es solo muerte y destrucción, ¡también debes franquear complejos puentes de cuerda oscilantes y rescatar aliados de trampas que desafían a la muerte! El jugador pasa mucho más tiempo jugando y menos esperando a que el oponente de la IA dispare.

                                    Ponte a trabajar con Steam Workshop

                                    ¿Tienes madera de artista? ¡La integración con Steam Workshop te permite sacar tu vena creativa! Ahora puedes hacer que tus gusanos lleven exactamente la ropa que quieres. Importa tus propios objetos 3D y texturas al juego usando una herramienta independiente. Puedes modelar sombreros, gafas, bigotes, adornos y lápidas para tus gusanos. ¡También puedes diseñar tus propios escenarios! ¿Orgulloso de tus creaciones? ¡Pues compártelas online con Steam Workshop!

                                    ¡Worms™ Clan Wars es la versión de Worms™ con más funciones hasta la fecha!

                                    • Los fieles seguidores del juego lo esperaban ansiosamente.
                                    • Novedad: ¡llegan los clanes!
                                    • Novedad: ligas para clanes multijugador.
                                    • Novedad: editor de emblema de clan.
                                    • Novedad: aplicación Worms Companion para iOS/Android/Web.
                                    • Novedad: integración de Steam Workshop. Crea tus propios objetos personalizados, diseña tus escenarios y compártelos con Steam Workshop.
                                    • Novedad: transiciones de luz del día a la noche.
                                    • Novedad: aparatos basados en la física.
                                    • Editor de escenarios
                                    • Más de 200 objetos de personalización diferentes para los gusanos.
                                    • 65 armas y objetos, entre los que se incluyen 10 nuevos objetos extravagantes: megamortero, sepulturero, mono con alas, oxígeno, amuleto de gusano, bombardeo bovino, cojín pedorretas, pistola de rayos de teletransporte, mochila de agua y ecualizador.
                                    • 4 clases de gusano mejoradas, con habilidades especiales.
                                    • 5 entornos: inca, vikingo, Japón feudal, Revolución Industrial y prehistoria.
                                    • Modos Combate mortal o Fuertes multijugador.
                                    • 25 misiones de historia para un jugador.
                                    • Enfréntate al relej en 10 misiones de Operaciones gusanas.
                                    • Escenarios un 30% más extensos (¡más grandes que nunca!).
                                    • Now with Steam Workshop

                                      Om spelet

                                      Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                                      Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                                      Form Clans, Take On The World

                                      Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                                      Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                                      Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                                      Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                                      Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                                      Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                                      Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                                      Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                                      • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                                      • New: Clan Support
                                      • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                                      • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                                      • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                                      • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                                      • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                                      • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                                      • Landscape Editor
                                      • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                                      • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                                      • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                                      • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                                      • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                                      • 25 Single Player story missions
                                      • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                                      • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                                      • Now with Steam Workshop


                                        Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                                        Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                                        Form Clans, Take On The World

                                        Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                                        Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                                        Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                                        Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                                        Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                                        Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                                        Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                                        Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                                        • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                                        • New: Clan Support
                                        • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                                        • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                                        • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                                        • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                                        • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                                        • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                                        • Landscape Editor
                                        • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                                        • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                                        • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                                        • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                                        • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                                        • 25 Single Player story missions
                                        • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                                        • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                                        • Now with Steam Workshop


                                          Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                                          Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                                          Form Clans, Take On The World

                                          Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                                          Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                                          Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                                          Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                                          Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                                          Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                                          Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                                          Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                                          • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                                          • New: Clan Support
                                          • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                                          • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                                          • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                                          • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                                          • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                                          • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                                          • Landscape Editor
                                          • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                                          • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                                          • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                                          • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                                          • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                                          • 25 Single Player story missions
                                          • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                                          • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                                          • Now with Steam Workshop

                                            Oyun Açıklaması

                                            Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                                            Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                                            Form Clans, Take On The World

                                            Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                                            Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                                            Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                                            Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                                            Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                                            Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                                            Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                                            Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                                            • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                                            • New: Clan Support
                                            • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                                            • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                                            • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                                            • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                                            • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                                            • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                                            • Landscape Editor
                                            • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                                            • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                                            • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                                            • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                                            • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                                            • 25 Single Player story missions
                                            • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                                            • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)
                                            • Now with Steam Workshop

                                              Про гру

                                              Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep.

                                              Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - more worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want.

                                              Form Clans, Take On The World

                                              Join together with friends and other Worms™ Clan Wars players to form a fearsome team; name your clan, design your own emblem, promote other players to act as leaders and officers. Enter your clan into the league and fight together to make your mark on the leaderboards. Nobody wants an empty trophy cabinet!

                                              Keep in touch with friends and foes alike using WormNET, the game’s own lobby and chat system. Each clan has its own chat channel, and a number of other channels cater for a variety of hardcore gaming tastes! Jump online to hang out, chat, recruit new members or find games.

                                              Stay connected with the game when on the road with a mobile companion application (web, iOS and Android). This is the best online multiplayer Worms™ ever!

                                              Slick Single Player Gameplay Too

                                              Story Mode’ adds a ton of variety by introducing physics based contraptions for the first time ever. A plethora of interesting machinery spices up the gameplay, and makes solo Worms™ much more fun! The single‐player game isn’t only about dealing death and destruction, it’s also about negotiating tricky swinging rope bridges and rescuing friendlies from death defying traps! The player spends much more time playing, and much less time waiting for their A.I. opponent to take a shot.

                                              Get Busy With Steam Workshop

                                              Fancy yourself as the artistic type? Steam Workshop integration allows you to get creative! Now you can make your worms wear exactly the outfits that you want them to. Import your own 3D objects and textures into the game using a separate tool. You can model hats, glasses, moustaches, trinkets and gravestones for your worms. You can also design your own landscapes! Proud of your creations? You can share them online, thanks to Steam Workshop!

                                              Worms™ Clan Wars is the most fully featured version of Worms™ yet!

                                              • The game hardcore fans have been craving!
                                              • New: Clan Support
                                              • New: Multiplayer Clan Leagues
                                              • New: Clan Emblem Editor
                                              • New: Companion App for iOS/Android/Web
                                              • New: Steam Workshop Support. Create your own customisation items, design your own landscapes and then share them with Steam Workshop.
                                              • New: Day to Night Lighting Transitions
                                              • New: Physics Based ‘Contraptions’
                                              • Landscape Editor
                                              • Over 200 individual customisation items for the worms
                                              • 65 Weapons and Utilities including 10 outrageous new items: Mega Mortar, Gravedigger, Winged Monkey, Oxygen, Worm Charm, Bovine Blitz, Whoopsie Cushion, Teleport Raygun, Aqua Pack and The Equiliser
                                              • 4 Improved Worm Classes including new special abilities
                                              • 5 Environments: Inca, Viking, Feudal Japan, Industrial Revolution and Prehistoric
                                              • Multiplayer Deathmatch and Fort modes
                                              • 25 Single Player story missions
                                              • 10 ‘Worm‐Ops’ time attack missions
                                              • 30% Larger Landscapes (Biggest Ever!)

                                              System Requirements
